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Python _ast.Assign方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中_ast.Assign方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python _ast.Assign方法的具体用法?Python _ast.Assign怎么用?Python _ast.Assign使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在_ast的用法示例。


示例1: make_assign_chained

# 需要导入模块: import _ast [as 别名]
# 或者: from _ast import Assign [as 别名]
def make_assign_chained(i, bytecode):
    store_exprs = []
    value_exprs = []
    store_state, value_state = True, False

    while i >= 0:
      op, arg = bytecode[i][2], bytecode[i][3]
      if store_state:
        if op == DUP_TOP:
          prev_op = bytecode[i - 1][2] if i > 0 else -1
          if prev_op not in STORE_OPCODES:
            value_state = True
            store_state = False
        elif op in STORE_OPCODES:
          i, store_stmt = Statement.make_expr(i, bytecode, context=_ast.Store())
          store_exprs.insert(0, store_stmt)
      elif value_state:
        i, value_exprs = Statement.make_expr(i, bytecode)
      i -= 1

    store_exprs = _ast.Tuple(store_exprs, _ast.Store())
    return i, _ast.Assign([store_exprs], value_exprs) 

示例2: run

# 需要导入模块: import _ast [as 别名]
# 或者: from _ast import Assign [as 别名]
def run(self, node, input_state):
    result_state = input_state.copy()
    block = node.data

    constraints = self.cfg.block_constraints

    for stmt in block.statements:
      native = stmt.native
      if isinstance(native, _ast.Assign) or isinstance(native, _ast.AugAssign):
        self.transfer_assign(result_state, native, stmt.start_bytecode_index)

      elif isinstance(native, _ast.Expr):
        value = native.value
        logger.debug("Stmt kind: %s", type(value))
        if isinstance(value, _ast.Call):
          self.transfer_call(result_state, native, stmt.start_bytecode_index)
        logger.error("Unknown stmt: %s", dump_native_ast(native))

    return result_state

  # Assign: a <- b 

示例3: test_oauth_auth_example

# 需要导入模块: import _ast [as 别名]
# 或者: from _ast import Assign [as 别名]
def test_oauth_auth_example():
    import ast
    import _ast
    import codegen

    client_id = "n4mnzQGfDEfOhFixwBvLV2mZJJLvf86pzfMMiPF5"
    client_secret = "40ON9IPJRDAngUkVbGBTEjCBAwc2wB7lV8e71jJUPKabdKq6KBTUBKb1xGkh82KtAI1AqISrL3Zi4sTfhCBVh27YvlV6Y5klpXXV5loUWvuhMSRiN3HRZzVDO0fLBibv"

    with open("examples/oauth_auth_example.py", "r") as f:
        data = f.read()
        p = ast.parse(data)
    for node in p.body:
        if type(node) == _ast.Assign:
            if node.targets[0].id == 'client_id':
                node.value.s = client_id
            if node.targets[0].id == 'client_secret':
                node.value.s = client_secret
    ls = {}
    exec(codegen.to_source(p), ls)
    assert ls['course']['courses'][0]['id'] == 67 

示例4: _list_tasks

# 需要导入模块: import _ast [as 别名]
# 或者: from _ast import Assign [as 别名]
def _list_tasks():
    Fetches a list of all valid tasks that may be run, and the args they
    accept. Does not actually import the task module to prevent errors if a
    user does not have the dependencies installed for every task.

        A list of 2-element tuples:
         0: a unicode string of the task name
         1: a list of dicts containing the parameter definitions

    out = []
    dev_path = os.path.join(package_root, 'dev')
    for fname in sorted(os.listdir(dev_path)):
        if fname.startswith('.') or fname.startswith('_'):
        if not fname.endswith('.py'):
        name = fname[:-3]
        args = ()

        full_path = os.path.join(package_root, 'dev', fname)
        with open(full_path, 'rb') as f:
            full_code = f.read()
            if sys.version_info >= (3,):
                full_code = full_code.decode('utf-8')

        task_node = ast.parse(full_code, filename=full_path)
        for node in ast.iter_child_nodes(task_node):
            if isinstance(node, _ast.Assign):
                if len(node.targets) == 1 \
                        and isinstance(node.targets[0], _ast.Name) \
                        and node.targets[0].id == 'run_args':
                    args = ast.literal_eval(node.value)

        out.append((name, args))
    return out 

示例5: make_assign_unpack

# 需要导入模块: import _ast [as 别名]
# 或者: from _ast import Assign [as 别名]
def make_assign_unpack(i, bytecode, unpack_num=-1):
    if unpack_num < 1:
      logger.error("Could not find the number of unpacked items. ")
      return i, None

    store_exprs = []
    value_exprs = []
    store_state, value_state = True, False

    while i >= 0:
      op, arg = bytecode[i][2], bytecode[i][3]
      if store_state:
        if op == UNPACK_SEQUENCE:
          store_state = False
          prev_op = bytecode[i - 1][2] if i > 0 else -1
          if prev_op == BUILD_TUPLE:
            value_state = True
            i, value_exprs = Statement.make_expr(i - 1, bytecode)
        elif op in STORE_OPCODES:
          i, store_stmt = Statement.make_expr(i, bytecode, context=_ast.Store())
          store_exprs.insert(0, store_stmt)
      elif value_state:
        i, value_stmt = Statement.make_expr(i, bytecode)
        value_exprs.insert(0, value_stmt)

      i -= 1

    store_exprs = _ast.Tuple(store_exprs, _ast.Store())
    if not isinstance(value_exprs, _ast.AST):
      value_exprs = _ast.Tuple(value_exprs, _ast.Load())

    return i, _ast.Assign([store_exprs], value_exprs) 

示例6: make_assign_opt_unpack

# 需要导入模块: import _ast [as 别名]
# 或者: from _ast import Assign [as 别名]
def make_assign_opt_unpack(i, bytecode):
    store_exprs = []
    value_exprs = []
    store_state, value_state = True, False

    while i >= 0:
      op, arg = bytecode[i][2], bytecode[i][3]
      if store_state:
        if op == ROT_TWO:
          prev_op = bytecode[i - 1][2] if i > 0 else -1
          if prev_op == ROT_THREE:
            i -= 1
          value_state = True
          store_state = False
        elif op in STORE_OPCODES:
          i, store_stmt = Statement.make_expr(i, bytecode, context=_ast.Store())
          store_exprs.insert(0, store_stmt)
      elif value_state:
        i, value_stmt = Statement.make_expr(i, bytecode)
        value_exprs.insert(0, value_stmt)
      i -= 1

    store_exprs = _ast.Tuple(store_exprs, _ast.Store())
    if not isinstance(value_exprs, _ast.AST):
      value_exprs = _ast.Tuple(value_exprs, _ast.Load())

    return i, _ast.Assign([store_exprs], value_exprs)

  # Only one case here for:
  #   a = b = z.d.f = foo()
  #    => AST: _ast.Assign(targets=[Tuple(a, b, z.d.f)], value=foo()) 

示例7: make_store_delete_slice

# 需要导入模块: import _ast [as 别名]
# 或者: from _ast import Assign [as 别名]
def make_store_delete_slice(i, bytecode, context=None):
    op = bytecode[i][2]
    is_delete = op in DELETE_SLICE_OPCODES

    if context is None:
      context = _ast.Store() if not is_delete else _ast.Del()

    lhs_expr = None

    if op in (STORE_SLICE_0, DELETE_SLICE_0):
      i, lhs_expr = Statement.make_expr(i - 1, bytecode, context=context)
      lhs_expr = _ast.Subscript(lhs_expr,
                                _ast.Slice(None, None, None),
      i, index_expr = Statement.make_expr(i - 1, bytecode)
      i, arr_expr = Statement.make_expr(i - 1, bytecode, context=context)

      args = [None] * 3
      index_index = 0 if op in (STORE_SLICE_1, DELETE_SLICE_1) else 1
      args[index_index] = index_expr
      lhs_expr = _ast.Subscript(arr_expr,
      i, end_index_expr = Statement.make_expr(i - 1, bytecode)
      i, start_index_expr = Statement.make_expr(i - 1, bytecode)
      i, arr_expr = Statement.make_expr(i - 1, bytecode, context=context)

      lhs_expr = _ast.Subscript(arr_expr,
                                _ast.Slice(start_index_expr, end_index_expr, None),

    if is_delete:
      return i, _ast.Delete([lhs_expr])
      i, rhs_expr = Statement.make_expr(i - 1, bytecode)
      return i, _ast.Assign([lhs_expr], rhs_expr) 

示例8: run

# 需要导入模块: import _ast [as 别名]
# 或者: from _ast import Assign [as 别名]
def run(self, node, input_state):
    result_state = input_state.copy()
    block = node.data

    for stmt in block.statements:
      native = stmt.native
      if not native:
      if isinstance(native, _ast.Assign) or isinstance(native, _ast.AugAssign):
        self.transfer_assign(result_state, native, stmt.start_bytecode_index)
        self.transfer_load(result_state, native, stmt.start_bytecode_index)

    return result_state 

示例9: update_use

# 需要导入模块: import _ast [as 别名]
# 或者: from _ast import Assign [as 别名]
def update_use(stmt_state, var, index):
    if var not in stmt_state[USE]:
      stmt_state[USE][var] = set()

  # Assign: a <- b 

示例10: visit_assign

# 需要导入模块: import _ast [as 别名]
# 或者: from _ast import Assign [as 别名]
def visit_assign(self, node: _ast.Assign):  # targets, value
        value = self._run(node.value)
        for tnode in node.targets:
            self.assign(tnode, value)

示例11: get_assignment_name

# 需要导入模块: import _ast [as 别名]
# 或者: from _ast import Assign [as 别名]
def get_assignment_name(lines):
  nodes = ast.parse(''.join(lines))
  assignments = get_nodes_by_instance_type(nodes, _ast.Assign)
  argparse_var = get_nodes_by_containing_attr(assignments, 'parse_args')
  return argparse_var[0].value.func.value.id 

示例12: extract_parser

# 需要导入模块: import _ast [as 别名]
# 或者: from _ast import Assign [as 别名]
def extract_parser(modulepath, func_with_argparse):
  source = read_client_module(modulepath)

  nodes = ast.parse(''.join(source))
  funcs = get_nodes_by_instance_type(nodes, _ast.FunctionDef)
  assignment_objs = get_nodes_by_instance_type(nodes, _ast.Assign)

  main_func = get_nodes_by_containing_attr(funcs, func_with_argparse)[0]
  parse_args_assignment = get_nodes_by_containing_attr(main_func.body, 'parse_args')[0]

  # ast reports the line no of a block structure as the start of the structure,
  # not the end, so we look for the line no of the next node after main()
  # and use that as the end of the main() function.
    restart_line = nodes.body[nodes.body.index(main_func)+1].lineno - 1
  except IndexError:
    restart_line = len(source)

  module_source = format_source_to_return_parser(
  client_module = modules.load(module_source)
  return getattr(client_module, func_with_argparse)() 

示例13: isLiteralTupleUnpacking

# 需要导入模块: import _ast [as 别名]
# 或者: from _ast import Assign [as 别名]
def isLiteralTupleUnpacking(self, node):
        if isinstance(node, ast.Assign):
            for child in node.targets + [node.value]:
                if not hasattr(child, 'elts'):
                    return False
            return True 

示例14: parse_function

# 需要导入模块: import _ast [as 别名]
# 或者: from _ast import Assign [as 别名]
def parse_function(node):
    old_style = None
    new_style = None
    output = None
    setup = []
    setup_done = False
    title, details = parse_docstring(ast.get_docstring(node, clean=True))
    name = node.name[5:] if node.name.startswith('test_') else node.name

    for n in node.body:
        # Ignore the docstring
        if isinstance(n, _ast.Expr) and isinstance(n.value, _ast.Str):
        if isinstance(n, _ast.Assign) and n.targets[0].id == 'old_result':
            setup_done = True
            old_style = unparse(n.value, strip=True)
        if isinstance(n, _ast.Assign) and n.targets[0].id == 'new_result':
            setup_done = True
            new_style = unparse(n.value, strip=True)
        if isinstance(n, _ast.Assert) and isinstance(
                n.test.comparators[0], _ast.Str):
            setup_done = True
            output = n.test.comparators[0].s
        if not setup_done:

    if setup:
        setup = unparse(setup, strip=True)

    return Example(
        setup or "",
        old_style or "",
        new_style or "",
        output or ""

示例15: make_assign

# 需要导入模块: import _ast [as 别名]
# 或者: from _ast import Assign [as 别名]
def make_assign(i, bytecode):
    op = bytecode[i][2]
    if op == STORE_SUBSCR:
      return Statement.make_subscript(i, bytecode)

    prev_op = bytecode[i - 1][2] if i > 0 else -1

    if prev_op in INPLACE_OPCODES:
      in_cls = Statement.INPLACE_OPERATORS[prev_op]
      i -= 1
      i, rhs = Statement.make_expr(i - 1, bytecode, context=_ast.AugStore())
      i, lhs = Statement.make_expr(i - 1, bytecode, context=_ast.AugLoad())
      return i, _ast.AugAssign(lhs, in_cls(), rhs)
      # We can either have multiple assignments: a = b = c = 1
      # or unpacked sequences: a, b = 1, foo()
      # the compiler does some optimization so that: a, b = c, d
      # does not rely on UNPACK_SEQUENCE, but a ROT_TWO (or ROT_THREE & ROT_TWO for 3 elements).
      # This happens for 2 or 3 elements to unpack
      targets = []
      value = None
      has_unpack, has_ROT_2_3, has_multiple = False, False, 0
      num_unpack = -1
      j = i
      while j >= 0:
        op = bytecode[j][2]
        if op == UNPACK_SEQUENCE:
          has_unpack = True
          num_unpack = bytecode[j][3]
        elif op in (ROT_TWO, ROT_THREE):
          has_ROT_2_3 = True
        if op == DUP_TOP:
          has_multiple += 1
        j -= 1

      if has_unpack:
        return Statement.make_assign_unpack(i, bytecode, unpack_num=num_unpack)
      elif has_ROT_2_3:
        return Statement.make_assign_opt_unpack(i, bytecode)
      elif has_multiple > 0:
        return Statement.make_assign_chained(i, bytecode)
        # A simple assignment
        i, store_expr = Statement.make_expr(i, bytecode)
        i, value_expr = Statement.make_expr(i - 1, bytecode)
        return i, _ast.Assign([store_expr], value_expr)
    return i, None

  # 2 cases here:
  #  (1) a, b, c = foo() <=> v = foo(), a = v[0], b = v[1], c = v[2]
  #    => AST: _ast.Assign(targets=[Tuple(a, b, c)], value=foo())
  #  (2) a, b = foo(), bar() <=> a = foo(), b = bar()
  #    => AST: _ast.Assign(targets=[Tuple(a, b)], value=Tuple(baz(), bar())) 
