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Python IPython.core方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中IPython.core方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python IPython.core方法的具体用法?Python IPython.core怎么用?Python IPython.core使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在IPython的用法示例。


示例1: _fix_ipython_backend2gui

# 需要导入模块: import IPython [as 别名]
# 或者: from IPython import core [as 别名]
def _fix_ipython_backend2gui(cls):
        # Fix hard-coded module -> toolkit mapping in IPython (used for
        # `ipython --auto`).  This cannot be done at import time due to
        # ordering issues, so we do it when creating a canvas, and should only
        # be done once per class (hence the `lru_cache(1)`).
        if "IPython" not in sys.modules:
        import IPython
        ip = IPython.get_ipython()
        if not ip:
        from IPython.core import pylabtools as pt
        if (not hasattr(pt, "backend2gui")
                or not hasattr(ip, "enable_matplotlib")):
            # In case we ever move the patch to IPython and remove these APIs,
            # don't break on our side.
        backend_mod = sys.modules[cls.__module__]
        rif = getattr(backend_mod, "required_interactive_framework", None)
        backend2gui_rif = {"qt5": "qt", "qt4": "qt", "gtk3": "gtk3",
                           "wx": "wx", "macosx": "osx"}.get(rif)
        if backend2gui_rif:
            if _is_non_interactive_terminal_ipython(ip):

示例2: _fix_ipython_backend2gui

# 需要导入模块: import IPython [as 别名]
# 或者: from IPython import core [as 别名]
def _fix_ipython_backend2gui(cls):
        # Fix hard-coded module -> toolkit mapping in IPython (used for
        # `ipython --auto`).  This cannot be done at import time due to
        # ordering issues, so we do it when creating a canvas, and should only
        # be done once per class (hence the `lru_cache(1)`).
        if "IPython" not in sys.modules:
        import IPython
        ip = IPython.get_ipython()
        if not ip:
        from IPython.core import pylabtools as pt
        if (not hasattr(pt, "backend2gui")
                or not hasattr(ip, "enable_matplotlib")):
            # In case we ever move the patch to IPython and remove these APIs,
            # don't break on our side.
        backend_mod = sys.modules[cls.__module__]
        rif = getattr(backend_mod, "required_interactive_framework", None)
        backend2gui_rif = {"qt5": "qt", "qt4": "qt", "gtk3": "gtk3",
                           "wx": "wx", "macosx": "osx"}.get(rif)
        if backend2gui_rif:
            pt.backend2gui[get_backend()] = backend2gui_rif
            # Work around pylabtools.find_gui_and_backend always reading from
            # rcParamsOrig.
            orig_origbackend = mpl.rcParamsOrig["backend"]
                mpl.rcParamsOrig["backend"] = mpl.rcParams["backend"]
                mpl.rcParamsOrig["backend"] = orig_origbackend 

示例3: pretty_print

# 需要导入模块: import IPython [as 别名]
# 或者: from IPython import core [as 别名]
def pretty_print(self, show_imports:bool=True, combinators:bool=True, ipython_display:Union[bool,str]=False):
        """Returns the Python source code representation of the operator.

        show_imports : bool, default True

            Whether to include import statements in the pretty-printed code.

        combinators : bool, default True

            If True, pretty-print with combinators (`>>`, `|`, `&`). Otherwise, pretty-print with functions (`make_pipeline`, `make_choice`, `make_union`) instead.

        ipython_display : union type, default False

            - False

              Return the pretty-printed code as a plain old Python string.

            - True:

              Pretty-print in notebook cell output with syntax highlighting.

            - 'input'

              Create a new notebook cell with pretty-printed code as input.

        str or None
            If called with ipython_display=False, return pretty-printed Python source code as a Python string.
        result = lale.pretty_print.to_string(self, show_imports, combinators, call_depth=2)
        if ipython_display == False:
            return result
        elif ipython_display == 'input':
            import IPython.core
            ipython = IPython.core.getipython.get_ipython()
            comment = "# generated by pretty_print(ipython_display='input') from previous cell\n"
            ipython.set_next_input(comment+result, replace=False)
            assert ipython_display in [True, 'output']
            import IPython.display
            markdown = IPython.display.Markdown(f'```python\n{result}\n```')
            return IPython.display.display(markdown) 
