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Python netstorage.AtomNetwork类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中zeo.netstorage.AtomNetwork的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python AtomNetwork类的具体用法?Python AtomNetwork怎么用?Python AtomNetwork使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: get_voronoi_nodes

def get_voronoi_nodes(structure, rad_dict=None, probe_rad=0.1):
    Analyze the void space in the input structure using voronoi decomposition
    Calls Zeo++ for Voronoi decomposition

        structure: pymatgen.core.structure.Structure
        rad_dict (optional): Dictionary of radii of elements in structure.
            If not given, Zeo++ default values are used.
            Note: Zeo++ uses atomic radii of elements.
            For ionic structures, pass rad_dict with ionic radii
        probe_rad (optional): Sampling probe radius in Angstroms. Default is
            0.1 A

        voronoi nodes as pymatgen.core.structure.Strucutre within the
        unit cell defined by the lattice of input structure

    temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    current_dir = os.getcwd()
    name = "temp_zeo1"
    zeo_inp_filename = name + ".cssr"
    rad_file = None
    rad_flag = False

    if rad_dict:
        rad_file = name + ".rad"
        rad_flag = True
        with open(rad_file, 'w+') as fp:
            for el in rad_dict.keys():
                print >>fp, "{} {}".format(el, rad_dict[el].real)

    atmnet = AtomNetwork.read_from_CSSR(zeo_inp_filename, rad_flag=rad_flag, rad_file=rad_file)
    vornet = atmnet.perform_voronoi_decomposition()
    vornet.analyze_writeto_XYZ(name, probe_rad, atmnet)
    voronoi_out_filename = name + '_voro.xyz'
    voronoi_node_mol = ZeoVoronoiXYZ.from_file(voronoi_out_filename).molecule
    #print voronoi_node_mol
    species = ["X"] * len(voronoi_node_mol.sites)
    coords = []
    prop = []
    for site in voronoi_node_mol.sites:

    lattice = Lattice.from_lengths_and_angles(
        structure.lattice.abc, structure.lattice.angles
    voronoi_node_struct = Structure(
        lattice, species, coords, coords_are_cartesian=True,
        site_properties={"voronoi_radius": prop}


    return voronoi_node_struct

示例2: get_void_volume_surfarea

def get_void_volume_surfarea(structure, rad_dict=None, chan_rad=0.3,
    Computes the volume and surface area of isolated void using Zeo++.
    Useful to compute the volume and surface area of vacant site.

        structure: pymatgen Structure containing vacancy
        rad_dict(optional): Dictionary with short name of elements and their
        chan_rad(optional): Minimum channel Radius.
        probe_rad(optional): Probe radius for Monte Carlo sampling.

        volume: floating number representing the volume of void
    with ScratchDir('.'):
        name = "temp_zeo"
        zeo_inp_filename = name + ".cssr"

        rad_file = None
        if rad_dict:
            rad_file = name + ".rad"
            with open(rad_file, 'w') as fp:
                for el in rad_dict.keys():
                    fp.write("{0}     {1}".format(el, rad_dict[el]))

        atmnet = AtomNetwork.read_from_CSSR(zeo_inp_filename, True, rad_file)
        vol_str = volume(atmnet, 0.3, probe_rad, 10000)
        sa_str = surface_area(atmnet, 0.3, probe_rad, 10000)
        print vol_str, sa_str
        vol = None
        sa = None
        for line in vol_str.split("\n"):
            if "Number_of_pockets" in line:
                fields = line.split()
                if float(fields[1]) > 1:
                    vol = -1.0
                if float(fields[1]) == 0:
                    vol = -1.0
                vol = float(fields[3])
        for line in sa_str.split("\n"):
            if "Number_of_pockets" in line:
                fields = line.split()
                if float(fields[1]) > 1:
                    #raise ValueError("Too many voids")
                    sa = -1.0
                if float(fields[1]) == 0:
                    sa = -1.0
                sa = float(fields[3])

    if not vol or not sa:
        raise ValueError("Error in zeo++ output stream")
    return vol, sa

示例3: get_high_accuracy_voronoi_nodes

def get_high_accuracy_voronoi_nodes(structure, rad_dict, probe_rad=0.1):
    Analyze the void space in the input structure using high accuracy
    voronoi decomposition.
    Calls Zeo++ for Voronoi decomposition.

        structure: pymatgen.core.structure.Structure
        rad_dict (optional): Dictionary of radii of elements in structure.
            If not given, Zeo++ default values are used.
            Note: Zeo++ uses atomic radii of elements.
            For ionic structures, pass rad_dict with ionic radii
        probe_rad (optional): Sampling probe radius in Angstroms.
            Default is 0.1 A

        voronoi nodes as pymatgen.core.structure.Strucutre within the
        unit cell defined by the lattice of input structure
        voronoi face centers as pymatgen.core.structure.Strucutre within the
        unit cell defined by the lattice of input structure

    with ScratchDir('.'):
        name = "temp_zeo1"
        zeo_inp_filename = name + ".cssr"
        rad_flag = True
        rad_file = name + ".rad"
        with open(rad_file, 'w+') as fp:
            for el in rad_dict.keys():
                print("{} {}".format(el, rad_dict[el].real), file=fp)

        atmnet = AtomNetwork.read_from_CSSR(
            zeo_inp_filename, rad_flag=rad_flag, rad_file=rad_file)
        # vornet, vor_edge_centers, vor_face_centers = \
        #        atmnet.perform_voronoi_decomposition()
        red_ha_vornet = \
        # generate_simplified_highaccuracy_voronoi_network(atmnet)
        # get_nearest_largest_diameter_highaccuracy_vornode(atmnet)
        red_ha_vornet.analyze_writeto_XYZ(name, probe_rad, atmnet)
        voro_out_filename = name + '_voro.xyz'
        voro_node_mol = ZeoVoronoiXYZ.from_file(voro_out_filename).molecule

    species = ["X"] * len(voro_node_mol.sites)
    coords = []
    prop = []
    for site in voro_node_mol.sites:

    lattice = Lattice.from_lengths_and_angles(
        structure.lattice.abc, structure.lattice.angles)
    vor_node_struct = Structure(
        lattice, species, coords, coords_are_cartesian=True,
        to_unit_cell=True, site_properties={"voronoi_radius": prop})

    return vor_node_struct

示例4: get_free_sphere_params

def get_free_sphere_params(structure, rad_dict=None, probe_rad=0.1):
    Analyze the void space in the input structure using voronoi decomposition
    Calls Zeo++ for Voronoi decomposition.

        structure: pymatgen.core.structure.Structure
        rad_dict (optional): Dictionary of radii of elements in structure.
            If not given, Zeo++ default values are used.
            Note: Zeo++ uses atomic radii of elements.
            For ionic structures, pass rad_dict with ionic radii
        probe_rad (optional): Sampling probe radius in Angstroms. Default is
            0.1 A

        voronoi nodes as pymatgen.core.structure.Strucutre within the
        unit cell defined by the lattice of input structure
        voronoi face centers as pymatgen.core.structure.Strucutre within the
        unit cell defined by the lattice of input structure

    with ScratchDir('.'):
        name = "temp_zeo1"
        zeo_inp_filename = name + ".cssr"
        rad_file = None
        rad_flag = False

        if rad_dict:
            rad_file = name + ".rad"
            rad_flag = True
            with open(rad_file, 'w+') as fp:
                for el in rad_dict.keys():
                    fp.write("{} {}\n".format(el, rad_dict[el].real))

        atmnet = AtomNetwork.read_from_CSSR(
            zeo_inp_filename, rad_flag=rad_flag, rad_file=rad_file)
        out_file = "temp.res"
        if os.path.isfile(out_file) and os.path.getsize(out_file) > 0:
            with open(out_file, "rt") as fp:
                output = fp.readline()
            output = ""
    fields = [val.strip() for val in output.split()][1:4]
    if len(fields) == 3:
        fields = [float(field) for field in fields]
        free_sphere_params = {'inc_sph_max_dia': fields[0],
                              'free_sph_max_dia': fields[1],
                              'inc_sph_along_free_sph_path_max_dia': fields[2]}
    return free_sphere_params

示例5: get_voronoi_nodes

def get_voronoi_nodes(structure, rad_dict=None, probe_rad=0.1):
    Analyze the void space in the input structure using voronoi decomposition
    Calls Zeo++ for Voronoi decomposition.

        structure: pymatgen.core.structure.Structure
        rad_dict (optional): Dictionary of radii of elements in structure.
            If not given, Zeo++ default values are used.
            Note: Zeo++ uses atomic radii of elements.
            For ionic structures, pass rad_dict with ionic radii
        probe_rad (optional): Sampling probe radius in Angstroms. Default is
            0.1 A

        voronoi nodes as pymatgen.core.structure.Strucutre within the
        unit cell defined by the lattice of input structure
        voronoi face centers as pymatgen.core.structure.Strucutre within the
        unit cell defined by the lattice of input structure

    with ScratchDir('.'):
        name = "temp_zeo1"
        zeo_inp_filename = name + ".cssr"
        rad_file = None
        rad_flag = False

        if rad_dict:
            rad_file = name + ".rad"
            rad_flag = True
            with open(rad_file, 'w+') as fp:
                for el in rad_dict.keys():
                    fp.write("{} {}\n".format(el, rad_dict[el].real))

        atmnet = AtomNetwork.read_from_CSSR(
            zeo_inp_filename, rad_flag=rad_flag, rad_file=rad_file)
        vornet, vor_edge_centers, vor_face_centers = \
        vornet.analyze_writeto_XYZ(name, probe_rad, atmnet)
        voro_out_filename = name + '_voro.xyz'
        voro_node_mol = ZeoVoronoiXYZ.from_file(voro_out_filename).molecule

    species = ["X"] * len(voro_node_mol.sites)
    coords = []
    prop = []
    for site in voro_node_mol.sites:

    lattice = Lattice.from_lengths_and_angles(
        structure.lattice.abc, structure.lattice.angles)
    vor_node_struct = Structure(
        lattice, species, coords, coords_are_cartesian=True,
        to_unit_cell=True, site_properties={"voronoi_radius": prop})

    # PMG-Zeo c<->a transformation for voronoi face centers
    rot_face_centers = [(center[1], center[2], center[0]) for center in
    rot_edge_centers = [(center[1], center[2], center[0]) for center in

    species = ["X"] * len(rot_face_centers)
    prop = [0.0] * len(rot_face_centers)  # Vor radius not evaluated for fc
    vor_facecenter_struct = Structure(
        lattice, species, rot_face_centers, coords_are_cartesian=True,
        to_unit_cell=True, site_properties={"voronoi_radius": prop})

    species = ["X"] * len(rot_edge_centers)
    prop = [0.0] * len(rot_edge_centers)  # Vor radius not evaluated for fc
    vor_edgecenter_struct = Structure(
        lattice, species, rot_edge_centers, coords_are_cartesian=True,
        to_unit_cell=True, site_properties={"voronoi_radius": prop})

    return vor_node_struct, vor_edgecenter_struct, vor_facecenter_struct

示例6: get_high_accuracy_voronoi_nodes_alt

def get_high_accuracy_voronoi_nodes_alt(structure, rad_dict, probe_rad=0.1):
    Function to replace high_accuracy_voronoi_nodes function. In testing
    Analyze the void space in the input structure using high accuracy 
    voronoi decomposition.
    Calls Zeo++ for Voronoi decomposition.

        structure: pymatgen.core.structure.Structure
        rad_dict (optional): Dictionary of radii of elements in structure.
            For ionic structures, pass rad_dict with ionic radii
        probe_rad (optional): Sampling probe radius in Angstroms. 
            Default is 0.1 A

        voronoi nodes as pymatgen.core.structure.Strucutre within the
        unit cell defined by the lattice of input structure
        voronoi face centers as pymatgen.core.structure.Strucutre within the
        unit cell defined by the lattice of input structure

    with ScratchDir('.'):
        name = "temp_zeo1"
        zeo_inp_filename = name + ".cssr"
        rad_flag = True
        rad_file = name + ".rad"
        with open(rad_file, 'w+') as fp:
            for el in rad_dict.keys():
                print >>fp, "{} {}".format(el, rad_dict[el].real)

        atmnet = AtomNetwork.read_from_CSSR(
                zeo_inp_filename, rad_flag=rad_flag, rad_file=rad_file)
        vornet, voronoi_face_centers = atmnet.perform_voronoi_decomposition()
        red_ha_vornet = \
        red_ha_vornet.analyze_writeto_XYZ(name, probe_rad, atmnet)
        voro_out_filename = name + '_voro.xyz'
        voro_node_mol = ZeoVoronoiXYZ.from_file(voro_out_filename).molecule

    species = ["X"] * len(voro_node_mol.sites)
    coords = []
    prop = []
    for site in voro_node_mol.sites:

    lattice = Lattice.from_lengths_and_angles(
        structure.lattice.abc, structure.lattice.angles)
    voronoi_node_struct = Structure(
        lattice, species, coords, coords_are_cartesian=True,
        to_unit_cell=True, site_properties={"voronoi_radius": prop})

    #PMG-Zeo c<->a transformation for voronoi face centers
    rot_face_centers = [(center[1],center[2],center[0]) for center in 
    species = ["X"] * len(rot_face_centers)
    # Voronoi radius not evaluated for fc. Fix in future versions
    prop = [0.0] * len(rot_face_centers)  
    voronoi_facecenter_struct = Structure(
        lattice, species, rot_face_centers, coords_are_cartesian=True,
        to_unit_cell=True, site_properties={"voronoi_radius": prop})

    return voronoi_node_struct, voronoi_facecenter_struct
