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Python os_util.strtobytes函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中xpra.os_util.strtobytes函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python strtobytes函数的具体用法?Python strtobytes怎么用?Python strtobytes使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: authenticate_hmac

 def authenticate_hmac(self, challenge_response, client_salt):
     if not self.salt:
         log.error("Error: illegal challenge response received - salt cleared or unset")
         return None
     #ensure this salt does not get re-used:
     if client_salt is None:
         salt = self.salt
         salt = xor(self.salt, client_salt)
     self.salt = None
     password = self.get_password()
     if not password:
         log.error("Error: %s authentication failed", self)
         log.error(" no password defined for '%s'", self.username)
         return False
     verify = hmac.HMAC(strtobytes(password), strtobytes(salt), digestmod=hashlib.md5).hexdigest()
     log("authenticate(%s) password=%s, hex(salt)=%s, hash=%s", challenge_response, password, binascii.hexlify(strtobytes(salt)), verify)
     if hasattr(hmac, "compare_digest"):
         eq = hmac.compare_digest(verify, challenge_response)
         eq = verify==challenge_response
     if not eq:
         log("expected '%s' but got '%s'", verify, challenge_response)
         log.error("Error: hmac password challenge for '%s' does not match", self.username)
         return False
     return True

示例2: get_key

def get_key(password, key_salt, block_size, iterations):
    global backend
    from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf.pbkdf2 import PBKDF2HMAC
    from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
    kdf = PBKDF2HMAC(algorithm=hashes.SHA1(), length=block_size, salt=strtobytes(key_salt), iterations=iterations, backend=backend)
    key = kdf.derive(strtobytes(password))
    return key

示例3: _test_file_auth

	def _test_file_auth(self, name, module, genauthdata):
		#no file, no go:
		a = self._init_auth(module)
		assert a.requires_challenge()
		p = a.get_password()
		assert not p, "got a password from %s: %s" % (a, p) 
		#challenge twice is a fail
		assert a.get_challenge()
		assert not a.get_challenge()
		assert not a.get_challenge()
		for muck in (0, 1):
			f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix=name)
			filename = f.name
			with f:
				a = self._init_auth(module, {"password_file" : filename})
				password, filedata = genauthdata(a)
				print("saving password file data='%s' to '%s'", filedata, filename)
				assert a.requires_challenge()
				salt, mac = a.get_challenge()
				assert salt
				assert mac=="hmac"
				password = strtobytes(password)
				client_salt = strtobytes(uuid.uuid4().hex+uuid.uuid4().hex)
				auth_salt = strtobytes(xor(salt, client_salt))
				if muck==0:
					verify = hmac.HMAC(password, auth_salt, digestmod=hashlib.md5).hexdigest()
					assert a.authenticate(verify, client_salt)
					assert not a.authenticate(verify, client_salt)
					assert a.get_password()==password
				elif muck==1:
					for verify in ("whatever", None, "bad"):
						assert not a.authenticate(verify, client_salt)

示例4: authenticate_hmac

 def authenticate_hmac(self, challenge_response, client_salt):
     self.sessions = None
     if not self.salt:
         log.error("Error: illegal challenge response received - salt cleared or unset")
         return None
     #ensure this salt does not get re-used:
     if client_salt is None:
         salt = self.salt
         salt = xor(self.salt, client_salt)
     self.salt = None
     entry = self.get_auth_info()
     log("authenticate(%s) auth-info=%s", self.username, entry)
     if entry is None:
         log.error("Error: authentication failed")
         log.error(" no password for '%s' in '%s'", self.username, self.password_filename)
         return None
     fpassword, uid, gid, displays, env_options, session_options = entry
     verify = hmac.HMAC(strtobytes(fpassword), strtobytes(salt), digestmod=hashlib.md5).hexdigest()
     log("authenticate(%s) password='%s', hex(salt)=%s, hash=%s", challenge_response, fpassword, binascii.hexlify(strtobytes(salt)), verify)
     if not hmac.compare_digest(verify, challenge_response):
         log("expected '%s' but got '%s'", verify, challenge_response)
         log.error("Error: hmac password challenge for '%s' does not match", self.username)
         return False
     self.sessions = uid, gid, displays, env_options, session_options
     return True

示例5: test_large_xor_speed

 def test_large_xor_speed(self):
     start = time.time()
     size = 1*1024*1024       #1MB
     zeroes  = strtobytes(chr(0)*size)
     ones    = strtobytes(chr(1)*size)
     count = 10
     for _ in range(count):
         self.check_xor(zeroes, ones, ones)
     end = time.time()
     speed = size/(end-start)/1024/1024
     #print("%iMB/s: took %ims on average (%s iterations)" % (speed, 1000*(end-start)/count, count))
     assert speed>0, "running the xor speed test took too long"

示例6: _process_challenge

 def _process_challenge(self, packet):
     authlog("processing challenge: %s", packet[1:])
     def warn_server_and_exit(code, message, server_message="authentication failed"):
         authlog.error("Error: authentication failed:")
         authlog.error(" %s", message)
         self.disconnect_and_quit(code, server_message)
     if not self.has_password():
         warn_server_and_exit(EXIT_PASSWORD_REQUIRED, "this server requires authentication, please provide a password", "no password available")
     password = self.load_password()
     if not password:
         warn_server_and_exit(EXIT_PASSWORD_FILE_ERROR, "failed to load password from file %s" % self.password_file, "no password available")
     salt = packet[1]
     if self.encryption:
         assert len(packet)>=3, "challenge does not contain encryption details to use for the response"
         server_cipher = typedict(packet[2])
         key = self.get_encryption_key()
         if key is None:
             warn_server_and_exit(EXIT_ENCRYPTION, "the server does not use any encryption", "client requires encryption")
         if not self.set_server_encryption(server_cipher, key):
     #all server versions support a client salt,
     #they also tell us which digest to use:
     digest = packet[3]
     client_salt = get_hex_uuid()+get_hex_uuid()
     #TODO: use some key stretching algorigthm? (meh)
         from xpra.codecs.xor.cyxor import xor_str           #@UnresolvedImport
         salt = xor_str(salt, client_salt)
         salt = xor(salt, client_salt)
     if digest==b"hmac":
         import hmac, hashlib
         password = strtobytes(password)
         salt = strtobytes(salt)
         challenge_response = hmac.HMAC(password, salt, digestmod=hashlib.md5).hexdigest()
     elif digest==b"xor":
         #don't send XORed password unencrypted:
         if not self._protocol.cipher_out and not ALLOW_UNENCRYPTED_PASSWORDS:
             warn_server_and_exit(EXIT_ENCRYPTION, "server requested digest %s, cowardly refusing to use it without encryption" % digest, "invalid digest")
         challenge_response = xor(password, salt)
         warn_server_and_exit(EXIT_PASSWORD_REQUIRED, "server requested an unsupported digest: %s" % digest, "invalid digest")
     if digest:
         authlog("%s(%s, %s)=%s", digest, binascii.hexlify(password), binascii.hexlify(salt), challenge_response)
     self.password_sent = True
     self.send_hello(challenge_response, client_salt)

示例7: _test_hmac_auth

	def _test_hmac_auth(self, auth_class, password, **kwargs):
		for x in (password, "somethingelse"):
			a = self._init_auth(auth_class, **kwargs)
			assert a.requires_challenge()
			assert a.get_password()
			salt, mac = a.get_challenge()
			assert salt
			assert mac=="hmac", "invalid mac: %s" % mac
			client_salt = strtobytes(uuid.uuid4().hex+uuid.uuid4().hex)
			auth_salt = strtobytes(xor(salt, client_salt))
			verify = hmac.HMAC(x, auth_salt, digestmod=hashlib.md5).hexdigest()
			passed = a.authenticate(verify, client_salt)
			assert passed == (x==password), "expected authentication to %s with %s vs %s" % (["fail", "succeed"][x==password], x, password)
			assert not a.authenticate(verify, client_salt)

示例8: send_hello

 def send_hello(self, challenge_response=None, client_salt=None):
         hello = self.make_hello_base()
         if (self.password_file or os.environ.get('XPRA_PASSWORD')) and not challenge_response:
             #avoid sending the full hello: tell the server we want
             #a packet challenge first
             hello["challenge"] = True
     except InitExit as e:
         log.error("error preparing connection:")
         log.error(" %s", e)
     except Exception as e:
         log.error("error preparing connection: %s", e, exc_info=True)
     if challenge_response:
         assert self.password_file or os.environ.get('XPRA_PASSWORD')
         hello["challenge_response"] = challenge_response
         if client_salt:
             hello["challenge_client_salt"] = client_salt
     log("send_hello(%s) packet=%s", binascii.hexlify(strtobytes(challenge_response or "")), hello)
     self.send("hello", hello)

示例9: nasty_rgb_via_png_paint

 def nasty_rgb_via_png_paint(self, cairo_format, has_alpha, img_data, x, y, width, height, rowstride, rgb_format):
     log("nasty_rgb_via_png_paint%s", (cairo_format, has_alpha, len(img_data), x, y, width, height, rowstride, rgb_format))
     #PIL fallback
     PIL = get_codec("PIL")
     if has_alpha:
         oformat = "RGBA"
         oformat = "RGB"
     #use frombytes rather than frombuffer to be compatible with python3 new-style buffers
     #this is slower, but since this codepath is already dreadfully slow, we don't care
     bdata = strtobytes(memoryview_to_bytes(img_data))
         img = PIL.Image.frombytes(oformat, (width,height), bdata, "raw", rgb_format.replace("X", "A"), rowstride, 1)
     except ValueError as e:
         raise Exception("failed to parse raw %s data to %s: %s" % (rgb_format, oformat, e))
     #This is insane, the code below should work, but it doesn't:
     # img_data = bytearray(img.tostring('raw', oformat, 0, 1))
     # pixbuf = pixbuf_new_from_data(img_data, COLORSPACE_RGB, True, 8, width, height, rowstride)
     # success = self.cairo_paint_pixbuf(pixbuf, x, y)
     #So we still rountrip via PNG:
     png = BytesIOClass()
     img.save(png, format="PNG")
     reader = BytesIOClass(png.getvalue())
     img = cairo.ImageSurface.create_from_png(reader)
     self.cairo_paint_surface(img, x, y)
     return True

示例10: test_xor_str

 def test_xor_str(self):
     zeroes  = strtobytes(chr(0)*16)
     ones    = strtobytes(chr(1)*16)
     ff      = strtobytes(chr(255)*16)
     fe      = strtobytes(chr(254)*16)
     empty   = b""
     lstr    = b"\0x80"*64
     self.check_xor(zeroes, zeroes, zeroes)
     self.check_xor(ones, ones, zeroes)
     self.check_xor(ff, ones, fe)
     self.check_xor(fe, ones, ff)
     #feed some invalid data:
     self.fail_xor(ones, empty)
     self.fail_xor(empty, zeroes)
     self.fail_xor(lstr, ff)
     self.fail_xor(bool, int)

示例11: send_hello

 def send_hello(self, challenge_response=None, client_salt=None):
         hello = self.make_hello_base()
         if self.has_password() and not challenge_response:
             #avoid sending the full hello: tell the server we want
             #a packet challenge first
             hello["challenge"] = True
     except InitExit as e:
         log.error("error preparing connection:")
         log.error(" %s", e)
     except Exception as e:
         log.error("error preparing connection: %s", e, exc_info=True)
     if challenge_response:
         assert self.has_password(), "got a password challenge response but we don't have a password! (malicious or broken server?)"
         hello["challenge_response"] = challenge_response
         if client_salt:
             hello["challenge_client_salt"] = client_salt
     log("send_hello(%s) packet=%s", binascii.hexlify(strtobytes(challenge_response or "")), hello)
     self.send("hello", hello)

示例12: validate_backend

def validate_backend(try_backend):
    import binascii
    from xpra.os_util import strtobytes
    message = b"some message1234"
    password = "this is our secret"
    key_salt = DEFAULT_SALT
    iterations = DEFAULT_ITERATIONS
    block_size = DEFAULT_BLOCKSIZE
    key = try_backend.get_key(password, key_salt, block_size, iterations)
    log("validate_backend(%s) key=%s", try_backend, binascii.hexlify(key))
    assert key is not None, "backend %s failed to generate a key" % try_backend
    enc = try_backend.get_encryptor(key, DEFAULT_IV)
    log("validate_backend(%s) encryptor=%s", try_backend, enc)
    assert enc is not None, "backend %s failed to generate an encryptor" % enc
    dec = try_backend.get_decryptor(key, DEFAULT_IV)
    log("validate_backend(%s) decryptor=%s", try_backend, dec)
    assert dec is not None, "backend %s failed to generate a decryptor" % enc
    ev = enc.encrypt(message)
    evs = binascii.hexlify(strtobytes(ev))
    log("validate_backend(%s) encrypted(%s)=%s", try_backend, message, evs)
    dv = dec.decrypt(ev)
    log("validate_backend(%s) decrypted(%s)=%s", try_backend, evs, dv)
    assert dv==message
    log("validate_backend(%s) passed", try_backend)

示例13: get_pixbuf_from_data

def get_pixbuf_from_data(rgb_data, has_alpha, w, h, rowstride):
    if is_gtk3():
        data = array.array('B', strtobytes(rgb_data))
        return GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_data(data, GdkPixbuf.Colorspace.RGB,
                                         True, 8, w, h, rowstride,
                                         None, None)
    return gdk.pixbuf_new_from_data(rgb_data, gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB, has_alpha, 8, w, h, rowstride)

示例14: capsget

 def capsget(self, key, default=None):
     v = self.get(key)
     #py3k and bytes as keys...
     if v is None and type(key)==str:
         v = self.get(strtobytes(key), default)
     if sys.version >= '3' and type(v)==bytes:
         v = bytestostr(v)
     return v

示例15: get_default_systemd_run

def get_default_systemd_run():
    #don't use systemd-run on CentOS / RedHat
    #(it causes failures with "Failed to create bus connection: No such file or directory")
    from xpra.os_util import load_binary_file, strtobytes
    data = strtobytes(load_binary_file("/etc/redhat-release") or "")
    if data and (data.find(b"RedHat")>=0 or data.find(b"CentOS")>=0):
        return "no"
    return "auto"
