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Python ElementTree.SubElement类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中xml.etree.ElementTree.SubElement的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python SubElement类的具体用法?Python SubElement怎么用?Python SubElement使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: _prepare_xml_request

    def _prepare_xml_request(self, module, leads):
        root = Element(module)

        # Row counter
        no = 1
        for lead in leads:
            row = Element("row", no=str(no))
            assert type(lead) == dict, "Leads must be dictionaries inside a list, got:" + str(type(lead))
            for key, value in lead.items():
                # <FL val="Lead Source">Web Download</FL>
                # <FL val="First Name">contacto 1</FL>
                fl = Element("FL", val=key)
                if type(value) == dict: # If it's an attached module, accept multiple groups
                    mod_attach_no = 1
                    for module_key, module_value in value.items(): # The first group defines the module name, yank that and iterate through the contents
                        for mod_item in module_value:
                            mod_fl = SubElement(fl, module_key, no=str(mod_attach_no))
                            for mod_item_key, mod_item_value in mod_item.items():
                                attach_fl = SubElement(mod_fl, "FL", val=mod_item_key)
                                attach_fl.text = mod_item_value
                            mod_attach_no += 1
                elif type(value) not in [str, unicode]:
                    fl.text = str(value)
                    fl.text = value
            no += 1
        return root

示例2: _create_update_feed

    def _create_update_feed(self, cell_list):
        feed = Element('feed', {'xmlns': ATOM_NS,
                                'xmlns:batch': BATCH_NS,
                                'xmlns:gs': SPREADSHEET_NS})

        id_elem = SubElement(feed, 'id')

        id_elem.text = construct_url('cells', self)

        for cell in cell_list:
            entry = SubElement(feed, 'entry')

            SubElement(entry, 'batch:id').text = cell.element.find(_ns('title')).text
            SubElement(entry, 'batch:operation', {'type': 'update'})
            SubElement(entry, 'id').text = cell.element.find(_ns('id')).text

            edit_link = finditem(lambda x: x.get('rel') == 'edit',

            SubElement(entry, 'link', {'rel': 'edit',
                                       'type': edit_link.get('type'),
                                       'href': edit_link.get('href')})

            SubElement(entry, 'gs:cell', {'row': str(cell.row),
                                          'col': str(cell.col),
                                          'inputValue': unicode(cell.value)})
        return feed

示例3: addDataToForm

def addDataToForm(form, element, subelement):
    print form
    elem = SubElement(person, element)
    for key in form.keys():
        for value in form.getlist(key):
            subelem = SubElement(elem, subelement)
            subelem.text = value

示例4: modify_vrt

def modify_vrt(vrt, scale):
    Makes modifications to the vrt file to fix the values.

    :param vrt: VRT file to be processed
    :param scale: Scale value from get_metadata_item function
    :return: None

    doc = parse(vrt)

    root = doc.getroot()

    # Fix the datatype if it is wrong
    raster_band = root.find('VRTRasterBand')
    raster_band.set('dataType', 'Float32')

    # Add the scale to the vrt file
    source = root.find('VRTRasterBand').find('ComplexSource')
    scale_ratio = SubElement(source, 'ScaleRatio')
    scale_ratio.text = scale

    # Write the scale input
    # vrt files are overwritten with the same name
    doc.write(vrt, xml_declaration=True)

示例5: createAndWriteXML

def createAndWriteXML(upload_id, writeToDB):
    completeVase = Element('vase')
    for i in range(len(finalRight)):
        pointpair = SubElement(completeVase, 'pointpair')
        left = SubElement(pointpair, 'left')
        right = SubElement(pointpair, 'right')
        t = SubElement(pointpair, 't')
        xRight = SubElement(right, 'x')
        xLeft = SubElement(left, 'x')
        yRight = SubElement(right, 'y')
        yLeft = SubElement(left, 'y')
        t.text = "0"
        xRight.text = str(finalRight[i][0])
        xLeft.text = str(finalLeft[i][0])
        yRight.text = str(finalRight[i][1])
        yLeft.text = str(finalLeft[i][1])
    if writeToDB == 'True':
        writeToDB(upload_id, tostring(completeVase))
    #print "Content-type: text/html"
    print tostring(completeVase)

示例6: compile_while

def compile_while(tree, tok_type, tok):
    subR = SubElement(tree, 'whileStatement')

    # while
    temp = SubElement (subR, tok_type)
    temp.text = tok
    tok_type, tok  = next(token_it)

    # '('
    temp = SubElement (subR, tok_type)
    temp.text = tok

    # ( INSIDE )
    tok_type, tok = compile_expression(subR)

    # ')'
    temp = SubElement (subR, tok_type)
    temp.text = tok
    tok_type, tok  = next(token_it)

    # '{'
    temp = SubElement (subR, tok_type)
    temp.text = tok
    tok_type, tok  = next(token_it)

    tok_type, tok = statements(subR, tok_type, tok)

    # '}'
    temp = SubElement (subR, tok_type)
    temp.text = tok

示例7: updateLine

def updateLine(firstrow, method, attr):
    root, body = getBaseXML()
    action = SubElement(body, 'ns:' + method)
    for i in range(len(attr)):
        if '-' in firstrow[i]:
            # pattern;partition;altnum-nummask;altnum-partition
            #  <nummask>XXXX</nummask>
            #  <partition>CLUSTERDN</partition>
            parentchild = firstrow[i].split('-')
            parent = parentchild[0]
            child = parentchild[1]

            l1 = SubElement(action, parent)
            l2 = SubElement(l1, child)
            l2.text = attr[i]
            l1 = SubElement(action, firstrow[i])
            l1.text = attr[i]

    xmldata = ElementTree.tostring(root, encoding='utf-8')

    logger.info('Updating Line ' + attr[0])
    for i in range(len(firstrow)):
        logger.debug(firstrow[i] + ': ' + attr[i])

    result = runAxl(method, xmldata)

示例8: sendXML

 def sendXML(self):
     root = self.tree.getroot()
     if self.comboBox1.Value in self.runCollection:
         bob = self.tree.getiterator("hrun")
         for i in bob:
              if i.attrib["runName"] ==  self.comboBox1.Value:
                 i.find("target").text = self.cTarget.Value 
                 i.find("targid").text = self.cTargID.Value
                 i.find("targkey").text = self.cTargKey.Value
                 i.find("targlength").text = self.cTargLength.Value
                 i.find("buffid").text = self.cBuffID.Value
                 i.find("buffer").text = self.cBuffer.Value
                 i.find("buffkey").text =  self.cBuffKey.Value 
                 i.find("rootfolder").text = self.cRoot.Value 
                 i.find("waterbody").text = self.cWater.Value
                 i.find("wabodyid").text = self.cWabodyid.Value
                 i.find("subsett").text = self.cSubsetT.Value
                 i.find("subsetc").text = self.cSubsetC.Value
         hrun = SubElement(root, "hrun")
         hrun.attrib["runName"] = self.comboBox1.Value
         SubElement(hrun, "target").text = self.cTarget.Value 
         SubElement(hrun, "targid").text = self.cTargID.Value
         SubElement(hrun, "targkey").text = self.cTargKey.Value
         SubElement(hrun, "targlength").text = self.cTargLength.Value
         SubElement(hrun, "buffid").text = self.cBuffID.Value
         SubElement(hrun, "buffer").text = self.cBuffer.Value
         SubElement(hrun, "buffkey").text =  self.cBuffKey.Value  
         SubElement(hrun, "rootfolder").text = self.cRoot.Value
         SubElement(hrun, "waterbody").text = self.cWater.Value
         SubElement(hrun, "wabodyid").text = self.cWabodyid.Value
         SubElement(hrun, "subsett").text = self.cSubsetT.Value
         SubElement(hrun, "subsetc").text = self.cSubsetC.Value
     ElementTree(root).write(file=os.getcwd() + "\\xmltest.xml") 

示例9: getConfig

    def getConfig(self):
        """Generates a configuration file for this projection"""

        tree = Element('projection')

        SubElement(tree, 'id').text = self.id
        SubElement(tree, 'title').text = self.title
        SubElement(tree, 'startyear').text = self.getProjection()[0]['year']
        SubElement(tree, 'endyear').text = self.getProjection()[-1]['year']
        SubElement(tree, 'graph').text = self.absolute_url() + '/getGraph'
        SubElement(tree, 'layer').text = self.zone.absolute_url() + \
        SubElement(tree, 'redevelopment').text = str(self.redevelopment)

        e = SubElement(tree, 'pop_density')
        if self.pop_density:
            e.text = self.pop_density.absolute_url() + '/at_download/simImage'

        e = SubElement(tree, 'emp_density')
        if self.emp_density:
            e.text = self.emp_density.absolute_url() + '/at_download/simImage'

        self.REQUEST.RESPONSE.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain')
            'attachment; filename="%s_demand.xml"' % self.title)
        return tostring(tree, encoding='UTF-8')

示例10: _dispatchSoapRequest

 def _dispatchSoapRequest(self, request):
             envelope = XML(request.soap_data)
             body = envelope.find("{http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/}Body")
             # determine UPnP action
             action = body.find("{%s}%s" % (request.soap_ns, request.soap_action))
             # look up the action in the service
             upnp_action = self.service._actions[request.soap_action]
             # build a list of the action arguments
             in_args = {}
             for arg in action:
                 in_args[arg.tag] = arg.text
             # execute the UPnP action
             logger.log_debug("executing %s#%s" % (self.service.serviceID, request.soap_action))
             out_args = upnp_action(request, self.service, in_args)
             # return the action response
             env = Element("s:Envelope")
             env.attrib['xmlns:s'] = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
             env.attrib['s:encodingStyle'] = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"
             env.attrib['xmlns:i'] = "http://www.w3.org/1999/XMLSchema-instance"
             body = SubElement(env, "s:Body")
             resp = SubElement(body, "u:%sResponse" % request.soap_action)
             resp.attrib['xmlns:u'] = request.soap_ns
             for (name,type,value) in out_args:
                 arg = SubElement(resp, name)
                 arg.attrib["i:type"] = type
                 arg.text = value
             output = xmlprint(env)
             return HttpResponse(200, headers={'EXT': ''}, stream=output)
         except UPNPError, e:
             raise e
         except Exception, e:
             logger.log_error("caught unhandled exception: %s" % e)
             raise UPNPError(500, "Internal server error")

示例11: GET

    def GET(self, dados):
        now = datetime.datetime.now()
        weekend = set([6, 7])
        retorno = Element('compra')
        aprovada = SubElement(retorno , 'aprovada')
        mensagem = SubElement(retorno, 'mensagem')
        splitados = dados.split('|')
        emp = splitados[0]
        vlr = float(splitados[1])
        qtd = splitados[2]
        if float(qtd).__mod__(100) == 0: #and now.hour >= 18:
            minimo , maximo = self.verifica_compra(emp)

            if vlr > float(minimo) and vlr > float(maximo):
                aprovada.text = 'Nao'
                mensagem.text = 'Valor Invalido!(Abaixo do minimo ' + str(minimo) + ' ou maior que o maximo ' + str(maximo) + ')'
                if now.isoweekday() not in weekend:
                    aprovada.text = 'Sim'
                    mensagem.text = 'Compra Aprovada'
                    aprovada.text = 'Pendente'
                    mensagem.text = "Pregao Fechado!"
            aprovada.text = 'Nao'
            mensagem.text = 'Qtd Invalida'
        return prettify(retorno);

示例12: create_proppatch

def create_proppatch(setprops, delprops, namespaces=None):
    """Construct and return XML string for PROPPATCH.

    setprops -- Mapping with properties to set.
    delprops -- Iterable with element names to remove.
    namespaces -- Mapping (prefix->namespace) with additional namespaces,
                  if necessary.

    # RFC 2518, 12.13 propertyupdate XML element
    # <!ELEMENT propertyupdate (remove | set)+ >
    propertyupdate = Element("propertyupdate", _NS)
    if namespaces:
        _addnamespaces(propertyupdate, namespaces)
    # RFC 2518, 12.13.2 set XML element
    # <!ELEMENT set (prop) >
    if setprops:
        set_ = SubElement(propertyupdate, "set")
        prop = SubElement(set_, "prop")
        items_iterator = iter(list(setprops.items())) if PYTHON2 else list(setprops.items())
        for (propname, propvalue) in items_iterator:
            prop = SubElement(prop, propname)
            prop.text = propvalue
    # RFC 2518, 12.13.1 set XML element
    # <!ELEMENT remove (prop) >
    if delprops:
        remove = SubElement(propertyupdate, "remove")
        prop = SubElement(remove, "prop")
        for propname in delprops:
            prop = SubElement(prop, propname)
    return tostring(propertyupdate, "UTF-8")

示例13: __init__

    def __init__(self, id, route, chunk):
        ((rfrom, rdest),) = route
        chunk, (cnum, maxc, fname, totalbsize) = chunk

        cont = Element('content')
        idtag = SubElement(cont, 'id')
        idtag.text = id

        rattrs = {
            'from': rfrom,
            'to': rdest,
        routetag = SubElement(cont, 'route', rattrs)

        cattrs = {
            'number': cnum,
            'maxchunk': maxc,
            'filename': fname,
            'totalbsize': totalbsize,
        chunktag = SubElement(cont, 'chunk', cattrs)
        chunktag.text = chunk

        props = {
            'type': 'file_chunk',
        MMessage.__init__(self, TYPE, cont, props)

示例14: mergePopulationData

def mergePopulationData(populationFile, regionFile, mergedFile):
    csvReader = csv.reader(open(populationFile), delimiter=',', quotechar='"')
    inhabDict = {}
    for entry in csvReader:
        if csvReader.line_num <= 3:
        while(len(entry[0]) < 2):
            entry[0] = '0' + entry[0]
        while(len(entry[2]) < 2):
            entry[2] = '0' + entry[2]
        while(len(entry[3]) < 4):
            entry[3] = '0' + entry[3]
        while(len(entry[4]) < 3):
            entry[4] = '0' + entry[4]
        inhabDict["".join(entry[:5])] = str(entry[6]).replace(' ', '')

    root = ET.ElementTree(file=regionFile).getroot()
    for parents in root.findall("./*"):
        for elem in parents.findall("param[7]"):
            RSValue = str(elem.attrib)[11:23]
            inhabitants = SubElement(parents, 'param')
            if RSValue in inhabDict:
                inhabitants.attrib = {
                    'key': "INHABITANTS", 'value': inhabDict[RSValue]}
    outstr = minidom.parseString(ET.tostring(root)).toprettyxml(indent="    ")
    with open(mergedFile, 'w') as out:

示例15: story_feed

def story_feed(request, story):
    story = Story.objects.get(slug=story)
    rss = Element('rss')

    channel = SubElement(rss,'channel')

    title = SubElement(channel,'title')
    title.text = story.title

    link = SubElement(channel,'link')
    link.text = request.build_absolute_uri(reverse("story"))

    desc = SubElement(channel,'description')
    desc.text = story.description

    chapters = story.chapters.all()

    for index in chapters:
        item = SubElement(channel,'item')

        title_c = SubElement(item,'title')
        title_c.text = index.title
        link = SubElement(item,'link')
        link.text = request.build_absolute_uri(index.get_absolute_url())

    return HttpResponse(tostring(rss, encoding='UTF-8'))
