本文整理汇总了Python中visvis.plot函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python plot函数的具体用法?Python plot怎么用?Python plot使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: PlotReferencePhase
def PlotReferencePhase (self, event) :
Plot reference phase
visvis.cla(); visvis.clf();
# get actual amplitude and phased
phase = self.GetReferencePhase()[0]
ampl = np.ones(phase.size)
ampl, phase = self.DevPulseShaper.GetUnwrappedAmplPhase(ampl, phase)
# Wrap the phase in radians
phase %= (2*np.pi)
# Get the phase in unites of 2*pi
phase /= (2*np.pi)
visvis.ylabel ('Reference phase')
visvis.xlabel ('puls shaper pixel number')
visvis.title ('Current reference phase (in unites of 2*pi)')
visvis.plot( self.corrections, lc='r',ms='*', mc='r' )
visvis.ylabel ('Value of coefficients')
visvis.xlabel ('coefficient number')
visvis.title ('Value of corrections')
示例2: draw
def draw( self ):
"""Draw data."""
if len(self.fitResults) == 0:
# Make sure our figure is the active one
if not hasattr( self, 'subplot1' ):
self.subplot1 = vv.subplot(211)
#self.subplot1.position = (30, 2, -32, -32)
self.subplot2 = vv.subplot(212)
#self.subplot1.position = (30, 2, -32, -32)
a, ed = numpy.histogram(self.fitResults['tIndex'], self.Size[0]/6)
vv.plot(ed[:-1], a/float(numpy.diff(ed[:2])), lc='b', lw=2)
#self.subplot1.set_xticks([0, ed.max()])
#self.subplot1.set_yticks([0, numpy.floor(a.max()/float(numpy.diff(ed[:2])))])
#cs =
csa = numpy.cumsum(a)
vv.plot(ed[:-1], csa/float(csa[-1]), lc='g', lw=2)
#self.subplot2.set_xticks([0, ed.max()])
#self.subplot2.set_yticks([0, a.sum()])
self.subplot1.position = (20, 2, -22, -32)
self.subplot2.position = (20, 2, -22, -32)
示例3: compareGraphsVisually
def compareGraphsVisually(graph1, graph2, fig=None):
""" compareGraphsVisually(graph1, graph2, fig=None)
Show the two graphs together in a figure. Matched nodes are
indicated by lines between them.
# Get figure
if isinstance(fig,int):
fig = vv.figure(fig)
elif fig is None:
fig = vv.figure()
# Prepare figure and axes
a = vv.gca()
a.cameraType = '3d'; a.daspectAuto = False
# Draw both graphs
graph1.Draw(lc='b', mc='b')
graph2.Draw(lc='r', mc='r')
# Set the limits
# Make a line from the edges
pp = Pointset(3)
for node in graph1:
if hasattr(node, 'match') and node.match is not None:
pp.append(node); pp.append(node.match)
# Plot edges
vv.plot(pp, lc='g', ls='+')
示例4: DisplayOptimization
def DisplayOptimization (self) :
Display the progress of optimization
# abort, if requested
if self.need_abort : return
def GetValueColourIter (d) :
return izip_longest( d.itervalues(), ['r', 'g', 'b', 'k'], fillvalue='y' )
visvis.cla(); visvis.clf()
# Plot optimization statistics
for values, colour in GetValueColourIter(self.optimization_log) :
try : visvis.plot ( values, lc=colour )
except Exception : pass
visvis.xlabel ('iteration')
visvis.ylabel ('Objective function')
visvis.legend( self.optimization_log.keys() )
# Display reference signal
# Plot reference signal
for values, colour in GetValueColourIter(self.log_reference_signal) :
try : visvis.plot ( values, lc=colour )
except Exception : pass
visvis.xlabel ('iteration')
visvis.ylabel ("Signal from reference pulse")
visvis.legend( ["channel %d" % x for x in self.log_reference_signal.keys()] )
示例5: set_plot
def set_plot(self, spectrum):
total = len(spectrum)
count = 0.
for _time, sweep in spectrum.items():
if self.settings.fadeScans:
alpha = (count + 1) / total
vv.plot(sweep.keys(), sweep.values(), lw=1., alpha=alpha)
count += 1
示例6: plot_point_set
def plot_point_set(self, new_point, color, length, i=False):
points = self.points_i if i else self.points
# appending new point and drop old if window is full
points[0] = points[0][length:]
points[1] = points[1][length:]
vv.plot(points[0], points[1], lw=0, mw=1, ms='.', mc=color, mec=color)
if i:
self.points_i = points
self.points = points
示例7: _Plot
def _Plot(self, event):
# Make sure our figure is the active one
# If only one figure, this is not necessary.
# Clear it
# Plot
vv.legend(['this is a line'])
示例8: __plot
def __plot(self, spectrum):
axes = vv.gca()
axes.axis.showGrid = True
axes.axis.xLabel = 'Frequency (MHz)'
axes.axis.yLabel = 'Level (dB)'
total = len(spectrum)
count = 0.
for _time, sweep in spectrum.items():
alpha = (total - count) / total
vv.plot(sweep.keys(), sweep.values(), lw=1, alpha=alpha)
count += 1
示例9: ScanVoltage
def ScanVoltage (self) :
Using the iterator <self.scan_pixel_voltage_pair> record the spectral response
by applying the voltages
# Pause calibration, if user requested
try :
if self.pause_calibration : return
except AttributeError : return
try :
param = self.scan_pixel_voltage_pair.next()
# Getting spectrum
spectrum = self.Spectrometer.AcquiredData()
# Save the spectrum
try : self.SpectraGroup["voltages_%d_%d" % param] = spectrum
except RuntimeError : print "There was RuntimeError while saving scan voltages_%d_%d" % param
# Plot the spectra
visvis.plot (self.wavelengths, spectrum)
visvis.xlabel("wavelength (nm)")
# Scanning progress info
self.scanned += 1.
percentage_completed = 100.*self.scanned/self.scan_length
seconds_left = ( time.clock() - self.initial_time )*(100./percentage_completed - 1.)
# convert to hours:min:sec
m, s = divmod(seconds_left, 60)
h, m = divmod(m, 60)
title_info = param + (percentage_completed, h, m, s)
visvis.title ("Scanning spectrum by applying voltages %d/%d. Progress: %.1f%% completed. Time left: %d:%02d:%02d." % title_info)
# Measure the next pair
except StopIteration :
# Perform processing of the measured data
wx.CallAfter(self.ExtractPhaseFunc, filename=self.calibration_file.filename)
# All voltages are scanned
# Sop using the shaper
示例10: _call_new_item
def _call_new_item(self, key, item_type, *args, **kwargs):
if key in self.items:
# an item with that key already exists
# should raise an exception or warning
# make this the current figure
# create a new dictionary of options for plotting
plot_kwargs = dict()
if 'line_width' in kwargs:
value = kwargs.pop('line_width')
plot_kwargs['lw'] = value
if 'marker_width' in kwargs:
value = kwargs.pop('marker_width')
plot_kwargs['mw'] = value
if 'marker_edge_width' in kwargs:
value = kwargs.pop('marker_edge_width')
plot_kwargs['mew'] = value
if 'line_color' in kwargs:
value = kwargs.pop('line_color')
plot_kwargs['lc'] = value
if 'marker_color' in kwargs:
value = kwargs.pop('marker_color')
plot_kwargs['mc'] = value
if 'marker_edge_color' in kwargs:
value = kwargs.pop('marker_edge_color')
plot_kwargs['mec'] = value
if 'line_style' in kwargs:
value = kwargs.pop('line_style')
plot_kwargs['ls'] = value
if 'marker_style' in kwargs:
value = kwargs.pop('marker_style')
plot_kwargs['ms'] = value
if 'adjust_axes' in kwargs:
value = kwargs.pop('adjust_axes')
plot_kwargs['axesAdjust'] = value
# create the plot item
if item_type == 'circular':
data = pythics.lib.CircularArray(cols=2, length=kwargs['length'])
item = vv.plot(np.array([]), np.array([]), axes=self.axes, **plot_kwargs)
elif item_type == 'growable':
data = pythics.lib.GrowableArray(cols=2, length=kwargs['length'])
item = vv.plot(np.array([]), np.array([]), axes=self.axes, **plot_kwargs)
data = np.array([])
item = vv.plot(np.array([]), np.array([]), axes=self.axes, **plot_kwargs)
self.items[key] = (item_type, data, item)
示例11: OnDown
def OnDown(self, event):
""" Called when the mouse is pressed down in the axes.
# Only process left mouse button
if event.button != 1:
return False
# Store location
self._active = Point(event.x2d, event.y2d)
# Clear temp line object
if self._line1:
# Create line objects
tmp = Pointset(2)
self._line1 = vv.plot(tmp, lc="r", lw="1", axes=self._a, axesAdjust=0)
# Draw
# Prevent dragging by indicating the event needs no further handling
return True
示例12: __init__
def __init__(self):
# Create figure and axes
self._a = a = vv.gca()
vv.title("Hold mouse to draw lines. Use 'rgbcmyk' and '1-9' keys.")
# Set axes
a.SetLimits((0, 1), (0, 1))
a.cameraType = "2d"
a.daspectAuto = False
a.axis.showGrid = True
# Init variables needed during drawing
self._active = None
self._pp = Pointset(2)
# Create null and empty line objects
self._line1 = None
self._line2 = vv.plot(vv.Pointset(2), ls="+", lc="c", lw="2", axes=a)
# Bind to events
示例13: kde
def kde(data, bins=None, kernel=None, **kwargs):
""" kde(a, bins=None, range=None, **kwargs)
Make a kernerl density estimate plot of the data. This is like a
histogram, but produces a smoother result, thereby better represening
the probability density function.
See the vv.StatData for more statistics on data.
a : array_like
The data to calculate the historgam of.
bins : int (optional)
The number of bins. If not given, the best number of bins is
determined automatically using the Freedman-Diaconis rule.
kernel : float or sequence (optional)
The kernel to use for distributing the values. If a scalar is given,
a Gaussian kernel with a sigma equal to the given number is used.
If not given, the best kernel is chosen baded on the number of bins.
kwargs : keyword arguments
These are given to the plot function.
# Get stats
from visvis.processing.statistics import StatData
stats = StatData(data)
# Get kde
xx, values = stats.kde(bins, kernel)
# Plot
return vv.plot(xx, values, **kwargs)
示例14: DrawSpectrum
def DrawSpectrum (self, event) :
Draw spectrum interactively
spectrum = self.Spectrometer.AcquiredData()
if spectrum == RETURN_FAIL : return
# Display the spectrum
if len(spectrum.shape) > 1:
try :
except AttributeError :
visvis.cla(); visvis.clf();
# Spectrum is a 2D image
self.__interact_2d_spectrum__ = visvis.imshow(spectrum, cm=visvis.CM_JET)
# Plot a vertical binning
spectrum = spectrum.sum(axis=0)
# Linear spectrum
try :
except AttributeError :
if self.wavelengths is None :
self.__interact_1d_spectrum__ = visvis.plot (spectrum, lw=3)
visvis.xlabel ("pixels")
else :
self.__interact_1d_spectrum__ = visvis.plot (self.wavelengths, spectrum, lw=3)
visvis.xlabel("wavelength (nm)")
if self.is_autoscaled_spectrum :
# Smart auto-scale linear plot
try :
self.spectrum_plot_limits = GetSmartAutoScaleRange(spectrum, self.spectrum_plot_limits)
except AttributeError :
self.spectrum_plot_limits = GetSmartAutoScaleRange(spectrum)
visvis.gca().SetLimits ( rangeY=self.spectrum_plot_limits )
# Display the current temperature
try : visvis.title ("Temperature %d (C)" % self.Spectrometer.GetTemperature() )
except AttributeError : pass
示例15: Draw
def Draw(self, mc='g', lc='y', mw=7, lw=0.6, alpha=0.5, axes=None):
""" Draw(mc='g', lc='y', mw=7, lw=0.6, alpha=0.5, axes=None)
Draw nodes and edges.
# We can only draw if we have any nodes
if not len(self):
# Make sure there are elements in the lines list
while len(self._lines)<2:
# Build node list
if mc and mw:
pp = Pointset(self[0].ndim)
for p in self:
# Draw nodes, reuse if possible!
l_node = self._lines[0]
if l_node and len(l_node._points) == len(pp):
elif l_node:
l_node = None
if l_node is None:
l_node = vv.plot(pp, ls='', ms='o', mc=mc, mw=mw,
axesAdjust=0, axes=axes, alpha=alpha)
self._lines[0] = l_node
# For simplicity, always redraw edges
if self._lines[1] is not None:
# Build edge list
if lc and lw:
cc = self.GetEdges()
# Draw edges
pp = Pointset(self[0].ndim)
for c in cc:
pp.append(c.end1); pp.append(c.end2)
tmp = vv.plot(pp, ms='', ls='+', lc=lc, lw=lw,
axesAdjust=0, axes=axes, alpha=alpha)
self._lines[1] = tmp