本文整理汇总了Python中visual.arrow函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python arrow函数的具体用法?Python arrow怎么用?Python arrow使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: init_visual
def init_visual(self, only_wiiobj=False):
visual_pos = ((0, 0, 0), (7,7,0), (14,14,0))
if not only_wiiobj:
visual.scene.width=self.param["width"] * 3
visual.scene.title = "3D WiiMote Simulation"
visual.scene.forward = visual.vector(1,0,0) # not to error ?
visual.scene.up = visual.vector(0,0,1)
visual.scene.forward = visual.vector(-1,1,-1)
visual.scene.center = (7,7,0)
visual.scene.scale = (0.07, 0.07, 0.07)
visual.scene.autoscale = 0
visual.scene.x = 0
visual.scene.y = 30
self.visual["axis"] = [(visual.arrow(pos=visual_pos[i], color=visual.color.red, axis=(3,0,0), headwidth=1, shaftwidth=0.5, fixedwidth=1),
visual.arrow(pos=visual_pos[i], color=visual.color.green, axis=(0,3,0), headwidth=1, shaftwidth=0.5, fixedwidth=1),
visual.arrow(pos=visual_pos[i], color=visual.color.blue, axis=(0,0,3), headwidth=1, shaftwidth=0.5, fixedwidth=1))
for i in xrange(3)]
self.visual["text"] = [visual.label(text="accel", pos=(1, -1, -4), color=visual.color.white),
visual.label(text="gyro", pos=(8, 6, -4), color=visual.color.white),
visual.label(text="accel + gyro", pos=(15, 13, -4), color=visual.color.white),]
self.visual["wiiobj"] = [visual.box(pos=visual_pos[i], length=2, height=6, width=1, color=visual.color.white, axis=(1,0,0)) #x=length, y=height, z=width
for i in xrange(3)]
示例2: init_visual
def init_visual(self, only_wiiobj=False):
if not only_wiiobj:
# vpython
visual.scene.width = self.param["width"]
visual.scene.height = self.param["height"]
visual.scene.title = "3D WiiMote Simulation"
visual.scene.forward = visual.vector(1, 0, 0) # not to error ?
visual.scene.up = visual.vector(0, 0, 1)
visual.scene.forward = visual.vector(-1, 1, -1)
visual.scene.autoscale = 0
visual.scene.x = 0
visual.scene.y = 30
self.visual["axis"][0] = visual.arrow(
color=visual.color.red, axis=(3, 0, 0), headwidth=1, shaftwidth=0.5, fixedwidth=1
self.visual["axis"][1] = visual.arrow(
color=visual.color.green, axis=(0, 3, 0), headwidth=1, shaftwidth=0.5, fixedwidth=1
self.visual["axis"][2] = visual.arrow(
color=visual.color.blue, axis=(0, 0, 3), headwidth=1, shaftwidth=0.5, fixedwidth=1
self.visual["wiiobj"] = visual.box(
pos=(0, 0, 0), length=2, height=6, width=1, color=visual.color.white, axis=(2, 0, 0)
示例3: drawCameraFrame
def drawCameraFrame(): # create frame and draw its contents
global cam_box, cent_plane, cam_lab, cam_tri, range_lab, linelen, fwd_line
global fwd_arrow, mouse_line, mouse_arrow, mouse_lab, fov, range_x, cam_dist, cam_frame
global ray
cam_frame = vs.frame( pos = vs.vector(0,2,2,), axis = (0,0,1))
# NB: contents are rel to this frame. start with camera looking "forward"
# origin is at simulated scene.center
fov = vs.pi/3.0 # 60 deg
range_x = 6 # simulates scene.range.x
cam_dist = range_x / vs.tan(fov/2.0) # distance between camera and center.
ray = vs.vector(-20.0, 2.5, 3.0).norm() # (unit) direction of ray vector (arbitrary)
cam_box = vs.box(frame=cam_frame, length=1.5, height=1, width=1.0, color=clr.blue,
pos=(cam_dist,0,0)) # camera-box
cent_plane = vs.box(frame=cam_frame, length=0.01, height=range_x*1.3, width=range_x*2,
pos=(0,0,0), opacity=0.5 ) # central plane
cam_lab = vs.label(frame=cam_frame, text= 'U', pos= (cam_dist,0,0), height= 9, xoffset= 6)
cam_tri = vs.faces( frame=cam_frame, pos=[(0,0,0), (0,0,-range_x), (cam_dist,0,0)])
range_lab = vs.label(frame=cam_frame, text= 'R', pos= (0, 0, -range_x), height= 9, xoffset= 6)
linelen = scene_size + vs.mag( cam_frame.axis.norm()*cam_dist + cam_frame.pos)
# len of lines from camera
fwd_line = drawLine( vs.vector(cam_dist,0,0), linelen, vs.vector(-1,0,0))
fwd_arrow = vs.arrow(frame=cam_frame, axis=(-2,0,0), pos=(cam_dist, 0, 0), shaftwidth=0.08,
vs.label(frame=cam_frame, text='C', pos=(0,0,0), height=9, xoffset=6, color=clr.yellow)
mouse_line = drawLine ( vs.vector(cam_dist,0,0), linelen, ray )
mouse_arrow = vs.arrow(frame=cam_frame, axis=ray*2, pos=(cam_dist,0,0), shaftwidth=0.08,
mouse_lab = vs.label(frame=cam_frame, text= 'M', height= 9, xoffset= 10, color=clr.red,
pos= -ray*(cam_dist/vs.dot(ray,(1,0,0))) + (cam_dist,0,0))
示例4: draw_efield
def draw_efield(V, scale): # draw electric field
Ex, Ey = np.gradient(-V)
Emag = np.sqrt(Ex*Ex + Ey*Ey)
for i in range(2, M-1, 2):
for j in range(2, N-1, 2):
vp.arrow(pos=(i,j), axis=(Ex[i,j], Ey[i,j]),
return Ex, Ey
示例5: plot3D
def plot3D(self):
axis_length = 10.0
xaxis = vs.arrow(pos = (-5, -5, 0), axis = (axis_length, 0, 0), shaftwidth = 0.01)
yaxis = vs.arrow(pos = (-5, -5, 0), axis = (0, axis_length, 0), shaftwidth = 0.01)
balls = []
for (i, j) in zip(self.x, self.T):
balls.append(vs.sphere(pos = ((j / self.time) * axis_length * 0.9- 4.9, (i / self.v) * axis_length * 0.9 - 4.9, 0), radius = 0.2, color = vs.color.red))
xlabel = vs.label(text = "Time/s", pos = (5, -5, 0))
ylabel = vs.label(text = "Displacement/m", pos = (-5, 5, 0))
示例6: plot3D
def plot3D():
vs.yaxis=vs.arrow(pos=(-5, -5, 0), axis=(0, axis_length, 0), shaftwidth=0.05)
for (i,j) in zip(N,t):
vs.xlabel = vs.label(text = "time", pos = (5, -5, 0))
vs.ylabel = vs.label(text = "Number of people", pos = (-5,5,0))
示例7: __init__
def __init__(self):
# For converting
self.rt_mx = np.matrix([[1, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 1],
[0, -1, 0]])
self.x = visual.arrow(color=(1,0,0))
self.y = visual.arrow(color=(0,1,0))
self.z = visual.arrow(color=(0,0,1))
示例8: plot3D
def plot3D(self):
axis_length = 10.0
xaxis = vs.arrow(pos = (-5, -5, 0), axis = (axis_length, 0, 0), shaftwidth = 0.01)
yaxis = vs.arrow(pos = (-5, -5, 0), axis = (0, axis_length, 0), shaftwidth = 0.01)
balls = []
for (i, j) in zip(self.n_uranium, self.T):
balls.append(vs.sphere(pos = ((j / self.time) * axis_length * 0.9- 4.9, (i / self.N) * axis_length * 0.9 - 4.9, 0), radius = 0.2, color = vs.color.red))
xlabel = vs.label(text = "time", pos = (5, -5, 0))
ylabel = vs.label(text = "Number of Nuclei", pos = (-5, 5, 0))
while 1:
示例9: animate_motion
def animate_motion(x, k):
# Animate using Visual-Python
CO = zeros((n, 3))
B2 = zeros((n, 3))
C1 = zeros((n, 3))
C3 = zeros((n, 3))
CN = zeros((n, 3))
for i, state in enumerate(x[:,:5]):
CO[i], B2[i], C1[i], C3[i] = rd.anim(state, r)
# Make the out of plane axis shorter since this is what control the height
# of the cone
B2[i] *= 0.001
C1[i] *= r
C3[i] *= r
CN[i, 0] = state[3]
CN[i, 1] = state[4]
from visual import display, rate, arrow, curve, cone, box
black = (0,0,0)
red = (1, 0, 0)
green = (0, 1, 0)
blue = (0, 0, 1)
white = (1, 1, 1)
NO = (0,0,0)
scene = display(title='Rolling disc @ %0.2f realtime'%k, width=800,
height=800, up=(0,0,-1), uniform=1, background=white, forward=(1,0,0))
# Inertial reference frame arrows
N = [arrow(pos=NO,axis=(.001,0,0),color=red),
# Two cones are used to look like a thin disc
body1 = cone(pos=CO[0], axis=B2[0], radius=r, color=blue)
body2 = cone(pos=CO[0], axis=-B2[0], radius=r, color=blue)
# Body fixed coordinates in plane of disc, can't really be seen through cones
c1 = arrow(pos=CO[0],axis=C1[0],length=r,color=red)
c3 = arrow(pos=CO[0],axis=C3[0],length=r,color=green)
trail = curve()
trail.append(pos=CN[0], color=black)
i = 1
while i<n:
body1.pos = CO[i]
body1.axis = B2[i]
body2.pos = CO[i]
body2.axis = -B2[i]
c1.pos = body1.pos
c3.pos = body1.pos
c1.axis = C1[i]
c3.axis = C3[i]
c1.up = C3[i]
c3.up = C1[i]
i += 1
示例10: __init__
def __init__(self, size=None):
if not size:
size = AxesXYZ.d_size
self.x_axis = visual.arrow(axis=(size, 0.0, 0.0))
self.x_axis.color = visual.color.red
self.x_axis.frame = self
self.y_axis = visual.arrow(axis=(0.0, size, 0.0))
self.y_axis.color = visual.color.green
self.y_axis.frame = self
self.z_axis = visual.arrow(axis=(0.0, 0.0, size))
self.z_axis.color = visual.color.blue
self.z_axis.frame = self
示例11: draw_crystal
def draw_crystal(r, attr, types):
# draw atoms
for i in range(len(r)):
xyz,s = np.array(r[i]),np.array(attr[i])
#choose colour depending on spin direction (make the col vector the unit vector)
if (s[0]==0 and s[1]==0 and s[2]==0):
col = np.array((0,0,0))
col = s/np.sqrt(np.dot(s,s))
#and if any are less than zero, add the complementary
if col[0] < 0:
col[1]-= col[0]
col[2] -=col[0]
col[0] = 0
if col[1] < 0:
col[0]-= col[1]
col[2] -=col[1]
col[1] = 0
if col[2] < 0:
col[0]-= col[2]
col[1] -=col[2]
col[2] = 0
spingro = 0.2 #because mu_B is 10^-24, so we need to make it about ~10^-10 to display
print xyz,s
pointer = v.arrow(pos=xyz-s*spingro/2, axis=s*spingro, color=col)
#draw spheres on the atom sites
colour,size = atom_colours(types[i])
pointer = v.sphere(pos=xyz, color=colour, radius=0.1*size)
示例12: vector_field
def vector_field(r,vec,vmin,vmax,colourtype,lengthtype,scale):
field = []
#work out limits of phi if not provided
vmin,vmax = difn.vector_min_max(vec)
#if they're the same because all passed field values are identical
vmin = 0
v_unit = difn.unit_vectors(vec)
for i in range(len(r)):
modv = np.sqrt(np.dot(vec[i],vec[i]))
val = (modv-vmin)/(vmax-vmin)
if colourtype == 'fadetoblack':
colour = (val,val,val)
elif colourtype == 'rainbow':
colour = col_rainbow(val)
opacity = 1.0
colour = (1,1,1) #default to white if nothing is specified
if lengthtype.__class__.__name__ == 'float' or lengthtype.__class__.__name__ == 'int':
length = np.float(lengthtype)
elif lengthtype == 'proportional':
length = modv/vmax #we never want the arrows to have zero length, so effectively set vmin=0 whatever happens
length = 1
if length != 0:
scalefactor = 0.3
field.append(v.arrow(pos=r[i]-0.5*length*scale*scalefactor*v_unit[i], axis=length*scale*scalefactor*v_unit[i], color=colour)) #length needs to be determined automatically
return field
示例13: _displayDiff
def _displayDiff(self):
"""Display arrows for where particles have moved."""
if self.S0 is None: return
objs = self._atoms
S = self.S
S0 = self.S0
# Delete all objects:
for i in range(len(objs)):
objs[-1].visible = 0
del objs[-1]
for i in range(S.N):
startPos = S.atompos[i]
endPos = S0.atompos[i]
if startPos not in self._limit:
if startPos == endPos:
objs.append(visual.sphere(pos=S.coords(startPos), radius=.15))
startCoords = S.coords(startPos)
endCoords = S0.coords(endPos)
dist = math.sqrt(sum((endCoords-startCoords)**2))
if dist > S.L/2:
visual.arrow(pos=startCoords, axis=endCoords-startCoords,
shaftwidth=.1, headlength=1, fixedwidth=1
示例14: preliminary_scan
def preliminary_scan(self):
# During the first time-step we only collect all the positions:
# we will create an arrow for every position encountered
i = 0 # column number
t_old = 0.0
self.field_size = 0
self.arrows = []
field_sum = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
max_x = 0.0
max_y = 0.0
max_z = 0.0
while True:
self.last_line = self.file.readline()
col = self.read_line(self.last_line)
t = float(col[0])
if (i > 0) & (t != t_old):
i = i + 1
t_old = t
# Read the postition where the field is located
p = self.adjust_pos([float(col[1]), float(col[2]), float(col[3])])
if abs(p[0]) > max_x:
max_x = abs(p[0])
if abs(p[1]) > max_y:
max_y = abs(p[1])
if abs(p[2]) > max_z:
max_z = abs(p[2])
# Read the field
field = self.adjust_vector([float(col[4]), float(col[5]), float(col[6])])
field_sum[0] += field[0]
field_sum[1] += field[1]
field_sum[2] += field[2]
if random.random() <= self.decimate:
sph = visual.sphere(color=self.pnt_col, pos=p, radius=self.pnt_radius)
arr = visual.arrow(color=self.arrow_col, pos=p, axis=field, shaftwidth=self.arrow_shaftwidth)
on = True
sph = None
arr = None
on = False
self.arrows.append([on, p, arr, sph])
self.field_size += 1
self.max_abs_coords = [max_x, max_y, max_z]
self.t_old = t
# Now we calculate the mean magnetization
self.field_mean[0] = field_sum[0] / self.field_size
self.field_mean[1] = field_sum[1] / self.field_size
self.field_mean[2] = field_sum[2] / self.field_size
self.first_scan = True
示例15: showArrow
def showArrow():
for key in self.net.neuron_to_neuron_weight:
if self.net.neuron_to_neuron_weight[key]!=None:
pointer=visual.arrow(pos=self.neuron_position[from_neuron], axis=(delta_x,delta_y,delta_z), shaftwidth=0.1)
for key in self.net.neuron_in_layer['in']:
pointer=visual.arrow(pos=(x,y,z), axis=(3,0,0), shaftwidth=0.1)
for key in self.net.neuron_in_layer['out']:
pointer=visual.arrow(pos=self.neuron_position[key], axis=(3,0,0), shaftwidth=0.1)