本文整理汇总了Python中viper.core.project.__project__.open函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python open函数的具体用法?Python open怎么用?Python open使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: module_cmdline
def module_cmdline(project=None, cmd_line=None, file_hash=None):
html = ""
cmd = Commands()
split_commands = cmd_line.split(';')
for split_command in split_commands:
split_command = split_command.strip()
if not split_command:
root, args = parse(split_command)
if root in cmd.commands:
html += print_output(cmd.output)
del (cmd.output[:])
elif root in __modules__:
# if prev commands did not open a session open one on the current file
if file_hash:
path = get_sample_path(file_hash)
module = __modules__[root]['obj']()
html += print_output(module.output)
if cfg.modules.store_output and __sessions__.is_set():
Database().add_analysis(file_hash, split_command, module.output)
del (module.output[:])
html += '<p class="text-danger">{0} is not a valid command</p>'.format(cmd_line)
except Exception:
html += '<p class="text-danger">We were unable to complete the command {0}</p>'.format(cmd_line)
return html
示例2: run
def run(self):
super(pstParse, self).run()
pst_path = __sessions__.current.file.path
pff_test = subprocess.call('pffexport -V', shell=True)
if pff_test == 127:
self.log('error', "pffexport not install. Try: 'sudo apt-get install pff-tools'")
new_proj = self.args.proj
save_path = self.args.output
if new_proj:
self.log('info', "Creating New Project")
project_name = str(datetime.date.today())
if save_path:
save_path = self.args.output
save_path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
self.log('info', "Temp Dir created at {0}".format(save_path))
self.log('info', "Processing Attachments, this might take a while...")
counter = self.parse_pst(save_path, pst_path)
self.log('success', "Stored {0} Email attachments".format(counter))
if not self.args.keep:
self.log('info', "Removing Temp Dir")
except OSError as e:
self.log('error', "Unable to delete tmpdir: {0}".format(e))
示例3: post
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
# Get the project and hash of the file
project = kwargs.get('project', 'default')
file_hash = request.POST.get('file_hash')
hex_offset = int(request.POST.get('hex_start'))
except Exception:
return '<p class="text-danger">Error Generating Request</p>'
hex_length = 256
# get file path
hex_path = get_sample_path(file_hash)
# create the command string
hex_cmd = 'hd -s {0} -n {1} {2}'.format(hex_offset, hex_length, hex_path)
# get the output
hex_string = getoutput(hex_cmd)
# Format the data
html_string = ''
hex_rows = hex_string.split('\n')
for row in hex_rows:
if len(row) > 9:
off_str = row[0:8]
hex_str = row[9:58]
asc_str = row[58:78]
asc_str = asc_str.replace('"', '"')
asc_str = asc_str.replace('<', '<')
asc_str = asc_str.replace('>', '>')
html_string += '<div class="row"><span class="text-primary mono">{0}</span> \
<span class="text-muted mono">{1}</span> <span class="text-success mono"> \
{2}</span></div>'.format(off_str, hex_str, asc_str)
# return the data
return HttpResponse(html_string)
示例4: open_db
def open_db(project):
# Check for valid project
project_list = __project__.list()
if any(d.get('name', None) == project for d in project_list):
# Open Project
# Init DB
return Database()
示例5: open_db
def open_db(project):
# Check for valid project
if project == 'default':
return Database()
return Database()
except Exception:
return False
示例6: open_db
def open_db(project):
project_list = __project__.list()
# Check for valid project
if project == 'default':
elif any(d.get('name', None) == project for d in project_list):
# Open Project
return False
return Database()
示例7: tags
def tags(tag_action=False):
# Set DB
db = Database()
# Search or Delete
if request.method == 'GET':
action = request.query.action
value = request.query.value.strip()
if value:
if action == 'search':
# This will search all projects
# Get project list
projects = project_list()
# Add Main db to list.
# Search All projects
p_list = []
results = {}
for project in projects:
# Init DB
db = Database()
#get results
proj_results = []
rows = db.find(key='tag', value=value)
for row in rows:
if project == '../':
project = 'Main'
proj_results.append([row.name, row.sha256])
results[project] = proj_results
# Return the search template
return template('search.tpl', projects=p_list, results=results)
return template('error.tpl', error="'{0}' Is not a valid tag action".format(action))
# Add / Delete
if request.method == 'POST':
file_hash = request.forms.get('sha256')
project = request.forms.get('project')
tag_name = request.forms.get('tag')
if tag_action == 'add':
if file_hash and project:
tags = request.forms.get('tags')
db.add_tags(file_hash, tags)
if tag_action == 'del':
if file_hash and tag_name:
db.delete_tag(tag_name, file_hash)
redirect('/file/{0}/{1}'.format(project, file_hash))
示例8: tags
def tags(tag_action=False):
# Set DB
db = Database()
# Search or Delete
if request.method == "GET":
action = request.query.action
value = request.query.value.strip()
if value:
if action == "search":
# This will search all projects
# Get project list
projects = project_list()
# Add Main db to list.
# Search All projects
p_list = []
results = {}
for project in projects:
# Init DB
db = Database()
# get results
proj_results = []
rows = db.find(key="tag", value=value)
for row in rows:
if project == "../":
project = "Main"
proj_results.append([row.name, row.sha256])
results[project] = proj_results
# Return the search template
return template("search.tpl", projects=p_list, results=results)
return template("error.tpl", error="'{0}' Is not a valid tag action".format(action))
# Add / Delete
if request.method == "POST":
file_hash = request.forms.get("sha256")
project = request.forms.get("project")
tag_name = request.forms.get("tag")
if tag_action == "add":
if file_hash and project:
tags = request.forms.get("tags")
db.add_tags(file_hash, tags)
if tag_action == "del":
if file_hash and tag_name:
db.delete_tag(tag_name, file_hash)
redirect("/file/{0}/{1}".format(project, file_hash))
示例9: cuckoo_submit
def cuckoo_submit():
# Get Query Strings
project = request.query.project
file_hash = request.query.hash
if project in project_list():
project = "Main"
# Open the Database
db = Database()
# Open a session
path = get_sample_path(file_hash)
return '<span class="alert alert-danger">Invalid Submission</span>'
# Return URI For Existing Entry
check_uri = "{0}/files/view/sha256/{1}".format(cuckoo_api, file_hash)
check_file = requests.get(check_uri)
if check_file.status_code == 200:
check_result = dict(check_file.json())
cuckoo_id = check_result["sample"]["id"]
return '<a href="{0}/submit/status/{1}" target="_blank"> Link To Cukoo Report</a>'.format(
cuckoo_web, str(cuckoo_id)
except Exception as e:
return '<span class="alert alert-danger">Error Connecting To Cuckoo</span>'
# If it doesn't exist, submit it.
# Get the file data from viper
file_data = open(__sessions__.current.file.path, "rb").read()
file_name = __sessions__.current.file.name
if file_data:
# Submit file data to cuckoo
uri = "{0}{1}".format(cuckoo_api, "/tasks/create/file")
options = {"file": (file_name, file_data)}
cuckoo_response = requests.post(uri, files=options)
if cuckoo_response.status_code == 200:
cuckoo_id = dict(cuckoo_response.json())["task_id"]
return '<a href="{0}/submit/status/{1}" target="_blank"> Link To Cukoo Report</a>'.format(
cuckoo_web, str(cuckoo_id)
return '<span class="alert alert-danger">Unable to Submit File</span>'
示例10: cmd_projects
def cmd_projects(self, *args):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='projects', description="Open a file", epilog="List or switch existing projects")
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
group.add_argument('-l', '--list', action='store_true', help="List all existing projects")
group.add_argument('-s', '--switch', metavar='PROJECT NAME', help="Switch to the specified project")
args = parser.parse_args(args)
cfg = Config()
if cfg.paths.storage_path:
base_path = cfg.paths.storage_path
base_path = os.path.join(expanduser("~"), '.viper')
projects_path = os.path.join(base_path, 'projects')
if not os.path.exists(projects_path):
self.log('info', "The projects directory does not exist yet")
if args.list:
self.log('info', "Projects Available:")
rows = []
for project in os.listdir(projects_path):
project_path = os.path.join(projects_path, project)
if os.path.isdir(project_path):
current = ''
if __project__.name and project == __project__.name:
current = 'Yes'
rows.append([project, time.ctime(os.path.getctime(project_path)), current])
self.log('table', dict(header=['Project Name', 'Creation Time', 'Current'], rows=rows))
elif args.switch:
if __sessions__.is_set():
self.log('info', "Closed opened session")
self.log('info', "Switched to project {0}".format(bold(args.switch)))
# Need to re-initialize the Database to open the new SQLite file.
self.db = Database()
self.log('info', parser.print_usage())
示例11: file_info
def file_info(file_hash, project=False):
contents = {}
if project in project_list():
contents['project'] = project
contents['project'] = 'Main'
# Open the Database
db = Database()
# Open a session
path = get_sample_path(file_hash)
return template('error.tpl', error="{0} Does not match any hash in the Database".format(file_hash))
# Get the file info
contents['file_info'] = [
# Get Any Notes
note_list = []
malware = db.find(key='sha256', value=file_hash)
if malware:
notes = malware[0].note
if notes:
rows = []
for note in notes:
note_list.append([note.title, note.body, note.id])
contents['notes'] = note_list
# Close the session
# Return the page
return template('file.tpl', **contents)
示例12: add_file
def add_file():
tags = request.forms.get('tag_list')
upload = request.files.get('file')
# Set Project
project = request.forms.get('project')
if project in project_list():
project = 'Main'
db = Database()
# Write temp file to disk
with upload_temp() as temp_dir:
file_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, upload.filename)
with open(file_path, 'w') as tmp_file:
file_list = []
# Zip Files
if request.forms.get('unzip'):
zip_pass = request.forms.get('zip_pass')
with ZipFile(file_path) as zf:
zf.extractall(temp_dir, pwd=zip_pass)
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(temp_dir, topdown=False):
for name in files:
if not name == upload.filename:
file_list.append(os.path.join(root, name))
except Exception as e:
return template('error.tpl', error="Error with zipfile - {0}".format(e))
# Non zip files
# Add each file
for new_file in file_list:
obj = File(new_file)
new_path = store_sample(obj)
success = False
if new_path:
# Add file to the database.
success = db.add(obj=obj, tags=tags)
if success:
return template('error.tpl', error="Unable to Store The File")
示例13: cmd_projects
def cmd_projects(self, *args):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
prog="projects", description="Open a file", epilog="List or switch existing projects"
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
group.add_argument("-l", "--list", action="store_true", help="List all existing projects")
group.add_argument("-s", "--switch", metavar="PROJECT NAME", help="Switch to the specified project")
args = parser.parse_args(args)
projects_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "projects")
if not os.path.exists(projects_path):
self.log("info", "The projects directory does not exist yet")
if args.list:
self.log("info", "Projects Available:")
rows = []
for project in os.listdir(projects_path):
project_path = os.path.join(projects_path, project)
if os.path.isdir(project_path):
current = ""
if __project__.name and project == __project__.name:
current = "Yes"
rows.append([project, time.ctime(os.path.getctime(project_path)), current])
self.log("table", dict(header=["Project Name", "Creation Time", "Current"], rows=rows))
elif args.switch:
if __sessions__.is_set():
self.log("info", "Closed opened session")
self.log("info", "Switched to project {0}".format(bold(args.switch)))
# Need to re-initialize the Database to open the new SQLite file.
self.db = Database()
self.log("info", parser.print_usage())
示例14: run
def run(self, *args):
args = self.parser.parse_args(args)
except SystemExit:
if cfg.get('paths').storage_path:
base_path = cfg.get('paths').storage_path
base_path = os.path.join(expanduser("~"), '.viper')
projects_path = os.path.join(base_path, 'projects')
if args.list:
if not os.path.exists(projects_path):
self.log('info', "The projects directory does not exist yet")
self.log('info', "Projects Available:")
rows = []
for project in os.listdir(projects_path):
project_path = os.path.join(projects_path, project)
if os.path.isdir(project_path):
current = ''
if __project__.name and project == __project__.name:
current = 'Yes'
rows.append([project, time.ctime(os.path.getctime(project_path)), current])
self.log('table', dict(header=['Project Name', 'Creation Time', 'Current'], rows=rows))
elif args.switch:
if __sessions__.is_set():
self.log('info', "Closed opened session")
self.log('info', "Switched to project {0}".format(bold(args.switch)))
# Need to re-initialize the Database to open the new SQLite file.
self.log('info', self.parser.print_usage())
示例15: func_wrapper
def func_wrapper(viewset, *args, **kwargs):
log.debug("running decorator: get_project_open_db - called by: {}".format(viewset))
project = viewset.kwargs.get(viewset.lookup_field_project, None)
if project == 'default':
db = Database()
elif project in get_project_list():
log.debug("setting project to: {}".format(project))
db = Database()
db = None
if not db:
error = {"error": {"code": "NotFound", "message": "Project not found: {}".format(project)}}
raise NotFound(detail=error)
return func(viewset, project=project, db=db, *args, **kwargs)