本文整理汇总了Python中vim.eval函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python eval函数的具体用法?Python eval怎么用?Python eval使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: tabnew
def tabnew(path):
"Open a file in a new tab or switch to an existing one"
path = os.path.abspath(path)
if vim.eval('has("gui")') == '1':
vim.command('tab drop %s' % path)
for tab_nr in range(int(vim.eval("tabpagenr('$')"))):
for buf_nr in vim.eval("tabpagebuflist(%i + 1)" % tab_nr):
buf_nr = int(buf_nr) - 1
buf_path = vim.buffers[buf_nr].name
except IndexError:
# Just do good old asking for forgiveness.
# don't know why this happens :-)
if buf_path == path:
# tab exists, just switch to that tab
vim.command('tabfirst | tabnext %i' % (tab_nr + 1))
# tab doesn't exist, add a new one.
vim.command('tabnew %s' % path)
示例2: tern_startServer
def tern_startServer(project):
if time.time() - project.last_failed < 30: return None
win = platform.system() == "Windows"
env = None
if platform.system() == "Darwin":
env = os.environ.copy()
env["PATH"] += ":/usr/local/bin"
command = vim.eval("g:tern#command") + vim.eval("g:tern#arguments")
proc = subprocess.Popen(command,
cwd=project.dir, env=env,
stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=win)
except Exception as e:
tern_displayError("Failed to start server: " + str(e))
return None
output = ""
while True:
line = proc.stdout.readline().decode('utf8')
if not line:
tern_displayError("Failed to start server" + (output and ":\n" + output))
project.last_failed = time.time()
return None
match = re.match("Listening on port (\\d+)", line)
if match:
port = int(match.group(1))
project.port = port
project.proc = proc
return port
output += line
示例3: LoadDictIntoVimGlobals
def LoadDictIntoVimGlobals( new_globals, overwrite = True ):
extend_option = '"force"' if overwrite else '"keep"'
# We need to use json.dumps because that won't use the 'u' prefix on strings
# which Vim would bork on.
vim.eval( 'extend( g:, {0}, {1})'.format( json.dumps( new_globals ),
extend_option ) )
示例4: fold_text
def fold_text(allow_dirty=False):
u""" Set the fold text
:setlocal foldtext=Method-which-calls-foldtext
:allow_dirty: Perform a query without (re)building the DOM if True
:returns: None
line = int(vim.eval(u_encode(u'v:foldstart')))
d = ORGMODE.get_document(allow_dirty=allow_dirty)
heading = None
if allow_dirty:
heading = d.find_current_heading(line - 1)
heading = d.current_heading(line - 1)
if heading:
str_heading = unicode(heading)
# expand tabs
ts = int(vim.eval(u_encode(u'&ts')))
idx = str_heading.find(u'\t')
if idx != -1:
tabs, spaces = divmod(idx, ts)
str_heading = str_heading.replace(u'\t', u' ' * (ts - spaces), 1)
str_heading = str_heading.replace(u'\t', u' ' * ts)
# Workaround for vim.command seems to break the completion menu
vim.eval(u_encode(u'SetOrgFoldtext("%s...")' % (re.sub(r'\[\[([^[\]]*\]\[)?([^[\]]+)\]\]', r'\2',
str_heading).replace( u'\\', u'\\\\').replace(u'"', u'\\"'), )))
示例5: main
def main():
binary = 'clang-rename'
if vim.eval('exists("g:clang_rename_path")') == "1":
binary = vim.eval('g:clang_rename')
# Get arguments for clang-rename binary.
offset = int(vim.eval('line2byte(line("."))+col(".")')) - 2
if offset < 0:
print >> sys.stderr, '''Couldn\'t determine cursor position.
Is your file empty?'''
filename = vim.current.buffer.name
new_name_request_message = 'type new name:'
new_name = vim.eval("input('{}\n')".format(new_name_request_message))
# Call clang-rename.
command = [binary,
'-offset', str(offset),
'-new-name', str(new_name)]
# FIXME: make it possible to run the tool on unsaved file.
p = subprocess.Popen(command,
stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
if stderr:
print stderr
# Reload all buffers in Vim.
vim.command("bufdo edit")
示例6: base_snippet_files_for
def base_snippet_files_for(self, ft, default=True):
""" Returns a list of snippet files matching the given filetype (ft).
If default is set to false, it doesn't include shipped files.
Searches through each path in 'runtimepath' in reverse order,
in each of these, it searches each directory name listed in
'g:UltiSnipsSnippetDirectories' in order, then looks for files in these
directories called 'ft.snippets' or '*_ft.snippets' replacing ft with
the filetype.
snippet_dirs = vim.eval("g:UltiSnipsSnippetDirectories")
base_snippets = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(__file__, "../../../UltiSnips"))
ret = []
paths = vim.eval("&runtimepath").split(',')
if vim.eval("exists('g:UltiSnipsDontReverseSearchPath')") == "0" or \
vim.eval("g:UltiSnipsDontReverseSearchPath") == "0":
paths = paths[::-1]
for rtp in paths:
for snippet_dir in snippet_dirs:
pth = os.path.realpath(os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(rtp, snippet_dir)))
patterns = ["%s.snippets", "*_%s.snippets"]
if not default and pth == base_snippets:
for pattern in patterns:
for fn in glob.glob(os.path.join(pth, pattern % ft)):
if fn not in ret:
return ret
示例7: create_new_note_from_current_buffer
def create_new_note_from_current_buffer(self):
""" get content of the current buffer and create new note """
content = "\n".join(str(line) for line in vim.current.buffer[:])
markdown = (vim.eval("&filetype") == "markdown")
if markdown:
note, status = self.simplenote.update_note({"content": content,
"systemtags": ["markdown"]})
note, status = self.simplenote.update_note({"content": content})
if status == 0:
self.note_version[note["key"]] = note["version"]
# Replace any non alphanumeric characters to play safe with valid vim buffer names
# otherwise vim will happily add them, but will fail to switch to them
regex = re.compile("[^a-zA-Z0-9]")
firstline = regex.sub("_", vim.current.buffer[0])
buffertitle = "SN_%s" % firstline
self.set_current_note(buffertitle, note["key"])
self.bufnum_to_noteid[vim.current.buffer.number] = note["key"]
vim.command("doautocmd BufReadPost")
# BufReadPost can cause auto-selection of filetype based on file content so reset filetype after this
if int(vim.eval("exists('g:SimplenoteFiletype')")) == 1:
vim.command("setlocal filetype="+vim.eval("g:SimplenoteFiletype"))
# But let simplenote markdown flag override the above
if markdown:
vim.command("setlocal filetype=markdown")
print("New note created.")
print("Update failed.: %s" % note["key"])
示例8: _get_preview_url
def _get_preview_url(self):
wiki_repo_defined = int(vim.eval("exists('g:ghwiki_preview_repo')"))
if not wiki_repo_defined:
self._err = "please set ghwiki_preview_repo in your ~/.vimrc"
wiki_repo = vim.eval("g:ghwiki_preview_repo")
if len(wiki_repo.split('/')) != 2:
self._err = "invalid ghwiki_preview_repo set, "
self._err += "must have the form: 'user/repo'"
user, repo = wiki_repo.split('/')
gh = github.GitHub()
repo_exists = gh.repos.show(user, repo)
if not repo_exists.has_wiki:
self._err = "repo %s does not have a git-backed wiki enabled"
self._err = self._err % repo
except urllib2.HTTPError:
self._err = "repo %s does not exist" % wiki_repo
except urllib2.URLError:
self._err = "no internet connection available"
return 'https://github.com/%s/%s/wiki/_preview' % (user, repo)
示例9: set_tags
def set_tags(cls):
u""" Set tags for current heading
d = ORGMODE.get_document()
heading = d.current_heading()
if not heading:
# retrieve tags
res = None
if heading.tags:
res = vim.eval(u'input("Tags: ", ":%s:", "customlist,Org_complete_tags")' % u':'.join(heading.tags))
res = vim.eval(u'input("Tags: ", "", "customlist,Org_complete_tags")')
if res is None:
# user pressed <Esc> abort any further processing
# remove empty tags
heading.tags = filter(lambda x: x.strip() != u'', res.decode(u'utf-8').strip().strip(u':').split(u':'))
return u'OrgSetTags'
示例10: getCurrentCompletions
def getCurrentCompletions(base):
priority = vim.eval("g:clang_sort_algo") == "priority"
line = int(vim.eval("line('.')"))
column = int(vim.eval("b:col"))
t = CompleteThread(line, column, getCurrentFile(), vim.current.buffer.name)
while t.isAlive():
cancel = int(vim.eval("complete_check()"))
if cancel != 0:
return []
cr = t.result
if cr is None:
return []
regexp = re.compile("^" + base)
filteredResult = filter(lambda x: regexp.match(getAbbr(x.string)), cr.results)
getPriority = lambda x: x.string.priority
getAbbrevation = lambda x: getAbbr(x.string).lower()
if priority:
key = getPriority
key = getAbbrevation
sortedResult = sorted(filteredResult, None, key)
return map(formatResult, sortedResult)
示例11: debugger_init
def debugger_init(debug=0):
global debugger
# get needed vim variables
# port that the engine will connect on
port = int(vim.eval("debuggerPort"))
if port == 0:
port = 9000
# the max_depth variable to set in the engine
max_children = vim.eval("debuggerMaxChildren")
if max_children == "":
max_children = "32"
max_data = vim.eval("debuggerMaxData")
if max_data == "":
max_data = "1024"
max_depth = vim.eval("debuggerMaxDepth")
if max_depth == "":
max_depth = "1"
minibufexpl = int(vim.eval("debuggerMiniBufExpl"))
if minibufexpl == 0:
minibufexpl = 0
debugger = Debugger(port, max_children, max_data, max_depth, minibufexpl, debug)
示例12: updateCurrentDiagnostics
def updateCurrentDiagnostics():
global debug
debug = int(vim.eval("g:clang_debug")) == 1
userOptionsGlobal = splitOptions(vim.eval("g:clang_user_options"))
userOptionsLocal = splitOptions(vim.eval("b:clang_user_options"))
args = userOptionsGlobal + userOptionsLocal
getCurrentTranslationUnit(args, getCurrentFile(), vim.current.buffer.name, update=True)
示例13: CandidatesForQueryAsyncInner
def CandidatesForQueryAsyncInner( self, query, unused_start_column ):
if not self.omnifunc:
self.stored_candidates = None
return_value = int( vim.eval( self.omnifunc + '(1,"")' ) )
if return_value < 0:
self.stored_candidates = None
omnifunc_call = [ self.omnifunc,
vimsupport.EscapeForVim( query ),
"')" ]
items = vim.eval( ''.join( omnifunc_call ) )
if 'words' in items:
items = items['words']
if not hasattr( items, '__iter__' ):
raise TypeError( OMNIFUNC_NOT_LIST )
self.stored_candidates = filter( bool, items )
except (TypeError, ValueError) as error:
OMNIFUNC_RETURNED_BAD_VALUE + ' ' + str( error ) )
self.stored_candidates = None
示例14: execute
def execute(self, should_open):
with open("pandoc.out", 'w') as tmp:
if vim.eval("has('clientserver')") == '1' and \
vim.eval("v:servername") != "" and \
vim.eval("executable('python')") == '1':
async_runner = '"' + os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "async.py") + '"'
servername_arg = "--servername=" + vim.eval("v:servername")
open_arg = "--open" if should_open else "--noopen"
async_command = " ".join(["python", async_runner, servername_arg, open_arg, self._run_command])
Popen(shlex.split(async_command), stdout=tmp, stderr=tmp)
vim.command('echoe "vim-pandoc: could not execute pandoc asynchronously"')
elif vim.eval("has('nvim')") == '1':
vim.command("call jobstart("+ \
str(['pandoc'] + shlex.split(self._run_command)[1:]) + \
", extend({'should_open': '" + str(int(should_open)) + \
"'}, {'on_exit': 'pandoc#command#JobHandler'}))")
#vim.command('call jobstart(["pandoc", ' + str(shlex.split(self._run_command)[1:]) + '])')
com = Popen(shlex.split(self._run_command), stdout=tmp, stderr=tmp)
vim.command('echoe "vim-pandoc: could not execute pandoc"')
self.on_done(should_open, com.returncode)
示例15: debugger_init
def debugger_init(debug = 0):
global debugger
# get needed vim variables
# port that the engine will connect on
port = int(vim.eval('debuggerPort'))
if port == 0:
port = 9000
# the max_depth variable to set in the engine
max_children = vim.eval('debuggerMaxChildren')
if max_children == '':
max_children = '32'
max_data = vim.eval('debuggerMaxData')
if max_data == '':
max_data = '1024'
max_depth = vim.eval('debuggerMaxDepth')
if max_depth == '':
max_depth = '1'
minibufexpl = int(vim.eval('debuggerMiniBufExpl'))
if minibufexpl == 0:
minibufexpl = 0
debugger = Debugger(port, max_children, max_data, max_depth, minibufexpl, debug)