本文整理汇总了Python中utm.to_latlon函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python to_latlon函数的具体用法?Python to_latlon怎么用?Python to_latlon使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: export_kml
def export_kml(self, name, tx_id):
# TODO I've changed some stuff ... make sure this output is still sensible.
# E.g.: https://developers.google.com/kml/documentation/kmlreference#gxtrack
# TODO The file is way longer than it needs to be, since I wanted to display
# the coordinates and datetime in the tooltip that appears in Google Earth.
# Perhaps what we want is not a gx:track, but something fucnctionally
# similar.
# TODO Add northing, easting to output.
import utm
except ImportError:
print "function export_kml() requires \"utm\" library, please install"
fd = open('%s_track.kml' % name, 'w')
fd.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n')
fd.write('<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2"\n')
fd.write(' xmlns:gx="http://www.google.com/kml/ext/2.2">\n')
fd.write(' <Placemark>\n')
fd.write(' <name>%s (deploymentID=%d)</name>\n' % (name, tx_id))
fd.write(' <gx:Track>\n')
for (pos_id, dep_id, t, easting, northing, utm_number, utm_letter, ll, activity) in self.table:
tm = time.gmtime(t)
t = '%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ' % (tm.tm_year, tm.tm_mon, tm.tm_mday,
tm.tm_hour, tm.tm_min, tm.tm_sec)
fd.write(' <when>%s</when>\n' % t)
for (pos_id, dep_id, t, easting, northing, utm_number, utm_letter, ll, activity) in self.table:
(lat, lon) = utm.to_latlon(easting, northing, utm_number, utm_letter)
fd.write(' <gx:coord>%f %f 0</gx:coord>\n' % (lon, lat))
fd.write(' <ExtendedData>\n')
fd.write(' <SchemaData schemaUrl="#schema">\n')
fd.write(' <gx:SimpleArrayData name="Time">\n')
for (pos_id, dep_id, t, easting, northing, utm_number, utm_letter, ll, activity) in self.table:
tm = time.gmtime(t)
t = '%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d' % (tm.tm_year, tm.tm_mon, tm.tm_mday,
tm.tm_hour, tm.tm_min, tm.tm_sec)
fd.write(' <gx:value>%s</gx:value>\n' % t)
fd.write(' </gx:SimpleArrayData>\n')
fd.write(' <gx:SimpleArrayData name="(lat, long)">\n')
for (pos_id, dep_id, t, easting, northing, utm_number, utm_letter, ll, activity) in self.table:
(lat, lon) = utm.to_latlon(easting, northing, utm_number, utm_letter)
fd.write(' <gx:value>%fN, %fW</gx:value>\n' % (lat, lon))
fd.write(' </gx:SimpleArrayData>\n')
fd.write(' <gx:SimpleArrayData name="positionID">\n')
for (pos_id, dep_id, t, easting, northing, utm_number, utm_letter, ll, activity) in self.table:
tm = time.gmtime(t)
t = '%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d' % (tm.tm_year, tm.tm_mon, tm.tm_mday,
tm.tm_hour, tm.tm_min, tm.tm_sec)
fd.write(' <gx:value>%d</gx:value>\n' % pos_id)
fd.write(' </gx:SimpleArrayData>\n')
fd.write(' </SchemaData>\n')
fd.write(' </ExtendedData>\n')
fd.write(' </gx:Track>\n')
fd.write(' </Placemark>\n')
示例2: test_utm_latlon_conversion
def test_utm_latlon_conversion(self):
"check utm to latlon conversion of Dry Creek actually maps there"
# bbox corners from upper left clockwise around
east0 = 569029.6
east1 = 569452.1
north0 = 4842544.9
north1 = 4842177.4
utm_zone = 11
utm_letter = 'T'
latlons = utm2latlon(bsamp=east0, bline=north0, dsamp=east1-east0,
dline=north1-north0, nsamp=2, nline=2,
utm_zone=utm_zone, utm_letter=utm_letter)
from utm import to_latlon
ll0 = to_latlon(east0, north0, utm_zone, utm_letter)
ll1 = to_latlon(east1, north0, utm_zone, utm_letter)
ll2 = to_latlon(east1, north1, utm_zone, utm_letter)
ll3 = to_latlon(east0, north1, utm_zone, utm_letter)
assert (ll0 == latlons[0]).all
assert (ll1 == latlons[1]).all
assert (ll2 == latlons[2]).all
assert (ll3 == latlons[3]).all
示例3: get_LOS_vector
def get_LOS_vector(self, locations):
calculate beta - the angle at earth center between reference point
and satellite nadir
utmZone = self.location_UTM_zone
refPoint = vmath.Vector3(self.ref[0], self.ref[1], 0)
satAltitude = self.satellite_altitude
satAzimuth = self.satellite_azimuth
satIncidence = self.ref_incidence
earthRadius = self.local_earth_radius
DEG2RAD = np.pi / 180.
alpha = satIncidence * DEG2RAD
beta = (earthRadius / (satAltitude + earthRadius)) * np.sin(alpha)
beta = alpha - np.arcsin(beta)
beta = beta / DEG2RAD
# calculate angular separation of (x,y) from satellite track passing
# through (origx, origy) with azimuth satAzimuth
# Long lat **NOT** lat long
origy, origx = utm.to_latlon(
refPoint.x, refPoint.y, np.abs(utmZone), northern=utmZone > 0
xy = np.array([
utm.to_latlon(u[0], u[1], np.abs(utmZone), northern=utmZone > 0)
for u in locations
y = xy[:, 0]
x = xy[:, 1]
angdist = self._ang_to_gc(x, y, origx, origy, satAzimuth)
# calculate beta2, the angle at earth center between roaming point and
# satellite nadir track, assuming right-looking satellite
beta2 = beta - angdist
beta2 = beta2 * DEG2RAD
# calculate alpha2, the new incidence angle
alpha2 = np.sin(beta2) / (
np.cos(beta2) - (earthRadius / (earthRadius + satAltitude))
alpha2 = np.arctan(alpha2)
alpha2 = alpha2 / DEG2RAD
# calculate pointing vector
satIncidence = 90 - alpha2
satAzimuth = 360 - satAzimuth
los_x = -np.cos(satAzimuth * DEG2RAD) * np.cos(satIncidence * DEG2RAD)
los_y = -np.sin(satAzimuth * DEG2RAD) * np.cos(satIncidence * DEG2RAD)
los_z = np.sin(satIncidence * DEG2RAD)
return vmath.Vector3(los_x, los_y, los_z)
示例4: distance
def distance(UTM_ini, UTM_fin):
distance returns the calculated distance (in kms) between two points
defined in the UTM coordinate system
UTM_ini_x = UTM_ini[0]
UTM_ini_y = UTM_ini[1]
UTM_ini_zone = UTM_ini[2]
UTM_fin_x = UTM_fin[0]
UTM_fin_y = UTM_fin[1]
UTM_fin_zone = UTM_fin[2]
[LAT_INI, LONG_INI] = utm.to_latlon(
UTM_ini_x, UTM_ini_y, int(UTM_ini_zone[0:2]), str(UTM_ini_zone[3])
) # to get dd.dd from utm
[LAT_FIN, LONG_FIN] = utm.to_latlon(
UTM_fin_x, UTM_fin_y, int(UTM_fin_zone[0:2]), str(UTM_fin_zone[3])
) # to get dd.dd from utm
point_i = (LAT_INI, LONG_INI)
point_f = (LAT_FIN, LONG_FIN)
distance = great_circle(
point_i, point_f
).kilometers # gives you a distance (in kms) between two coordinate in dd.dd
return distance
示例5: to_gps
def to_gps(x = 0.0, y = 0.0):
#print x, y, type(x), type(y)
if x < 400000:
lat, lon = utm.to_latlon(x, y, 51,'R')
return lon, lat
elif x > 400000:
lat, lon = utm.to_latlon(x, y, 16,'T')
return lon, lat
示例6: test_to_latlon
def test_to_latlon(self):
'''to_latlon should give known result with known input'''
for latlon, utm, utm_kw in self.known_values:
result = UTM.to_latlon(*utm)
self.assert_latlon_equal(latlon, result)
result = UTM.to_latlon(*utm[0:3], **utm_kw)
self.assert_latlon_equal(latlon, result)
示例7: test_to_latlon_range_checks
def test_to_latlon_range_checks(self):
'''to_latlon should fail with out-of-bounds input'''
self.assertRaises(UTM.OutOfRangeError, UTM.to_latlon, 0, 5000000, 32, 'U')
self.assertRaises(UTM.OutOfRangeError, UTM.to_latlon, 99999, 5000000, 32, 'U')
for i in range(100000, 999999, 1000):
UTM.to_latlon(i, 5000000, 32, 'U')
self.assertRaises(UTM.OutOfRangeError, UTM.to_latlon, 1000000, 5000000, 32, 'U')
self.assertRaises(UTM.OutOfRangeError, UTM.to_latlon, 100000000000, 5000000, 32, 'U')
self.assertRaises(UTM.OutOfRangeError, UTM.to_latlon, 500000, -100000, 32, 'U')
self.assertRaises(UTM.OutOfRangeError, UTM.to_latlon, 500000, -1, 32, 'U')
for i in range(10, 10000000, 1000):
UTM.to_latlon(500000, i, 32, 'U')
self.assertRaises(UTM.OutOfRangeError, UTM.to_latlon, 500000, 10000001, 32, 'U')
self.assertRaises(UTM.OutOfRangeError, UTM.to_latlon, 500000, 50000000, 32, 'U')
self.assertRaises(UTM.OutOfRangeError, UTM.to_latlon, 500000, 5000000, 0, 'U')
for i in range(1, 60):
UTM.to_latlon(500000, 5000000, i, 'U')
self.assertRaises(UTM.OutOfRangeError, UTM.to_latlon, 500000, 5000000, 61, 'U')
self.assertRaises(UTM.OutOfRangeError, UTM.to_latlon, 500000, 5000000, 1000, 'U')
self.assertRaises(UTM.OutOfRangeError, UTM.to_latlon, 500000, 5000000, 32, 'A')
self.assertRaises(UTM.OutOfRangeError, UTM.to_latlon, 500000, 5000000, 32, 'B')
self.assertRaises(UTM.OutOfRangeError, UTM.to_latlon, 500000, 5000000, 32, 'I')
self.assertRaises(UTM.OutOfRangeError, UTM.to_latlon, 500000, 5000000, 32, 'O')
for i in range(ord('C'), ord('X')):
i = chr(i)
if i != 'I' and i != 'O':
UTM.to_latlon(500000, 5000000, 32, i)
self.assertRaises(UTM.OutOfRangeError, UTM.to_latlon, 500000, 5000000, 32, 'Y')
self.assertRaises(UTM.OutOfRangeError, UTM.to_latlon, 500000, 5000000, 32, 'Z')
示例8: utm_to_latlong
def utm_to_latlong(input_data_file=None, output_data_file=None, log_file=None, log_level=DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL):
"""Converts UTM coordinates into latitude/longitude.
assumes rows are easting, northing, zone number, either 'N' for northern
hemisphere or 'S' for southern hemisphere
logger = logger_message(__name__, log_file, log_level)
# Check required input and output data file names were given.
assert input_data_file is not None, 'An input CSV file with columns of values.'
assert output_data_file is not None, 'An output CSV file to write new values.'
_in = open(input_data_file, 'r')
_out = open(output_data_file, 'w')
data = csv.reader(_in)
output = csv.writer(_out)
for row_ind, row in enumerate(data):
east = float(row[0])
north = float(row[1])
zone = int(row[2])
latlong = utm.to_latlon(east, north, zone, northern=('N' == row[3]))
logger.info('Changed row {} from: {} to: {}'.format(row_ind,
(row[0], row[1]), latlong))
示例9: get_data
def get_data(path='data/Historical Marker_20150521_145030_254.csv'):
with open(path, 'r') as fp:
reader = csv.DictReader(fp)
for row in reader:
text = row['markertext']
years = find_years(text)
row['address'] = row['address'].strip()
# add our own data
row['years'] = years
row['classifications'] = Classifier(years, text=text).classify()
lat, lon = utm.to_latlon(
row['location'] = {
"lat": lat,
"lon": lon,
except ValueError:
# log warn missing
yield row
示例10: insert_db
def insert_db(self, db_con, dep_id, bearing_ids, zone):
''' Insert position and bearings into the database.
db_con, dep_id, zone
bearing_ids -- bearingIDs (serial identifiers in the database) of the bearings
corresponding to bearing data. These are used for provenance
in the database.
if self.p is None:
return None
number, letter = zone
lat, lon = utm.to_latlon(self.p.imag, self.p.real, number, letter)
cur = db_con.cursor()
cur.execute('''INSERT INTO position
(deploymentID, timestamp, latitude, longitude, easting, northing,
utm_zone_number, utm_zone_letter, likelihood,
activity, number_est_used)
VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)''',
(dep_id, self.t, round(lat,6), round(lon,6),
self.p.imag, self.p.real, number, letter,
self.likelihood, self.activity,
pos_id = cur.lastrowid
handle_provenance_insertion(cur, {'bearing': tuple(bearing_ids)},
{'position' : (pos_id,)})
return pos_id
示例11: ChangeXYView
def ChangeXYView(request):
if request.method == "POST":
form = ChangeXYForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
obs = Occurrence.objects.get(pk=request.POST["DB_id"])
coordinates = utm.to_latlon(int(request.POST["new_easting"]), int(request.POST["new_northing"]), 37, "N")
pnt = GEOSGeometry("POINT (" + str(coordinates[1]) + " " + str(coordinates[0]) + ")", 4326) # WKT
obs.geom = pnt
messages.add_message(request, messages.INFO, 'Successfully Updated Coordinates For %s.' % obs.catalog_number)
return redirect("/admin/mlp/occurrence")
selected = list(request.GET.get("ids", "").split(","))
if len(selected) > 1:
messages.error(request, "You can't change the coordinates of multiple points at once.")
return redirect("/admin/mlp/occurrence")
selected_object = Occurrence.objects.get(pk=int(selected[0]))
initial_data = {"DB_id": selected_object.id,
"barcode": selected_object.barcode,
"old_easting": selected_object.easting,
"old_northing": selected_object.northing,
"item_scientific_name": selected_object.item_scientific_name,
"item_description": selected_object.item_description
the_form = ChangeXYForm(initial=initial_data)
return render_to_response('projects/changeXY.html', {"theForm": the_form}, RequestContext(request))
示例12: sync_gis
def sync_gis():
request_cookie = requests.get(app.config['GIS_URL_COOKIE'])
request_data = requests.get(app.config['GIS_URL_DATA'], cookies=request_cookie.cookies)
data = request_data.json()['features']
for dataset in data:
if Tree.query.filter_by(external_id=dataset['attributes']['OBJECTID']).count() == 0:
print "Add new Dataset with external ID %s" % dataset['attributes']['OBJECTID']
new_tree = Tree()
new_tree.external_id = dataset['attributes']['OBJECTID']
lat_lng = utm.to_latlon(dataset['geometry']['x'], dataset['geometry']['y'], 32, 'U')
new_tree.lat = lat_lng[0]
new_tree.lng = lat_lng[1]
if len(dataset['attributes']['ADRESSE'].strip()):
new_tree.address = dataset['attributes']['ADRESSE']
if len(dataset['attributes'][u'GEH\xf6lZFL\xe4c'].strip()):
new_tree.tree_type_old = dataset['attributes'][u'GEH\xf6lZFL\xe4c']
if len(dataset['attributes'][u'F\xe4lLGRUND'].strip()):
new_tree.chop_reason = dataset['attributes'][u'F\xe4lLGRUND']
descr = ''
if len(dataset['attributes'][u'F\xe4lLUNG'].strip()):
descr += u'Zeitpunkt der Fällung: ' + dataset['attributes'][u'F\xe4lLUNG'].strip()
new_tree.descr = descr
new_tree.created_at = datetime.datetime.now()
new_tree.updated_at = datetime.datetime.now()
new_tree.author = 'Stadt Bochum'
new_tree.email = '[email protected]'
new_tree.city = 'Bochum'
new_tree.public = 1
new_tree.postalcode = ''
new_tree.type = 4
new_tree.source = 'Stadt Bochum'
示例13: rectilinear
def rectilinear(self, nx, ny):
function that generates a rectilinear grid
#### Step 1) define a regular grid ####
#NW = (29.017842, -95.174746)
NW = (29.036487, -95.131658)
#NE = (29.459124, -94.413252)
NE = (29.439981, -94.465266)
#SW = (28.777523, -94.979306)
SW = (28.807300, -95.005893)
#### Calculate the length in x- and y- direction ####
Lx = self.distance_on_unit_sphere(NW[0], NW[1], NE[0], NE[1])
Ly = self.distance_on_unit_sphere(NW[0], NW[1], SW[0], SW[1])
new_NW = utm.from_latlon(NW[0], NW[1])[0:2]
#new_SW = (new_NW[0]-Ly, new_NW[1])
#new_NE = (new_NW[0], new_NW[1]+Lx)
y = np.linspace(new_NW[1]-Ly, new_NW[1], ny)
x = np.linspace(new_NW[0], new_NW[0]+Lx, nx)
xv, yv = np.meshgrid(x, y)
#origin = (xv[0,-1], yv[0,-1])
origin = new_NW
tem_xv = xv - origin[0]
tem_yv = yv - origin[1]
#### Step 2) rotate the grid from an angle ####
def rotate(yv, xv, theta):
"""Rotates the given polygon which consists of corners represented as (x,y),
around the ORIGIN, clock-wise, theta degrees"""
theta = math.radians(theta)
out_yv = np.zeros_like(yv)
out_xv = np.zeros_like(xv)
(nx, ny) = xv.shape
for i in range(nx):
for j in range(ny):
out_yv[i,j] = yv[i,j]*math.cos(theta)-xv[i,j]*math.sin(theta)
out_xv[i,j] = yv[i,j]*math.sin(theta)+xv[i,j]*math.cos(theta)
return out_yv, out_xv
tem_yv, tem_xv = rotate(tem_yv, tem_xv, -35)
new_xv = tem_xv + origin[0] #lon
new_yv = tem_yv + origin[1] #lat
lon = np.zeros_like(new_xv)
lat = np.zeros_like(new_yv)
for i in range(ny):
for j in range(nx):
(lat[i,j], lon[i,j]) = utm.to_latlon(new_xv[i,j], new_yv[i,j],15,'U')[0:2]
dx = Lx / nx
dy = Ly / ny
return lon, lat, dx, dy
示例14: ProcessLocalization
def ProcessLocalization(self, msg):
"""Process Localization, stat mileages and save driving path."""
localization = LocalizationEstimate()
timestamp = localization.header.timestamp_sec
cur_pos = localization.pose.position
# Stat mileages.
if (self._last_position is not None and
self._current_driving_mode is not None):
driving_mode = Chassis.DrivingMode.Name(self._current_driving_mode)
meters = utm_distance_meters(self._last_position, cur_pos)
if driving_mode in self.record.stat.mileages:
self.record.stat.mileages[driving_mode] += meters
self.record.stat.mileages[driving_mode] = meters
# Sample driving path.
G = gflags.FLAGS
if (self._last_position_sampled is None or
(timestamp - self._last_position_sampled_time >
G.pos_sample_min_duration and
utm_distance_meters(self._last_position_sampled, cur_pos) >
self._last_position_sampled = cur_pos
self._last_position_sampled_time = timestamp
lat, lon = utm.to_latlon(cur_pos.x, cur_pos.y,
G.utm_zone_id, G.utm_zone_letter)
self.record.stat.driving_path.add(lat=lat, lon=lon)
# Update position.
self._last_position = cur_pos
示例15: local_to_global
def local_to_global(origin, x, y, theta=0.0):
Converts from a local frame in meters into a global frame in lon/lat.
Note that heading is in degrees!
@param origin (lon, lat, heading)
@param point shapely.geometry.Point() in local frame
@return (longitude, latitude, heading) in WGS84
# Create local transformation frame.
import utm
ox, oy, zone, hemi = utm.from_latlon(origin[1], origin[0])
o_theta = (90 - origin[2]) * (math.pi/180.0)
# Translate and rotate point to origin.
point = shapely.geometry.Point(x, y)
point = shapely.affinity.rotate(point, o_theta,
origin=ORIGIN, use_radians=True)
point = shapely.affinity.translate(point, ox, oy)
p_theta = theta + o_theta
heading = 90 - (p_theta * 180.0/math.pi)
# Return transformed point.
lat, lon = utm.to_latlon(point.x, point.y, zone, hemi)
return lon, lat, heading