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Python utils.siteInfo函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中utils.siteInfo函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python siteInfo函数的具体用法?Python siteInfo怎么用?Python siteInfo使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: summary

def summary():
    ## not used anymore IMO
    RDI = remainingDatasetInfo()
    si = siteInfo()
    for site in RDI.sites():
        load = RDI.get(site)
        if si.disk[site] : continue
        print site,si.disk[site],"[TB] free",si.quota[site],"[TB] quota"

        if not load: continue
        tags = ['pilup','input','output','lock','unlock','tape','stuck-tape','missing-tape']
        for tag in tags:
            v = sum([ info['size'] for ds,info in load.items() if tag in info['reasons']]) / 1024.
            print "\t %10f [TB] remaining because of %s"%(v,tag)

示例2: parse

def parse( options ):
    RDI = remainingDatasetInfo()
    UC = unifiedConfiguration()

    spec_site = filter(None,options.site.split(','))

    ## fetching global information
    locks = [l.item.split('#')[0] for l in session.query(Lock).filter(Lock.lock == True).all()]
    waiting = {}
    stuck = {}
    missing = {} 
    si = siteInfo()
    sis = si.disk.keys()
    random.shuffle( sis )
    n_site = options.nsites
    i_site = 0
    threads = []
    for site in sis:
        if spec_site and not site in spec_site:
        space = si.disk[site]
        if space and not spec_site: 
        if n_site and i_site>n_site:
        i_site += 1
        print site,"has",space,"[TB] left out of",si.quota[site]
        threads.append( SiteBuster( site = site,
                                    UC = UC,
                                    RDI = RDI,
                                    SI = si,
                                    locks = copy.deepcopy(locks),
                                    waiting = copy.deepcopy(waiting),
                                    stuck = copy.deepcopy(stuck),
                                    missing = copy.deepcopy(missing),
                                    options = copy.deepcopy(options)
    run_threads = ThreadHandler( threads = threads, 
                                 label = 'Site Threads',
                                 n_threads = 5 , 
                                 start_wait = 0,
                                 timeout = None,

示例3: collector

def collector(url, specific, options):
    up = componentInfo(mcm=False, soft=['mcm'])
    if not up.check(): return 

    SI = siteInfo()
    dss = DSS()
    #NL = newLockInfo()
    mcm = McMClient(dev=False)
    fetch_in_campaigns = ['RunIISummer15GS']

    will_be_used = defaultdict(list)
    secondary_used = defaultdict(list)
    for campaign,status in itertools.product( fetch_in_campaigns, mcm_statuses):
        if campaign:
            print "getting for",campaign
        if status:
            print "getting for",status
        rs = mcm.getA('requests', query='&'.join(queries))
        for r in rs:
            #if r['type'] != 'Prod': continue
            dataset = r['input_dataset']
            if dataset:
                #print r['prepid'],dataset
                will_be_used[dataset].append( r )
            pileup = r['pileup_dataset_name']
            if pileup:
                secondary_used['pileup'].append( r )

    all_transfers = defaultdict(list)
    print len(will_be_used),"datasets that can be pre-fetched"
    ## for secondary we really need to have the campaign right
    print len(secondary_used),"pileup will be used"

    datasets = will_be_used.keys()
    if options.limit:
        print "Restricting to randomly picked",options.limit
        random.shuffle( datasets )
        datasets = datasets[:options.limit]
    for dataset in datasets:
        print "\tlooking at",dataset
        #presence = getDatasetPresence(url, dataset)#, within_sites=['T2_CH_CERN'])
        ## lock all those, and pre-fecth them
        #NL.lock( dataset )
        ## we could get the reqmgr dictionnary from McM if it was implemented and use standard workflowInfo !!!
        for request in will_be_used[dataset]:
            print "will be used by",request['prepid']
            campaign = request['member_of_campaign']
            ## based on the campaign, pre-fetch a site list
            sites_allowed = SI.sites_T1s + SI.sites_with_goodIO
            if options.spread:
                ## pick up the number of copies from campaign
                copies_needed = 1 ## hard coded for now
                copies_needed = 1 ## hard coded for now        

            print "Will look for",copies_needed,"of",dataset
            ## figure out where it is and going
            destinations, all_block_names = getDatasetDestinations(url, dataset, within_sites = [SI.CE_to_SE(site) for site in sites_allowed])
            print json.dumps( destinations, indent=2)
            prim_location = [site for (site,info) in destinations.items() if info['completion']==100 and info['data_fraction']==1]
            prim_destination = [site for site in destinations.keys() if not site in prim_location]
            prim_destination = [site for site in prim_destination if not any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in SI.sites_veto_transfer])]
            copies_needed = max(0,copies_needed - len(prim_location))
            copies_being_made = [ sum([info['blocks'].keys().count(block) for site,info in destinations.items() if site in prim_destination]) for block in all_block_names]
            prim_to_distribute = [site for site in sites_allowed if not SI.CE_to_SE(site) in prim_location]
            prim_to_distribute = [site for site in prim_to_distribute if not SI.CE_to_SE(site) in prim_destination]
                ## take out the ones that cannot receive transfers
            prim_to_distribute = [site for site in prim_to_distribute if not any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in SI.sites_veto_transfer])]
            copies_needed = max(0,copies_needed - min(copies_being_made))
            spreading = {}
            if copies_needed:
                print "needing",copies_needed 
                chops,sizes = getDatasetChops(dataset, chop_threshold = options.chopsize)
                spreading = distributeToSites( chops, prim_to_distribute, n_copies = copies_needed, weights=SI.cpu_pledges, sizes=sizes)
                print "no copy needed for",dataset
            for (site,items) in spreading.items():
                all_transfers[site].extend( items )
    print "accumulated transfers"
    print json.dumps(all_transfers, indent=2)
    if not options.test:
        sendEmail('dataset to be fetched',
                  'the following datasets and location were figured from mcm up-coming requests\n%s'%( json.dumps(all_transfers, indent=2) ),
                  destination=['[email protected]'])
    ## now collect and make transfer request
    for (site,items_to_transfer) in all_transfers.iteritems():
        print "Directing at",site
        items_to_transfer = list(set(items_to_transfer))

        site_se = SI.CE_to_SE(site)
        blocks = [it for it in items_to_transfer if '#' in it]
        datasets = [it for it in items_to_transfer if not '#' in it]

示例4: main

def main():
    url = 'cmsweb.cern.ch'
    url_tb = 'cmsweb-testbed.cern.ch'
    # Example: python assign.py -w amaltaro_RVZTT_120404_163607_6269
    # -t testbed-relval -s T1_US_FNAL -e CMSSW_6_0_0_pre1_FS_TEST_WMA -p v1 -a
    # relval -l /store/backfill/1
    usage = "usage: %prog [options] [WORKFLOW]"
    parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage)
    parser.add_option('-t', '--team', help='Type of Requests', dest='team')
    parser.add_option('-s', '--sites', help=' "t1" for Tier-1\'s and "t2" for Tier-2\'s', dest='sites')
    parser.add_option('--special',  help='Use it for special workflows. You also have to change the code according to the type of WF', dest='special')
    parser.add_option('-r', '--replica', action='store_true', dest='replica', default=False, help='Adds a _Disk Non-Custodial Replica parameter')
    parser.add_option('-p', '--procversion', help='Processing Version, if empty it will leave the processing version that comes by default in the request', dest='procversion')
    parser.add_option('-a', '--activity', help='Dashboard Activity (reprocessing, production or test), if empty will set reprocessing as default', dest='activity')
    parser.add_option('-x', '--xrootd', help='Assign with trustSiteLocation=True (allows xrootd capabilities)',
                                        action='store_true', default=False, dest='xrootd')
    parser.add_option('-l', '--lfn', help='Merged LFN base', dest='lfn')
    parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', help='Verbose', action='store_true', default=False, dest='verbose')
    parser.add_option('--testbed', help='Assign in testbed', action='store_true', default=False, dest='testbed')
    parser.add_option('--test', action="store_true",help='Nothing is injected, only print infomation about workflow and Era', dest='test')
    parser.add_option('-f', '--file', help='Text file with a list of wokflows. If this option is used, the same settings will be applied to all workflows', dest='file')
    parser.add_option('-w', '--workflow', help='Workflow Name', dest='workflow')
    parser.add_option('-e', '--era', help='Acquistion era', dest='era')
    parser.add_option("--procstr", dest="procstring", help="Overrides Processing String with a single string")

    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
    if options.testbed:
        url = url_tb

    # parse input workflows and files. If both -w and -f options are used, then only the -w inputs are considered.
    if not options.workflow:
        if args:
            wfs = args
        elif options.file:
            wfs = [l.strip() for l in open(options.file) if l.strip()]
            parser.error("Input a workflow name or a file to read them")
        wfs = [options.workflow]

    #Default values
    era = {}
    procversion = 1
    procstring = {}
    replica = False
    sites = ALL_SITES
    specialStr = ''
    taskchain = False
    team = 'production'
    trust_site = False

    SI = siteInfo()
    # Handling the parameters given in the command line
    # parse site list
    if options.sites:
        if options.sites == "t1":
            sites = SI.sites_T1s
        elif options.sites == "t2":
            sites = SI.sites_T2s
            sites = [site for site in options.sites.split(',')]
        sites = SI.sites_T1s + SI.sites_T2s
    if options.team:
        team = options.team

    if options.xrootd:
        trust_site = True

    if options.replica:
        replica = True

    for wf in wfs:
        # Getting the original dictionary
        schema = getRequestDict(url, wf)
        wf = reqMgr.Workflow(wf, url=url)

        # WF must be in assignment-approved in order to be assigned
        if (schema["RequestStatus"] != "assignment-approved"):
            print("The workflow '" + wf.name + "' you are trying to assign is not in assignment-approved")

        #Check to see if the workflow is a task chain or an ACDC of a taskchain
        taskchain = (schema["RequestType"] == "TaskChain") or ((schema["RequestType"] == "Resubmission") and "task" in schema["InitialTaskPath"].split("/")[1])

        #Dealing with era and proc string
        if taskchain:
            # Setting the Era and ProcStr values per Task
            for key, value in schema.items():
                if type(value) is dict and key.startswith("Task"):
                        if 'ProcessingString' in value:
                            procstring[value['TaskName']] = value['ProcessingString']
                            procstring[value['TaskName']] = schema['ProcessingString']
                        if 'AcquisitionEra' in value:

示例5: len

if len(sys.argv) >1:
    spec = sys.argv[1]

url = 'cmsweb.cern.ch'

wfs = getWorkflows(url, 'acquired', details=True)
wfs.extend( getWorkflows(url, 'running-open', details=True) )
wfs.extend( getWorkflows(url, 'running-closed', details=True) )

jobs_for = defaultdict(lambda : defaultdict(int))
wf_for = defaultdict(lambda : defaultdict(set))
agent_for = defaultdict(lambda : defaultdict(set))
s_block_locations = {}
block_locations = defaultdict(lambda : defaultdict(list))
wfs_no_location_in_GQ = defaultdict(list)
si = siteInfo()  
#bad_blocks = defaultdict( set )
unprocessable = set()

agents_down = defaultdict(set)
failed_workflow = set()
files_locations = {}
stuck_all_done = set()
heavy_duty = {}

for wf in wfs:
    if spec and not spec in wf['RequestName']: continue

    wfi = workflowInfo(url, wf['RequestName'], request=wf)
    sitewhitelist = wfi.request['SiteWhitelist']

示例6: findCustodialLocation

    # check if there is a custodial
    # check = findCustodialLocation(url, dataset)
    check = getDatasetPresence(url, dataset,complete=None)
    if len(check):
        print "OK for dataset at",check
        print "need to pick a site and transfer"
        get_those.append( dataset )
print get_those
#res= makeReplicaRequest(url, get_those_to, get_those, "restaging because of Redigi Move custodial screw up")
print res


SI = siteInfo()

#items = getDatasetChops(dataset)
items = [['block'] for i in range(100)]
siteblacklist = ['T2_TH_CUNSTDA','T1_TW_ASGC','T2_TW_Taiwan']
sites = [s for s in json.loads(open('/afs/cern.ch/user/c/cmst2/www/mc/whitelist.json').read()) if s not in siteblacklist]
sites = sites[:10]
#weights = { }
#for (i,site) in enumerate(sites):
    #weights[site]= random.random()
#    weights[site] = i

spreading = distributeToSites( items, sites, n_per_site = 2 , weights=SI.cpu_pledges)

示例7: spawn_harvesting

def spawn_harvesting(url, wfi , in_full):
    SI = siteInfo()
    all_OK = {}
    requests = []
    outputs = wfi.request['OutputDatasets'] 
    if ('EnableHarvesting' in wfi.request and wfi.request['EnableHarvesting']) or ('DQMConfigCacheID' in wfi.request and wfi.request['DQMConfigCacheID']):
        if not 'MergedLFNBase' in wfi.request:
            print "fucked up"
            sendEmail('screwed up wl cache','%s wl cache is bad'%(wfi.request['RequestName']))
            all_OK['fake'] = False
            return all_OK,requests

        wfi = workflowInfo(url, wfi.request['RequestName'])
        dqms = [out for out in outputs if '/DQM' in out]
        if not all([in_full[dqm_input] for dqm_input in dqms]):
            wfi.sendLog('closor',"will not be able to assign the harvesting: holding up")
            for dqm_input in dqms:
                all_OK[dqm_input] = False
                return all_OK,requests

        for dqm_input in dqms:
            ## handle it properly
            harvesting_schema = {
                'Requestor': os.getenv('USER'),
                'RequestType' : 'DQMHarvest',
                'Group' : 'DATAOPS'
            copy_over = ['ProcessingString',
                         'Memory', #dummy
                         'SizePerEvent', #dummy
                         'GlobalTag', #dummy
            for item in copy_over:
                harvesting_schema[item] = copy.deepcopy(wfi.request[item])
            harvesting_schema['InputDataset'] = dqm_input
            harvesting_schema['TimePerEvent'] = 1
            harvesting_schema['PrepID'] = 'Harvest-'+wfi.request['PrepID']
            harvesting_schema['RequestString'] = 'HARVEST-'+wfi.request['RequestString']
            harvesting_schema['DQMHarvestUnit'] = 'byRun'
            harvesting_schema['ConfigCacheUrl'] = harvesting_schema['CouchURL'] ## uhm, how stupid is that ?
            harvesting_schema['RequestPriority'] = wfi.request['RequestPriority']*10

            harvest_request = reqMgrClient.submitWorkflow(url, harvesting_schema)
            if not harvest_request:
                print "Error in making harvesting for",wfo.name
                print "schema"
                print json.dumps( harvesting_schema, indent = 2)
                harvest_request = reqMgrClient.submitWorkflow(url, harvesting_schema)
                if not harvest_request:
                    print "Error twice in harvesting for",wfo.name
                    print "schema"
                    print json.dumps( harvesting_schema, indent = 2)

            if harvest_request:
                requests.append( harvest_request )
                ## should we protect for setting approved ? no, it's notified below, assignment will fail, likely
                data = reqMgrClient.setWorkflowApproved(url, harvest_request)
                print "created",harvest_request,"for harvesting of",dqm_input
                wfi.sendLog('closor',"created %s for harvesting of %s"%( harvest_request, dqm_input))
                ## assign it directly
                team = wfi.request['Teams'][0]
                    'SiteWhitelist' : [SI.SE_to_CE(se) for se in wfi.request['NonCustodialSites']],
                    'AcquisitionEra' : wfi.acquisitionEra(),
                    'ProcessingString' : wfi.processingString(),
                    'MergedLFNBase' : wfi.request['MergedLFNBase'], 
                    'ProcessingVersion' : wfi.request['ProcessingVersion'],
                    'execute' : True
                if in_full[dqm_input]:
                    print "using full copy at",in_full[dqm_input]
                    parameters['SiteWhitelist'] = [SI.SE_to_CE(se) for se in in_full[dqm_input]]
                    print "cannot do anything if not having a full copy somewhere"

                result = reqMgrClient.assignWorkflow(url, harvest_request, team, parameters)
                if not result:
                    sendEmail('harvesting request created','%s was created at announcement of %s in %s, failed to assign'%(harvest_request, dqm_input, wfi.request['RequestName']), destination=[wfi.request['Requestor']+'@cern.ch'])
                    sendEmail('harvesting request assigned','%s was created at announcement of %s in %s, and assigned'%(harvest_request, dqm_input, wfi.request['RequestName']), destination=[wfi.request['Requestor']+'@cern.ch']) 
                    wfi.sendLog('closor','%s was created at announcement of %s in %s, and assigned'%(harvest_request, dqm_input, wfi.request['RequestName']))

                print "could not make the harvesting for",wfo.name,"not announcing"
                wfi.sendLog('closor',"could not make the harvesting request")

示例8: recoveror

def recoveror(url,specific,options=None):
    if userLock('recoveror'): return

    up = componentInfo(mcm=False, soft=['mcm'])
    if not up.check(): return

    CI = campaignInfo()
    SI = siteInfo()
    UC = unifiedConfiguration()

    def make_int_keys( d ):
        for code in d:
            d[int(code)] = d.pop(code)

    error_codes_to_recover = UC.get('error_codes_to_recover')
    error_codes_to_block = UC.get('error_codes_to_block')
    error_codes_to_notify = UC.get('error_codes_to_notify')
    make_int_keys( error_codes_to_recover )
    make_int_keys( error_codes_to_block )
    make_int_keys( error_codes_to_notify )

    #wfs = session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status == 'assistance-recovery').all()
    wfs = session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status.contains('recovery')).all()
    if specific:
        wfs.extend( session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status == 'assistance-manual').all() )

    for wfo in wfs:
        if specific and not specific in wfo.name:continue

        if not specific and 'manual' in wfo.status: continue
        wfi = workflowInfo(url, wfo.name)

        ## need a way to verify that this is the first round of ACDC, since the second round will have to be on the ACDC themselves

        all_errors = {}
            all_errors = wfi.summary['errors']

        print '-'*100        
        print "Looking at",wfo.name,"for recovery options"

        recover = True       

        if not 'MergedLFNBase' in wfi.request:
            print "fucked up"
            sendEmail('missing lfn','%s wl cache is screwed up'%wfo.name)
            recover = False
        if not len(all_errors): 
            print "\tno error for",wfo.name
            recover = False

        task_to_recover = defaultdict(list)
        message_to_ops = ""
        message_to_user = ""

        if 'LheInputFilese' in wfi.request and wfi.request['LheInputFiles']:
            ## we do not try to recover pLHE
            recover = False

        if wfi.request['RequestType'] in  ['MonteCarlo','ReReco']:
            recover = False

        if 'Campaign' in wfi.request:
            c = wfi.request['Campaign']
            if c in CI.campaigns and 'recover' in CI.campaigns[c]:

        for task,errors in all_errors.items():
            print "\tTask",task
            ## collect all error codes and #jobs regardless of step at which it occured
            all_codes = []
            for name, codes in errors.items():
                if type(codes)==int: continue
                all_codes.extend( [(int(code),info['jobs'],name,list(set([e['type'] for e in info['errors']])),list(set([e['details'] for e in info['errors']])) ) for code,info in codes.items()] )

            all_codes.sort(key=lambda i:i[1], reverse=True)
            sum_failed = sum([l[1] for l in all_codes])

            for errorCode,njobs,name,types,details in all_codes:
                rate = 100*njobs/float(sum_failed)
                #print ("\t\t %10d (%6s%%) failures with error code %10d (%"+str(max_legend)+"s) at stage %s")%(njobs, "%4.2f"%rate, errorCode, legend, name)
                print ("\t\t %10d (%6s%%) failures with error code %10d (%30s) at stage %s")%(njobs, "%4.2f"%rate, errorCode, ','.join(types), name)

                #if options.go:
                # force the recovery of any task with error ?

                if errorCode in error_codes_to_recover:
                    ## the error code is registered
                    for case in error_codes_to_recover[errorCode]:
                        match = case['details']
                        matched= (match==None)
                        if not matched:

示例9: htmlor

        html_doc.write("<li>%s : last %s, avg %s</li>\n"%( m, display_time(lasttime), display_time(avg)))

    html_doc.write("Last running <pre>%s</pre><br>"%( os.popen("tac %s/logs/running | head -5"%monitor_dir).read() ))

    html_doc.write("Order in cycle <pre>%s</pre><br>"%( '\n'.join(map(lambda l : l.split('/')[-1].replace('.py',''), filter(lambda l : not l.startswith('#') and 'Unified' in l and 'py' in l.split('/')[-1], open('%s/WmAgentScripts/cycle.sh'%base_dir).read().split('\n')))) ))

    lap ( 'done with jobs' )

    for (c,info) in campaignInfo().campaigns.items():
        #if 'go' in info and info['go']:
        text+="<li>%s <br> <pre>%s</pre>  </li>"%( c, json.dumps( info, indent=2))

    html_doc.write("""Campaign configuration
<a href="javascript:showhide('campaign')">[Click to show/hide]</a>
<div id="campaign" style="display:none;">

    n_column = 4
    SI = siteInfo()
    date1 = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d+%H:%M', time.gmtime(time.mktime(time.gmtime())-(15*24*60*60)) ) ## 15 days
    date2 = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d+%H:%M', time.gmtime())
    for t in SI.types():
        text+="<li>%s<table border=1>"%t
        for site in getattr(SI,t):
            cpu = SI.cpu_pledges[site] if site in SI.cpu_pledges else 'N/A'
            disk = SI.disk[SI.CE_to_SE(site)] if SI.CE_to_SE(site) in SI.disk else 'N/A'
            if c==0:
            if not disk:
                ht_disk = '<font color=red>Disk available: %s</font>'%disk
                ht_disk = 'Disk available: %s'%disk

            text+='<td><a href=http://dashb-ssb.cern.ch/dashboard/templates/sitePendingRunningJobs.html?site=%s>%s</a><br><a href="http://cms-gwmsmon.cern.ch/prodview/%s" target="_blank"><img src="http://cms-gwmsmon.cern.ch/prodview/graphs/%s/daily" style="height:50px"></a><br><a href="http://dashb-cms-job.cern.ch/dashboard/templates/web-job2/#user=&refresh=0&table=Jobs&p=1&records=25&activemenu=1&site=%s&submissiontool=wmagent&check=submitted&sortby=activity&scale=linear&bars=20&data1=%s&date2=%s">dashb</a><br>CPU pledge: %s<br>%s</td>'%(site,site,site,site,site,date1,date2,cpu,ht_disk)
            if c==n_column:

    text += "<li> Sites in auto-approved transfer<ul>"
    for site in sorted(SI.sites_auto_approve):
        text+="<li>%s"% site
    text += "</ul></li>"

    text += "<li> Sites with vetoe transfer<ul>"
    for site in sorted(SI.sites_veto_transfer):
        text+="<li>%s"% site
    text += "</ul></li>"

示例10: htmlor

<li> This week (%d) </li><a href="javascript:showhide('output_thisweek')">[Click to show/hide]</a><div id="output_thisweek" style="display:none;"><ul>
"""%( len(lines_lastweek)+len(lines_thisweek),

    html_doc.write("""Job installed
<a href="javascript:showhide('acron')">[Click to show/hide]</a>
<div id="acron" style="display:none;">
"""%(os.popen('acrontab -l | grep Unified').read()))

    for (c,info) in campaignInfo().campaigns.items():
        #if 'go' in info and info['go']:
        text+="<li>%s <br> <pre>%s</pre>  </li>"%( c, json.dumps( info, indent=2))

    html_doc.write("""Campaign configuration
<a href="javascript:showhide('campaign')">[Click to show/hide]</a>
<div id="campaign" style="display:none;">

    n_column = 4
    SI = siteInfo()
    for t in SI.types():
        #for site in getattr(SI,t):
        #    text+="<li><a href=http://hcc-briantest.unl.edu/prodview/%s>%s<a/> </li>"%( site, site)
        #    text+='<a href="http://hcc-briantest.unl.edu/prodview/%s" target="_blank"><img src="http://hcc-briantest.unl.edu/prodview/graphs/%s/daily" style="height:50px"></a>'%(site,site)
        text+="<li>%s<table border=1>"%t
        for site in getattr(SI,t):
            cpu = SI.cpu_pledges[site] if site in SI.cpu_pledges else 'N/A'
            disk = SI.disk[SI.CE_to_SE(site)] if SI.CE_to_SE(site) in SI.disk else 'N/A'
            if c==0:
            text+='<td><a href=http://dashb-ssb.cern.ch/dashboard/templates/sitePendingRunningJobs.html?site=%s>%s</a><br><a href="http://hcc-briantest.unl.edu/prodview/%s" target="_blank"><img src="http://hcc-briantest.unl.edu/prodview/graphs/%s/daily" style="height:50px"></a><br>CPU pledge: %s<br>Disk available: %s</td>'%(site,site,site,site,cpu,disk)
            if c==n_column:

    html_doc.write("""Site configuration
<a href="javascript:showhide('site')">[Click to show/hide]</a>
<div id="site" style="display:none;">

    print "... done with status page."


    html_doc = open('/afs/cern.ch/user/c/cmst2/www/unified/statuses.html','w')
    html_doc.write("""                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      <html>        
<table border=1>
<th> workflow </th><th> status </th><th> wm status</th>
    wfs = {}
    for wfo in session.query(Workflow).all():
        wfs[wfo.name] = (wfo.status,wfo.wm_status)
    open('/afs/cern.ch/user/c/cmst2/www/unified/statuses.json','w').write(json.dumps( wfs ))
    for wfn in sorted(wfs.keys()):
        html_doc.write('<tr><td><a id="%s">%s</a></td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n'%( wfn, wfn, wfs[wfn][0],  wfs[wfn][1]))
    html_doc.write("end of page</html>")

示例11: assignor

def assignor(url ,specific = None, talk=True, options=None):
    if userLock(): return
    if duplicateLock(): return
    #if notRunningBefore( 'stagor' ): return
    if not componentInfo().check(): return

    CI = campaignInfo()
    SI = siteInfo()
    LI = lockInfo()
    NLI = newLockInfo()

    n_assigned = 0
    n_stalled = 0

    if specific:
        wfos = session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.name==specific).all()
    if not wfos:
        if specific:
            wfos = session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status=='considered').all()
            wfos.extend( session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status=='staging').all())

    for wfo in wfos:
        if specific:
            if not any(map(lambda sp: sp in wfo.name,specific.split(','))): continue
            #if not specific in wfo.name: continue
        print "\n\n",wfo.name,"\n\tto be assigned"
        wfh = workflowInfo( url, wfo.name)

        ## check if by configuration we gave it a GO
        if not CI.go( wfh.request['Campaign'] ) and not options.go:
            print "No go for",wfh.request['Campaign']

        ## check on current status for by-passed assignment
        if wfh.request['RequestStatus'] !='assignment-approved':
            if not options.test:
                print wfo.name,wfh.request['RequestStatus'],"setting away and skipping"
                ## the module picking up from away will do what is necessary of it
                wfo.wm_status = wfh.request['RequestStatus']
                wfo.status = 'away'
                print wfo.name,wfh.request['RequestStatus']

        ## retrieve from the schema, dbs and reqMgr what should be the next version
        if not version:
            if options and options.ProcessingVersion:
                version = options.ProcessingVersion
                print "cannot decide on version number"

        (lheinput,primary,parent,secondary) = wfh.getIO()
        sites_allowed = getSiteWhiteList( (lheinput,primary,parent,secondary) )

        print "Site white list",sorted(sites_allowed)

        if 'SiteWhitelist' in CI.parameters(wfh.request['Campaign']):
            sites_allowed = CI.parameters(wfh.request['Campaign'])['SiteWhitelist']

        if 'SiteBlacklist' in CI.parameters(wfh.request['Campaign']):
            print "Reducing the whitelist due to black list in campaign configuration"
            print "Removing",CI.parameters(wfh.request['Campaign'])['SiteBlacklist']
            sites_allowed = list(set(sites_allowed) - set(CI.parameters(wfh.request['Campaign'])['SiteBlacklist']))

        blocks = []
        if 'BlockWhitelist' in wfh.request:
            blocks = wfh.request['BlockWhitelist']

        memory_allowed = SI.sitesByMemory( wfh.request['Memory'] )
        if memory_allowed!=None:
            print "sites allowing", wfh.request['Memory'],"are",sorted(memory_allowed)
            sites_allowed = list(set(sites_allowed) & set(memory_allowed))

        print "Allowed",sorted(sites_allowed)
        for sec in list(secondary):
            presence = getDatasetPresence( url, sec )
            print sec
            print json.dumps(presence, indent=2)
            #one_secondary_locations = [site for (site,(there,frac)) in presence.items() if frac>90.]
            one_secondary_locations = [site for (site,(there,frac)) in presence.items() if there]
            if secondary_locations==None:
                secondary_locations = one_secondary_locations
                secondary_locations = list(set(secondary_locations) & set(one_secondary_locations))
            ## reduce the site white list to site with secondary only
            #sites_allowed = [site for site in sites_allowed if any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in one_secondary_locations])]
            sites_allowed = [site for site in sites_allowed if SI.CE_to_SE(site) in one_secondary_locations]
        print "From secondary requirement, now Allowed",sorted(sites_allowed)
        sites_all_data = copy.deepcopy( sites_allowed )
        sites_with_data = copy.deepcopy( sites_allowed )

示例12: equalizor

def equalizor(url , specific = None, options=None):
    up = componentInfo(mcm=False, soft=['mcm']) 
    if not up.check(): return 

    if not specific:
        workflows = getWorkflows(url, status='running-closed', details=True)
        workflows.extend(getWorkflows(url, status='running-open', details=True))

    ## start from scratch
    modifications = defaultdict(dict)
    ## define regionality site => fallback allowed. feed on an ssb metric ??
    mapping = defaultdict(list)
    reversed_mapping = defaultdict(list)
    regions = defaultdict(list)
    SI = siteInfo()
    CI = campaignInfo()
    UC = unifiedConfiguration()
    for site in SI.sites_ready:
        region = site.split('_')[1]
        if not region in ['US','DE','IT']: continue
        regions[region] = [region] 

    def site_in_depletion(s):
        return True
        if s in SI.sites_pressure:
            (m, r, pressure) = SI.sites_pressure[s]
            if float(m) < float(r):
                print s,m,r,"lacking pressure"
                return True
                print s,m,r,"pressure"
        return False

    for site in SI.sites_ready:
        region = site.split('_')[1]
        ## fallback to the region, to site with on-going low pressure
        mapping[site] = [fb for fb in SI.sites_ready if any([('_%s_'%(reg) in fb and fb!=site and site_in_depletion(fb))for reg in regions[region]]) ]

    use_T0 = ('T0_CH_CERN' in UC.get("site_for_overflow"))
    if options.t0: use_T0 = True
    #if options.augment : use_T0 = True

    use_HLT = ('T2_CH_CERN_HLT' in UC.get("site_for_overflow"))
    if options.hlt: use_HLT = True
    #if options.augment : use_HLT=True

    if use_HLT:

    if use_T0:

    for reg in ['IT','DE','UK']:
        mapping['T2_CH_CERN'].extend([fb for fb in SI.sites_ready if '_%s_'%reg in fb])

    ## make them appear as OK to use
    force_sites = []

    ## overflow CERN to underutilized T1s
    upcoming = json.loads( open('%s/GQ.json'%monitor_dir).read())
    for possible in SI.sites_T1s:
        if not possible in upcoming:

    ## remove add-hoc sites from overflow mapping
    prevent_sites = ['T2_US_Purdue']
    for prevent in prevent_sites:
        if prevent in mapping: mapping.pop( prevent )
    for src in mapping:
        for prevent in prevent_sites:
            if prevent in mapping[src]:
                mapping[src].remove( prevent )

    ## create the reverse mapping for the condor module
    for site,fallbacks in mapping.items():
        for fb in fallbacks:

    ## this is the fallback mapping
    print "Direct mapping : site => overflow"
    print json.dumps( mapping, indent=2)
    print "Reverse mapping : dest <= from origin"
    print json.dumps( reversed_mapping, indent=2)

    altered_tasks = set()

    def running_idle( wfi , task_name):
        gmon = wfi.getGlideMon()
        #print gmon
        if not gmon: return (0,0)
        if not task_name in gmon: return (0,0)
        return (gmon[task_name]['Running'], gmon[task_name]['Idle'])

    def needs_action( wfi, task, min_idled = 100, pressure = 0.2):

示例13: transferor

def transferor(url ,specific = None, talk=True, options=None):
    if options and options.test:
        execute = False
        execute = True

    SI = siteInfo()
    CI = campaignInfo()

    workflow_dependencies = defaultdict(set) ## list of wf.id per input dataset
    data_to_wf = {}
    for wfo in session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status=='considered').all():
        if specific and not specific in wfo.name: continue

        print wfo.name,"to be transfered"
        wfh = workflowInfo( url, wfo.name)

        #injection_time = time.mktime(time.strptime('.'.join(map(str,wfh.request['RequestDate'])),"%Y.%m.%d.%H.%M.%S")) / (60.*60.)
        #now = time.mktime(time.gmtime()) / (60.*60.)
        #if float(now - injection_time) < 4.:
        #    print "It is too soon to transfer", now, injection_time
        #    continue

        (lheinput,primary,parent,secondary) = wfh.getIO()
        if options and options.tosites:
            sites_allowed = options.tosites.split(',')
            sites_allowed = getSiteWhiteList( (lheinput,primary,parent,secondary) )
        if 'SiteWhitelist' in CI.parameters(wfh.request['Campaign']):
            sites_allowed = CI.parameters(wfh.request['Campaign'])['SiteWhitelist']

        blocks = []
        if 'BlockWhitelist' in wfh.request and wfh.request['BlockWhitelist']:
            blocks = wfh.request['BlockWhitelist']

        can_go = True
        if primary:
            if talk:
                print wfo.name,'reads',', '.join(primary),'in primary'
            ## chope the primary dataset 
            for prim in primary:
                workflow_dependencies[prim].add( wfo.id )
                presence = getDatasetPresence( url, prim )
                prim_location = [site for site,pres in presence.items() if pres[0]==True]
                subscriptions = listSubscriptions( url , prim )
                prim_destination = [site for site in subscriptions]
                prim_to_distribute = [site for site in sites_allowed if not any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in prim_location])]
                prim_to_distribute = [site for site in prim_to_distribute if not any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in prim_destination])]
                if len(prim_to_distribute)>0: ## maybe that a parameter we can play with to limit the 
                    if not options or options.chop:
                        spreading = distributeToSites( [[prim]]+getDatasetChops(prim), prim_to_distribute, n_copies = 3, weights=SI.cpu_pledges)
                        spreading = {} 
                        for site in prim_to_distribute: spreading[site]=[prim]
                    can_go = False
                for (site,items) in spreading.items():
                    all_transfers[site].extend( items )

        if secondary:
            if talk:
                print wfo.name,'reads',', '.join(secondary),'in secondary'
            for sec in secondary:
                workflow_dependencies[sec].add( wfo.id )
                presence = getDatasetPresence( url, sec )
                sec_location = [site for site,pres in presence.items() if pres[1]>90.] ## more than 90% of the minbias at sites
                subscriptions = listSubscriptions( url ,sec )
                sec_destination = [site for site in subscriptions] 
                sec_to_distribute = [site for site in sites_allowed if not any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in sec_location])]
                sec_to_distribute = [site for site in sec_to_distribute if not any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in sec_destination])]
                if len( sec_to_distribute )>0:
                    for site in sec_to_distribute:
                        all_transfers[site].append( sec )
                        can_go = False
        ## is that possible to do something more
        if can_go:
            print wfo.name,"should just be assigned NOW to",sites_allowed
            wfo.status = 'staged'
            print wfo.name,"needs a transfer"

    #print json.dumps(all_transfers)

    for (site,items_to_transfer) in all_transfers.iteritems():
        items_to_transfer = list(set(items_to_transfer))
        ## convert to storage element
        site_se = SI.CE_to_SE(site)

        ## massage a bit the items
        blocks = [it for it in items_to_transfer if '#' in it]
        datasets = [it for it in items_to_transfer if not '#' in it]

        print "Making a replica to",site,"(CE)",site_se,"(SE) for"

示例14: assignor

def assignor(url ,specific = None, talk=True, options=None):
    if userLock('assignor'): return

    CI = campaignInfo()
    SI = siteInfo()

    if specific:
        wfos = session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.name==specific).all()
    if not wfos:
        if specific:
            wfos = session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status=='considered').all()
            wfos.extend( session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status=='staging').all())

    for wfo in wfos:
        if specific:
            if not any(map(lambda sp: sp in wfo.name,specific.split(','))): continue
            #if not specific in wfo.name: continue
        print wfo.name,"to be assigned"
        wfh = workflowInfo( url, wfo.name)

        ## check if by configuration we gave it a GO
        if not CI.go( wfh.request['Campaign'] ) and not options.go:
            print "No go for",wfh.request['Campaign']

        ## check on current status for by-passed assignment
        if wfh.request['RequestStatus'] !='assignment-approved':
            print wfo.name,wfh.request['RequestStatus'],"skipping"
            if not options.test:

        ## retrieve from the schema, dbs and reqMgr what should be the next version
        if not version:
            if options and options.ProcessingVersion:
                version = options.ProcessingVersion
                print "cannot decide on version number"

        (lheinput,primary,parent,secondary) = wfh.getIO()
        sites_allowed = getSiteWhiteList( (lheinput,primary,parent,secondary) )
        print "Allowed",sites_allowed
        sites_out = [SI.pick_dSE([SI.CE_to_SE(ce) for ce in sites_allowed])]
        sites_custodial = []
        if len(sites_custodial)==0:
            print "No custodial, it's fine, it's covered in close-out"

        if len(sites_custodial)>1:
            print "more than one custodial for",wfo.name

        for sec in list(secondary):
            presence = getDatasetPresence( url, sec )
            print sec
            print json.dumps(presence, indent=2)
            #one_secondary_locations = [site for (site,(there,frac)) in presence.items() if frac>90.]
            one_secondary_locations = [site for (site,(there,frac)) in presence.items() if there]
            if secondary_locations==None:
                secondary_locations = one_secondary_locations
                secondary_locations = list(set(secondary_locations) & set(one_secondary_locations))
            ## reduce the site white list to site with secondary only
            sites_allowed = [site for site in sites_allowed if any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in one_secondary_locations])]

        sites_all_data = copy.deepcopy( sites_allowed )
        sites_with_data = copy.deepcopy( sites_allowed )
        sites_with_any_data = copy.deepcopy( sites_allowed )
        primary_locations = None
        available_fractions = {}
        for prim in list(primary):
            presence = getDatasetPresence( url, prim )
            if talk:
                print prim
                print json.dumps(presence, indent=2)
            available_fractions[prim] =  getDatasetBlocksFraction(url, prim, sites = [SI.CE_to_SE(site) for site in sites_allowed] )
            sites_all_data = [site for site in sites_with_data if any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in [psite for (psite,(there,frac)) in presence.items() if there]])]
            sites_with_data = [site for site in sites_with_data if any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in [psite for (psite,frac) in presence.items() if frac[1]>90.]])]
            sites_with_any_data = [site for site in sites_with_any_data if any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in presence.keys()])]
            if primary_locations==None:
                primary_locations = presence.keys()
                primary_locations = list(set(primary_locations) & set(presence.keys() ))

        sites_with_data = list(set(sites_with_data))
        sites_with_any_data = list(set(sites_with_any_data))

        ## opportunistic running where any piece of data is available
        if secondary_locations and primary_locations:
            ## intersection of both any pieces of the primary and good IO
            #opportunistic_sites = [SI.SE_to_CE(site) for site in list((set(secondary_locations) & set(primary_locations) & set(SI.sites_with_goodIO)) - set(sites_allowed))]
            opportunistic_sites = [SI.SE_to_CE(site) for site in list((set(secondary_locations) & set(primary_locations)) - set(sites_allowed))]
            print "We could be running at",opportunistic_sites,"in addition"


示例15: transferor

def transferor(url ,specific = None, talk=True, options=None):
    if userLock():   return
    if duplicateLock():  return

    use_mcm = True
    up = componentInfo(mcm=use_mcm, soft=['mcm'])
    if not up.check(): return
    use_mcm = up.status['mcm']

    if options and options.test:
        execute = False
        execute = True

    SI = siteInfo()
    CI = campaignInfo()
    LI = lockInfo()
    NLI = newLockInfo()
    mcm = McMClient(dev=False)
    dss = DSS()

    print "counting all being handled..."
    being_handled = len(session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status == 'away').all())
    being_handled += len(session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status.startswith('stag')).all())
    being_transfered = len(session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status == 'staging').all())
    being_handled += len(session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status.startswith('assistance-')).all())

    max_to_handle = options.maxworkflows
    max_to_transfer = options.maxstaging

    allowed_to_handle = max(0,max_to_handle - being_handled)
    allowed_to_transfer = max(0,max_to_transfer - being_transfered)
    wf_buffer = 5
    if allowed_to_handle<=wf_buffer: ## buffer for having several wf per transfer
        print "Not allowed to run more than",max_to_handle,"at a time. Currently",being_handled,"and",wf_buffer,"buffer"
        print being_handled,"already being handled",max_to_handle,"max allowed,",allowed_to_handle,"remaining","and",wf_buffer,"buffer"

    if allowed_to_transfer <= wf_buffer:
        print "Not allowed to transfer more than",max_to_transfer,"at a time. Currently",being_transfered,"and",wf_buffer,"buffer"
        print being_transfered,"already being transfered",max_to_transfer,"max allowed,",allowed_to_transfer,"remaining","and",wf_buffer,"buffer"

    print "... done"

    workflow_dependencies = defaultdict(set) ## list of wf.id per input dataset
    print "getting all wf to consider ..."
    cache = getWorkflows(url, 'assignment-approved', details=True)
    for wfo in session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status=='considered').all():
        print "\t",wfo.name
        if specific and not specific in wfo.name: continue
        cache_r =filter(lambda d:d['RequestName']==wfo.name, cache)
        if len(cache_r):
            wfs_and_wfh.append( (wfo, workflowInfo( url, wfo.name, spec=False, request = cache_r[0]) ) )
            wfs_and_wfh.append( (wfo, workflowInfo( url, wfo.name, spec=False) ) )
    print "... done"

    transfers_per_sites = defaultdict(int)
    input_sizes = {}
    input_cput = {}
    input_st = {}
    ## list the size of those in transfer already
    print "getting all wf in staging ..."
    for wfo in session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status=='staging').all():
        wfh = workflowInfo( url, wfo.name, spec=False)
        (lheinput,primary,parent,secondary) = wfh.getIO()
        sites_allowed = getSiteWhiteList( (lheinput,primary,parent,secondary) )
        for site in sites_allowed: ## we should get the actual transfer destination instead of the full white list
            transfers_per_sites[site] += 1 
        #input_cput[wfo.name] = wfh.getComputingTime()
        #input_st[wfo.name] = wfh.getSystemTime()
        for prim in primary:  
            input_sizes[prim] = dss.get( prim )
            print "\t",wfo.name,"needs",input_sizes[prim],"GB"
        in_transfer_priority = max(in_transfer_priority, int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']))
        min_transfer_priority = min(min_transfer_priority, int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']))

    print "... done"
    print "Max priority in transfer already",in_transfer_priority
    print "Min priority in transfer already",min_transfer_priority
    print "transfers per sites"
    print json.dumps( transfers_per_sites, indent=2)
    in_transfer_already = sum(input_sizes.values())
    cput_in_transfer_already = sum(input_cput.values())
    st_in_transfer_already = sum(input_st.values())
    # shuffle first by name
    random.shuffle( wfs_and_wfh )
    #sort by priority higher first
    wfs_and_wfh.sort(cmp = lambda i,j : cmp(int(i[1].request['RequestPriority']),int(j[1].request['RequestPriority']) ), reverse=True)

    ## list the size of all inputs
    print "getting all input sizes ..."
    for (wfo,wfh) in wfs_and_wfh:
