本文整理汇总了Python中utils.parse_date函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python parse_date函数的具体用法?Python parse_date怎么用?Python parse_date使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: process
def process(self):
"""process meetings"""
parser = etree.XMLParser(recover=True)
r = requests.get(self.timerange_url)
xml = r.text.encode('ascii','xmlcharrefreplace')
root = etree.fromstring(xml, parser=parser)
for item in root[1].iterchildren():
meeting = {}
for e in item.iterchildren():
meeting[e.tag] = e.text
meeting['start_date'] = parse_date(meeting['sisbvcs'])
meeting['end_date'] = parse_date(meeting['sisevcs'])
meeting['tz_start_date'] = parse_date(meeting['sisbvcs'], tzinfo=utc).astimezone(self.tzinfo)
meeting['tz_end_date'] = parse_date(meeting['sisevcs'], tzinfo=utc).astimezone(self.tzinfo)
silfdnr = meeting['silfdnr']
result = self.process_agenda(silfdnr)
except Exception, e:
meeting['ERROR'] = True
print e
meeting['_id'] = int(meeting['silfdnr'])
示例2: process
def process(self):
"""process meetings"""
parser = etree.XMLParser(recover=True)
r = requests.get(self.timerange_url)
xml = r.text.encode('ascii','xmlcharrefreplace')
root = etree.fromstring(xml, parser=parser)
start_at = root.find("list")
for item in start_at.iterchildren():
meeting = {}
for e in item.iterchildren():
meeting[e.tag] = e.text
meeting['start_date'] = parse_date(meeting['sisbvcs'])
meeting['end_date'] = parse_date(meeting['sisevcs'])
meeting['tz_start_date'] = parse_date(meeting['sisbvcs'], tzinfo=utc).astimezone(self.tzinfo)
meeting['tz_end_date'] = parse_date(meeting['sisevcs'], tzinfo=utc).astimezone(self.tzinfo)
silfdnr = meeting['silfdnr']
print "processing meeting %s" %silfdnr
result = self.process_agenda(silfdnr)
except Exception, e:
meeting['ERROR'] = True
print "exception when trying to parse meeting %s" %silfdnr
print e
meeting['meeting_id'] = str(meeting['silfdnr'])
meeting['_id'] = "%s:%s" %(self.city, silfdnr)
meeting['city'] = self.city
示例3: history
def history(begin=None, end=None, week=False, month=False):
if week or month:
end = datetime.datetime.now()
if week:
begin = end - datetime.timedelta(days=7)
if month:
begin = end - datetime.timedelta(days=28)
begin = utils.parse_date(begin, dtime=True)
except ValueError:
return 'Error: unable to parse date %s' % begin
end = utils.parse_date(end, dtime=True)
except ValueError:
return 'Error: unable to parse date %s' % end
cd = utils.compose_date
if not begin <= end:
return 'Error: %s is not before %s' % (cd(begin), cd(end))
db = utils.read_db()
days = [utils.compose_date(begin + datetime.timedelta(days=x)) for x in xrange(0,
matches = ['from: %s to: %s' % (cd(begin), cd(end))]
for day in days:
matches.append('%s: %s' % (day, utils.daily_points(day, db)))
return '\n'.join(matches)
示例4: tweets
def tweets(uid,min_date=None,max_date=None,limit=100):
"returns all the tweets for a user between min_date and max_date"
start = parse_date(min_date)
end = parse_date(max_date)
limit = int(limit) if limit else None
tweets = Tweet.find(
(Tweet.user_id==int(uid)) &
return [t.to_d() for t in tweets]
示例5: get
def get(self, args):
""" Return the courses matching your query """
# Parameters
date_string = args['date']
department = args['department']
place = args['place']
comment = args['comment']
# Base query
courses = Course.query
# Apply filters
if date_string:
courses = courses.filter_by(date=parse_date(date_string))
if place:
courses = courses.filter_by(place=place)
if department:
courses = courses.filter_by(department=department)
if comment:
# Can be useful to select a group in a course
courses = courses.filter_by(department=comment)
# Do the query
courses = courses.order_by(Course.time_begin).limit(1000).all()
# Format it
course_list = [course.__toJSON__() for course in courses]
return course_list, 200
示例6: parse_template_3
def parse_template_3(self, element):
A template for joint proceedings of two workshops.
- http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1098/
- http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-989/
workshop_1 = {'id': 1}
workshop_2 = {'id': 2}
summary = self.rex(element[1], [
r"([:\s\w-]+)\(([a-zA-Z]+)['\s]?\d+\)([\w\s\-.,^\(]*|[,\s]+workshops\s+of.*|[,\s]+co-located.*))Edited by.*",
r"([:,\s\w-]+)\(([a-zA-Z]+)['\s]?\d{0,4}\)([\w\s\-.,^\(]*|[,\s]+workshops\s+of.*|[,\s]+co-located.*))Edited by.*"
], re.I | re.S)
if len(summary.groups()) != 6:
raise DataNotFound()
title = summary.group(1)
workshop_1['volume_number'] = workshop_2['volume_number'] = \
workshop_1['url'] = workshop_2['url'] = element[0].get('href')
workshop_1['time'] = workshop_2['time'] = utils.parse_date(title)
workshop_1['label'] = summary.group(2)
workshop_1['short_label'] = summary.group(3)
workshop_2['label'] = summary.group(4)
workshop_2['short_label'] = summary.group(5)
示例7: parse_template_5
def parse_template_5(self, element):
A template for a workshop with the conference acronym and year in the name
- http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-958/
workshop = {}
title = rex.rex(element[1], r'(.*)Edited\s*by.*', re.I | re.S).group(1)
workshop['volume_number'] = WorkshopSummaryParser.extract_volume_number(element[0].get('href'))
label_part = rex.rex(element[0].text, r'(.*)\sat\s(\w{2,})\s(\d{4})[\s\.]*', re.I | re.S)
workshop['label'] = label_part.group(1)
workshop['conf_acronym'] = label_part.group(2)
workshop['conf_year'] = label_part.group(3)
workshop['url'] = element[0].get('href')
workshop['time'] = utils.parse_date(title)
workshop['edition'] = tonumber(
re.I, default=None).group(3))
#'edition' property is optional
示例8: parse_template_2
def parse_template_2(self, element):
A template for joint proceedings of two workshops:
- http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-776/
workshop_1 = {'id': 1}
workshop_2 = {'id': 2}
summary = rex.rex(element[1], r'^\s*(proceedings\s+of\s+joint.*on.*\((\w+)\-(\w+)\s+\d+\).*)Edited by.*',
re.I | re.S)
if len(summary.groups()) != 3:
raise DataNotFound()
title = summary.group(1)
workshop_1['volume_number'] = workshop_2['volume_number'] = \
workshop_1['url'] = workshop_2['url'] = element[0].get('href')
workshop_1['time'] = workshop_2['time'] = utils.parse_date(title)
workshop_1['short_label'] = summary.group(2)
workshop_2['short_label'] = summary.group(3)
示例9: map_video
def map_video(config):
programId = config.get('programId')
kind = config.get('kind')
duration = int(config.get('duration') or 0) * \
60 or config.get('durationSeconds')
airdate = config.get('broadcastBegin')
if airdate is not None:
airdate = str(utils.parse_date(airdate))
return {
'label': utils.format_title_and_subtitle(config.get('title'), config.get('subtitle')),
'path': plugin.url_for('play', kind=kind, program_id=programId),
'thumbnail': config.get('imageUrl'),
'is_playable': True,
'info_type': 'video',
'info': {
'title': config.get('title'),
'duration': duration,
'genre': config.get('genrePresse'),
'plot': config.get('shortDescription') or config.get('fullDescription'),
'plotoutline': config.get('teaserText'),
# year is not correctly used by kodi :(
# the aired year will be used by kodi for production year :(
# 'year': int(config.get('productionYear')),
'country': [country.get('label') for country in config.get('productionCountries', [])],
'director': config.get('director'),
'aired': airdate
'properties': {
'fanart_image': config.get('imageUrl'),
示例10: getData
def getData(request):
from wrcc.wea_server.libwea.products.listers import getData
error = require(request, ['stn', 'sD', 'eD'])
if error:
return ErrorResponse(error)
stn = request.args.get('stn')
sD = parse_date(request.args.get('sD'))
eD = parse_date(request.args.get('eD'))
units_system = request.args.get('units', 'N') # N (native) units by default
result = getData(stn, sD, eD, units_system=units_system)
except IOError:
return ErrorResponse("No data available.")
return JsonResponse(result)
示例11: make_row
def make_row(date_string, headline):
date = parse_date(date_string)
L.debug("Parsed date '{}' as {}".format(date_string, date))
return OrderedDict([
('venue', 'LEAF on Bold Street'),
('date', date),
('headline', headline),
('url', 'http://www.thisisleaf.co.uk/#/on-bold-street/events/')
示例12: check_date
def check_date(d):
if not isinstance(d, str):
error(str(d) + ": invalid data type")
return None
return utils.parse_date(d)
except Exception as e:
error(d + ": " + str(e))
return None
示例13: make_row
def make_row(day, headline):
date = parse_date(day)
L.debug("Parsed date '{}' as {}".format(day, date))
return OrderedDict([
('venue', 'The Caledonia'),
('date', date),
('headline', headline),
('url', 'http://www.thecaledonialiverpool.com/whats-on/'),
示例14: make_row
def make_row(date_string, headline, url):
L.debug("'{}' : '{}'".format(headline, date_string))
date = parse_date(date_string)
L.debug("Parsed date '{}' as {}".format(date_string, date))
return OrderedDict([
('venue', "St George's Hall"),
('date', date),
('headline', headline),
('url', url),
示例15: make_row
def make_row(date_string, earliest_date, headline, url):
L.debug("'{}' : '{}'".format(headline, date_string))
date = parse_date(date_string, not_before=earliest_date)
L.debug("Parsed date '{}' as {}".format(date_string, date))
return OrderedDict([
('venue', "FACT"),
('date', date),
('headline', headline),
('url', url)