本文整理汇总了Python中utilities.log函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python log函数的具体用法?Python log怎么用?Python log使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: is_authorized
def is_authorized(self):
if self.is_token_empty():
return False
if self.authorized == None:
self.authorized = self.check_authorization() != False
log("Is authorized ~ " + str(self.authorized))
return self.authorized
示例2: dump_build_information
def dump_build_information(args):
"""Log the packages provided & depended on by this build
This function logs all packages that will be built if this build
succeeds. This includes 'virtual' packages, i.e. packages like 'sh'
that don't really exist but are provided by 'bash'.
This is so that if this build fails, any build that depends on a
package provided by this build knows who to blame when it can't
install its dependencies.
This function also logs what packages are depended on by this build.
pkgbuild = os.path.join(args.abs_dir, "PKGBUILD")
provides = []
provides += [strip_version_info(name) for name in interpret_bash_array(pkgbuild, "pkgname")]
provides += [strip_version_info(name) for name in interpret_bash_array(pkgbuild, "provides")]
log("provide_info", None, output=provides)
depends = []
depends += [strip_version_info(name) for name in interpret_bash_array(pkgbuild, "depends")]
depends += [strip_version_info(name) for name in interpret_bash_array(pkgbuild, "makedepends")]
log("dep_info", "This build depends on the following packages", output=depends)
示例3: login
def login(self,username,password):
log(__name__,'Logging in to Titulky.com')
login_postdata = urllib.urlencode({'Login': username, 'Password': password, 'foreverlog': '1','Detail2':''} )
request = urllib2.Request(self.server_url + '/index.php',login_postdata)
response = urllib2.urlopen(request).read()
log(__name__,'Got response')
return not response.find('BadLogin')>-1
示例4: getAllSubtitles
def getAllSubtitles(subtitlePageID,languageList,subtitlesList):
# Retrieve the subtitles page (html)
subtitlePage = getURL(BASE_URL + subtitlePageID)
# Didn't find the page - no such episode?
# Didn't find the page - no such episode?
if (not subtitlePage):
# Find subtitles dictionary declaration on page
tempStart = subtitlePage.index("subtitles_groups = ")
# Look for the following line break
tempEnd = subtitlePage.index("\n",subtitlePage.index("subtitles_groups = "))
toExec = "foundSubtitles = "+subtitlePage[tempStart+len("subtitles_groups = "):tempEnd]
# Remove junk at the end of the line
toExec = toExec[:toExec.rfind("}")+1]
log( __name__ ,"Built webpage dictionary")
for language in foundSubtitles.keys():
if (twotofull(language) in languageList):
for translator in foundSubtitles[language]:
for quality in foundSubtitles[language][translator]:
for rating in foundSubtitles[language][translator][quality]:
subtitlesList.append({'rating': rating, 'sync': False,
'filename': foundSubtitles[language][translator][quality][rating]["subtitle_version"],
'subtitle_id': foundSubtitles[language][translator][quality][rating]["id"],
'language_flag': 'flags/' + language + '.gif',
'language_name': twotofull(language),
'key': foundSubtitles[language][translator][quality][rating]["key"]})
示例5: search_subtitles
def search_subtitles( file_original_path, title, tvshow, year, season, episode, set_temp, rar, language1, language2, language3, stack ): #standard input
subtitles_list = []
msg = ""
log(__name__, "Search GomTV with a file name, "+file_original_path)
movieFullPath = xbmc.Player().getPlayingFile()
video_hash = hashFileMD5( movieFullPath, buff_size=1024*1024 )
if video_hash is None:
msg = _(755)
return subtitles_list, "", msg #standard output
webService = GomTvWebService()
if len(tvshow) > 0: # TvShow
OS_search_string = ("%s S%.2dE%.2d" % (tvshow,
).replace(" ","+")
else: # Movie or not in Library
if str(year) == "": # Not in Library
title, year = xbmc.getCleanMovieTitle( title )
else: # Movie in Library
year = year
title = title
OS_search_string = title.replace(" ","+")
subtitles_list = webService.SearchSubtitlesFromTitle( OS_search_string ,video_hash)
log(__name__, "Found %d subtitles in GomTV" %len(subtitles_list))
return subtitles_list, "", msg #standard output
示例6: search_subtitles
def search_subtitles( file_original_path, title, tvshow, year, season, episode, set_temp, rar, lang1, lang2, lang3, stack ): #standard input
ok = False
msg = ""
osdb_server = OSDBServer()
subtitles_list = []
file_size = ""
hashTry = ""
language1 = languageTranslate(lang1,0,1)
language2 = languageTranslate(lang2,0,1)
language3 = languageTranslate(lang3,0,1)
if set_temp :
hash_search = False
file_size = "000000000"
SubHash = "000000000000"
file_size, SubHash = xbmc.subHashAndFileSize(file_original_path)
log( __name__ ,"xbmc module hash and size")
hash_search = True
file_size = ""
SubHash = ""
hash_search = False
if file_size != "" and SubHash != "":
log( __name__ ,"File Size [%s]" % file_size )
log( __name__ ,"File Hash [%s]" % SubHash)
if hash_search :
log( __name__ ,"Search for [%s] by hash" % (os.path.basename( file_original_path ),))
subtitles_list, session_id = osdb_server.searchsubtitles_pod( SubHash ,language1, language2, language3, stack)
if not subtitles_list:
log( __name__ ,"Search for [%s] by name" % (os.path.basename( file_original_path ),))
subtitles_list = osdb_server.searchsubtitlesbyname_pod( title, tvshow, season, episode, language1, language2, language3, year, stack )
return subtitles_list, "", "" #standard output
示例7: search_subtitles
def search_subtitles(
file_original_path, title, tvshow, year, season, episode, set_temp, rar, lang1, lang2, lang3, stack
): # standard input
subtitles_list = []
msg = ""
if len(tvshow) == 0:
searchstring = title
if len(tvshow) > 0:
searchstring = "%s S%#02dE%#02d" % (tvshow, int(season), int(episode))
log(__name__, "Search string = %s" % (searchstring))
swedish = 0
if string.lower(lang1) == "swedish":
swedish = 1
elif string.lower(lang2) == "swedish":
swedish = 2
elif string.lower(lang3) == "swedish":
swedish = 3
if swedish > 0:
getallsubs(searchstring, "sv", "Swedish", subtitles_list)
if swedish == 0:
msg = "Won't work, Swesub.nu is only for Swedish subtitles."
return subtitles_list, "", msg # standard output
示例8: release
def release(self, datasetID, size=0):
if size <= self.__threshold:
log("DatasetProcessorManager.release(dataset="+str(datasetID)+",size=" + repr(size) + ") from the __fast_queue")
log("DatasetProcessorManager.release(dataset="+str(datasetID)+",size=" + repr(size) + ") from the __slow_queue")
示例9: getAllSubtitles
def getAllSubtitles(fname, subtitlePageID, languageList):
# Retrieve the subtitles page (html)
subs = []
subtitlePage = getURL(BASE_URL + "getajax.php?moviedetailssubtitles=" + subtitlePageID[1:])
# Create a list of all subtitles found on page
foundSubtitles = re.findall(COMBINED, subtitlePage)
for (fid, language, title, fid2, language2, title2) in foundSubtitles:
log(__name__, "%s Is sendspace?: %s" % (debug_pretext, bool(fid2 and len(fid2) > 0)))
# Create Dictionery for XBMC Gui
if fid2 and len(fid2) > 0:
fid = fid2
language = language2
title = title2
# Check if the subtitles found match one of our languages was selected
# by the user
if sratimToScript(language) in languageList:
rating = getrating(title, fname)
"rating": str(rating),
"sync": rating >= 8,
"filename": title,
"subtitle_id": fid,
"language_flag": "flags/" + languageTranslate(sratimToScript(language), 0, 2) + ".gif",
"language_name": sratimToScript(language),
"sendspace": (fid2 and len(fid2) > 0),
return sorted(subs, key=lambda x: int(float(x["rating"])), reverse=True)
示例10: getallsubs
def getallsubs(searchstring, languageshort, languagelong, subtitles_list):
url = (
+ "search.php?q=&r=0&s=S%F6k&in="
+ urllib.quote_plus(searchstring)
+ "&ex=&ep=&be="
+ urllib.quote_plus(searchstring)
+ "&adv=0"
content = geturl(url)
if content is not None:
log(__name__, "Getting '%s' subs ..." % (languageshort))
for matches in re.finditer(subtitle_pattern, content, re.IGNORECASE | re.DOTALL):
id = matches.group(1)
filename = string.strip(matches.group(2))
log(__name__, "Subtitles found: %s (id = %s)" % (filename, id))
"rating": "0",
"no_files": 1,
"filename": filename,
"sync": False,
"id": id,
"language_flag": "flags/" + languageshort + ".gif",
"language_name": languagelong,
示例11: getrating
def getrating(subsfile, videofile):
x = 0
rating = 0
log(__name__, "# Comparing Releases:\n %s [subtitle-rls] \n %s [filename-rls]" % (subsfile, videofile))
videofile = "".join(videofile.split(".")[:-1]).lower()
subsfile = subsfile.lower().replace(".", "")
videofile = videofile.replace(".", "")
for release_type in releases_types:
if release_type in videofile:
x += 1
if release_type in subsfile:
rating += 1
if x:
rating = (rating / float(x)) * 4
# Compare group name
if videofile.split("-")[-1] == subsfile.split("-")[-1]:
rating += 1
# Group name didnt match
# try to see if group name is in the beginning (less info on file less weight)
elif videofile.split("-")[0] == subsfile.split("-")[-1]:
rating += 0.5
if rating > 0:
rating = rating * 2
log(__name__, "# Result is: %f" % rating)
return round(rating)
示例12: search_show_url
def search_show_url(self, title, show_list):
log(__name__,"Starting search by TV Show: %s" % title)
if not title: return None
for threshold_ratio in range(100,50,-5):
if threshold_ratio == None: return show_list
tv_show_list = []
for tv_show in show_list:
matcher = SequenceMatcher(None, re.sub(r'(?i)^The ',"", tv_show["title"]), re.sub(r'(?i)^The ',"", title)).ratio() * 100
if matcher >= threshold_ratio: tv_show_list.append(tv_show)
if tv_show_list: break
if not tv_show_list: tv_show_list = show_list
if (len(tv_show_list) == 0):
log(__name__,"No TV Show found")
return None
elif (len(tv_show_list) == 1):
log(__name__,"One TV Show found, autoselecting")
tvshow_url = tv_show_list[0]['url']
log(__name__,"More TV Shows found, user dialog for select")
menu_dialog = []
for tv_show in tv_show_list: menu_dialog.append(tv_show['title'])
dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog()
found_tv_show_id = dialog.select(self._t(32003), menu_dialog)
if (found_tv_show_id == -1): return None # cancel dialog
tvshow_url = tv_show_list[found_tv_show_id]['url']
tvshow_url = "/titulky/serial-" + tvshow_url
log(__name__,"Selected show URL: " + tvshow_url)
return tvshow_url
示例13: mark_episode_in_range_from_start
def mark_episode_in_range_from_start(self, tvdb_show_id, last_season=None, last_episode=None, watched=True):
action = "show_progress" if watched == True else "delete_show_progress"
"Mark episodes in range: "
+ action
+ " - "
+ str(tvdb_show_id)
+ " / "
+ str(last_season)
+ " / "
+ str(last_episode)
values = {"show_id": int(tvdb_show_id)}
if last_season:
values["season"] = int(last_season)
if last_episode:
values["episode"] = int(last_episode)
res = urllib2.urlopen(self.base_api_url + action + "?access_token=" + self.token, urllib.urlencode(values))
data = json.loads(res.read())
except urllib2.HTTPError as res:
data = {"result": "KO", "error": res}
return data["result"] == "OK"
示例14: getAllSubtitles
def getAllSubtitles(subtitlePageID,languageList,fname):
# Retrieve the subtitles page (html)
subs= []
subtitlePage = getURL(BASE_URL + subtitlePageID)
# Didn't find the page - no such episode?
# Didn't find the page - no such episode?
if (not subtitlePage):
# Find subtitles dictionary declaration on page
toExec = "foundSubtitles = " + subtitlePage
# Remove junk at the end of the line
toExec = toExec[:toExec.rfind("}")+1]
# Replace "null" with "None"
toExec = toExec.replace("null","None")
exec(toExec) in globals(), locals()
log( __name__ ,"Built webpage dictionary")
for language in foundSubtitles.keys():
if (languageTranslate(language, 2, 0) in languageList):
for translator in foundSubtitles[language]:
for quality in foundSubtitles[language][translator]:
for rating in foundSubtitles[language][translator][quality]:
subs.append({'rating': str(Srating), 'sync': Srating>=8,
'filename': title,
'subtitle_id': foundSubtitles[language][translator][quality][rating]["id"],
'language_flag': 'flags/' + language + '.gif',
'language_name': languageTranslate(language, 2, 0),
'key': foundSubtitles[language][translator][quality][rating]["key"],
'notes': re.search('http://www\.sendspace\.com/file/\w+$',foundSubtitles[language][translator][quality][rating]["notes"])})
# sort, to put syncs on top
return sorted(subs,key=lambda x: int(float(x['rating'])),reverse=True)
示例15: text
def text():
utilities.log( "Fetching Text Forecast for '%s (%s)' from the Met Office..." % (REGIONAL_LOCATION, REGIONAL_LOCATION_ID))
with urlcache.URLCache(ADDON_DATA_PATH) as cache:
filename = cache.get(TEXT_FORECAST_URL, text_expiry)
rf = data['RegionalFcst']
issuedat = utilities.strptime(rf['issuedAt'].rstrip('Z'), DATAPOINT_DATETIME_FORMAT).replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc)
WINDOW.setProperty('TextForecast.IssuedAt', issuedat.astimezone(TZ).strftime(ISSUEDAT_FORMAT))#@UndefinedVariable
count = 0
for period in rf['FcstPeriods']['Period']:
#have to check type because json can return list or dict here
if isinstance(period['Paragraph'],list):
for paragraph in period['Paragraph']:
WINDOW.setProperty('Text.Paragraph%d.Title' % count, paragraph['title'].rstrip(':').lstrip('UK Outlook for'))#@UndefinedVariable
WINDOW.setProperty('Text.Paragraph%d.Content' % count, paragraph['$'])#@UndefinedVariable
WINDOW.setProperty('Text.Paragraph%d.Title' % count, period['Paragraph']['title'].rstrip(':').lstrip('UK Outlook for'))#@UndefinedVariable
WINDOW.setProperty('Text.Paragraph%d.Content' % count, period['Paragraph']['$'])#@UndefinedVariable
except KeyError as e:
e.args = ("Key Error in JSON File", "Key '{0}' not found while processing file from url:".format(e.args[0]), TEXT_FORECAST_URL)
WINDOW.setProperty('TextForecast.IsFetched', 'true')#@UndefinedVariable