本文整理汇总了Python中util.wait.forAjax函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python forAjax函数的具体用法?Python forAjax怎么用?Python forAjax使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: test_hmdc_build
def test_hmdc_build(self):
@Status this test has been updated for the new hmdc pages
checks the human and mouse build numbers on the HMDC query page
#displays the HMDC qf
self.driver.get(PUBLIC_URL + "/diseasePortal")
#find the pulldown and select Genome Location
selectorbox = self.driver.find_element_by_class_name("queryBuilder")
pulldown = selectorbox.find_element_by_tag_name("select").find_elements_by_tag_name("option")
#print [x.text for x in pulldown]
searchTextItems = iterate.getTextAsList(pulldown)
#verifies all the items listed in the pulldown are correct and in order
self.assertEqual(searchTextItems, ['Please select a field', 'Gene Symbol(s) or ID(s)','Gene Name','Phenotype or Disease Name', 'Phenotype or Disease ID(s)', 'Genome Location', 'Gene File Upload'])
#click the Genome Location option
#self.assertIn("Genome Location", pulldown[3].Text)
#finds the human and mouse genome build numbers
buildnumber = self.driver.find_element_by_class_name('radio-group')
# get the parent element
mainbuild = buildnumber.find_elements_by_tag_name('label')
#confirms that GRCh38 is displayed
#print [x.text for x in mainbuild]
searchTextItems = iterate.getTextAsList(mainbuild)
self.assertEqual(searchTextItems, ['Human (GRCh38)', 'Mouse (GRCm38)'])
示例2: test_assaytype_column_sort
def test_assaytype_column_sort(self):
@status: Tests that the assay type column sort works correctly
Assay Type column:
* Not applicable is not shown
* sort order should be type (with not specified last), followed by assay type and gene
* reverse order should still leave not specified last
* blot assays are last by default
driver = self.driver
driver.get(config.PUBLIC_URL + "/gxd")
genebox = driver.find_element_by_name('nomenclature')
# put your marker symbol
#find the Image tab
imagetab = driver.find_element_by_id("imagestab")
#click the image tab
assaylist = driver.find_element_by_id("imagesdata").find_elements_by_css_selector('td.yui-dt-col-assayType')
items = assaylist[0].find_elements_by_tag_name("li")
searchTextItems = iterate.getTextAsList(items)
self.assertEqual(searchTextItems, ["Immunohistochemistry", "Immunohistochemistry"])
assayheader = driver.find_element_by_id("imagesdata").find_element_by_css_selector('th.yui-dt-col-assayType')
#click the gene header column to sort
assaylist = driver.find_element_by_id("imagesdata").find_elements_by_css_selector('td.yui-dt-col-assayType')
items = assaylist[2].find_elements_by_tag_name("li")
searchTextItems = iterate.getTextAsList(items)
self.assertEqual(searchTextItems, ["RT-PCR"])
示例3: test_specimen_note
def test_specimen_note(self):
@status: Tests that the specimen notes are correctly displayed
specimen notes should be fully displayed
driver = self.driver
# opens the PWI reference form
driver.find_element_by_link_text("Reference Form").click()
accidbox = driver.find_element_by_id("accids")
# put your J number in the box
# finds the specimens link and clicks it
# finds the specimen notes column and then the first 7 items
summarytable = driver.find_element_by_id("specimenSummaryTable")
specnotes = summarytable.find_elements_by_css_selector("td:nth-child(13)")
specnote1 = specnotes[0]
specnote2 = specnotes[1]
specnote3 = specnotes[2]
specnote4 = specnotes[3]
specnote5 = specnotes[4]
specnote6 = specnotes[5]
specnote7 = specnotes[6]
# asserts the first 7 specimen notes are correct and in correct order
self.assertEqual(specnote1.text, "2.5% paraformaldehyde ")
self.assertEqual(specnote2.text, "2.5% paraformaldehyde ")
self.assertEqual(specnote3.text, "Fixed in 2.5% paraformaldehyde. With N-glycannase pretreatment. ")
self.assertEqual(specnote4.text, "2.5% paraformaldehyde ")
self.assertEqual(specnote5.text, "2.5% paraformaldehyde ")
self.assertEqual(specnote6.text, "2.5% paraformaldehyde ")
self.assertEqual(specnote7.text, "2.5% paraformaldehyde ")
示例4: test_cre_assay
def test_cre_assay(self):
@status: Tests that all cre assays are correctly displayed at the bottom
cre assays are Recombinase reporter and In situ reporter (transgenic)
driver = self.driver
# opens the PWI reference form
driver.find_element_by_link_text("Reference Form").click()
accidbox = driver.find_element_by_id("accids")
# put your J number in the box
# finds the specimens link and clicks it
# finds the specimen notes column and then the first 7 items
summarytable = driver.find_element_by_id("specimenSummaryTable")
assaytypes = summarytable.find_elements_by_css_selector("td:nth-child(3)")
assaytype1 = assaytypes[13]
assaytype2 = assaytypes[14]
assaytype3 = assaytypes[15]
assaytype4 = assaytypes[16]
assaytype5 = assaytypes[17]
assaytype6 = assaytypes[18]
assaytype7 = assaytypes[19]
# asserts the first 7 specimen notes are correct and in correct order
self.assertEqual(assaytype1.text, "In situ reporter (knock in)")
self.assertEqual(assaytype2.text, "In situ reporter (transgenic)")
self.assertEqual(assaytype3.text, "In situ reporter (transgenic)")
self.assertEqual(assaytype4.text, "In situ reporter (transgenic)")
self.assertEqual(assaytype5.text, "Recombinase reporter")
self.assertEqual(assaytype6.text, "Recombinase reporter")
self.assertEqual(assaytype7.text, "Recombinase reporter")
示例5: test_age_note
def test_age_note(self):
@status: Tests that the age notes are correct
an age note is represented by a asterisk.
driver = self.driver
# opens the PWI reference form
driver.find_element_by_link_text("Reference Form").click()
accidbox = driver.find_element_by_id("accids")
# put your J number in the box
# finds the specimens link and clicks it
# finds the age note column and then the first 12 items
summarytable = driver.find_element_by_id("specimenSummaryTable")
agenotes = summarytable.find_elements_by_css_selector("td:nth-child(6)")
agenote1 = agenotes[0]
agenote2 = agenotes[1]
agenote3 = agenotes[2]
agenote4 = agenotes[3]
agenote5 = agenotes[4]
agenote6 = agenotes[5]
agenote7 = agenotes[6]
# asserts the first 7 age notes are correct and in correct order
self.assertEqual(agenote1.text, "* ")
self.assertEqual(agenote2.text, "* ")
self.assertEqual(agenote3.text, "* ")
self.assertEqual(agenote4.text, "* ")
self.assertEqual(agenote5.text, "* ")
self.assertEqual(agenote6.text, "* ")
self.assertEqual(agenote7.text, "* ")
示例6: test_gene_column_sort
def test_gene_column_sort(self):
@status: Tests that the Gene column sort works correctly
Gene column:
* sort order is gene, then assay type
driver = self.driver
driver.get(config.PUBLIC_URL + "/gxd")
genebox = driver.find_element_by_name('nomenclature')
# put your marker symbol
#find the Image tab
imagetab = driver.find_element_by_id("imagestab")
#click the image tab
imagesdata = driver.find_element_by_id("imagesdata")
genelist = imagesdata.find_elements_by_css_selector('td.yui-dt-col-gene')
items = genelist[0].find_elements_by_tag_name("li")
searchTextItems = iterate.getTextAsList(items)
self.assertEqual(searchTextItems, ["Arx", "Olig2", "Shh"])
geneheader = imagesdata.find_element_by_css_selector('th.yui-dt-col-gene')
#click the gene header column to sort
genelist = driver.find_element_by_id("imagesdata").find_elements_by_css_selector('td.yui-dt-col-gene')
items = genelist[0].find_elements_by_tag_name("li")
searchTextItems = iterate.getTextAsList(items)
self.assertEqual(searchTextItems, ["Arx", "Olig2", "Shh"])
示例7: testAnnotationStageDetailLink
def testAnnotationStageDetailLink(self):
tests that when you click on the annotations link in the detail section it goes to the correct assay results; jlewis
self.performSearch(term="thymus/parathyroid primordium", stage="19")
# select specific stage
activetree = self.driver.find_element_by_css_selector(".mgitreeview .active")
self.assertEqual(activetree.text,"thymus/parathyroid primordium")
# verify annotation count exists
annotCountTag = self.driver.find_element_by_css_selector(".resultsLink a")
annotCount = int(annotCountTag.text)
self.assertTrue(annotCount > 0, "annotation count not greater than zero")
# click link to go to results page
searchFor = self.driver.find_element_by_css_selector(".youSearchedFor")
self.assertEqual(self.driver.title, "Result Summary")
self.assertTrue("thymus/parathyroid primordium" in searchFor.text, "You searched for does not contain structure name")
body = self.driver.find_element_by_tag_name("body")
self.assertTrue( ("of %d" % annotCount) in body.text, "same annotation count not found on results summary")
示例8: test_multispecs_diffassay
def test_multispecs_diffassay(self):
@status: Tests the display for image panes with multiple specimens from different assays
each specimen/assay should have it's own row per image
driver = self.driver
#opens the PWI reference form
driver.find_element_by_link_text("Reference Form").click()
accidbox = driver.find_element_by_id('accids')
# put your J number in the box
#finds the specimens link and clicks it
driver.find_element_by_link_text("Exp Images").click()
#Locates the images table and finds the table headings
imagestable = driver.find_element_by_id("paneSummaryTable")
rows = imagestable.find_elements_by_css_selector('tr')
#displays each row of data for the first 18 rows
row1 = rows[1]
row2 = rows[2]
row3 = rows[3]
row4 = rows[4]
row5 = rows[5]
row6 = rows[6]
row7 = rows[7]
row8 = rows[8]
row9 = rows[9]
row10 = rows[10]
row11 = rows[11]
row12 = rows[12]
row13 = rows[13]
row14 = rows[14]
row15 = rows[15]
row16 = rows[16]
row17 = rows[17]
row18 = rows[18]
row19 = rows[19]
#asserts that the rows of data are correct for the first 18 rows
self.assertEqual(row1.text, 'MGI:3522445\n1 Syndecan-1 MGI:3522591 (Sdc1) RT-PCR')
self.assertEqual(row2.text, 'MGI:3522445\n1 Syndecan-2 MGI:3522592 (Sdc2) RT-PCR')
self.assertEqual(row3.text, 'MGI:3522445\n1 Syndecan-3 MGI:3522593 (Sdc3) RT-PCR')
self.assertEqual(row4.text, 'MGI:3522445\n1 Syndecan-4 MGI:3522594 (Sdc4) RT-PCR')
self.assertEqual(row5.text, 'MGI:3522448\n2 A 2A MGI:3522619 (Sdc1) Immunohistochemistry')
self.assertEqual(row6.text, "2A MGI:3522621 (Hspg2) Immunohistochemistry")
self.assertEqual(row7.text, "2A MGI:3522624 (Tubb3) Immunohistochemistry")
self.assertEqual(row8.text, "MGI:3522448\n2 B 2B,2B'' MGI:3522621 (Hspg2) Immunohistochemistry")
self.assertEqual(row9.text, "2B,2B'' MGI:3522624 (Tubb3) Immunohistochemistry")
self.assertEqual(row10.text, "MGI:3522448\n2 B' 2B',2B'' MGI:3522619 (Sdc1) Immunohistochemistry")
self.assertEqual(row11.text, "MGI:3522448\n2 B'' 2B',2B'' MGI:3522619 (Sdc1) Immunohistochemistry")
self.assertEqual(row12.text, "2B,2B'' MGI:3522621 (Hspg2) Immunohistochemistry")
self.assertEqual(row13.text, "2B,2B'' MGI:3522624 (Tubb3) Immunohistochemistry")
self.assertEqual(row14.text, "MGI:3522448\n2 C 2C,2C'' MGI:3522621 (Hspg2) Immunohistochemistry")
self.assertEqual(row15.text, "2C,2C'' MGI:3522624 (Tubb3) Immunohistochemistry")
self.assertEqual(row16.text, "MGI:3522448\n2 C' 2C',2C'' MGI:3522619 (Sdc1) Immunohistochemistry")
self.assertEqual(row17.text, "2C,2C'' MGI:3522624 (Tubb3) Immunohistochemistry")
self.assertEqual(row18.text, "MGI:3522448\n2 C'' 2C',2C'' MGI:3522619 (Sdc1) Immunohistochemistry")
self.assertEqual(row19.text, "2C,2C'' MGI:3522621 (Hspg2) Immunohistochemistry")
示例9: testMinimalStageLinks
def testMinimalStageLinks(self):
tests that all stage links exist in the term detail section and clicking them function correctly; this is for a case with only a few stages; jlewis
self.performSearch(term="second polar body")
detailArea = self.driver.find_element_by_id("termDetailContent")
stageItems = detailArea.find_elements_by_class_name("stageSelector")
# add all link text to a list for "assertIn" test
stages = iterate.getTextAsList(stageItems)
self.assertEqual(stages, ["All", "1", "2", "3", "4"])
# click stage 1
stage1 = detailArea.find_element_by_link_text("1").click()
#verify EMAPS term is loaded for second polar body
detailItems = self.driver.find_elements_by_css_selector("#termDetailContent dd")
# verify stage is active
activeStage = self.driver.find_element_by_css_selector(".stageSelector.active")
示例10: test_images_noassay
def test_images_noassay(self):
@status: Tests the display for image panes with no attached assay
each image and figure displayed but no assay or specimen
driver = self.driver
#opens the PWI reference form
driver.find_element_by_link_text("Reference Form").click()
accidbox = driver.find_element_by_id('accids')
# put your J number in the box
#finds the specimens link and clicks it
driver.find_element_by_link_text("Exp Images").click()
#Locates the images table and finds the table headings
imagestable = driver.find_element_by_id("paneSummaryTable")
rows = imagestable.find_elements_by_css_selector('tr')
#displays each row of data for the first 16 rows
row1 = rows[1]
row2 = rows[2]
row3 = rows[3]
row4 = rows[4]
row5 = rows[5]
row6 = rows[6]
row7 = rows[7]
row8 = rows[8]
row9 = rows[9]
row10 = rows[10]
row11 = rows[11]
row12 = rows[12]
row13 = rows[13]
row14 = rows[14]
row15 = rows[15]
row16 = rows[16]
#asserts that the rows of data are correct for the first 16 rows
self.assertEqual(row1.text, 'MGI:4453601\n2 b Fig. 1b MGI:4453599 (Tg(Scgb1a1-cre)1Tauc) In situ reporter (transgenic)')
self.assertEqual(row2.text, 'MGI:4453603\n3 a Fig. 3a MGI:4453606 (Tg(Scgb1a1-cre)1Tauc) Recombinase reporter')
self.assertEqual(row3.text, 'MGI:4453603\n3 c Fig. 3c MGI:4453606 (Tg(Scgb1a1-cre)1Tauc) Recombinase reporter')
self.assertEqual(row4.text, 'MGI:4453603\n3 e Fig. 3e MGI:4453606 (Tg(Scgb1a1-cre)1Tauc) Recombinase reporter')
self.assertEqual(row5.text, 'MGI:4453605\n4 a Fig. 4a MGI:4453606 (Tg(Scgb1a1-cre)1Tauc) Recombinase reporter')
self.assertEqual(row6.text, 'MGI:4453605\n4 b Fig. 4b MGI:4453606 (Tg(Scgb1a1-cre)1Tauc) Recombinase reporter')
self.assertEqual(row7.text, 'MGI:4453605\n4 c Fig. 4c MGI:4453606 (Tg(Scgb1a1-cre)1Tauc) Recombinase reporter')
self.assertEqual(row8.text, 'MGI:4453605\n4 d Fig. 4d MGI:4453606 (Tg(Scgb1a1-cre)1Tauc) Recombinase reporter')
self.assertEqual(row9.text, 'MGI:4453605\n4 e Fig. 4e MGI:4453606 (Tg(Scgb1a1-cre)1Tauc) Recombinase reporter')
self.assertEqual(row10.text, 'MGI:4453605\n4 f Fig. 4f MGI:4453606 (Tg(Scgb1a1-cre)1Tauc) Recombinase reporter')
self.assertEqual(row11.text, 'MGI:4453605\n4 g Fig. 4g MGI:4453606 (Tg(Scgb1a1-cre)1Tauc) Recombinase reporter')
self.assertEqual(row12.text, 'MGI:4453605\n4 h Fig. 4h MGI:4453606 (Tg(Scgb1a1-cre)1Tauc) Recombinase reporter')
self.assertEqual(row13.text, 'MGI:4453605\n4 i Fig. 4i MGI:4453606 (Tg(Scgb1a1-cre)1Tauc) Recombinase reporter')
self.assertEqual(row14.text, 'MGI:4453605\n4 j Fig. 4j MGI:4453606 (Tg(Scgb1a1-cre)1Tauc) Recombinase reporter')
self.assertEqual(row15.text, 'MGI:4453605\n4 k')
self.assertEqual(row16.text, 'MGI:4453605\n4 l')
示例11: test_default_sort_treeview
def test_default_sort_treeview(self):
@status: Tests that the terms are correctly sorted
The default sort for the tree view is smart alpha
driver = self.driver
driver.get(config.PUBLIC_URL + "/vocab/gxd/anatomy/EMAPA:16042")
termList = driver.find_elements_by_class_name("ygtvlabel")
terms = iterate.getTextAsList(termList)
print [x.text for x in termList]
示例12: test_mrk_detail_build
def test_mrk_detail_build(self):
@Status this test works
Checks the mouse build number on a marker detail page
#displays the marker detail page for pax6
self.driver.get(PUBLIC_URL + "/marker/MGI:1096368")
#opens the Location & Maps section
#finds the build number at the top of the snp QF page
seqmapLabel = self.driver.find_element_by_class_name("detailData2").find_element_by_class_name("closed").find_element_by_css_selector("div.value")
#verifies GRCm38 is displayed in this section
self.assertIn("GRCm38", seqmapLabel.text)
示例13: test_table_headers
def test_table_headers(self):
@status: Tests that the Gene Ontology Classifications page in Tabular view, table headers are correct
Headers are: Aspect, Category, Classification Term, Context, Proteoform, Evidence, Inferred From, Reference(s)
driver = self.driver
driver.get(config.FEWI_URL + "/marker")
genebox = driver.find_element_by_name('nomen')
# put your marker symbol
#finds the correct marker link and clicks it
#Finds the All sequences link and clicks it
#Locates the marker header table and finds the table headings
tabularheaderlist = driver.find_element_by_id("dynamicdata")
items = tabularheaderlist.find_elements_by_tag_name("th")
searchTextItems = iterate.getTextAsList(items)
print searchTextItems
#verifies all the table headings are correct and in order
self.assertEqual(searchTextItems, ['Aspect','Category','Classification Term', 'Context', 'Proteoform', 'Evidence', 'Inferred From', 'Reference(s)'])
示例14: test_hide_private_marker
def test_hide_private_marker(self):
@status: Tests that the dummy private allele Brca1<test1> does not display on public
driver = self.driver
self.assertIn("Informatics", driver.title)
querytext = driver.find_element_by_name('query')
querytext.send_keys("Agit")# put your marker symbol
querytext.send_keys(Keys.RETURN) # click the submit button
missng = driver.find_element_by_class_name('redText').is_displayed()#verifies that the warning Could not find the independent term(s): is displaying
self.assertTrue(missng, 'oops, is not displaying warning message!')
示例15: test_multispecs_sameassay_samepane
def test_multispecs_sameassay_samepane(self):
@status: Tests the display for image panes with multiple specimens from the same assay using the same image pane
each specimen should have it's own row
driver = self.driver
#opens the PWI reference form
driver.find_element_by_link_text("Reference Form").click()
accidbox = driver.find_element_by_id('accids')
# put your J number in the box
#finds the specimens link and clicks it
driver.find_element_by_link_text("Exp Images").click()
#Locates the images table and finds the table headings
imagestable = driver.find_element_by_id("paneSummaryTable")
rows = imagestable.find_elements_by_css_selector('tr')
#displays each row of data for the first 13 rows
row1 = rows[1]
row2 = rows[2]
row3 = rows[3]
row4 = rows[4]
row5 = rows[5]
row6 = rows[6]
row7 = rows[7]
row8 = rows[8]
row9 = rows[9]
row10 = rows[10]
row11 = rows[11]
row12 = rows[12]
row13 = rows[13]
#asserts that the rows of data are correct for the first 13 rows
self.assertEqual(row1.text, 'MGI:5750634\n3 A MGI:5750650 (H13) Northern blot')
self.assertEqual(row2.text, 'MGI:5750637\n4 A 4A MGI:5750680 (H13) RNA in situ')
self.assertEqual(row3.text, 'MGI:5750637\n4 B 4B MGI:5750680 (H13) RNA in situ')
self.assertEqual(row4.text, 'MGI:5750637\n4 C 4C MGI:5750680 (H13) RNA in situ')
self.assertEqual(row5.text, 'MGI:5750638\n5 E5.5 5 E5.5 embryo, 5 E5.5 mother MGI:5750680 (H13) RNA in situ')
self.assertEqual(row6.text, 'MGI:5750638\n5 E6.5 5 E6.5 embryo, 5 E6.5 mother MGI:5750680 (H13) RNA in situ')
self.assertEqual(row7.text, 'MGI:5750638\n5 E7.5 5 E7.5 embryo, 5 E7.5 mother MGI:5750680 (H13) RNA in situ')
self.assertEqual(row8.text, 'MGI:5750638\n5 E8.5 5 E8.5 embryo, 5 E8.5 mother MGI:5750680 (H13) RNA in situ')
self.assertEqual(row9.text, 'MGI:5750638\n5 E9.5 5 E9.5 embryo, 5 E9.5 mother MGI:5750680 (H13) RNA in situ')
self.assertEqual(row10.text, 'MGI:5750639\n6 E10.5 6 E10.5 MGI:5750680 (H13) RNA in situ')
self.assertEqual(row11.text, 'MGI:5750639\n6 E11.5 6 E11.5 MGI:5750680 (H13) RNA in situ')
self.assertEqual(row12.text, 'MGI:5750639\n6 E13.5 6 E13.5 MGI:5750680 (H13) RNA in situ')
self.assertEqual(row13.text, 'MGI:5750639\n6 E14.5 6 E14.5 MGI:5750680 (H13) RNA in situ')