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Python Log.w方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中util.Log.w方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Log.w方法的具体用法?Python Log.w怎么用?Python Log.w使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在util.Log的用法示例。


示例1: __init__

# 需要导入模块: from util import Log [as 别名]
# 或者: from util.Log import w [as 别名]
	def __init__(self, filename):
		if(filename[0] != '/'):
			Log.w(TAG, "Filename is not absolute, this may cause issues dispatching jobs.")
		ffprobe = subprocess.Popen(["ffprobe","-v", "quiet", "-print_format", "json", "-show_format", "-show_streams",filename], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
		#Get everything from stdout once ffprobe exits, and
			ffprobe_string = ffprobe.communicate()[0]
		except ValueError:
			Log.e(TAG, "File could not be read, are you sure it exists?")
		ffmpeg_interlace = subprocess.Popen(["ffmpeg", "-filter:v", "idet", "-frames:v", "400", "-an", "-f", "null", "-", "-i", filename],stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
		interlaced_details = ffmpeg_interlace.communicate()[1]
		interlaced_lines = interlaced_details.split("\n")
		num_progressive = 0
		for line in interlaced_lines:
			if line.find("idet") != -1 and line.find("Progressive") != -1:
				#find the number of progressive frames in this line.
				nframes = line.split("Progressive:")[1].split("Undetermined")[0]
				num_progressive = num_progressive + int(nframes)
		if num_progressive < 20:
			self.is_interlaced = True
		self.video_stream = self.parse_video(self.ffprobe_dict)
		self.audio_streams = self.parse_audio(self.ffprobe_dict)
		self.sub_streams = self.parse_subs(self.ffprobe_dict)
		self.file_format = self.ffprobe_dict["format"]["format_name"]
		self.duration = float(self.ffprobe_dict["format"]["duration"])

示例2: parse_video

# 需要导入模块: from util import Log [as 别名]
# 或者: from util.Log import w [as 别名]
	def parse_video(self, ffprobe_dict):
		if ffprobe_dict == False:

		foundVideo = False
		video_stream = {}
		for stream in ffprobe_dict["streams"]:
			if stream["codec_type"] == "video":
				if foundVideo:
					Log.w(TAG, "File had more than one video stream. Using the first one. This is unsupported!")
				foundVideo = True
				video_stream = {"index": stream["index"], "width": stream["width"], "height": stream["height"], "codec": stream["codec_name"] }
		return video_stream

示例3: media_transform

# 需要导入模块: from util import Log [as 别名]
# 或者: from util.Log import w [as 别名]
def media_transform(parser, options):

	#keep track if we do anything other than copying
	# Start with the video.
	# We're going to check the parser video_stream and compare it to our target.
	cstream = parser.video_stream
	voptions = options["video"]

	codec = "copy"
	if cstream["codec"] != voptions["codec"] or voptions["force"] == True:
		if voptions["allowhevc"] == True and cstream["codec"] == "hevc":
			Log.i(TAG, "Skipping transcode for HVEC as per override.")
			tcodeVideo = True
			Log.i(TAG, "Transcoding video track")
			codec = voptions["codec"]
		Log.i(TAG, "Copying video track")

	deinterlace = False
	if (parser.is_interlaced and voptions["deinterlace"] == "yes") or voptions["deinterlace"] == "forced":
		Log.i(TAG, "Deinterlacing video track (will cause transcode!)")
		codec = voptions["codec"]
		deinterlace = True

	scaleopts = False

	if voptions["res"] != "keep":
		dres = 0
		if voptions["res"] == "1080p":
			dres = 1080
		elif voptions["res"] == "720p":
			dres = 720
		elif voptions["res"] == "480p":
			dres = 480

		if(cstream["height"] < dres):
			scaleopts = False
		elif(abs(cstream["height"] - dres) < 30):
			scaleopts = False
			Log.i(TAG, "Scaling video (will cause transcode!)")
			codec = voptions["codec"]
			scaleopts = dres

	video_build = {"type":"video", "index":cstream["index"], "codec": codec, "quality": voptions["quality"], "deinterlacing": deinterlace, "scaleopts": scaleopts}
	if options["video"]["ignore"] == True:
		Log.w(TAG, "Ignoring incorrect video codec")
		video_build = {"type":"video", "index":cstream["index"], "codec": "copy", "quality": "10", "deinterlacing": False, "scaleopts": False}

	aoptions = options["audio"]


	surround_exists = False
	stereo_exists = False
	#Now the hard part. Figuring out the mess of audio streams
	#Find the master track. This is the highest bitrate, highest number of channels stream, which is also in the right language.
	audio_master = {"channels": 0, 'language':'und'}
	audio_stereo = None

	#this feels naieve. Take a closer look at this!
	for track in parser.audio_streams:

		if ( track["language"] == "eng" or track["language"] == "und" or track["language"] == None):
			if track["channels"] > audio_master["channels"]:
				audio_master = track
			if track["channels"] < 6:
				audio_stereo = track
				stereo_exists = True
	if audio_master["channels"] > 2:
		surround_exists = True

	#Add our audio channels.
	#Use the existing surround track
	if surround_exists and aoptions["surround"]["keep"] == True:
		audio_building.append({"type":"audio","index":audio_master["index"], "codec": "copy","ffprocdown":False,"downconvert":False})
		Log.i(TAG, "Copying surround audio")

	#Use our existing stereo track.
	if stereo_exists and aoptions["stereo"]["keep"] == True:
		if "aac" == audio_stereo["codec"]:
			Log.i(TAG, "Copying stereo audio")
			audio_building.append({"type":"audio","index":audio_stereo["index"], "codec": "copy","ffprocdown":False,"downconvert":False})
			tcodeAudio = True
			Log.i(TAG, "Transcoding existing stereo audio")
			audio_building.append({"type":"audio","index":audio_master["index"], "codec": "aac", "bitrate": aoptions["stereo"]["bitrate"],"downconvert":False, "forcefdk":aoptions["stereo"]["force_libfdk"],"ffprocdown":False})

	#Create from surround.
	if surround_exists and (not stereo_exists or aoptions["stereo"]["keep"] == False) and aoptions["stereo"]["create"] == True:
		Log.i(TAG, "Downmixing surround to stereo")
		tcodeAudio = True
		audio_building.append({"type":"audio","index":audio_master["index"], "codec": "aac", "bitrate": aoptions["stereo"]["bitrate"],"downconvert":True, "forcefdk":aoptions["stereo"]["force_libfdk"],"ffprocdown":aoptions["stereo"]["ffproc_filtering"]})
	#Are we doing any transcoding?
	tcode = tcodeVideo or tcodeAudio
