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Python util.ImpalaShell类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中util.ImpalaShell的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python ImpalaShell类的具体用法?Python ImpalaShell怎么用?Python ImpalaShell使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: test_reconnect

  def test_reconnect(self):
    """Regression Test for IMPALA-1235

    Verifies that a connect command by the user is honoured.

    def get_num_open_sessions(impala_service):
      """Helper method to retrieve the number of open sessions"""
      return impala_service.get_metric_value('impala-server.num-open-beeswax-sessions')

    hostname = socket.getfqdn()
    initial_impala_service = ImpaladService(hostname)
    target_impala_service = ImpaladService(hostname, webserver_port=25001,
        beeswax_port=21001, be_port=22001)
    # Get the initial state for the number of sessions.
    num_sessions_initial = get_num_open_sessions(initial_impala_service)
    num_sessions_target = get_num_open_sessions(target_impala_service)
    # Connect to localhost:21000 (default)
    p = ImpalaShell()
    # Make sure we're connected <hostname>:21000
    assert get_num_open_sessions(initial_impala_service) == num_sessions_initial + 1, \
        "Not connected to %s:21000" % hostname
    p.send_cmd("connect %s:21001" % hostname)
    # Wait for a little while
    # The number of sessions on the target impalad should have been incremented.
    assert get_num_open_sessions(target_impala_service) == num_sessions_target + 1, \
        "Not connected to %s:21001" % hostname
    # The number of sessions on the initial impalad should have been decremented.
    assert get_num_open_sessions(initial_impala_service) == num_sessions_initial, \
        "Connection to %s:21000 should have been closed" % hostname

示例2: test_malformed_query

 def test_malformed_query(self):
   """Test the handling of malformed query without closing quotation"""
   shell = ImpalaShell()
   query = "with v as (select 1) \nselect foo('\\\\'), ('bar \n;"
   result = shell.get_result()
   assert "ERROR: ParseException: Unmatched string literal" in result.stderr

示例3: test_multiline_queries_in_history

  def test_multiline_queries_in_history(self, tmp_history_file):
    """Test to ensure that multiline queries with comments are preserved in history

    Ensure that multiline queries are preserved when they're read back from history.
    Additionally, also test that comments are preserved.
    # readline gets its input from tty, so using stdin does not work.
    child_proc = pexpect.spawn(SHELL_CMD)
    # List of (input query, expected text in output).
    # The expected output is usually the same as the input with a number prefix, except
    # where the shell strips newlines before a semicolon.
    queries = [
        ("select\n1;--comment", "[1]: select\n1;--comment"),
        ("select 1 --comment\n;", "[2]: select 1 --comment;"),
        ("select 1 --comment\n\n\n;", "[3]: select 1 --comment;"),
        ("select /*comment*/\n1;", "[4]: select /*comment*/\n1;"),
        ("select\n/*comm\nent*/\n1;", "[5]: select\n/*comm\nent*/\n1;")]
    for query, _ in queries:
      child_proc.expect("Fetched 1 row\(s\) in [0-9]+\.?[0-9]*s")
    p = ImpalaShell()
    result = p.get_result()
    for _, history_entry in queries:
      assert history_entry in result.stderr, "'%s' not in '%s'" % (history_entry,

示例4: test_change_delimiter

 def test_change_delimiter(self):
   """Test change output delimiter if delimited mode is enabled"""
   p = ImpalaShell()
   p.send_cmd("use tpch")
   p.send_cmd("set write_delimited=true")
   p.send_cmd("set delimiter=,")
   p.send_cmd("select * from nation")
   result = p.get_result()
   assert "21,VIETNAM,2" in result.stdout

示例5: test_cancellation

  def test_cancellation(self):
    """Test cancellation (Ctrl+C event)."""
    args = '-q "select sleep(10000)"'
    p = ImpalaShell(args)
    os.kill(p.pid(), signal.SIGINT)
    result = p.get_result()

    assert "Cancelling Query" in result.stderr, result.stderr

示例6: test_cancellation

 def test_cancellation(self, vector):
   """Test cancellation (Ctrl+C event). Run a query that sleeps 10ms per row so will run
   for 110s if not cancelled, but will detect cancellation quickly because of the small
   batch size."""
   query = "set num_nodes=1; set mt_dop=1; set batch_size=1; \
            select sleep(10) from functional_parquet.alltypesagg"
   p = ImpalaShell(vector, ['-q', query])
   os.kill(p.pid(), signal.SIGINT)
   result = p.get_result()
   assert "Cancelling Query" in result.stderr, result.stderr

示例7: test_with_clause

 def test_with_clause(self):
   # IMPALA-7939: Fix issue where CTE that contains "insert", "upsert", "update", or
   # "delete" is categorized as a DML statement.
   for keyword in ["insert", "upsert", "update", "delete", "\\'insert\\'",
                   "\\'upsert\\'", "\\'update\\'", "\\'delete\\'"]:
     p = ImpalaShell()
     p.send_cmd("with foo as "
                "(select * from functional.alltypestiny where string_col='%s') "
                "select * from foo limit 1" % keyword)
     result = p.get_result()
     assert "Fetched 0 row" in result.stderr

示例8: test_cancellation

 def test_cancellation(self):
   impalad = ImpaladService(socket.getfqdn())
   command = "select sleep(10000);"
   p = ImpalaShell()
   os.kill(p.pid(), signal.SIGINT)
   result = p.get_result()
   assert "Cancelled" not in result.stderr
   assert impalad.wait_for_num_in_flight_queries(0)

示例9: run_and_verify_query_cancellation_test

  def run_and_verify_query_cancellation_test(self, vector, stmt, cancel_at_state):
    """Starts the execution of the received query, waits until the query
    execution in fact starts and then cancels it. Expects the query
    cancellation to succeed."""
    p = ImpalaShell(vector, ['-q', stmt])

    self.wait_for_query_state(vector, stmt, cancel_at_state)

    os.kill(p.pid(), signal.SIGINT)
    result = p.get_result()
    assert "Cancelling Query" in result.stderr
    assert "Invalid query handle" not in result.stderr

示例10: test_queries_closed

  def test_queries_closed(self, vector):
    """Regression test for IMPALA-897."""
    args = ['-f', '{0}/test_close_queries.sql'.format(QUERY_FILE_PATH), '--quiet', '-B']
    # Execute the shell command async
    p = ImpalaShell(vector, args)

    impalad_service = ImpaladService(get_impalad_host_port(vector).split(':')[0])
    # The last query in the test SQL script will sleep for 10 seconds, so sleep
    # here for 5 seconds and verify the number of in-flight queries is 1.
    assert 1 == impalad_service.get_num_in_flight_queries()
    assert p.get_result().rc == 0
    assert 0 == impalad_service.get_num_in_flight_queries()

示例11: run_impala_shell_interactive

def run_impala_shell_interactive(input_lines, shell_args=None):
  """Runs a command in the Impala shell interactively."""
  # if argument "input_lines" is a string, makes it into a list
  if type(input_lines) is str:
    input_lines = [input_lines]
  # workaround to make Popen environment 'utf-8' compatible
  # since piping defaults to ascii
  my_env = os.environ
  my_env['PYTHONIOENCODING'] = 'utf-8'
  p = ImpalaShell(shell_args, env=my_env)
  for line in input_lines:
  return p.get_result()

示例12: test_queries_closed

  def test_queries_closed(self):
    """Regression test for IMPALA-897."""
    args = '-f %s/test_close_queries.sql --quiet -B' % QUERY_FILE_PATH
    cmd = "%s %s" % (SHELL_CMD, args)
    # Execute the shell command async
    p = ImpalaShell(args)

    impalad_service = ImpaladService(IMPALAD.split(':')[0])
    # The last query in the test SQL script will sleep for 10 seconds, so sleep
    # here for 5 seconds and verify the number of in-flight queries is 1.
    assert 1 == impalad_service.get_num_in_flight_queries()
    assert p.get_result().rc == 0
    assert 0 == impalad_service.get_num_in_flight_queries()

示例13: test_write_delimited

 def test_write_delimited(self):
   """Test output rows in delimited mode"""
   p = ImpalaShell()
   p.send_cmd("use tpch")
   p.send_cmd("set write_delimited=true")
   p.send_cmd("select * from nation")
   result = p.get_result()
   assert "+----------------+" not in result.stdout
   assert "21\tVIETNAM\t2" in result.stdout

示例14: test_reconnect

  def test_reconnect(self, vector):
    """Regression Test for IMPALA-1235

    Verifies that a connect command by the user is honoured.
    # Disconnect existing clients so there are no open sessions.

    def wait_for_num_open_sessions(impala_service, num, err):
      """Helper method to wait for the number of open sessions to reach 'num'."""
      metric_name = get_open_sessions_metric(vector)
      assert impala_service.wait_for_metric_value(metric_name, num) == num, err

    hostname = socket.getfqdn()
    initial_impala_service = ImpaladService(hostname)
    target_impala_service = ImpaladService(hostname, webserver_port=25001,
        beeswax_port=21001, be_port=22001, hs2_port=21051)
    if vector.get_value("protocol") == "hs2":
      target_port = 21051
      target_port = 21001
    # This test is running serially, so there shouldn't be any open sessions, but wait
    # here in case a session from a previous test hasn't been fully closed yet.
    wait_for_num_open_sessions(initial_impala_service, 0,
        "first impalad should not have any remaining open sessions.")
    wait_for_num_open_sessions(target_impala_service, 0,
        "second impalad should not have any remaining open sessions.")
    # Connect to the first impalad
    p = ImpalaShell(vector)

    # Make sure we're connected <hostname>:<port>
    wait_for_num_open_sessions(initial_impala_service, 1,
        "Not connected to %s:%d" % (hostname, get_impalad_port(vector)))
    p.send_cmd("connect %s:%d" % (hostname, target_port))

    # The number of sessions on the target impalad should have been incremented.
        target_impala_service, 1, "Not connected to %s:%d" % (hostname, target_port))
    assert "[%s:%d] default>" % (hostname, target_port) in p.get_result().stdout

    # The number of sessions on the initial impalad should have been decremented.
    wait_for_num_open_sessions(initial_impala_service, 0,
        "Connection to %s:%d should have been closed" % (
          hostname, get_impalad_port(vector)))

示例15: test_multiline_queries_in_history

  def test_multiline_queries_in_history(self):
    """Test to ensure that multiline queries with comments are preserved in history

    Ensure that multiline queries are preserved when they're read back from history.
    Additionally, also test that comments are preserved.
    # regex for pexpect, a shell prompt is expected after each command..
    prompt_regex = '.*%s:2100.*' % socket.getfqdn()
    # readline gets its input from tty, so using stdin does not work.
    child_proc = pexpect.spawn(SHELL_CMD)
    queries = ["select\n1--comment;",
        "select /*comment*/\n1;",
    for query in queries:
    p = ImpalaShell()
    result = p.get_result()
    for query in queries:
      assert query in result.stderr, "'%s' not in '%s'" % (query, result.stderr)
