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Python util.doublesha函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中util.doublesha函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python doublesha函数的具体用法?Python doublesha怎么用?Python doublesha使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: recalculate

 def recalculate(self, detailed=False):
     L = self.data
     steps = []
     if detailed:
         detail = []
         PreL = []
         StartL = 0
         detail = None
         PreL = [None]
         StartL = 2
     Ll = len(L)
     if detailed or Ll > 1:
         while True:
             if detailed:
                 detail += L
             if Ll == 1:
             if Ll % 2:
                 L += [L[-1]]
             L = PreL + [doublesha(L[i] + L[i + 1]) for i in range(StartL, Ll, 2)]
             Ll = len(L)
     self._steps = steps
     self.detail = detail

示例2: hash_steps

    def hash_steps(self):
        if self._hash_steps == None:
            if settings.COINDAEMON_ALGO == 'heavy':
	        self._hash_steps = heavycoin_hash.getHash(''.join(self._steps), len(''.join(self._steps)))
	        self._hash_steps = doublesha(''.join(self._steps))
        return self._hash_steps

示例3: recalculate

    def recalculate(self, detailed=False):
        L = self.data
        steps = []
        if detailed:
            detail = []
            PreL = []
            StartL = 0
            detail = None
            PreL = [None]
            StartL = 2
        Ll = len(L)
        if detailed or Ll > 1:
            while True:
                if detailed:
                    detail += L
                if Ll == 1:
                if Ll % 2:
                    L += [L[-1]]
		if settings.COINDAEMON_ALGO == 'heavy':
                    L = PreL + [heavycoin_hash.getHash(L[i] + L[i + 1], len(L[i] + L[i + 1])) for i in range(StartL, Ll, 2)]
                    L = PreL + [doublesha(L[i] + L[i + 1]) for i in range(StartL, Ll, 2)]
                Ll = len(L)
        self._steps = steps
        self.detail = detail

示例4: withFirst

 def withFirst(self, f):
     steps = self._steps
     for s in steps:
         if settings.COINDAEMON_ALGO == 'heavy':
             f = heavycoin_hash.getHash(f + s, len(f + s))
             f = doublesha(f + s)
     return f

示例5: submit_share

    def submit_share(self, job_id, worker_name, session, extranonce1_bin, extranonce2, ntime, nonce,
        '''Check parameters and finalize block template. If it leads
           to valid block candidate, asynchronously submits the block
           back to the bitcoin network.
            - extranonce1_bin is binary. No checks performed, it should be from session data
            - job_id, extranonce2, ntime, nonce - in hex form sent by the client
            - difficulty - decimal number from session, again no checks performed
            - submitblock_callback - reference to method which receive result of submitblock()
        # Check if extranonce2 looks correctly. extranonce2 is in hex form...
        if len(extranonce2) != self.extranonce2_size * 2:
            raise SubmitException("Incorrect size of extranonce2. Expected %d chars" % (self.extranonce2_size*2))
        # Check for job
        job = self.get_job(job_id)
        if job == None:
            raise SubmitException("Job '%s' not found" % job_id)
        # Check if ntime looks correct
        if len(ntime) != 8:
            raise SubmitException("Incorrect size of ntime. Expected 8 chars")

        if not job.check_ntime(int(ntime, 16)):
            raise SubmitException("Ntime out of range")
        # Check nonce        
        if len(nonce) != 8:
            raise SubmitException("Incorrect size of nonce. Expected 8 chars")
        # Check for duplicated submit
        if not job.register_submit(extranonce1_bin, extranonce2, ntime, nonce):
            log.info("Duplicate from %s, (%s %s %s %s)" % \
                    (worker_name, binascii.hexlify(extranonce1_bin), extranonce2, ntime, nonce))
            raise SubmitException("Duplicate share")
        # Now let's do the hard work!
        # ---------------------------
        # 0. Some sugar
        extranonce2_bin = binascii.unhexlify(extranonce2)
        ntime_bin = binascii.unhexlify(ntime)
        nonce_bin = binascii.unhexlify(nonce)
        # 1. Build coinbase
        coinbase_bin = job.serialize_coinbase(extranonce1_bin, extranonce2_bin)
        coinbase_hash = util.doublesha(coinbase_bin)
        # 2. Calculate merkle root
        merkle_root_bin = job.merkletree.withFirst(coinbase_hash)
        merkle_root_int = util.uint256_from_str(merkle_root_bin)
        # 3. Serialize header with given merkle, ntime and nonce
        header_bin = job.serialize_header(merkle_root_int, ntime_bin, nonce_bin)
        # 4. Reverse header and compare it with target of the user
        if settings.COINDAEMON_ALGO == 'scrypt':
            hash_bin = ltc_scrypt.getPoWHash(''.join([ header_bin[i*4:i*4+4][::-1] for i in range(0, 20) ]))
        elif settings.COINDAEMON_ALGO  == 'scrypt-jane':
            hash_bin = yac_scrypt.getPoWHash(''.join([ header_bin[i*4:i*4+4][::-1] for i in range(0, 20) ]), int(ntime, 16))
        elif settings.COINDAEMON_ALGO == 'quark':
            hash_bin = quark_hash.getPoWHash(''.join([ header_bin[i*4:i*4+4][::-1] for i in range(0, 20) ]))
            hash_bin = util.doublesha(''.join([ header_bin[i*4:i*4+4][::-1] for i in range(0, 20) ]))

        hash_int = util.uint256_from_str(hash_bin)
        scrypt_hash_hex = "%064x" % hash_int
        header_hex = binascii.hexlify(header_bin)
        if settings.COINDAEMON_ALGO == 'scrypt' or settings.COINDAEMON_ALGO == 'scrypt-jane':
            header_hex = header_hex+"000000800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000080020000"
        elif settings.COINDAEMON_ALGO == 'quark':
            header_hex = header_hex+"000000800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000080020000"
        else: pass
        target_user = self.diff_to_target(difficulty)
        if hash_int > target_user:
            raise SubmitException("Share is above target")

        # Mostly for debugging purposes
        target_info = self.diff_to_target(100000)
        if hash_int <= target_info:
            log.info("Yay, share with diff above 100000")

        # Algebra tells us the diff_to_target is the same as hash_to_diff
        share_diff = int(self.diff_to_target(hash_int))

        # 5. Compare hash with target of the network
        if hash_int <= job.target:
            # Yay! It is block candidate! 
            log.info("We found a block candidate! %s" % scrypt_hash_hex)

            # Reverse the header and get the potential block hash (for scrypt only) 
            #if settings.COINDAEMON_ALGO == 'scrypt' or settings.COINDAEMON_ALGO == 'sha256d':
            #   if settings.COINDAEMON_Reward == 'POW':
            block_hash_bin = util.doublesha(''.join([ header_bin[i*4:i*4+4][::-1] for i in range(0, 20) ]))
            block_hash_hex = block_hash_bin[::-1].encode('hex_codec')
            #else:   block_hash_hex = hash_bin[::-1].encode('hex_codec')
            #else:  block_hash_hex = hash_bin[::-1].encode('hex_codec')

示例6: submit_share

    def submit_share(self, job_id, worker_name, session, extranonce1_bin, extranonce2, ntime, nonce,
        '''Check parameters and finalize block template. If it leads
           to valid block candidate, asynchronously submits the block
           back to the bitcoin network.
            - extranonce1_bin is binary. No checks performed, it should be from session data
            - job_id, extranonce2, ntime, nonce - in hex form sent by the client
            - difficulty - decimal number from session, again no checks performed
            - submitblock_callback - reference to method which receive result of submitblock()
        # Check if extranonce2 looks correctly. extranonce2 is in hex form...
        if len(extranonce2) != self.extranonce2_size * 2:
            raise SubmitException("Incorrect size of extranonce2. Expected %d chars" % (self.extranonce2_size*2))
        # Check for job
        job = self.get_job(job_id)
        if job == None:
            raise SubmitException("Job '%s' not found" % job_id)
        # Check if ntime looks correct
        if len(ntime) != 8:
            raise SubmitException("Incorrect size of ntime. Expected 8 chars")

        if not job.check_ntime(int(ntime, 16)):
            raise SubmitException("Ntime out of range")
        # Check nonce        
        if len(nonce) != 8:
            raise SubmitException("Incorrect size of nonce. Expected 8 chars")
        # Check for duplicated submit
        if not job.register_submit(extranonce1_bin, extranonce2, ntime, nonce):
            log.info("Duplicate from %s, (%s %s %s %s)" % \
                    (worker_name, binascii.hexlify(extranonce1_bin), extranonce2, ntime, nonce))
            raise SubmitException("Duplicate share")
        # Now let's do the hard work!
        # ---------------------------
        # 0. Some sugar
        extranonce2_bin = binascii.unhexlify(extranonce2)
        ntime_bin = binascii.unhexlify(ntime)
        nonce_bin = binascii.unhexlify(nonce)
        # 1. Build coinbase
        coinbase_bin = job.serialize_coinbase(extranonce1_bin, extranonce2_bin)
        coinbase_hash = util.doublesha(coinbase_bin)
        # 2. Calculate merkle root
        merkle_root_bin = job.merkletree.withFirst(coinbase_hash)
        merkle_root_int = util.uint256_from_str(merkle_root_bin)
        # 3. Serialize header with given merkle, ntime and nonce
        header_bin = job.serialize_header(merkle_root_int, ntime_bin, nonce_bin)
        # 4. Reverse header and compare it with target of the user
        hash_bin = util.scrypt(''.join([ header_bin[i*4:i*4+4][::-1] for i in range(0, 20) ]))
        hash_int = util.uint256_from_str(hash_bin)
        block_hash_hex = "%064x" % hash_int
        header_hex = binascii.hexlify(header_bin)
        target_user = self.diff_to_target(difficulty)        
        if hash_int > target_user and \
		( 'prev_jobid' not in session or session['prev_jobid'] < job_id \
		or 'prev_diff' not in session or hash_int > self.diff_to_target(session['prev_diff']) ):
            raise SubmitException("Share is above target")

        # Mostly for debugging purposes
        target_info = self.diff_to_target(100000)
        if hash_int <= target_info:
            log.info("Yay, share with diff above 100000")

	# Algebra tells us the diff_to_target is the same as hash_to_diff
	share_diff = int(self.diff_to_target(hash_int))

        # 5. Compare hash with target of the network        
        if hash_int <= job.target:
            # Yay! It is block candidate! 
            log.info("We found a block candidate! %s" % block_hash_hex)
            # 6. Finalize and serialize block object 
            job.finalize(merkle_root_int, extranonce1_bin, extranonce2_bin, int(ntime, 16), int(nonce, 16))
            if not job.is_valid():
                # Should not happen
                log.error("Final job validation failed!")
            # 7. Submit block to the network
            serialized = binascii.hexlify(job.serialize())
            on_submit = self.bitcoin_rpc.submitblock(serialized)
            return (header_hex, block_hash_hex, share_diff, on_submit)
        return (header_hex, block_hash_hex, share_diff, None)

示例7: withFirst

 def withFirst(self, f):
     steps = self._steps
     for s in steps:
         f = doublesha(f + s)
     return f

示例8: hash_steps

 def hash_steps(self):
     if self._hash_steps == None:
         self._hash_steps = doublesha("".join(self._steps))
     return self._hash_steps

示例9: calcparent

 def calcparent(self, hash1, hash2):
     if type(hash1) == long:
         hash1 = util.ser_uint256(hash1)
     if type(hash2) == long:
         hash2 = util.ser_uint256(hash2)
     return util.doublesha(hash1 + hash2)

示例10: submit_share

    def submit_share(self, job_id, worker_name, extranonce1_bin, extranonce2, ntime, nonce,
                     difficulty, payment_type):
        '''Check parameters and finalize block template. If it leads
           to valid block candidate, asynchronously submits the block
           back to the bitcoin network.
            - extranonce1_bin is binary. No checks performed, it should be from session data
            - job_id, extranonce2, ntime, nonce - in hex form sent by the client
            - difficulty - decimal number from session, again no checks performed
            - submitblock_callback - reference to method which receive result of submitblock()
        # Check if extranonce2 looks correctly. extranonce2 is in hex form...
        if len(extranonce2) != self.extranonce2_size * 2:
            raise SubmitException("Incorrect size of extranonce2. Expected %d chars" % (self.extranonce2_size*2))
        # Check for job
        job = self.get_job(job_id)
        if job == None:
            raise SubmitException("Job '%s' not found" % job_id)
        # Check if ntime looks correct
        if len(ntime) != 8:
            raise SubmitException("Incorrect size of ntime. Expected 8 chars")

        if not job.check_ntime(int(ntime, 16)):
            raise SubmitException("Ntime out of range")
        # Check nonce        
        if len(nonce) != 8:
            raise SubmitException("Incorrect size of nonce. Expected 8 chars")
        # Check for duplicated submit
        if not job.register_submit(extranonce1_bin, extranonce2, ntime, nonce):
            logger.log('bad_client', worker_name, "Duplicate from %s, (%s %s %s %s)" % \
                    (worker_name, binascii.hexlify(extranonce1_bin), extranonce2, ntime, nonce))
            raise SubmitException("Duplicate share")
        # Now let's do the hard work!
        # ---------------------------
        # 0. Some sugar
        extranonce2_bin = binascii.unhexlify(extranonce2)
        ntime_bin = binascii.unhexlify(ntime)
        nonce_bin = binascii.unhexlify(nonce)
        # 1. Build coinbase
        coinbase_bin = job.serialize_coinbase(extranonce1_bin, extranonce2_bin)
        coinbase_hash = util.doublesha(coinbase_bin)
        # 2. Calculate merkle root
        merkle_root_bin = job.merkletree.withFirst(coinbase_hash)
        merkle_root_int = util.uint256_from_str(merkle_root_bin)
        # 3. Serialize header with given merkle, ntime and nonce
        header_bin = job.serialize_header(merkle_root_int, ntime_bin, nonce_bin)
        # 4. Reverse header and compare it with target of the user
        hash_bin = util.doublesha(''.join([ header_bin[i*4:i*4+4][::-1] for i in range(0, 20) ]))
        hash_int = util.uint256_from_str(hash_bin)
        block_hash_hex = "%064x" % hash_int
        header_hex = binascii.hexlify(header_bin)
        target_user = self.diff_to_target(difficulty)        

        #logger.log('share', worker_name, 'HASH %064x' % hash_int, 'TARGET %064x' % job.target, 'DIFF %d' % difficulty)

        if hash_int > target_user:
            logger.log('bad_client', 'Share is above target')
            raise SubmitException("Share is above target")

        if payment_type == 'PPS':    
            logger.log('share', worker_name, 'HASH %064x' % hash_int, 'TARGET %064x' % job.target, 'DIFF %d' % difficulty)
            logger.log('pplns', worker_name, 'HASH %064x' % hash_int, 'DIFF %d' % difficulty, 'PAY 0')
        if payment_type == 'PPLNS':
            logger.log('pplns', worker_name, 'HASH %064x' % hash_int, 'DIFF %d' % difficulty, 'PAY 1')

        # 5. Compare hash with target of the network        
        if hash_int <= job.target:
            # Yay! It is block candidate! 
            logger.log('block', worker_name, block_hash_hex)
            # 6. Finalize and serialize block object 
            job.finalize(merkle_root_int, extranonce1_bin, extranonce2_bin, int(ntime, 16), int(nonce, 16))
            if not job.is_valid():
                # Should not happen
                logger.log('error', "Final job validation failed!")
            # 7. Submit block to the network
            serialized = binascii.hexlify(job.serialize())
            on_submit = self.bitcoin_rpc.submitblock(serialized)
            logger.log('submitblock', serialized)
            return (True, worker_name, block_hash_hex)
        return (False, worker_name, block_hash_hex)

示例11: submit_share

    def submit_share(self, job_id, worker_name, session, extranonce1_bin, extranonce2, ntime, nonce,
                     difficulty, ip=False):
        '''Check parameters and finalize block template. If it leads
           to valid block candidate, asynchronously submits the block
           back to the bitcoin network.
            - extranonce1_bin is binary. No checks performed, it should be from session data
            - job_id, extranonce2, ntime, nonce - in hex form sent by the client
            - difficulty - decimal number from session, again no checks performed
            - submitblock_callback - reference to method which receive result of submitblock()
        # Check if extranonce2 looks correctly. extranonce2 is in hex form...
        if len(extranonce2) != self.extranonce2_size * 2:
            raise SubmitException("Incorrect size of extranonce2. Expected %d chars" % (self.extranonce2_size*2))
        # Check for job
        job = self.get_job(job_id, worker_name, ip)
        if job == None:
            raise SubmitException("Job '%s' not found" % job_id)
        # Check if ntime looks correct
        if len(ntime) != 8:
            raise SubmitException("Incorrect size of ntime. Expected 8 chars")

        if not job.check_ntime(int(ntime, 16)):
            raise SubmitException("Ntime out of range")
        # Check nonce        
        if len(nonce) != 8:
            raise SubmitException("Incorrect size of nonce. Expected 8 chars")
        # Check for duplicated submit
        if not job.register_submit(extranonce1_bin, extranonce2, ntime, nonce):
            log.info("Duplicate from %s, (%s %s %s %s)" % \
                    (worker_name, binascii.hexlify(extranonce1_bin), extranonce2, ntime, nonce))
            raise SubmitException("Duplicate share")
        # Now let's do the hard work!
        # ---------------------------
        # 0. Some sugar
        extranonce2_bin = binascii.unhexlify(extranonce2)
        ntime_bin = binascii.unhexlify(ntime)
        nonce_bin = binascii.unhexlify(nonce)
        # 1. Build coinbase
        coinbase_bin = job.serialize_coinbase(extranonce1_bin, extranonce2_bin)
        coinbase_hash = util.doublesha(coinbase_bin)
        # 2. Calculate merkle root
        merkle_root_bin = job.merkletree.withFirst(coinbase_hash)
        merkle_root_int = util.uint256_from_str(merkle_root_bin)
        # 3. Serialize header with given merkle, ntime and nonce
        header_bin = job.serialize_header(merkle_root_int, ntime_bin, nonce_bin)
        # 4. Reverse header and compare it with target of the user
        hash_bin = algo.getPoWHash(''.join([ header_bin[i*4:i*4+4][::-1] for i in range(0, 20) ]))

        hash_int = util.uint256_from_str(hash_bin)
        scrypt_hash_hex = "%064x" % hash_int
        header_hex = binascii.hexlify(header_bin)
	if coindef.header() = True:
           header_hex = header_hex+"000000800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000080020000"

示例12: submit_share

    def submit_share(self, job_id, worker_name, session, extranonce1_bin, extranonce2, ntime, nonce,
                     difficulty, ip, submit_time):
        '''Check parameters and finalize block template. If it leads
           to valid block candidate, asynchronously submits the block
           back to the bitcoin network.
            - extranonce1_bin is binary. No checks performed, it should be from session data
            - job_id, extranonce2, ntime, nonce - in hex form sent by the client
            - difficulty - decimal number from session, again no checks performed
            - submitblock_callback - reference to method which receive result of submitblock()
        # Check if extranonce2 looks correctly. extranonce2 is in hex form...
        if len(extranonce2) != self.extranonce2_size * 2:
            raise SubmitException("Incorrect size of extranonce2. Expected %d chars" % (self.extranonce2_size*2))
        # Check for job
        job = self.get_job(job_id)
        if job == None:
            raise SubmitException("Job '%s' not found" % job_id)
        # Check if ntime looks correct
        if len(ntime) != 8:
            raise SubmitException("Incorrect size of ntime. Expected 8 chars")

        if not job.check_ntime(int(ntime, 16)):
            raise SubmitException("Ntime out of range")
        # Check nonce        
        if len(nonce) != 8:
            raise SubmitException("Incorrect size of nonce. Expected 8 chars")
        # Check for duplicated submit
        if not job.register_submit(extranonce1_bin, extranonce2, ntime, nonce):
            log.info("Duplicate from %s, (%s %s %s %s)" % \
                    (worker_name, binascii.hexlify(extranonce1_bin), extranonce2, ntime, nonce))
            raise SubmitException("Duplicate share")
        # Now let's do the hard work!
        # ---------------------------
        # 0. Some sugar
        extranonce2_bin = binascii.unhexlify(extranonce2)
        ntime_bin = binascii.unhexlify(ntime)
        nonce_bin = binascii.unhexlify(nonce)
        # 1. Build coinbase
        coinbase_bin = job.serialize_coinbase(extranonce1_bin, extranonce2_bin)
        coinbase_hash = util.doublesha(coinbase_bin)
        # 2. Calculate merkle root
        merkle_root_bin = job.merkletree.withFirst(coinbase_hash)
        merkle_root_int = util.uint256_from_str(merkle_root_bin)
        # 3. Serialize header with given merkle, ntime and nonce
        header_bin = job.serialize_header(merkle_root_int, ntime_bin, nonce_bin)
        # 4. Reverse header and compare it with target of the user
        if settings.DAEMON_ALGO == 'scrypt':
            hash_bin = ltc_scrypt.getPoWHash(header_bin)
        elif settings.DAEMON_ALGO == 'yescrypt':
            hash_bin = yescrypt_hash.getPoWHash(header_bin)
        elif settings.DAEMON_ALGO == 'qubit':
            hash_bin = qubit_hash.getPoWHash(header_bin)
            hash_bin = util.doublesha(header_bin)

        hash_int = util.uint256_from_str(hash_bin)
        pow_hash_hex = "%064x" % hash_int
        header_hex = binascii.hexlify(header_bin)
        target_user = self.diff_to_target(difficulty)
        if hash_int > target_user:
            raise SubmitException("Share is above target")

        # Mostly for debugging purposes
        target_info = self.diff_to_target(1000)
        if hash_int <= target_info:
            log.info("Yay, share with diff above 1000")

        # Algebra tells us the diff_to_target is the same as hash_to_diff
        share_diff = float(self.diff_to_target(hash_int))

        on_submit = None
        aux_submit = None
        block_hash_bin = util.doublesha(header_bin)
        block_hash_hex = block_hash_bin[::-1].encode('hex_codec')        

        if hash_int <= job.target:
            log.info("MAINNET BLOCK CANDIDATE! %s diff(%f/%f)" % (block_hash_hex, share_diff, self.diff_to_target(job.target)))
            job.finalize(merkle_root_int, extranonce1_bin, extranonce2_bin, int(ntime, 16), int(nonce, 16))
            if not job.is_valid():
                log.exception("FINAL JOB VALIDATION FAILED!")
            serialized = binascii.hexlify(job.serialize())
            if settings.SOLUTION_BLOCK_HASH:
                on_submit = self.bitcoin_rpc.submitblock(serialized, block_hash_hex)
