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Python util.decToDeg函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中util.decToDeg函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python decToDeg函数的具体用法?Python decToDeg怎么用?Python decToDeg使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: getDateSecond

	def getDateSecond(self, tim, place, newmoonorig):
		h, m, s = util.decToDeg(tim.time) 
		y, mo, d = tim.year, tim.month, tim.day
		y, mo, d, h, m = util.addMins(y, mo, d, h, m, 1)

		tim = chart.Time(y, mo, d, h, m, s, False, tim.cal, chart.Time.GREENWICH, True, 0, 0, False, place, False)

		while True:
			h, m, s = util.decToDeg(tim.time) 
			y, mo, d = tim.year, tim.month, tim.day
			y, mo, d, h, m, s = util.subtractSecs(y, mo, d, h, m, s, 1)
			if y == 0:
				y = 1
				tim = chart.Time(y, mo, d, h, m, s, False, tim.cal, chart.Time.GREENWICH, True, 0, 0, False, place, False)
				return True, tim, True

			tim = chart.Time(y, mo, d, h, m, s, False, tim.cal, chart.Time.GREENWICH, True, 0, 0, False, place, False)

			sun = planets.Planet(tim.jd, astrology.SE_SUN, self.flags)
			moon = planets.Planet(tim.jd, astrology.SE_MOON, self.flags)
			lonsun = sun.data[planets.Planet.LONG]
			lonmoon = moon.data[planets.Planet.LONG]

			d, m, s = util.decToDeg(lonsun)
			lonsun = d+m/60.0+s/3600.0
			d, m, s = util.decToDeg(lonmoon)
			lonmoon = d+m/60.0+s/3600.0

			diff = lonmoon-lonsun
			newmoon, ready = self.isNewMoon(diff)
			if newmoon != newmoonorig or ready:
				return True, tim, ready

		return False, tim

示例2: load

	def load(self, li):
		idx = 1
		for it in li:
			dirtxt = u'E'
			lon = it[geonames.Geonames.LON]
			if lon < 0.0:
				dirtxt = u'W'
				lon *= -1
			d, m, s = util.decToDeg(lon)
			lontxt = str(d).zfill(2)+dirtxt+str(m).zfill(2)

			dirtxt = u'N'
			lat = it[geonames.Geonames.LAT]
			if lat < 0.0:
				dirtxt = u'S'
				lat *= -1
			d, m, s = util.decToDeg(lat)
			lattxt = str(d).zfill(2)+dirtxt+str(m).zfill(2)

			gmtoffs = it[geonames.Geonames.GMTOFFS]
			signtxt = u'+'
			if gmtoffs < 0.0:
				signtxt = u'-'
				gmtoffs *= -1

			frac = int((gmtoffs-int(gmtoffs))*60.0)
			gmtoffstxt = signtxt+str(int(gmtoffs))+u':'+str(frac).zfill(2)

			self.placedata[idx] = (it[geonames.Geonames.NAME], it[geonames.Geonames.COUNTRYNAME], lontxt, lattxt, gmtoffstxt, str(it[geonames.Geonames.ALTITUDE]))
			idx += 1

示例3: printMidPoints

	def printMidPoints(self, mids):
		pls = ('Sun', 'Moon', 'Mercury', 'Venus', 'Mars', 'Jupiter', 'Saturn', 'Uranus', 'Neptune', 'Pluto', 'AscNode', 'DescNode')

		for x in mids:
			d,m,s = util.decToDeg(x.m)
			dl,ml,sl = util.decToDeg(x.lat)
			print "%s-%s: %d %d'%d\"  %d %d'%d\"" % (pls[x.p1], pls[x.p2], d,m,s, dl, ml, sl)

示例4: drawline

	def drawline(self, draw, x, y, clr, idx):
		#bottom horizontal line
		draw.line((x, y+self.LINE_HEIGHT, x+self.TABLE_WIDTH, y+self.LINE_HEIGHT), fill=clr)

		#vertical lines

		OFFS = 2
		BOR = commonwnd.CommonWnd.BORDER
		summa = 0
		txtclr = (0,0,0)
		if not self.bw:
			txtclr = self.options.clrtexts
		for i in range(self.COLUMN_NUM+OFFS):#+1 is the leftmost column
			draw.line((x+summa+offs[i], y, x+summa+offs[i], y+self.LINE_HEIGHT), fill=clr)

			d, m, s = 0, 0, 0
			if i >= fixstars.FixStars.LON+OFFS:
				d,m,s = util.decToDeg(self.chart.fixstars.data[idx][i-OFFS])

			if i == 1:
				txt = str(idx+1)+'.'
				w,h = draw.textsize(txt, self.fntText)
				draw.text((x+summa+(offs[i]-w)/2, y+(self.LINE_HEIGHT-h)/2), txt, fill=txtclr, font=self.fntText)
			elif i == fixstars.FixStars.NAME+OFFS or i == fixstars.FixStars.NOMNAME+OFFS:
				txt = self.chart.fixstars.data[idx][i-OFFS]
				w,h = draw.textsize(txt, self.fntText)
				draw.text((x+summa+(offs[i]-w)/2, y+(self.LINE_HEIGHT-h)/2), txt, fill=txtclr, font=self.fntText)
			elif i == fixstars.FixStars.LON+OFFS:
				if self.options.ayanamsha != 0:
					lona = self.chart.fixstars.data[idx][i-OFFS]-self.chart.ayanamsha
					lona = util.normalize(lona)
					d,m,s = util.decToDeg(lona)
				sign = d/chart.Chart.SIGN_DEG
				pos = d%chart.Chart.SIGN_DEG
				wsp,hsp = draw.textsize(' ', self.fntText)
				txtsign = self.signs[sign]
				wsg,hsg = draw.textsize(txtsign, self.fntMorinus)
				txt = (str(pos)).rjust(2)+self.deg_symbol+(str(m)).zfill(2)+"'"+(str(s)).zfill(2)+'"'
				w,h = draw.textsize(txt, self.fntText)
				offset = (offs[i]-(w+wsp+wsg))/2
				draw.text((x+summa+offset, y+(self.LINE_HEIGHT-h)/2), txt, fill=txtclr, font=self.fntText)
				draw.text((x+summa+offset+w+wsp, y+(self.LINE_HEIGHT-h)/2), txtsign, fill=txtclr, font=self.fntMorinus)
			elif i == fixstars.FixStars.LAT+OFFS or i == fixstars.FixStars.DECL+OFFS:
				sign = ''
				if self.chart.fixstars.data[idx][i-2] < 0.0:
					sign = '-'
				txt = sign+(str(d)).rjust(2)+self.deg_symbol+(str(m)).zfill(2)+"'"+(str(s)).zfill(2)+'"'
				w,h = draw.textsize(txt, self.fntText)
				draw.text((x+summa+(offs[i]-w)/2, y+(self.LINE_HEIGHT-h)/2), txt, fill=txtclr, font=self.fntText)
			elif i == fixstars.FixStars.RA+OFFS:
				txt = str(d)+self.deg_symbol+(str(m)).zfill(2)+"'"+(str(s)).zfill(2)+'"'
				if self.options.intime:
					d,m,s = util.decToDeg( self.chart.fixstars.data[idx][i-2]/15.0)
					txt = (str(d)).rjust(2)+':'+(str(m)).zfill(2)+":"+(str(s)).zfill(2)
				w,h = draw.textsize(txt, self.fntText)
				draw.text((x+summa+(offs[i]-w)/2, y+(self.LINE_HEIGHT-h)/2), txt, fill=txtclr, font=self.fntText)

			summa += offs[i]

示例5: fillFields

	def fillFields(self, it):

		east = True
		lon = it[geonames.Geonames.LON]
		if lon < 0.0:
			east = False
			lon *= -1
		d, m, s = util.decToDeg(lon)
		if east:

		north = True
		lat = it[geonames.Geonames.LAT]
		if lat < 0.0:
			north = False
			lat *= -1
		d, m, s = util.decToDeg(lat)
		if north:

		plus = True
		gmtoffs = it[geonames.Geonames.GMTOFFS]
		if gmtoffs < 0.0:
			plus = False
			gmtoffs *= -1

		gmtoffshour = int(gmtoffs)
		gmtoffsmin = int((gmtoffs-gmtoffshour)*60.0)

		val = 0
		if not plus:
			val = 1

		alt = int(it[geonames.Geonames.ALTITUDE])
		if alt < 0:
			alt = 0


示例6: drawlinelof

	def drawlinelof(self, draw, x, y, name, data, clr, idx):
		#bottom horizontal line
		draw.line((x, y+self.LINE_HEIGHT, x+self.TABLE_WIDTH_ARABIAN, y+self.LINE_HEIGHT), fill=clr)

		#vertical lines
		offs = (0, self.CELL_WIDTH, self.CELL_WIDTH, self.CELL_WIDTH, self.CELL_WIDTH, self.CELL_WIDTH)

		BOR = commonwnd.CommonWnd.BORDER
		summa = 0
		txtclr = (0,0,0)
		if not self.bw:
			txtclr = self.options.clrtexts
		for i in range(self.COLUMN_NUM_ARABIAN+1+1):#+1 is the leftmost column
			draw.line((x+summa+offs[i], y, x+summa+offs[i], y+self.LINE_HEIGHT), fill=clr)

			d, m, s = 0, 0, 0
			if i > 1:
				d,m,s = util.decToDeg(data[i-2])

			if i == 1:
				w,h = draw.textsize(name, self.fntText)
				draw.text((x+summa+(offs[i]-w)/2, y+(self.LINE_HEIGHT-h)/2), name, fill=txtclr, font=self.fntText)
			elif i == 2:
				if self.options.ayanamsha != 0:
					lona = data[i-2]-self.chart.ayanamsha
					lona = util.normalize(lona)
					d,m,s = util.decToDeg(lona)

				sign = d/chart.Chart.SIGN_DEG
				pos = d%chart.Chart.SIGN_DEG
				wsp,hsp = draw.textsize(' ', self.fntText)
				txtsign = self.signs[sign]
				wsg,hsg = draw.textsize(txtsign, self.fntMorinus)
				txt = (str(pos)).rjust(2)+self.deg_symbol+(str(m)).zfill(2)+"'"+(str(s)).zfill(2)+'"'
				w,h = draw.textsize(txt, self.fntText)
				offset = (offs[i]-(w+wsp+wsg))/2
				draw.text((x+summa+offset, y+(self.LINE_HEIGHT-h)/2), txt, fill=txtclr, font=self.fntText)
				draw.text((x+summa+offset+w+wsp, y+(self.LINE_HEIGHT-h)/2), txtsign, fill=txtclr, font=self.fntMorinus)
			elif i == 3 or i == 5:
				sign = ''
				if data[i-2] < 0.0:
					sign = '-'
				txt = sign+(str(d)).rjust(2)+self.deg_symbol+(str(m)).zfill(2)+"'"+(str(s)).zfill(2)+'"'
				w,h = draw.textsize(txt, self.fntText)
				draw.text((x+summa+(offs[i]-w)/2, y+(self.LINE_HEIGHT-h)/2), txt, fill=txtclr, font=self.fntText)
			elif i == 4:
				txt = str(d)+self.deg_symbol+(str(m)).zfill(2)+"'"+(str(s)).zfill(2)+'"'
				if self.options.intime:
					d,m,s = util.decToDeg(data[i-2]/15.0)
					txt = (str(d)).rjust(2)+':'+(str(m)).zfill(2)+":"+(str(s)).zfill(2)
				w,h = draw.textsize(txt, self.fntText)
				draw.text((x+summa+(offs[i]-w)/2, y+(self.LINE_HEIGHT-h)/2), txt, fill=txtclr, font=self.fntText)

			summa += offs[i]

示例7: drawline

	def drawline(self, draw, x, y, clr, idx):
		#bottom horizontal line
		draw.line((x, y+self.LINE_HEIGHT, x+self.TABLE_WIDTH, y+self.LINE_HEIGHT), fill=clr)

		#vertical lines
		offs = (0, self.SMALL_CELL_WIDTH, self.CELL_WIDTH, self.CELL_WIDTH, self.CELL_WIDTH, self.CELL_WIDTH)

		BOR = commonwnd.CommonWnd.BORDER
		summa = 0
		for i in range(self.COLUMN_NUM+1+1):#+1 is the leftmost column
			draw.line((x+summa+offs[i], y, x+summa+offs[i], y+self.LINE_HEIGHT), fill=clr)

			tclr = (0, 0, 0)
			if not self.bw:
				if self.options.useplanetcolors:
					tclr = self.options.clrindividual[idx]
					dign = self.chart.dignity(idx)
					tclr = self.clrs[dign]

			if i == 1:
				txt = common.common.Planets[idx]
				w,h = draw.textsize(txt, self.fntMorinus)
				draw.text((x+summa+(offs[i]-w)/2, y+(self.LINE_HEIGHT-h)/2), txt, fill=tclr, font=self.fntMorinus)
			elif i != 0:
				h,m,s = util.decToDeg(self.chart.riseset.times[idx][i-2])
				txt = (str(h)).zfill(2)+':'+(str(m)).zfill(2)+':'+(str(s)).zfill(2)
				w,h = draw.textsize(txt, self.fntText)
				draw.text((x+summa+(offs[i]-w)/2, y+(self.LINE_HEIGHT-h)/2), txt, fill=tclr, font=self.fntText)

			summa += offs[i]

示例8: drawAscMCPos

    def drawAscMCPos(self):  # Not used
        (cx, cy) = self.center.Get()
        clrpos = self.options.clrpositions
        if self.bw:
            clrpos = (0, 0, 0)
        for i in range(2):
            lon = self.chart.houses.ascmc[i]
            if self.options.ayanamsha != 0:
                lon -= self.chartRadix.ayanamsha
                lon = util.normalize(lon)

            (d, m, s) = util.decToDeg(lon)
            d = d % chart.Chart.SIGN_DEG
            # 			d, m = util.roundDeg(d%chart.Chart.SIGN_DEG, m, s)

            wdeg, hdeg = self.draw.textsize(str(d), self.fntText)
            wmin, hmin = self.draw.textsize((str(m).zfill(2)), self.fntSmallText)
            x = (
                + math.cos(
                    math.pi + math.radians(self.chart.houses.ascmc[houses.Houses.ASC] - self.chart.houses.ascmc[i])
                * self.rPosAscMC
            y = (
                + math.sin(
                    math.pi + math.radians(self.chart.houses.ascmc[houses.Houses.ASC] - self.chart.houses.ascmc[i])
                * self.rPosAscMC
            xdeg = x - wdeg / 2
            ydeg = y - hdeg / 2
            self.draw.text((xdeg, ydeg), str(d), fill=clrpos, font=self.fntText)
            self.draw.text((xdeg + wdeg, ydeg), (str(m)).zfill(2), fill=clrpos, font=self.fntSmallText)

示例9: show

	def show(self, y, m, d, t, cnt):
		proftype = chart.Chart.YEAR
		if self.zodprofs:
			prof = profections.Profections(self.chart, y, m, d, t, cnt)
			pchart = chart.Chart(self.chart.name, self.chart.male, self.chart.time, self.chart.place, chart.Chart.PROFECTION, '', self.options, False, proftype)
			if not self.usezodprojs and (y+cnt == self.chart.time.year or (y+cnt-self.chart.time.year) % 12 == 0) and m == self.chart.time.month and d == self.chart.time.day:
				pchart = self.chart
				prof = munprofections.MunProfections(self.chart, y, m, d, t, cnt)
				proflondeg, proflonmin, proflonsec = util.decToDeg(prof.lonZ)
				profplace = chart.Place(mtexts.txts['Profections'], proflondeg, proflonmin, proflonsec, prof.east, self.chart.place.deglat, self.chart.place.minlat, self.chart.place.seclat, self.chart.place.north, self.chart.place.altitude)
				pchart = chart.Chart(self.chart.name, self.chart.male, self.chart.time, profplace, chart.Chart.PROFECTION, '', self.options, False, proftype, self.options.usezodprojsprof)
				pchartpls = chart.Chart(self.chart.name, self.chart.male, self.chart.time, self.chart.place, chart.Chart.PROFECTION, '', self.options, False, proftype, self.options.usezodprojsprof)
				#modify planets, ...
				pchart.planets.calcMundaneProfPos(pchart.houses.ascmc2, pchartpls.planets.planets, self.chart.place.lat, self.chart.obl[0])

				#modify lof
				pchart.fortune.calcMundaneProfPos(pchart.houses.ascmc2, pchartpls.fortune, self.chart.place.lat, self.chart.obl[0])

				#recalc AspMatrix

		self.parent.change(pchart, self.caption, y+cnt, m, d, t)
		if self.zodprofs or self.usezodprojs:

示例10: OnAdd

	def OnAdd(self, fnd):
		datstr = str(fnd[0])+'.'+str(fnd[1])+'.'+str(fnd[2])
		h, m, s = util.decToDeg(fnd[3])
		timstr = str(h).zfill(2)+':'+str(m).zfill(2)+':'+str(s).zfill(2)
		item = [datstr, timstr]


示例11: createRevolution

	def createRevolution(self, year, month, trans, num = 0):
		self.t[0] = year
		self.t[1] = month
		self.t[2] = trans.transits[num].day
		h, m, s = util.decToDeg(trans.transits[num].time)
		self.t[3] = h
		self.t[4] = m
		self.t[5] = s

示例12: createTransit

	def createTransit(self, year, month, trans):
		self.t[0] = year
		self.t[1] = month
		self.t[2] = trans.transits[0].day
		h, m, s = util.decToDeg(trans.transits[0].time)
		self.t[3] = h
		self.t[4] = m
		self.t[5] = s

示例13: printRiseSet

	def printRiseSet(self, pls):
		numangles = len(RiseSet.Angles)
		txt = [mtexts.txtsriseset['Rise'], mtexts.txtsriseset['MC'], mtexts.txtsriseset['Set'], mtexts.txtsriseset['IC']]
		print ''
		print 'Rise/Set times:'
		for i in range(planets.Planets.PLANETS_NUM):#Nodes are excluded
			for angle in range(numangles):
				h,m,s = util.decToDeg(self.times[i][angle])
				print "%s: %s: %02d:%02d:%02d" % (pls.planets[i].name, txt[angle], h, m, s)

示例14: onDecrDay

	def onDecrDay(self, event):
		h, mi, s = util.decToDeg(self.t)
		yt, mt, dt = util.decrDay(self.y+self.cnt, self.m, self.d)
		tim = chart.Time(yt, mt, dt, h, mi, s, self.chart.time.bc, self.chart.time.cal, self.chart.time.zt, self.chart.time.plus, self.chart.time.zh, self.chart.time.zm, self.chart.time.daylightsaving, self.chart.place, False)
		if tim.jd > self.chart.time.jd:
			y, self.m, self.d = util.decrDay(self.y+self.cnt, self.m, self.d)
			if y != self.y+self.cnt:
				self.cnt -=1
			self.show(self.y, self.m, self.d, self.t, self.cnt)

示例15: read

	def read(self):
		res = True

			f = open(self.fname, 'r')
			lines = f.readlines()

			#Count non-comment lines
			cnt = 0
			for ln in lines:
				if ln[0] == FixStars.COMMENT and ln.find('example') != -1:

				if ln[0] != FixStars.COMMENT:
					cnt += 1

			for i in range(1, cnt+1):
				ret, name, dat, serr = astrology.swe_fixstar_ut(str(i), self.jd, 0)
				d, m, s = util.decToDeg(dat[0])
				sign = d/chart.Chart.SIGN_DEG
				lon = d%chart.Chart.SIGN_DEG
				lontxt = str(lon)+FixStars.signtxts[sign]+' '+(str(m)).zfill(2)+"' "+(str(s)).zfill(2)+'"'
				d, m, s = util.decToDeg(dat[1])
				si = ''
				if dat[1] < 0.0:
					si = '-'
				lattxt = si+str(d)+' '+(str(m)).zfill(2)+"' "+(str(s)).zfill(2)+'"'

				nam = name[0].strip()
				nomnam = ''
				DELIMITER = ','
				if nam.find(DELIMITER) != -1:
					snam = nam.split(DELIMITER)
					nam = snam[0].strip()
					nomnam = snam[1].strip()
				self.data.append(FixStars.FixStar(nam, nomnam, lontxt, lattxt))

		except IOError:
			res = False

		return res
