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Python us.get_all_sessions函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中us.get_all_sessions函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python get_all_sessions函数的具体用法?Python get_all_sessions怎么用?Python get_all_sessions使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: vote_search_manager

def vote_search_manager():
    sm = SearchManager(Vote, qs=Vote.objects.select_related('oursummary'))
    # show sessions as year+session for non-year-based sessions,
    # and then just the session number (the year) for year-based
    # sessions.
    def format_session(s):
    	if s[0] >= 77:
    		 # year and congress number in parens
    		return s[1] + " (" + ordinal(s[0]) + " Congress)"
    		# date range and congress number in parens
    		if s[2].year == s[3].year:
				# strftime requires year>=1900, so fool it for generating
				# month names by replacing old years with 1900
				if s[2].month == s[3].month:
					return str(s[2].year) + " " + s[2].replace(1900).strftime("%b") + " (" + ordinal(s[0]) + " Congress)"
					return str(s[2].year) + " " + s[2].replace(1900).strftime("%b-") + s[3].replace(1900).strftime("%b") + " (" + ordinal(s[0]) + " Congress)"
    			return str(s[2].year) + "-" + str(s[3].year) + " (" + ordinal(s[0]) + " Congress)"
    session_choices = reversed([(i, format_session(cs)) for (i,cs) in enumerate(get_all_sessions()) if cs[2] <= datetime.now().date()])
    sm.add_option('session', type="select", choices=session_choices, filter=session_filter, help="Note: Even-year sessions extend a few days into the next year.")
    sm.add_sort('Date (Latest First)','-created', default=True)
    sm.add_sort('Most Supported','-percent_plus', func=lambda qs : qs.order_by('-percent_plus', '-total_plus').exclude(percent_plus=None))
    sm.add_sort('Most Opposed','percent_plus', func=lambda qs : qs.order_by('percent_plus', '-total_minus').exclude(percent_plus=None))
    sm.add_sort('Widest Margin','-margin', func=lambda qs : qs.order_by('-margin', '-total_plus').exclude(margin=None))
    sm.add_sort('Narrowest Margin','margin', func=lambda qs : qs.order_by('margin', 'total_plus').exclude(margin=None))
    #def safe_strftime(date, format):
    #    return date.replace(year=3456).strftime(format).replace("3456", str(date.year)).replace(" 12:00AM", "")

    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-xs-12">
            <div style="margin-bottom: .2em"><a href="{{object.get_absolute_url}}">{{object.question|truncatewords_html:50}}</a></div>
        <div style="font-size: 93%">
        <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-4">
            <div><span class="fa fa-barcode fa-fw" aria-hidden="true" style="margin-left: 4px; color: #888"></span> {{object.name}}</div>
            <div><span class="fa fa-calendar fa-fw" aria-hidden="true" style="margin-left: 4px; color: #888"></span> {{object.created|date}} {{object.created|time|cut:"midnight"}}</div>
        <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-8">
        	<div><span class="fa fa-info fa-fw" aria-hidden="true" style="color: #888"></span> {{object.summary}}</div>
        <div class="col-xs-12" style="padding-top: .25em">
            {% if object.question_details and not object.oursummary %}<div style="margin-left: 5px">{{object.question_details}}</div>{% endif %}
            {% if object.oursummary %}<div style="font-style: italic">{{object.oursummary.plain_text|truncatewords:50}}</div>{% endif %}

    return sm

示例2: collect_stats

def collect_stats(session):
	# Get the congress and start/end dates of the session that this corresponds to.
	for congress, s, startdate, enddate in us.get_all_sessions():
		if s == session:
		raise ValueError("Invalid session: " + session)

	# Who was serving on the last day of the session?
	people = [(r.person, r) for r in PersonRole.objects
			role_type__in=(RoleType.representative, RoleType.senator),
			startdate__lt=enddate, # use __lt and not __lte in case of multiple roles on the same day
			enddate__gte=enddate, # use __lte in case anyone's term ended exactly on this day

	# Do a sponsorship analysis for bills in this session only.
	run_sponsorship_analysis(people, congress, startdate, enddate)

	# Get the committee members.
	from bill.prognosis import load_committee_membership
	committee_membership = load_committee_membership(congress)

	# Pre-fetch all of the votes in this session.
	votes_this_year = Vote.objects.filter(congress=congress, session=session)
	votes_this_year = {
		RoleType.representative: set(votes_this_year.filter(chamber=CongressChamber.house).values_list("id", flat=True)),
		RoleType.senator: set(votes_this_year.filter(chamber=CongressChamber.senate).values_list("id", flat=True)),

	# Generate raw statistics.
	AllStats = { }
	for person, role in people:
		AllStats[person.id] = {
			"id": person.id,

			"role_id": role.id,
			"role_type": role.role_type,
			"role_start": role.startdate.isoformat(),
			"role_end": role.enddate.isoformat(),

			"stats": { },
			"cohorts": get_cohorts(person, role, congress, session, committee_membership),

		stats = AllStats[person.id]["stats"]
		get_vote_stats(person, role, stats, votes_this_year)
		get_sponsor_stats(person, role, stats, congress, startdate, enddate, committee_membership)
		get_cosponsor_stats(person, role, stats, congress, startdate, enddate)
		get_cosponsored_stats(person, role, stats, congress, startdate, enddate)
		get_sponsorship_analysis_stats(person, role, stats)
		get_committee_stats(person, role, stats, committee_membership)
		get_transparency_stats(person, role, stats, congress, startdate, enddate)

	return AllStats

示例3: vote_list

def vote_list(request):
    # Get the default session to show. We may have sessions listed that are
    # in the future, during a transition, so take the most recent that at
    # least has started.
    default_session = None
    for i, (cn, sn, sd, ed) in enumerate(get_all_sessions()):
        if sd > datetime.now().date(): break
        default_session = i
    return vote_search_manager().view(request, "vote/vote_list.html",
        defaults = { "session": default_session },
        paginate = lambda form : "session" not in form ) # people like to see all votes for a year on one page

示例4: vote_redirect

def vote_redirect(request):
    if not "-" in request.GET.get("vote", ""):
        return HttpResponseRedirect("/congress/votes")
        a, roll = request.GET["vote"].split("-")
        raise Http404()
    chamber = a[0]
    session = a[1:]
    from us import get_all_sessions
    for cong, sess, start, end in get_all_sessions():
        if sess == session or str(cong) + "_" + sess == session:
            return HttpResponseRedirect("/congress/votes/%s-%s/%s%s" % (cong, sess, chamber, roll))
    raise Http404()

示例5: vote_list

def vote_list(request):
    # Get the default session to show. We may have sessions listed that are
    # in the future, during a transition, so take the most recent that at
    # least has started.
    default_session = None
    for i, (cn, sn, sd, ed) in reversed(list(enumerate(get_all_sessions()))):
        if sd > datetime.now().date(): continue
        if not Vote.objects.filter(congress=cn, session=sn).exists(): continue
        default_session = i
    return vote_search_manager().view(request, "vote/vote_list.html",
        defaults = { "session": default_session },
        paginate = lambda form : "session" not in form, # people like to see all votes for a year on one page
        context = { "feed": Feed(feedname="misc:allvotes") })

示例6: load_session_stats

    def load_session_stats(session):
      # Which Congress is it?
        for congress, s, sd, ed in get_all_sessions():
            if s == session: break # leaves "congress" variable set
            raise ValueError("Invalid session: %s" % session)

        fn = "data/us/%d/stats/session-%s.json" % (congress, session)
            datafile = json.load(open(fn))
            datafile["meta"]["congress"] = congress # save where we got this from
            datafile["meta"]["session"] = session # save where we got this from
            datafile["meta"]["startdate"] = sd
            datafile["meta"]["enddate"] = ed
        except IOError:
            raise ValueError("No statistics are available for session %s." % session)

        return datafile

示例7: vote_search_manager

def vote_search_manager():
    sm = SearchManager(Vote, qs=Vote.objects.order_by('-created'))
    # show sessions as year+session for non-year-based sessions,
    # and then just the session number (the year) for year-based
    # sessions.
    def format_session(s):
    	if s[0] >= 77:
    		 # year and congress number in parens
    		return s[1] + " (" + ordinal(s[0]) + " Congress)"
    		# date range and congress number in parens
    		if s[2].year == s[3].year:
				# strftime requires year>=1900, so fool it for generating
				# month names by replacing old years with 1900
				if s[2].month == s[3].month:
					return str(s[2].year) + " " + s[2].replace(1900).strftime("%b") + " (" + ordinal(s[0]) + " Congress)"
					return str(s[2].year) + " " + s[2].replace(1900).strftime("%b-") + s[3].replace(1900).strftime("%b") + " (" + ordinal(s[0]) + " Congress)"
    			return str(s[2].year) + "-" + str(s[3].year) + " (" + ordinal(s[0]) + " Congress)"
    session_choices = reversed([(i, format_session(cs)) for (i,cs) in enumerate(get_all_sessions()) if cs[2] <= datetime.now().date()])
    sm.add_option('session', type="select", choices=session_choices, filter=session_filter, help="Note: Even-year sessions extend a few days into the next year.")
    #def safe_strftime(date, format):
    #    return date.replace(year=3456).strftime(format).replace("3456", str(date.year)).replace(" 12:00AM", "")

    	<div><a href="{{object.get_absolute_url}}">{{object.question|truncatewords_html:50}}</a></div>
		{% if object.question_details %}<div>{{object.question_details}}</div>{% endif %}
		<div>{{object.created|date}} {{object.created|time|cut:"midnight"}}</div>

    return sm

示例8: collect_stats

def collect_stats(session):
	# Get the congress and start/end dates of the session that this corresponds to.
	if int(session) < 1000:
		# Specifies a Congress.
		congress = int(session)
		session = None
		is_full_congress_stats = True

		# Get the last session in the Congress.
		for c, s, x, y in us.get_all_sessions():
			if c == congress:
				session2 = s
				last_day_of_session = y

		# Dummy dates. Don't want to use the congress dates because a bill can be
		# enacted after the end of the Congress.
		startdate = datetime.date.min
		enddate = datetime.date.max
		is_full_congress_stats = False
		session2 = session
		for congress, s, startdate, enddate in us.get_all_sessions():
			if s == session:
			raise ValueError("Invalid session: " + session)
		last_day_of_session = enddate

	# Who was serving on the last day of the session?
	people = [(r.person, r) for r in PersonRole.objects
			role_type__in=(RoleType.representative, RoleType.senator),
			startdate__lt=last_day_of_session, # use __lt and not __lte in case of multiple roles on the same day
			enddate__gte=last_day_of_session, # use __lte in case anyone's term ended exactly on this day

	# Do a sponsorship analysis for bills in this session only.
	run_sponsorship_analysis(people, congress, startdate, enddate)

	# Get the committee members.
	from bill.prognosis import load_committee_membership
	committee_membership = load_committee_membership(congress)

	# Pre-fetch all of the votes in this session.
	votes_this_year = Vote.objects.filter(congress=congress)
	if session:
		votes_this_year = votes_this_year.filter(session=session)
	votes_this_year = {
		RoleType.representative: set(votes_this_year.filter(chamber=CongressChamber.house).values_list("id", flat=True)),
		RoleType.senator: set(votes_this_year.filter(chamber=CongressChamber.senate).values_list("id", flat=True)),

	# Generate raw statistics.
	AllStats = { }
	for person, role in people:
		AllStats[person.id] = {
			"id": person.id,

			"role_id": role.id,
			"role_type": role.role_type,
			"role_start": role.startdate.isoformat(),
			"role_end": role.enddate.isoformat(),

			"stats": { },
			"cohorts": get_cohorts(person, role, congress, session2, committee_membership),

		stats = AllStats[person.id]["stats"]
		get_vote_stats(person, role, stats, votes_this_year)
		get_sponsor_stats(person, role, stats, congress, startdate, enddate, committee_membership)
		get_cosponsor_stats(person, role, stats, congress, startdate, enddate)
		get_cosponsored_stats(person, role, stats, congress, startdate, enddate)
		get_sponsorship_analysis_stats(person, role, stats)
		get_committee_stats(person, role, stats, committee_membership)
		get_transparency_stats(person, role, stats, congress, startdate, enddate)

	return AllStats, congress, is_full_congress_stats

示例9: len

	for p in people:
		if p not in data_matrix:

	# build the output matrix
	for bc in bill_counts:
		data_matrix.setdefault(people_map[bc['sponsor_role']].person, {})[(congress, session)] = bc["count"]

	return len(bill_counts) > 0

for role_type in (RoleType.representative, RoleType.senator):
	people_sort_order = []
	data_matrix = { }
	sessions = []

	for congress, session, startdate, enddate in get_all_sessions():
		if congress < 109: continue # make a smaller table

		if build(role_type, congress, session, startdate, enddate, people_sort_order, data_matrix):
			print(role_type.congress_chamber, congress, session)
			sessions.append((congress, session))

	writer = csv.writer(open("sponsorship_counts_%s.csv" % role_type.congress_chamber.lower()[0], "w"))
	writer.writerow(["id", "name"] + [cs[1] for cs in sessions])

	def zero(value):
		if value is None: return 0
		return value

	for p in people_sort_order:

示例10: session_filter

def session_filter(qs, form):
    session_index = form["session"]
    if session_index != None:
        s = get_all_sessions()[int(session_index)]
        qs = qs.filter(congress=s[0], session=s[1])
    return qs

示例11: print

# Forgive me for generating SVG without a proper library.

from datetime import date
from us import get_all_sessions

bar_width = 3.5
height = 20.0

print("""<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1">""")

def break_session(s1, s2):
	for y in range(s1.year, s2.year+1):
		yield (s1 if y == s1.year else date(y, 1, 1)), (s2 if y == s2.year else date(y, 12, 31))

for cong, sess, s1, s2 in get_all_sessions():
	clr = "rgb(200,200,200)"
	if (cong % 2) == 0: clr = "rgb(100,100,100)"
	for startdate, enddate in break_session(s1, s2):
		print("""<rect x="%f" y="%f" width="%f" height="%f" style="fill:%s; stroke-width:%f; stroke:rgb(0,0,0)" />""" % (
			(startdate.year - 1789) * bar_width,
			(startdate - date(startdate.year, 1, 1)).days/365.0 * height,
			.5 * bar_width,
			(enddate - startdate).days/365.0*5.0 * height,
			bar_width * .05,

