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Python urlparse.urldefrag函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中urlparse.urldefrag函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python urldefrag函数的具体用法?Python urldefrag怎么用?Python urldefrag使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: make_correct_link

def make_correct_link(base, link):
    makes links correct:
        http://... -- pass
        /...       -- adding link to site before
        www. ...   -- adding http:// before
        smth.html  -- adding full path before

        it's planned to be a wrapper over urlparse's functions
        done in order to handle all possible cases of url presentation

        handles absolute url and relative url
        clean up all 'fragments' in url (like http://site.ru/1.html#4 -> http://site.ru/1.html)

    defrag_link, _ = urlparse.urldefrag(link)
    defrag_base, _ = urlparse.urldefrag(base)
    # case 'g.html  on http://ya.ru/a   ==>  http://ya.ru/a/g.html
    # (added slash after a if it's a unslashed folder
    # defining unslashed folder: empty query (like 'a.php?set=1'),
    #                        no  dots
    #                       no closing slash
    scheme, netloc, url, params, query, fragment = urlparse.urlparse(defrag_base)
    if url and not query and not re.search("/$", url) and not re.search("\.", url ):
        url += '/'
        defrag_base = urlparse.urlunparse( (scheme, netloc, url, params, query, fragment) )
    #just  rejoining all parts
    return_link = urlparse.urljoin(defrag_base, defrag_link)
    return return_link

示例2: crawlWeb

def crawlWeb(UrlafterConnect,keyword):
	if not UrlafterConnect:
		print("Url is empty")
		return list()
	#Get all the links
	soup = BeautifulSoup(UrlafterConnect)
	urllist = []
	#check for the existence of keyword IR and crawl on those urls
	if re.search(keyword, str(soup), re.IGNORECASE) != None:
		for link in soup.find_all('a', href=True):
			crawl =  link.get('href')
			crawl_url = crawl.encode('utf-8')
			if not crawl_url:
		#links present in the same directory of /wiki, if so convert them to http form
			if crawl_url.startswith('/wiki'):
				if (crawl_url.find(':') == -1) and (crawl_url != "/wiki/Main_Page"):
					crawl_url = urlparse.urljoin("http://en.wikipedia.org",crawl_url)
					crawl_url, frag = urlparse.urldefrag(crawl_url)
			#Get only wiki links without colons in it and not redirecting to main page
				if crawl_url.startswith('http://en.wikipedia.org'):
					if crawl_url != "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page":
						s = "http://en"
						crawl = crawl_url.lstrip("http://en")
						if crawl.find(':') == -1:
							crawl_url, frag = urlparse.urldefrag(crawl_url)
	#Remove duplicate entries from the list while returning
	return list(set(urllist))

示例3: _toc_from_html

 def _toc_from_html(self, opf):
     if 'toc' not in self.oeb.guide:
         return False
     self.log.debug('Reading TOC from HTML...')
     itempath, frag = urldefrag(self.oeb.guide['toc'].href)
     item = self.oeb.manifest.hrefs[itempath]
     html = item.data
     if frag:
         elems = xpath(html, './/*[@id="%s"]' % frag)
         if not elems:
             elems = xpath(html, './/*[@name="%s"]' % frag)
         elem = elems[0] if elems else html
         while elem != html and not xpath(elem, './/h:a[@href]'):
             elem = elem.getparent()
         html = elem
     titles = defaultdict(list)
     order = []
     for anchor in xpath(html, './/h:a[@href]'):
         href = anchor.attrib['href']
         href = item.abshref(urlnormalize(href))
         path, frag = urldefrag(href)
         if path not in self.oeb.manifest.hrefs:
         title = xml2text(anchor)
         title = COLLAPSE_RE.sub(' ', title.strip())
         if href not in titles:
     toc = self.oeb.toc
     for href in order:
         toc.add(' '.join(titles[href]), href)
     return True

示例4: get_links

def get_links(url, depth, atmost_count):
	urldfg = urlparse.urldefrag(url)
	url = urldfg[0]
	urls_list = []
	myopener = MyOpener()
		page = myopener.open(url)
		return []
	text = page.read()
	url_parsed = urlparse.urlparse(url)
	domain_name_url_arr = url_parsed.netloc.split(".")
	soup = BeautifulSoup(text, "html.parser")
 	for tag in soup.findAll('a', href=True):
		if atmost_count == 0:
		tag['href'] = urlparse.urljoin(url, tag['href'])
		new_url = urlparse.urldefrag(tag['href'])[0]
		new_url_parsed = urlparse.urlparse(new_url)
		domain_name_new_url_arr = new_url_parsed.netloc.split('.');
		if len(domain_name_url_arr) >= 2 and len(domain_name_new_url_arr) >= 2:
			if domain_name_url_arr[-1] != domain_name_new_url_arr[-1] or domain_name_url_arr[-2] != domain_name_new_url_arr[-2]:
		if new_url[-4:] == '.pdf':
		if new_url not in urls_list:
			urls_list.append([new_url, depth + 1])
		atmost_count -= 1;
	return urls_list

示例5: __init__

    def __init__(self, toc, j, renderlist, redirects):
        self.typedoc = StringIO.StringIO()
        self.toc = toc
        self.subs = {}  # type: Dict
        self.docParent = {}  # type: Dict
        self.docAfter = {}  # type: Dict
        self.rendered = set()  # type: Set
        self.redirects = redirects
        self.title = None  # type: str

        for t in j:
            if "extends" in t:
                for e in aslist(t["extends"]):
                    add_dictlist(self.subs, e, t["name"])
                    #if "docParent" not in t and "docAfter" not in t:
                    #    add_dictlist(self.docParent, e, t["name"])

            if t.get("docParent"):
                add_dictlist(self.docParent, t["docParent"], t["name"])

            if t.get("docChild"):
                for c in aslist(t["docChild"]):
                    add_dictlist(self.docParent, t["name"], c)

            if t.get("docAfter"):
                add_dictlist(self.docAfter, t["docAfter"], t["name"])

        _, _, metaschema_loader = schema.get_metaschema()
        alltypes = schema.extend_and_specialize(j, metaschema_loader)

        self.typemap = {}  # type: Dict
        self.uses = {}  # type: Dict
        self.record_refs = {}  # type: Dict
        for t in alltypes:
            self.typemap[t["name"]] = t
                if t["type"] == "record":
                    self.record_refs[t["name"]] = []
                    for f in t.get("fields", []):
                        p = has_types(f)
                        for tp in p:
                            if tp not in self.uses:
                                self.uses[tp] = []
                            if (t["name"], f["name"]) not in self.uses[tp]:
                                _, frg1 = urlparse.urldefrag(t["name"])
                                _, frg2 = urlparse.urldefrag(f["name"])
                                self.uses[tp].append((frg1, frg2))
                            if tp not in basicTypes and tp not in self.record_refs[t["name"]]:
            except KeyError as e:
                _logger.error("Did not find 'type' in %s", t)

        for f in alltypes:
            if (f["name"] in renderlist or
                ((not renderlist) and
                 ("extends" not in f) and
                 ("docParent" not in f) and
                 ("docAfter" not in f))):
                self.render_type(f, 1)

示例6: startElementNS

 def startElementNS(self, name, qname, attrs):
     stack = self.stack
     current = self.current
     parent = self.parent
     base = attrs.get(BASE, None)
     if base is not None:
         base, frag = urldefrag(base)
         if parent and parent.base:
             base = urljoin(parent.base, base)
             systemId = self.locator.getPublicId() or self.locator.getSystemId()
             if systemId:
                 base = urljoin(systemId, base)
         if parent:
             base = parent.base
         if base is None:
             systemId = self.locator.getPublicId() or self.locator.getSystemId()
             if systemId:
                 base, frag = urldefrag(systemId)
     current.base = base
     language = attrs.get(LANG, None)
     if language is None:
         if parent:
             language = parent.language
     current.language = language
     current.start(name, qname, attrs)

示例7: _urljoin

def _urljoin(base, url):
    Construct a full ("absolute") URL by combining a "base URL" with another
    URL. Informally, this uses components of the base URL, in particular the
    addressing scheme, the network location and (part of) the path, to provide
    missing components in the relative URL.

    Additionally, the fragment identifier is preserved according to the HTTP
    1.1 bis draft.

    @type base: C{bytes}
    @param base: Base URL.

    @type url: C{bytes}
    @param url: URL to combine with C{base}.

    @return: An absolute URL resulting from the combination of C{base} and

    @see: L{urlparse.urljoin}

    @see: U{https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-httpbis-p2-semantics-22#section-7.1.2}
    base, baseFrag = urldefrag(base)
    url, urlFrag = urldefrag(urljoin(base, url))
    return urljoin(url, b'#' + (urlFrag or baseFrag))

示例8: parse_showings_table

    def parse_showings_table(self, response):
        movie_title = response.meta['movieTitle']
        movie_url = response.meta['movieUrl']
        showings_table_value = response.meta['showingsTableValue']
        theater_url = response.meta['theaterUrl']
        version = response.meta['version']

        showings_table = response.xpath('//div[@class="cinema-movie clearfix"]/div[@value="' + showings_table_value + '"]')
        at_least_one_showing_found = False

        jump_links = showings_table.css('.jump-to-show').xpath('a')
        if len(jump_links) >= 1:
            jump_link = jump_links[-1]
            if jump_link.xpath('text()').extract_first().endswith(u'>'):
                jump_url = urldefrag(response.urljoin(jump_link.xpath('@href').extract_first()))[0]
                request = scrapy.Request(jump_url, callback=self.parse_showings_table)
                request.meta['movieTitle'] = movie_title
                request.meta['movieUrl'] = movie_url
                request.meta['showingsTableValue'] = showings_table_value
                request.meta['theaterUrl'] = theater_url
                request.meta['version'] = version
                yield request
            for showings_column in showings_table.css('.cinema-movie-dates').xpath('li'):
                for showing_cell in showings_column.xpath('ul/li/a'):
                    at_least_one_showing_found = True
                    dayAndMonth = showings_column.xpath('div[2]/text()').extract_first().split('/')
                    day = int(dayAndMonth[0])
                    month = int(dayAndMonth[1])
                    hourAndMinute = showing_cell.xpath('text()').extract_first().split(':')
                    hour = int(hourAndMinute[0])
                    minute = int(hourAndMinute[1])
                    #seating_info = showing_cell.xpath('@title').extract_first()[len('<div>'):len('</div>')]
                    seating_info = showing_cell.xpath('@title').extract_first()[len('<div>'):-len('</div>')].split('</div><div>')
                    date_obj = datetime(datetime.now().year, month, day, hour, minute)
                    if date_obj < datetime.now():
                        date_obj = datetime(datetime.now().year + 1, month, day, hour, minute)

                    showing = ShowingItem()
                    showing['movieTitle'] = movie_title
                    showing['movieUrl'] = movie_url
                    showing['theaterUrl'] = theater_url
                    showing['seatingInfo'] = seating_info
                    showing['showingUrl'] = response.urljoin(showing_cell.xpath('@href').extract_first())
                    showing['start'] = date_obj.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:00')
                    showing['version'] = version
                    yield showing

            if at_least_one_showing_found:
                next_page = showings_table.css('.showtimes-extra').xpath('a[last()]')
                if next_page:
                    next_page_url = urldefrag(response.urljoin(next_page.xpath('@href')[0].extract()))[0]
                    request = scrapy.Request(next_page_url, callback=self.parse_showings_table)
                    request.meta['movieTitle'] = movie_title
                    request.meta['movieUrl'] = movie_url
                    request.meta['showingsTableValue'] = showings_table_value
                    request.meta['theaterUrl'] = theater_url
                    request.meta['version'] = version
                    yield request

示例9: get_links

def get_links(response):
    if 300 <= response.status_code < 400 and response.headers['location']:
        # redirect
        yield urlparse.urldefrag(urlparse.urljoin(response.url, response.headers['location'], False))[0]
        html = beautify(response)
        for i in html.findAll('a', href=True):
            yield urlparse.urldefrag(urlparse.urljoin(response.url, i['href'], False))[0]
    except NotHtmlException:

示例10: job

    def job(self, joborder, basedir, output_callback, **kwargs):
        # Validate job order
        validate.validate_ex(self.names.get_name("input_record_schema", ""), joborder)

        requirements = kwargs.get("requirements", []) + self.tool.get("requirements", [])
        hints = kwargs.get("hints", []) + self.tool.get("hints", [])

        steps = [makeTool(step, basedir) for step in self.tool.get("steps", [])]

        self.state = {}
        self.processStatus = "success"
        for i in self.tool["inputs"]:
            (_, iid) = urlparse.urldefrag(i["id"])
            if iid in joborder:
                self.state[i["id"]] = WorkflowStateItem(i, copy.deepcopy(joborder[iid]))
            elif "default" in i:
                self.state[i["id"]] = WorkflowStateItem(i, copy.deepcopy(i["default"]))
                raise WorkflowException("Input '%s' not in input object and does not have a default value." % (i["id"]))

        for s in steps:
            for out in s.tool["outputs"]:
                self.state[out["id"]] = None
            s.completed = False

        completed = 0
        while completed < len(steps):
            made_progress = False
            completed = 0
            for step in steps:
                if step.completed:
                    completed += 1
                    for newjob in self.try_make_job(step, basedir, requirements=requirements, hints=hints, **kwargs):
                        if newjob:
                            made_progress = True
                            yield newjob
            if not made_progress and completed < len(steps):
                yield None

        wo = {}
        for i in self.tool["outputs"]:
            if "connect" in i:
                (_, src) = urlparse.urldefrag(i['id'])
                if i["connect"]["source"] not in self.state:
                    raise WorkflowException("Connect source '%s' on parameter '%s' does not exist" % (i["connect"]["source"], inp["id"]))
                wo[src] = self.state[i["connect"]["source"]].value

        output_callback(wo, self.processStatus)

示例11: crawl_web

def crawl_web( scope, tocrawl, index, graph, url_info, limits = [-1, 0, 0.0, 1.0]): # returns index, graph of inlinks
    tocrawl_next = []    # used for depth control
    depth = 0
    pages = 0
    max_pages, max_depth, max_time, time_delay = limits

    if max_time > 0.0: start_time = time()
    while tocrawl or tocrawl_next:
        if not tocrawl:
            #   Descent one more level (depth)
            tocrawl = tocrawl_next
            tocrawl_next = []
            depth += 1
            if max_depth >= 0 and depth > max_depth:
                print 'Reached maximum depth. Interrupting crawler.'
        page = tocrawl.pop(0)
        # Remove fragment portion from the url
        page = urlparse.urldefrag(page)[0]
        if not page in graph:
            pages += 1
            print 'Crawling page:', page
            if max_time != 0.0: print 'time = ', time()-start_time, ' max_time = ', max_time 
            if max_pages > 0:
                print 'Pages crawled:', pages, 'max_pages = ', max_pages

            # [ToDo:]Transform meta_data into a dictionary
            text, outlinks, meta_data = get_page( page)
            add_page_to_index( index, page, text)
            # Need to filter outlinks only to current scope
            outlinks = [ [urlparse.urldefrag(l[0])[0],l[1]] for l in outlinks if is_inscope( scope, l[0]) and (l[0].endswith('.html') or l[0].endswith('.htm')) ]
            newlinks = [ urlparse.urldefrag(l[0])[0] for l in outlinks]
            graph[page] = outlinks
            url_info[page] = meta_data
            tocrawl_next = list( set(tocrawl_next + newlinks))
            if pages >= max_pages:
                print 'Reached number of pages limit. Interrupting crawler.'
            if max_time > 0.0 and max_time > time()-start_time:
                print 'Reached time limit. Interrupting crawler.'

    tocrawl = list( set(tocrawl + tocrawl_next))
    return tocrawl, index, graph, url_info

示例12: __init__

    def __init__(self, request, timeout=180):
        self.url = urldefrag(request.url)[0]
        self.method = request.method
        self.body = request.body or None
        self.headers = Headers(request.headers)
        self.response_headers = None
        self.timeout = request.meta.get('download_timeout') or timeout
        self.start_time = time()
        self.deferred = defer.Deferred().addCallback(self._build_response, request)

        # Fixes Twisted 11.1.0+ support as HTTPClientFactory is expected
        # to have _disconnectedDeferred. See Twisted r32329.
        # As Scrapy implements it's own logic to handle redirects is not
        # needed to add the callback _waitForDisconnect.
        # Specifically this avoids the AttributeError exception when
        # clientConnectionFailed method is called.
        self._disconnectedDeferred = defer.Deferred()


        # set Host header based on url
        self.headers.setdefault('Host', self.netloc)

        # set Content-Length based len of body
        if self.body is not None:
            self.headers['Content-Length'] = len(self.body)
            # just in case a broken http/1.1 decides to keep connection alive
            self.headers.setdefault("Connection", "close")

示例13: grab_links

	def grab_links(self):
		if self.document is not None:
			for item in self.document.xpath('//a/@href'):
				item = urldefrag(item)[0]
				url = urlparse(item)
				if url.geturl() and item not in self.crawler.visited_urls and url.hostname in self.processor.allowed_urls:

示例14: write_opf

    def write_opf(self, guide, toc, spine, resource_map):
        mi = self.header.exth.mi
        if (self.cover_offset is not None and self.cover_offset <
            mi.cover = resource_map[self.cover_offset]

        if len(list(toc)) < 2:
            self.log.warn('KF8 has no metadata Table of Contents')

            for ref in guide:
                if ref.type == 'toc':
                    href = ref.href()
                    href, frag = urldefrag(href)
                    if os.path.exists(href.replace('/', os.sep)):
                            toc = self.read_inline_toc(href, frag)
                            self.log.exception('Failed to read inline ToC')

        opf = OPFCreator(os.getcwdu(), mi)
        opf.guide = guide

        def exclude(path):
            return os.path.basename(path) == 'debug-raw.html'

        opf.create_manifest_from_files_in([os.getcwdu()], exclude=exclude)

        with open('metadata.opf', 'wb') as of, open('toc.ncx', 'wb') as ncx:
            opf.render(of, ncx, 'toc.ncx')
        return 'metadata.opf'

示例15: serialize_href

 def serialize_href(self, href, base=None):
     Serialize the href attribute of an <a> or <reference> tag. It is
     serialized as filepos="000000000" and a pointer to its location is
     stored in self.href_offsets so that the correct value can be filled in
     at the end.
     hrefs = self.oeb.manifest.hrefs
         path, frag = urldefrag(urlnormalize(href))
     except ValueError:
         # Unparseable URL
         return False
     if path and base:
         path = base.abshref(path)
     if path and path not in hrefs:
         return False
     buf = self.buf
     item = hrefs[path] if path else None
     if item and item.spine_position is None:
         return False
     path = item.href if item else base.href
     href = '#'.join((path, frag)) if frag else path
     return True
