本文整理汇总了Python中urllib.request.quote函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python quote函数的具体用法?Python quote怎么用?Python quote使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: download
def download(file_type):
if file_type not in ['form','scheme']:abort(404)
id = request.form.get('id')
type = request.form.get('type')
data = query_data(type,id)
if file_type == 'scheme':
if data.filename == 'Nothing':abort(404)
content = send_file(path.join(Upload_path,data.rand_filename))
filename = quote(data.filename)
#if data.applicant!=current_user.name :abort(404)
else :
for key,value in context.items() :
context[key] = RichText(value)
doc = DocxTemplate(path.join(Docx_path,type+'.docx'))
temp_file = path.join(Upload_path,str(current_user.id) +'result.docx')
with open(temp_file,'rb') as f:
content = f.read()
if path.exists(temp_file):
filename = quote(data.association+'-'+types[type][1]+'.docx')
response = make_response(content)
response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = \
"attachment;filename*=UTF-8''" + filename
response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream'
return response
示例2: quote
def quote(stuff_to_quote):
if PY3:
from urllib.request import quote
return quote(stuff_to_quote)
from urllib2 import quote
return quote(stuff_to_quote)
示例3: get_lyrics
def get_lyrics(artist, title, recurse_count=0):
addr = BASE_URL + 'title=%s:%s&action=edit' % (quote(artist), quote(title))
logger.info("Downloading lyrics from %r", addr)
content = urlopen(addr).read().decode('utf-8')
if RE_REDIRECT.search(content):
if recurse_count >= 10:
# OK, we looped a bit too much, just suppose we couldn't find any
# lyrics
logger.info("Too many redirects to find lyrics for %r: %r",
artist, title)
return None
new_artist, new_title = RE_REDIRECT.search(content).groups()
logger.debug("Lyrics for '%s: %s' redirects to '%s: %s'",
artist, title, new_artist, new_title)
return get_lyrics(new_artist, new_title, recurse_count + 1)
lyrics = content.split("<lyrics>")[1].split("</lyrics>")[0].strip()
if lyrics != "" and lyrics != EMPTY_LYRICS:
return lyrics
return None
示例4: get
def get(self,method,args=None):
""" GET to DeepDetect server """
u = self.__ddurl
u += method
headers = {}
if args is not None:
sep = "?"
for arg,argv in args.iteritems():
u += sep
sep = "&"
u += urllib2.quote(arg)
u += '='
if argv is not None:
u += urllib2.quote(argv)
LOG("GET %s"%u)
response = None
req = urllib2.Request(u)
response = urllib2.urlopen(req, timeout=DD_TIMEOUT)
raise DDCommunicationError(u,"GET",headers,None,response)
return self.__return_format(jsonresponse)
raise DDDataError(u,"GET",headers,None,jsonresponse)
示例5: data_detail
def data_detail(request, project, name):
url = "http://localhost:8080/dmcapi-rest/" + "user/" + quote(request.session['user'], '') + "/project/" + quote(
project, '') + "/dataType/metaData/" + quote(name, '')
h = httplib2.Http()
h.add_credentials(request.session['user'], request.session['password'])
resp, content = h.request(url, method='GET', headers={'accept': 'application/json'})
string = content.decode('utf-8')
json_data = json.loads(string)
data_name = json_data['dataName']
data_path = json_data['dataPath']
data_type = json_data['dataType']
attribute = json_data['attribute']
attributeContaners = attribute['attributeContaners']
data = {}
for attr in attributeContaners:
for k, v in attr.items():
if k == 'physicalDTO':
name = v['name']
val = v['dataType']
data[name] = val
user_name = request.session['user']
project_name = project
return render(request, 'data/detail.html', {'name': data_name,
'path': data_path,
'type': data_type,
'data': data,
'user': user_name,
'project_name': project_name})
示例6: buildRequest
def buildRequest(self, strVar, query, isCmd, isHeader, header=None):
if "[random]" in strVar:
strVar = strVar.replace("[random]", core.txtproc.rndString(16))
if isHeader:
if (header == "cookie"):
query = request.quote(query)
strVar = strVar.replace("%3b", "[semicolon]")
strVar = request.unquote(strVar)
strVar = strVar.replace("; ", "COOKIESEPARATOR").replace("=", "COOKIEEQUAL").replace(";", "COOKIESEPARATOR")
strVar = strVar.replace("[semicolon]", ";")
strVar = strVar.replace("[eq]", "=")
strVar = strVar.replace("[", "LEFTSQBRK").replace("]", "RIGHTSQBRK")
strVar = request.quote(strVar)
strVar = strVar.replace("COOKIESEPARATOR", "; ").replace("COOKIEEQUAL", "=")\
.replace("LEFTSQBRK", "[").replace("RIGHTSQBRK", "]")
strVar = strVar.replace("[eq]", "=")
if isCmd:
if "[cmd]" in strVar:
strVar = strVar.replace("[cmd]", query)
if "[sub]" in strVar:
strVar = strVar.replace("[sub]", "null")
if "[cmd]" in strVar:
strVar = strVar.replace(";[cmd]", "").replace("%3B[cmd]", "")
strVar = strVar.replace("[sub]", query)
if "[blind]" in strVar:
strVar = strVar.replace("[blind]", query)
return strVar
示例7: tasks
def tasks(request, project):
user = request.session['user']
password = request.session['password']
# url for get data sets
url_data = MAIN_URL + "user/" + quote(user, '') + "/project/" + quote(project, '') + "/dataType/metaData"
# url for get saved tasks
url_task = MAIN_URL + "user/" + quote(user, '') + "/project/" + quote(project, '') + "/miningTask"
# get data sets
resp_data, content_data = get_message(user, password, url_data, "GET", {'accept': 'application/json'})
json_data = decode_json(content_data)
list_physical_data_set = json_data
# get saved tasks
resp_task, content_task = get_message(user, password, url_task, "GET", {'accept': 'application/json'})
saved_data = decode_json(content_task)
# get environment list
# environment_list = []#["environment 1", "environment 2", "environment 3"]
# get mining function list
mining_function_list = [] # ["mining function 1", "mining function 2", "mining function 3"]
# result inf
result_data = {'listPhysicalDataSet': list_physical_data_set, 'saved_data': saved_data,
'user': user, 'project_name': project, 'environment_list': [],
'mining_function_list': mining_function_list}
return render(request, 'tasks/tasks.html', result_data)
示例8: find
def find(unsortedMoviesFolder, sortedMoviesFolder):
for movie in os.listdir(unsortedMoviesFolder):
year = None
movieName = movie
for y in range(1500, 2100):
if (str(y) in movie):
year = str(y)
movie = movie.replace(str(y), " ")
for z in values:
if (str(z) in movie):
movie = movie.replace(str(z), " ")
if (" " in movie):
movie = movie.replace(" ", " ")
if (year == None):
url = 'http://www.omdbapi.com/?t=' + quote(str(movie))
url = 'http://www.omdbapi.com/?t=' + quote(str(movie)) + '&y=' + year
response = urlopen(url).read()
response = response.decode('utf-8')
jsonvalues = json.loads(response)
if jsonvalues["Response"] == "True":
imdbrating = jsonvalues['imdbRating']
destinationDirLocation = sortedMoviesFolder + '\\' + imdbrating + '_' + movieName
srcFileLocation = unsortedMoviesFolder + '\\' + movieName
if not os.path.exists(destinationDirLocation):
shutil.move(srcFileLocation, destinationDirLocation)
示例9: login_redirect
def login_redirect():
args = {
'scope':quote('profile email') # we really only care if the user exists and has accepted our app
redirect_url = 'https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth?scope={scope}&redirect_uri={redirect_url}&client_id={client_id}&response_type=code'.format(**args)
return redirect(redirect_url)
示例10: getweatherinfo
def getweatherinfo(self, latitude, longitude):
url = "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/forecast/daily?lat=%s&lon=%s&units=metric&cnt=2" % (
quote(str(latitude)), quote(str(longitude))
data = urlopen(url).read().decode('utf-8')
dataopenweathermap = json.loads(data)
return dataopenweathermap['list']
示例11: parsWikiEn
def parsWikiEn(wordObj):
if "noParsed" in wordObj:
if "noEnglish" in wordObj:
for typ in typs:
if typ in wordObj:
html = ""
text = wordObj["text"]
url = "/wiki/" + quote(text)
urls = [url]
urls.append("/wiki/" + quote(text.upper()))
urls.append("/wiki/" + quote(text.lower()))
urls.append("/wiki/" + quote(text[0].upper() + text[1:].lower()))
urls.append("/w/index.php?search=" + quote(text))
for url in urls:
fullurl = "http://en.wiktionary.org" + url
response = urlopen(fullurl)
html = response.read()
except HTTPError as e:
if str(e) != "HTTP Error 404: Not Found":
except Exception as e:
print(url, e)
if html == "":
wordObj["noParsed"] = 1
logging.warning(' no downloaded "' + text + '" by urls: ' + str(urls))
start = html.find(b' id="English"')
end = html.find(b"<hr />", start)
if start == -1:
wordObj["noEnglish"] = 1
html = html[start:end]
countTypes = 0
nounPart = getTypPart(html, "Noun")
if nounPart:
parseNounPart(nounPart, wordObj)
countTypes += 1
verbPart = getTypPart(html, "Verb")
if verbPart:
parseVerbPart(verbPart, wordObj)
countTypes += 1
adjectivePart = getTypPart(html, "Adjective")
if adjectivePart:
parseAdjectivePart(adjectivePart, wordObj)
countTypes += 1
adverbPart = getTypPart(html, "Adverb")
if adverbPart:
parseAdverbPart(adverbPart, wordObj)
countTypes += 1
wordObj["countTypes"] = countTypes
示例12: get_param_value
def get_param_value(param,value):
if isinstance(value, dict):
if('contains' in value):
return param +'=.*?'+ re.escape(urllib2.quote(value['contains'])).replace('\%','%')+'.*?'
elif('equalto' in value):
return param +'='+ re.escape(urllib2.quote(value['equalto'])).replace('\%','%')
elif('matches' in value):
return param +'='+ value['matches'].replace(' ','%20')
return param +'='+ value.replace(' ','%20')
示例13: search
def search(keyword,filename,isFist):
url = "http://www.lagou.com/jobs/positionAjax.json?"
logger.info("添加城市查询条件,关键字为:"+ keyword)
url = url + "&kd="+request.quote(keyword)
url = url + "&first=true&pn=1"
totalCount = 0
totalPage = 0
with request.urlopen(url) as resultF:
if resultF.status == 200 and resultF.reason == 'OK':
data = resultF.read().decode('utf-8')
dataJson = json.loads(data)
totalCount = int(dataJson['content']['totalCount'])
totalPage = int(dataJson['content']['totalPageCount'])
logger.info("查询出的总记录数为:"+ str(totalCount))
logger.info("查询出的总页数为:"+ str(totalPage))
logger.info("查询出的每页总数为:"+ str(dataJson['content']['pageSize']))
dateStr = datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d')
for i in range(totalPage):
if i == 0 :
url = "http://www.lagou.com/jobs/positionAjax.json?" + "&kd="+request.quote(keyword)+"&first=true&pn=1"
url = "http://www.lagou.com/jobs/positionAjax.json?" + "&kd="+request.quote(keyword)+"&first=false&pn="+str((i+1))
req = request.Request(url)
req.add_header("User-Agent","Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2357.132 Safari/537.36")
with request.urlopen(req) as result:
if resultF.status == 200 and resultF.reason == 'OK':
data = str(result.read().decode('utf-8'))
#增加日期区分,以及记录总条数,ex 20151210_981;内容
dataJson = json.loads(data, encoding='utf-8')
saveDataForHbase(dataJson['content']['result'], filename, isFist)
示例14: stream_id
def stream_id(self):
if self.stream_type() == FeedlyStreamType.FEED:
return quote('feed/{}'.format(self.stream_name()),
if self.stream_type() == FeedlyStreamType.TAG:
return quote('user/{}/tag/{}'.format(self.user_id(),
else: # FeedlyStreamType.CATEGORY
return quote('user/{}/category/{}'.format(self.user_id(),
示例15: data_delete
def data_delete(request, project, name):
user = request.session['user']
password = request.session['password']
url = "http://localhost:8080/dmcapi-rest/" + "user/" + quote(user, '') + "/project/" + quote(
project, '') + "/dataType/metaData/" + quote(name, '')
resp, content = get_message(user, password, url, "DELETE", {'accept': 'application/json'})
if resp.status == 200:
return JsonResponse({"result": "success"})
return JsonResponse({"result": "error", "error": resp.status})