本文整理汇总了Python中urllib.FancyURLopener.retrieve方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python FancyURLopener.retrieve方法的具体用法?Python FancyURLopener.retrieve怎么用?Python FancyURLopener.retrieve使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类urllib.FancyURLopener
示例1: download
# 需要导入模块: from urllib import FancyURLopener [as 别名]
# 或者: from urllib.FancyURLopener import retrieve [as 别名]
def download (self, download_dir):
result = path.join (download_dir, self.package_basename)
if path.exists (result):
print 'Found install', self.package_basename
dir_util.mkpath (download_dir)
url = "http://www.eiffel-loop.com/download/" + self.package_basename
print 'Downloading:', url
web = FancyURLopener ()
web.retrieve (url, result, display_progress)
return result
示例2: ensureFileLocal
# 需要导入模块: from urllib import FancyURLopener [as 别名]
# 或者: from urllib.FancyURLopener import retrieve [as 别名]
def ensureFileLocal(self, inFilePathOrURL):
Takes a file path or URL. Sets self.localFilePath
to the same path if file is local, or
if the file is remote but uncompressed.
If a file is remote and compressed, retrieves
the file into a local tmp file and returns that
file name. In this case the flag self.deleteTempFile
is set to True.
:param inFilePathOrURL: file path or URL to file
:type inFilePathOrURL: String
self.localFilePath = inFilePathOrURL
self.deleteTempFile = False
# Got compressed file; is it local?
parseResult = urlparse(inFilePathOrURL)
if parseResult.scheme == 'file':
self.localFilePath = parseResult.path
opener = FancyURLopener()
# Throws IOError if URL does not exist:
self.localFilePath = opener.retrieve(inFilePathOrURL)[0]
self.deleteTempFile = True
示例3: download_package
# 需要导入模块: from urllib import FancyURLopener [as 别名]
# 或者: from urllib.FancyURLopener import retrieve [as 别名]
def download_package(pkg_name, pkg_version):
file_name, path, hash_algorithm, expected_digest = get_package_info(pkg_name,
if not file_name:
return False
if os.path.isfile(file_name) and check_digest(file_name, hash_algorithm,
print('File with matching digest already exists, skipping {0}'.format(file_name))
return True
downloader = FancyURLopener()
pkg_url = '{0}/packages/{1}'.format(PYPI_MIRROR, path)
print('Downloading {0} from {1}'.format(file_name, pkg_url))
downloader.retrieve(pkg_url, file_name)
if check_digest(file_name, hash_algorithm, expected_digest):
return True
print('Hash digest check failed in file {0}.'.format(file_name))
return False
示例4: __install_grinder
# 需要导入模块: from urllib import FancyURLopener [as 别名]
# 或者: from urllib.FancyURLopener import retrieve [as 别名]
def __install_grinder(self, grinder_path):
Installs Grinder.
Grinder version and download link may be set in config:
dest = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.expanduser(grinder_path)))
if not dest:
dest = os.path.expanduser("~/grinder-taurus")
dest = os.path.abspath(dest)
grinder_full_path = os.path.join(dest, "lib", "grinder.jar")
return grinder_full_path
except CalledProcessError:
self.log.info("Will try to install grinder into %s", dest)
downloader = FancyURLopener()
grinder_zip_path = self.engine.create_artifact("grinder-dist", ".zip")
version = self.settings.get("version", GrinderExecutor.VERSION)
download_link = self.settings.get("download-link", GrinderExecutor.DOWNLOAD_LINK)
download_link = download_link.format(version=version)
self.log.info("Downloading %s", download_link)
downloader.retrieve(download_link, grinder_zip_path, download_progress_hook)
except BaseException as e:
self.log.error("Error while downloading %s", download_link)
raise e
self.log.info("Unzipping %s", grinder_zip_path)
unzip(grinder_zip_path, dest, 'grinder-' + version)
self.log.info("Installed grinder successfully")
return grinder_full_path
示例5: __install_gatling
# 需要导入模块: from urllib import FancyURLopener [as 别名]
# 或者: from urllib.FancyURLopener import retrieve [as 别名]
def __install_gatling(self, gatling_path):
Installs Gatling.
Gatling version and download link may be set in config:
dest = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.expanduser(gatling_path))) # ../..
dest = os.path.abspath(dest)
return gatling_path
except OSError:
self.log.info("Will try to install Gatling into %s", dest)
# download gatling
downloader = FancyURLopener()
gatling_zip_path = self.engine.create_artifact("gatling-dist", ".zip")
version = self.settings.get("version", GatlingExecutor.VERSION)
download_link = self.settings.get("download-link", GatlingExecutor.DOWNLOAD_LINK)
download_link = download_link.format(version=version)
self.log.info("Downloading %s", download_link)
# TODO: check archive checksum/hash before unzip and run
downloader.retrieve(download_link, gatling_zip_path, download_progress_hook)
except BaseException as e:
self.log.error("Error while downloading %s", download_link)
raise e
self.log.info("Unzipping %s", gatling_zip_path)
unzip(gatling_zip_path, dest, 'gatling-charts-highcharts-bundle-' + version)
os.chmod(os.path.expanduser(gatling_path), 0o755)
self.log.info("Installed Gatling successfully")
示例6: fetchURL
# 需要导入模块: from urllib import FancyURLopener [as 别名]
# 或者: from urllib.FancyURLopener import retrieve [as 别名]
def fetchURL(url, file='', params=None, headers={}, isBinary=False, encodeURL=True):
log("> bbbLib.fetchURL() %s isBinary=%s encodeURL=%s" % (url, isBinary, encodeURL))
if encodeURL:
safe_url = quote_plus(url,'/:&?=+#@')
safe_url = url
success = False
data = None
if not file:
# create temp file if needed
file = xbmc.translatePath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "temp.html"))
# remove destination file if exists already
# fetch from url
opener = FancyURLopener()
# add headers if supplied
# if headers:
if not headers.has_key('User-Agent') and not headers.has_key('User-agent'):
headers['User-Agent'] = 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT)'
for name, value in headers.items():
opener.addheader(name, value)
fn, resp = opener.retrieve(safe_url, file, data=params)
# print fn, resp
content_type = resp.get("Content-Type",'').lower()
# fail if expecting an image but not corrent type returned
if isBinary and (find(content_type,"text") != -1):
raise "Not Binary"
del opener
except IOError, errobj:
示例7: FetchThread
# 需要导入模块: from urllib import FancyURLopener [as 别名]
# 或者: from urllib.FancyURLopener import retrieve [as 别名]
class FetchThread(Thread):
def __init__(self, master):
self.ht = httplib.HTTPConnection('www.qwantz.com')
self.getter = FancyURLopener()
def run(self):
notdone = True
while notdone:
r = self.fetch()
# if False:
with self.master.fourLock:
if r != 200 and r is not None:
self.master.fourofours += 1
self.master.fourofours =0
notdone = self.master.fourofours < 7
if r == 200:
with self.master.writeLock:
def fetch(self):
with self.master.numLock:
n = self.master.toget.pop(0)
if os.path.isfile(pjoin(basedir,"dinocomics%06i.png"%(n))):
if n in self.master.titles.iterkeys():
return None
# print >> stderr,n
ht = self.ht
# time.sleep(1)
# time.sleep(1)ma
r = ht.getresponse()
except: # new connection
ht = httplib.HTTPConnection('www.qwantz.com')
self.ht = ht
# print dir(ht)
# try:
r = ht.getresponse()
# except Exception, e:
# raise e
if r.status != 200:
if r.status in (404, 302):
print >> stderr, n, "No Comic"
print >> stderr, n, "FAILED: %i"%r.status
ht = httplib.HTTPConnection('www.qwantz.com')
self.ht = ht
return r.status
s = r.read()
m = re.search('\<img *src *= *"http://www.qwantz.com/comics.*?\>', s,re.S)
if m is None:
print >> stderr, n,"no match!1"
return r.status
img = m.group()
m = re.search('src *= *".*?"', img,re.S)
if m is None:
print >> stderr, n,"no match!2"
return r.status
href = re.search('".*?"',m.group(),re.S).group()[1:-1]
m = re.search('title *= *".*?"', img,re.S)
if m is None:
print >> stderr, n,"no match!3"
return r.status
title = re.search('".*"',m.group(),re.S).group()[1:-1].strip()
title = unescape(title)
title = title.replace("\r\n","\\n")
title = title.replace("\n","\\n")
while True:
prevtitle = title
title = title.replace("\\n\\n","\\n")
if prevtitle == title:
# print repr(title)
# return
# self.master.titleLock.acquire()
with self.master.titleLock:
self.master.titles[n] = title
# self.master.titleLock.release()
print >> stderr, n,title
if not justTitle:
return r.status
示例8: FancyURLopener
# 需要导入模块: from urllib import FancyURLopener [as 别名]
# 或者: from urllib.FancyURLopener import retrieve [as 别名]
from rovin.belex.BelexParser import BelexParser
from urllib import FancyURLopener
from os import path
url = "http://www.ejustice.just.fgov.be/cgi_loi/loi_a1.pl?language=nl&table_name=wet&la=N&cn=1994021730&&caller=list&N&fromtab=wet"
filename = "constitution-nl.html"
if not path.isfile(filename):
print "Downloading", url
downloader = FancyURLopener()
downloader.retrieve(url, filename)
f = open(filename, 'r')
html = f.read()
parser = BelexParser()
for article in parser.all_articles():
print " <<<< "
print article.number
print "BODY:" + article.body
print " >>>> "
示例9: open
# 需要导入模块: from urllib import FancyURLopener [as 别名]
# 或者: from urllib.FancyURLopener import retrieve [as 别名]
import urllib
from urllib import FancyURLopener
storePath = "/home/richard/media/Share/GameVideo"
projectPathBase = "/home/richard/workspace/VideoSpider"
with open("%s/pyspider/aipaiImg.list" % projectPathBase, "r") as listFile:
i = 0
for imgsrc in listFile:
sp = imgsrc.split(":h")
opener = FancyURLopener({})
opener.version = 'Opera/9.80 (Windows NT 6.1; U; en) Presto/2.8.131 Version/11.11'
opener.retrieve("h"+sp[1], "%s/%s" % (storePath, sp[0]))
i = i+1
print i,
print sp[0]