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Python design.Design类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中upconvert.core.design.Design的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Design类的具体用法?Python Design怎么用?Python Design使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: parse

    def parse(self, filename, library_filename=None):
        """ Parse a kicad file into a design """

        design = Design()
        segments = set() # each wire segment
        junctions = set() # wire junction point (connects all wires under it)

        self.instance_names = []

        self.library = KiCADLibrary()

        if library_filename is None:
            directory, _ = split(filename)
            for dir_file in listdir(directory):
                if dir_file.endswith('.lib'):
                    self.library.parse(directory + '/' + dir_file)

        for cpt in self.library.components:
            design.add_component(cpt.name, cpt)

        with open(filename) as f:
            libs = []
            line = f.readline().strip()

            # parse the library references
            while line and line != "$EndDescr":
                if line.startswith('LIBS:'):
                    libs.extend(line.split(':', 1)[1].split(','))
                line = f.readline().strip()

            # Now parse wires and components, ignore connections, we get
            # connectivity from wire segments

            line = f.readline()

            while line:
                prefix = line.split()[0]

                if line.startswith('Wire Wire Line'):
                    self.parse_wire(f, segments)
                elif prefix == "Connection": # Store these to apply later
                    self.parse_connection(line, junctions)
                elif prefix == "Text":
                        self.parse_text(f, line))
                elif prefix == "$Comp": # Component Instance
                    inst, comp = self.parse_component_instance(f)
                    if comp is not None:
                        design.add_component(comp.name, comp)
                    self.ensure_component(design, inst.library_id, libs)

                line = f.readline()

        segments = self.divide(segments, junctions)
        design.nets = self.calc_nets(design, segments)


        return design

示例2: test_units

 def test_units(self):
     """ Capture absence of units. """
     layout = Layout()
     layout.units = None
     design = Design()
     design.layout = layout
     writer = Writer()

示例3: test_images

 def test_images(self):
     """ Capture images with no data. """
     layer = Layer()
     layout = Layout()
     layout.units = 'mm'
     design = Design()
     design.layout = layout
     writer = Writer()

示例4: test_generating_geda_commands_for_toplevel_shapes

 def test_generating_geda_commands_for_toplevel_shapes(self):
     design = Design()
     design.shapes = [
         shape.Line((0, 0), (0, 50)),
         shape.Circle(0, 0, 300),
     design.pins = [
         components.Pin('E', (0, 0), (0, 30)),
         components.Pin('E', (0, 0), (0, 30)),
     commands = self.geda_writer.generate_body_commands(design)
     ## default pins require 6 commands, shapes require 1 command
     self.assertEquals(len(commands), 2*6 + 2*1)

示例5: parse

    def parse(self, infile='.'):
        """ Parse tokens from gerber files into a design. """
        is_zip = infile.endswith('.zip')
        openarchive = ZipFile if is_zip else TarFile.open
        archive = batch_member = None
            # define multiple layers from folder
            if LAYERS_CFG in infile:
                archive = None
                cfg_name = infile
                cfg = open(cfg_name, 'r')

            # define multiple layers from archivea 
                archive = openarchive(infile)
                batch = archive.namelist if is_zip else archive.getnames
                batch_member = archive.open if is_zip else archive.extractfile
                cfg_name = [n for n in batch() if LAYERS_CFG in n][0]
                cfg = batch_member(cfg_name)

        # define single layer from single gerber file
        except ReadError:
            name, ext = path.split(infile)[1].rsplit('.', 1)
            layer_defs = [LayerDef(ext.lower() == 'ger' and name or ext,
                                   'unknown', infile)]
            self._gen_layers(layer_defs, None, None)

        # tidy up batch specs
            layer_defs = [LayerDef(rec[0],
                                   path.join(path.split(cfg_name)[0], rec[2]))
                          for rec in
                          csv.reader(cfg, skipinitialspace=True)]
            self._gen_layers(layer_defs, archive, batch_member)

        # tidy up archive
            if archive:

        # compile design
        if DEBUG:

        self.layout.units = (self.params['MO'] == 'IN' and 'inch' or 'mm')

        design = Design()
        design.layout = self.layout
        return design

示例6: parse

    def parse(self):
        '''Returns a Design built up from a schematic file that represents one
        sheet of the original schematic'''
        tree = ViewDrawBase.parse(self)
        # tree['lines'] is a [list of [list of lines]]
        tree['shape'].extend(sum(tree['lines'], []))
        ckt = Design()
        # TODO little weak here, a copy instead?
        ckt.components = self.lib

        for net in tree['net']:
        for inst in tree['inst']:
            # hold on tight, this is ugly
            for (netid, netpt, pinid) in inst.conns:
                net = [n for n in ckt.nets if n.net_id == netid][0]
                comp = ConnectedComponent(inst.instance_id, pinid)
                net.ibpts[netpt - 1].add_connected_component(comp)
            del inst.conns
        for net in ckt.nets:
            del net.ibpts

        for shape in tree['shape']:
            if isinstance(shape, Label):
                ann = Annotation(shape.text, shape.x, shape.y,
                                 shape._rotation, True)

        for k, v, annot in tree['attr']:
            ckt.design_attributes.add_attribute(k, v)

        return ckt

示例7: __init__

    def __init__(self):
        self.design = Design()

        # map (component, gate name) to body indices
        self.cptgate2body_index = {}

        # map (component, gate name) to pin maps, dicts from strings
        # (pin names) to Pins. These are used during pinref processing
        # in segments.
        self.cptgate2pin_map = defaultdict(dict)

        # map (component, gate names) to annotation maps, dicts from
        # strings (name|value) to Annotations. These represent the
        # >NAME and >VALUE texts on eagle components, which must be
        # converted into component instance annotations since their
        # contents depend on the component instance name and value.
        self.cptgate2ann_map = defaultdict(dict)

        # map part names to component instances. These are used during
        # pinref processing in segments.
        self.part2inst = {}

        # map part names to gate names to symbol attributes. These
        # are used during pinref processing in segments.
        self.part2gate2symattr = defaultdict(dict)

示例8: parse

    def parse(self, inputfile):
        """ Parse a gEDA file into a design.

            Returns the design corresponding to the gEDA file.
        inputfiles = []

        ## check if inputfile is in ZIP format
        if zipfile.is_zipfile(inputfile):
            self.geda_zip = zipfile.ZipFile(inputfile)
            for filename in self.geda_zip.namelist():
                if filename.endswith('.sch'):
            inputfiles = [inputfile]

        self.design = Design()

        ## parse frame data of first schematic to extract
        ## page size (assumes same frame for all files)
        with self._open_file_or_zip(inputfiles[0]) as stream:

            for line in stream.readlines():
                if 'title' in line and line.startswith('C'):
                    obj_type, params = self._parse_command(StringIO(line))
                    assert(obj_type == 'C')

                    params['basename'], _ = os.path.splitext(

                    log.debug("using title file: %s", params['basename'])


        ## store offset values in design attributes
            '_geda_offset_x': str(self.offset.x),
            '_geda_offset_y': str(self.offset.y),
            '_geda_frame_width': str(self.frame_width),
            '_geda_frame_height': str(self.frame_height),

        for filename in inputfiles:
            f_in = self._open_file_or_zip(filename)


            basename, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))

            ## modify offset for next page to be shifted to the right
            self.offset.x = self.offset.x - self.frame_width


        return self.design

示例9: parse

    def parse(self):
        '''Returns a Design built up from a schematic file that represents one
        sheet of the original schematic'''
        tree = ViewDrawBase.parse(self)
        # tree['lines'] is a [list of [list of lines]]
        tree['shape'].extend(sum(tree['lines'], []))
        ckt = Design()
        # TODO little weak here, a copy instead?
        ckt.components = self.lib
        for net in tree['net']:
        for inst in tree['inst']:
            # hold on tight, this is ugly
            for (netid, netpt, pinid) in inst.conns:
                net = [n for n in ckt.nets if n.net_id == netid][0]
                comp = ConnectedComponent(inst.instance_id, pinid)
                net.ibpts[netpt - 1].add_connected_component(comp)
            del inst.conns
        for net in ckt.nets:
            del net.ibpts

        # too bad designs don't have top-level shapes (yet?)
        #map(ckt.add_shape, tree['shape'])
        for lbl in [s for s in tree['shapes'] if isinstance(s, Label)]:
            ann = Annotation(lbl.text, lbl.x, lbl.y, lbl.rotation, True)
        for k, v in tree['attr']:
            ckt.design_attributes.add_attribute(k, v)

        self.correct_y(ckt, tree['Dbounds'][0])
        return ckt

示例10: parse

    def parse(self, filename):
        """ Parse a specctra file into a design """

        self.design = Design()

        with open(filename) as f:
            data = f.read()

        tree = DsnParser().parse(data)

        struct = self.walk(tree)
        self.resolution = struct.resolution

        return self.design

示例11: __init__

    def __init__(self):
        self.design = Design()

        # This maps fritzing connector keys to (x, y) coordinates
        self.points = {} # (index, connid) -> (x, y)

        # This maps fritzing component indices to ComponentInstances
        self.component_instances = {} # index -> ComponentInstance

        # Map connector keys to the list of connector keys they
        # are connected to.
        self.connects = {} # (index, connid) -> [(index, connid)]

        self.components = {} # idref -> ComponentParser

        self.fritzing_version = None
        self.fzz_zipfile = None # The ZipFile if we are parsing an fzz

示例12: parse

    def parse(self, filename, library_filename=None):
        """ Parse a kicad file into a design """

        design = Design()
        segments = set() # each wire segment
        junctions = set() # wire junction point (connects all wires under it)

        if library_filename is None:
            library_filename = splitext(filename)[0] + '-cache.lib'
            if exists(library_filename):
                for cpt in parse_library(library_filename):
                    design.add_component(cpt.name, cpt)

        with open(filename) as f:
            libs = []
            line = f.readline().strip()

            # parse the library references
            while line and line != "$EndDescr":
                if line.startswith('LIBS:'):
                    libs.extend(line.split(':', 1)[1].split(','))
                line = f.readline().strip()

            # Now parse wires and components, ignore connections, we get
            # connectivity from wire segments

            line = f.readline()

            while line:
                prefix = line.split()[0]

                if line.startswith('Wire Wire Line'):
                    self.parse_wire(f, segments)
                elif prefix == "Connection": # Store these to apply later
                    self.parse_connection(line, junctions)
                elif prefix == "Text":
                        self.parse_text(f, line))
                elif prefix == "$Comp": # Component Instance
                    inst = self.parse_component_instance(f)
                    if inst.library_id not in design.components.components:
                        cpt = lookup_part(inst.library_id, libs)
                        if cpt is not None:
                            design.components.add_component(cpt.name, cpt)

                line = f.readline()

        segments = self.divide(segments, junctions)
        design.nets = self.calc_nets(segments)

        return design

示例13: parse_schematic

    def parse_schematic(self, stream):
        """ Parse a gEDA schematic provided as a *stream* object into a

            Returns the design corresponding to the schematic.
        # pylint: disable=R0912
        if self.design is None:
            self.design = Design()

        self.segments = set()
        self.net_points = dict()
        self.net_names = dict()

        obj_type, params = self._parse_command(stream)

        while obj_type is not None:

            objects = getattr(self, "_parse_%s" % obj_type)(stream, params)

            attributes = self._parse_environment(stream)
            self.design.design_attributes.attributes.update(attributes or {})

            self.add_objects_to_design(self.design, objects)

            obj_type, params = self._parse_command(stream)

        ## process net segments into nets & net points and add to design

        calculated_nets = self.calculate_nets()

        for cnet in sorted(calculated_nets, key=lambda n : n.net_id):

        return self.design

示例14: DesignTests

class DesignTests(unittest.TestCase):
    """ The tests of the core module design feature """

    def setUp(self):
        """ Setup the test case. """
        self.des = Design()

    def tearDown(self):
        """ Teardown the test case. """

    def test_create_new_design(self):
        """ Test the creation of a new empty design. """
        self.assertEqual(len(self.des.nets), 0)

    def test_empty_bounds(self):
        '''bounds() on an empty design is to include just the origin'''
        for point in self.des.bounds():
            self.assertEqual(point.x, 0)
            self.assertEqual(point.y, 0)

    def test_bounds_nets(self):
        '''Test bounds() with just the design's nets'''
        leftnet = Net('foo1')
        topnet = Net('foo2')
        rightnet = Net('foo3')
        botnet = Net('foo4')
        # limits minx=2, miny=1, maxx=7, maxy=9
        mkbounds(leftnet, 2, 3, 3, 3)
        mkbounds(topnet, 3, 1, 3, 3)
        mkbounds(rightnet, 3, 3, 7, 3)
        mkbounds(botnet, 3, 3, 3, 9)

        top_left, btm_right = self.des.bounds()
        self.assertEqual(top_left.x, 2)
        self.assertEqual(top_left.y, 1)
        self.assertEqual(btm_right.x, 7)
        self.assertEqual(btm_right.y, 9)

    def test_bounds_annots(self):
        '''Test bounds() with just Annotations added as design attributes'''
        left = Annotation('foo1', 3, 3, 0, True)
        top = Annotation('foo2', 3, 3, 0, True)
        right = Annotation('foo3', 3, 3, 0, True)
        bot = Annotation('foo4', 3, 3, 0, True)
        mkbounds(left, 2, 3, 3, 3)
        mkbounds(top, 3, 2, 3, 3)
        mkbounds(right, 3, 3, 5, 3)
        mkbounds(bot, 3, 3, 3, 6)
        for anno in (left, right, bot, top):

        top_left, btm_right = self.des.bounds()
        self.assertEqual(top_left.x, 2)
        self.assertEqual(top_left.y, 2)
        self.assertEqual(btm_right.x, 5)
        self.assertEqual(btm_right.y, 6)

    def test_bounds_parts(self):
        '''test bounds() with just components in the design'''
        libcomp = Component('bar')
        mkbounds(libcomp.symbols[0].bodies[0], 0, 0, 10, 10)
        self.des.add_component('foo', libcomp)
        for (x, y) in ((1, 3), (3, 2), (5, 3), (3, 7)):
            compinst = ComponentInstance(str((x, y)), 'foo', 0)
            compinst.add_symbol_attribute(SymbolAttribute(x, y, 0, False))

        top_left, btm_right = self.des.bounds()
        self.assertEqual(top_left.x, 1)
        self.assertEqual(top_left.y, 2)
        self.assertEqual(btm_right.x, 15)
        self.assertEqual(btm_right.y, 17)

    def test_bounds_neg_coords(self):
        '''Test bounds() when the schematic is all negative coordinates'''
        net = Net('foo')
        mkbounds(net, -1, -2, -3, -4)

        top_left, btm_right = self.des.bounds()
        self.assertEqual(top_left.x, -3)
        self.assertEqual(top_left.y, -4)
        self.assertEqual(btm_right.x, -1)
        self.assertEqual(btm_right.y, -2)

    def test_bounds_all_elts(self):
        '''bounds() with all the elements competing'''
        net = Net('foo')
        mkbounds(net, 3, 3, -1, -2)

        annot = Annotation('foo', 3, 3, 0, True)
        mkbounds(annot, 3, 3, 3, 5)

示例15: __init__

            confidence += 0.25
        if 'netname=' in data:
            confidence += 0.25
        return confidence

    def set_offset(self, point):
        """ Set the offset point for the gEDA output. As OpenJSON
            positions the origin in the center of the viewport and
            gEDA usually uses (40'000, 40'000) as page origin, this
            allows for translating from one coordinate system to
            another. It expects a *point* object providing a *x* and
            *y* attribute.
        ## create an offset of 5 grid squares from origin (0,0)
        self.offset.x = point.x
        self.offset.y = point.y

    def parse(self, inputfile):
        """ Parse a gEDA file into a design.

            Returns the design corresponding to the gEDA file.
        inputfiles = []

        ## check if inputfile is in ZIP format
        if zipfile.is_zipfile(inputfile):
            self.geda_zip = zipfile.ZipFile(inputfile)
            for filename in self.geda_zip.namelist():
                if filename.endswith('.sch'):
            inputfiles = [inputfile]

        self.design = Design()

        ## parse frame data of first schematic to extract
        ## page size (assumes same frame for all files)
        with self._open_file_or_zip(inputfiles[0]) as stream:

            for line in stream.readlines():
                if 'title' in line and line.startswith('C'):
                    obj_type, params = self._parse_command(StringIO(line))
                    assert(obj_type == 'C')

                    params['basename'], _ = os.path.splitext(

                    log.debug("using title file: %s", params['basename'])


        ## store offset values in design attributes
            '_geda_offset_x': str(self.offset.x),
            '_geda_offset_y': str(self.offset.y),
            '_geda_frame_width': str(self.frame_width),
            '_geda_frame_height': str(self.frame_height),

        for filename in inputfiles:
            f_in = self._open_file_or_zip(filename)

