本文整理汇总了Python中uncertainties.unumpy.matrix函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python matrix函数的具体用法?Python matrix怎么用?Python matrix使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: test_pseudo_inverse
def test_pseudo_inverse():
"Tests of the pseudo-inverse"
# Numerical version of the pseudo-inverse:
pinv_num = core.wrap_array_func(numpy.linalg.pinv)
# Full rank rectangular matrix:
m = unumpy.matrix([[ufloat((10, 1)), -3.1],
[0, ufloat((3, 0))],
[1, -3.1]])
# Numerical and package (analytical) pseudo-inverses: they must be
# the same:
rcond = 1e-8 # Test of the second argument to pinv()
m_pinv_num = pinv_num(m, rcond)
m_pinv_package = core._pinv(m, rcond)
assert matrices_close(m_pinv_num, m_pinv_package)
# Example with a non-full rank rectangular matrix:
vector = [ufloat((10, 1)), -3.1, 11]
m = unumpy.matrix([vector, vector])
m_pinv_num = pinv_num(m, rcond)
m_pinv_package = core._pinv(m, rcond)
assert matrices_close(m_pinv_num, m_pinv_package)
# Example with a non-full-rank square matrix:
m = unumpy.matrix([[ufloat((10, 1)), 0], [3, 0]])
m_pinv_num = pinv_num(m, rcond)
m_pinv_package = core._pinv(m, rcond)
assert matrices_close(m_pinv_num, m_pinv_package)
示例2: test_list_pseudo_inverse
def test_list_pseudo_inverse():
"Test of the pseudo-inverse"
x = ufloat((1, 0.1))
y = ufloat((2, 0.1))
mat = unumpy.matrix([[x, x], [y, 0]])
# Internal consistency: the inverse and the pseudo-inverse yield
# the same result on square matrices:
assert matrices_close(mat.I, unumpy.ulinalg.pinv(mat), 1e-4)
assert matrices_close(
# Support for the optional pinv argument is
# tested:
unumpy.ulinalg.pinv(mat, 1e-15),
# Non-square matrices:
x = ufloat((1, 0.1))
y = ufloat((2, 0.1))
mat1 = unumpy.matrix([[x, y]]) # "Long" matrix
mat2 = unumpy.matrix([[x, y], [1, 3 + x], [y, 2 * x]]) # "Tall" matrix
# Internal consistency:
assert matrices_close(mat1.I, unumpy.ulinalg.pinv(mat1, 1e-10))
assert matrices_close(mat2.I, unumpy.ulinalg.pinv(mat2, 1e-8))
示例3: inertia_components
def inertia_components(jay, beta):
'''Returns the 2D orthogonal inertia tensor.
When at least three moments of inertia and their axes orientations are
known relative to a common inertial frame of a planar object, the orthoganl
moments of inertia relative the frame are computed.
jay : ndarray, shape(n,)
An array of at least three moments of inertia. (n >= 3)
beta : ndarray, shape(n,)
An array of orientation angles corresponding to the moments of inertia
in jay.
eye : ndarray, shape(3,)
Ixx, Ixz, Izz
sb = unumpy.sin(beta)
cb = unumpy.cos(beta)
betaMat = unumpy.matrix(np.vstack((cb**2, -2 * sb * cb, sb**2)).T)
eye = np.squeeze(np.asarray(np.dot(betaMat.I, jay)))
return eye
示例4: test_wrap_array_func
def test_wrap_array_func():
Test of numpy.wrap_array_func(), with optional arguments and
keyword arguments.
# Function that works with numbers with uncertainties in mat (if
# mat is an uncertainties.unumpy.matrix):
def f_unc(mat, *args, **kwargs):
return mat.I + args[0]*kwargs['factor']
# Test with optional arguments and keyword arguments:
def f(mat, *args, **kwargs):
# This function is wrapped: it should only be called with pure
# numbers:
assert not any(isinstance(v, uncert_core.UFloat) for v in mat.flat)
return f_unc(mat, *args, **kwargs)
# Wrapped function:
f_wrapped = core.wrap_array_func(f)
# Full rank rectangular matrix:
m = unumpy.matrix([[ufloat(10, 1), -3.1],
[0, ufloat(3, 0)],
[1, -3.1]])
# Numerical and package (analytical) pseudo-inverses: they must be
# the same:
m_f_wrapped = f_wrapped(m, 2, factor=10)
m_f_unc = f_unc(m, 2, factor=10)
assert arrays_close(m_f_wrapped, m_f_unc)
示例5: test_component_extraction
def test_component_extraction():
"Extracting the nominal values and standard deviations from an array"
arr = unumpy.uarray(([1, 2], [0.1, 0.2]))
assert numpy.all(unumpy.nominal_values(arr) == [1, 2])
assert numpy.all(unumpy.std_devs(arr) == [0.1, 0.2])
# unumpy matrices, in addition, should have nominal_values that
# are simply numpy matrices (not unumpy ones, because they have no
# uncertainties):
mat = unumpy.matrix(arr)
assert numpy.all(unumpy.nominal_values(mat) == [1, 2])
assert numpy.all(unumpy.std_devs(mat) == [0.1, 0.2])
assert type(unumpy.nominal_values(mat)) == numpy.matrix
示例6: test_matrix
def test_matrix():
"Matrices of numbers with uncertainties"
# Matrix inversion:
# Matrix with a mix of Variable objects and regular
# Python numbers:
m = unumpy.matrix([[ufloat((10, 1)), -3.1],
[0, ufloat((3, 0))]])
m_nominal_values = unumpy.nominal_values(m)
# Test of the nominal_value attribute:
assert numpy.all(m_nominal_values == m.nominal_values)
assert type(m[0, 0]) == uncertainties.Variable
示例7: test_matrix
def test_matrix():
"Matrices of numbers with uncertainties"
# Matrix inversion:
# Matrix with a mix of Variable objects and regular
# Python numbers:
m = unumpy.matrix([[ufloat(10, 1), -3.1],
[0, ufloat(3, 0)]])
m_nominal_values = unumpy.nominal_values(m)
# Test of the nominal_value attribute:
assert numpy.all(m_nominal_values == m.nominal_values)
assert type(m[0, 0]) == uncert_core.Variable
# Test of scalar multiplication, both sides:
示例8: center_of_mass
def center_of_mass(slopes, intercepts):
'''Returns the center of mass relative to the slopes and intercepts
coordinate system.
slopes : ndarray, shape(n,)
The slope of every line used to calculate the center of mass.
intercepts : ndarray, shape(n,)
The intercept of every line used to calculate the center of mass.
x : float
The abscissa of the center of mass.
y : float
The ordinate of the center of mass.
num = range(len(slopes))
allComb = cartesian((num, num))
comb = []
# remove doubles
for row in allComb:
if row[0] != row[1]:
comb = np.array(comb)
# initialize the matrix to store the line intersections
lineX = np.zeros((len(comb), 2), dtype='object')
# for each line intersection...
for j, row in enumerate(comb):
sl = np.array([slopes[row[0]], slopes[row[1]]])
a = unumpy.matrix(np.vstack((-sl, np.ones((2)))).T)
b = np.array([intercepts[row[0]], intercepts[row[1]]])
lineX[j] = np.dot(a.I, b)
com = np.mean(lineX, axis=0)
return com[0], com[1]
示例9: test_list_inverse
def test_list_inverse():
"Test of the inversion of a square matrix"
mat_list = [[1, 1], [1, 0]]
# numpy.linalg.inv(mat_list) does calculate the inverse even
# though mat_list is a list of lists (and not a matrix). Can
# ulinalg do the same? Here is a test:
mat_list_inv = unumpy.ulinalg.inv(mat_list)
# More type testing:
mat_matrix = numpy.asmatrix(mat_list)
assert isinstance(unumpy.ulinalg.inv(mat_matrix),
# unumpy.ulinalg should behave in the same way as numpy.linalg,
# with respect to types:
mat_list_inv_numpy = numpy.linalg.inv(mat_list)
assert type(mat_list_inv) == type(mat_list_inv_numpy)
# The resulting matrix does not have to be a matrix that can
# handle uncertainties, because the input matrix does not have
# uncertainties:
assert not isinstance(mat_list_inv, unumpy.matrix)
# Individual element check:
assert isinstance(mat_list_inv[1,1], float)
assert mat_list_inv[1,1] == -1
x = ufloat((1, 0.1))
y = ufloat((2, 0.1))
mat = unumpy.matrix([[x, x], [y, 0]])
# Internal consistency: ulinalg.inv() must coincide with the
# unumpy.matrix inverse, for square matrices (.I is the
# pseudo-inverse, for non-square matrices, but inv() is not).
assert matrices_close(unumpy.ulinalg.inv(mat), mat.I)
示例10: test_inverse
def test_inverse():
"Tests of the matrix inverse"
m = unumpy.matrix([[ufloat((10, 1)), -3.1],
[0, ufloat((3, 0))]])
m_nominal_values = unumpy.nominal_values(m)
# "Regular" inverse matrix, when uncertainties are not taken
# into account:
m_no_uncert_inv = m_nominal_values.I
# The matrix inversion should not yield numbers with uncertainties:
assert m_no_uncert_inv.dtype == numpy.dtype(float)
# Inverse with uncertainties:
m_inv_uncert = m.I # AffineScalarFunc elements
# The inverse contains uncertainties: it must support custom
# operations on matrices with uncertainties:
assert isinstance(m_inv_uncert, unumpy.matrix)
assert type(m_inv_uncert[0, 0]) == uncertainties.AffineScalarFunc
# Checks of the numerical values: the diagonal elements of the
# inverse should be the inverses of the diagonal elements of
# m (because we started with a triangular matrix):
assert _numbers_close(1/m_nominal_values[0, 0],
m_inv_uncert[0, 0].nominal_value), "Wrong value"
assert _numbers_close(1/m_nominal_values[1, 1],
m_inv_uncert[1, 1].nominal_value), "Wrong value"
# Checks of the covariances between elements:
x = ufloat((10, 1))
m = unumpy.matrix([[x, x],
[0, 3+2*x]])
m_inverse = m.I
# Check of the properties of the inverse:
m_double_inverse = m_inverse.I
# The initial matrix should be recovered, including its
# derivatives, which define covariances:
assert _numbers_close(m_double_inverse[0, 0].nominal_value,
m[0, 0].nominal_value)
assert _numbers_close(m_double_inverse[0, 0].std_dev(),
m[0, 0].std_dev())
assert matrices_close(m_double_inverse, m)
# Partial test:
assert _derivatives_close(m_double_inverse[0, 0], m[0, 0])
assert _derivatives_close(m_double_inverse[1, 1], m[1, 1])
# Tests of covariances during the inversion:
# There are correlations if both the next two derivatives are
# not zero:
assert m_inverse[0, 0].derivatives[x]
assert m_inverse[0, 1].derivatives[x]
# Correlations between m and m_inverse should create a perfect
# inversion:
assert matrices_close(m * m_inverse, numpy.eye(m.shape[0]))
示例11: len
U_CU_C, U_CU_H, U_CU_M, U_AL_C, U_AL_H, U_AL_M = np.loadtxt("Messdaten/Messung_Material.txt",
# Erstellen der Fehlerbehaftete Spannungen
uU_CU_C = unp.uarray(U_CU_C, len(U_CU_C)*[U_ERR])
uU_CU_H = unp.uarray(U_CU_H, len(U_CU_H)*[U_ERR])
uU_CU_M = unp.uarray(U_CU_M, len(U_CU_M)*[U_ERR])
uU_AL_C = unp.uarray(U_AL_C, len(U_AL_C)*[U_ERR])
uU_AL_H = unp.uarray(U_AL_H, len(U_AL_H)*[U_ERR])
uU_AL_M = unp.uarray(U_AL_M, len(U_AL_M)*[U_ERR])
# Erstellen von 3x3 Matrizen für die Werte von Cu und Al
# Spalte entspricht einer Versuchsreihe, Zeile: Entspricht einer Größe
uU_CU = unp.matrix([uU_CU_C, uU_CU_H, uU_CU_M])
uU_AL = unp.matrix([uU_AL_C, uU_AL_H, uU_AL_M])
# Umrechnung der Spannungen in Temperaturen
uT_CU = TensToTemp(uU_CU)
uT_AL = TensToTemp(uU_AL)
TEST = True
if TEST:
for i in range(3):
for j in range(3):
uT_CU[i,j] = ufloat(noms(uT_CU[i,j]), stds(uT_CU[i,j]))
if TEST:
示例12: genfromtxt
d6 = genfromtxt(f6, delimiter=',')
ar8 = unumpy.uarray(d6[:,0],d6[:,1])
ar08 = unumpy.uarray(d1[:,0],d1[:,1])
ar008 = unumpy.uarray(d2[:,0],d2[:,1])
arabs = unumpy.uarray(d3[:,0],d3[:,1])
aragua = unumpy.uarray(d4[:,0],d4[:,1])
arVBC = unumpy.uarray(d5[:,0],d4[:,1])
vol = (ar8 + ar08 + ar008 + aragua + arVBC)
mol = (ar8 * 0.8 + ar08 *0.08 + ar008 *0.008)
conc = mol/vol
mT = unumpy.matrix(conc)
filename = "resconc.csv"
numpy.savetxt(filename, mT, fmt='%r', delimiter='\n')
XB = arabs/(0.757)
mT = unumpy.matrix(XB)
filename = "resXB.csv"
numpy.savetxt(filename, mT, fmt='%r', delimiter='\n')
XHB = 1 - XB
mT = unumpy.matrix(XHB)
filename = "resXHB.csv"
numpy.savetxt(filename, mT, fmt='%r', delimiter='\n')