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Python typing.typevar函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中typing.typevar函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python typevar函数的具体用法?Python typevar怎么用?Python typevar使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: test_generic_class_with_two_typeargs

    def test_generic_class_with_two_typeargs(self):
        t = typevar('t')
        u = typevar('u')

        class C(Generic[t, u]):

        self.assertIs(C[int, str], C)
        self.assertIsInstance(C(), C)
        self.assertIsInstance(C[int, str](), C)

示例2: test_generic_protocol

 def test_generic_protocol(self):
     t = typevar('t')
     class P(Protocol[t]):
         x = 1
     class A:
         x = 2
     self.assertIsInstance(A(), P)

示例3: test_simple_generic_class

    def test_simple_generic_class(self):
        t = typevar('t')

        class C(Generic[t]):

        self.assertIs(C[int], C)
        self.assertIsInstance(C(), C)
        self.assertIsInstance(C[int](), C)

示例4: test_abstract_generic_class

 def test_abstract_generic_class(self):
     t = typevar('t')
     class C(AbstractGeneric[t]):
     class D:
     self.assertIs(C[int], C)
     self.assertNotIsInstance(D(), C)
     self.assertIsInstance(D(), C)

示例5: test_typevar_in_overload

    def test_typevar_in_overload(self):
        t = typevar('t')

        def f(x:t, y:str): return 1
        def f(x, y): return 2

        self.assertEqual(f((), 'x'), 1)
        self.assertEqual(f((), 1.1), 2)

示例6: test_construct_class_with_abstract_method

    def test_construct_class_with_abstract_method(self):
        t = typevar('t')

        class A(AbstractGeneric[t]):
            def f(self): pass

        class B(A):
            def f(self): pass

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):

示例7: typevar

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import unittest
import random
import time
import pickle
import warnings
from math import log, exp, pi, fsum, sin
from test import support

from typing import Undefined, Any, Dict, List, Function, Generic, typevar

RT = typevar('RT', values=(random.Random, random.SystemRandom))

class TestBasicOps(unittest.TestCase, Generic[RT]):
    # Superclass with tests common to all generators.
    # Subclasses must arrange for self.gen to retrieve the Random instance
    # to be tested.

    gen = Undefined(RT) # Either Random or SystemRandom 

    def randomlist(self, n: int) -> List[float]:
        """Helper function to make a list of random numbers"""
        return [self.gen.random() for i in range(n)]

    def test_autoseed(self) -> None:
        state1 = self.gen.getstate()
        self.gen.seed()      # diffent seeds at different times
        state2 = self.gen.getstate()

示例8: typevar

from typing import typevar, Any

_FT = typevar("_FT")

def register(func: _FT, *args: Any, **kargs: Any) -> _FT:

示例9: typevar

"""Generic abstract syntax tree node visitor"""

from typing import typevar, Generic

import mypy.nodes

T = typevar('T')

class NodeVisitor(Generic[T]):
    """Empty base class for parse tree node visitors.

    The T type argument specifies the return type of the visit
    methods. As all methods defined here return None by default,
    subclasses do not always need to override all the methods.

    TODO make the default return value explicit
    # Module structure
    def visit_mypy_file(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.MypyFile') -> T:
    def visit_import(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.Import') -> T:
    def visit_import_from(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.ImportFrom') -> T:
    def visit_import_all(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.ImportAll') -> T:

示例10: import

# Stubs for builtins

from typing import (
    Undefined, typevar, AbstractGeneric, Iterator, Iterable, overload,
    Sequence, Mapping, Tuple, List, Any, Dict, Function, Generic, Set,
    AbstractSet, Sized, Reversible, SupportsInt, SupportsFloat, SupportsAbs,
    SupportsRound, IO, builtinclass, ducktype, Union
from abc import abstractmethod, ABCMeta

# Note that names imported above are not automatically made visible via the
# implicit builtins import.

_T = typevar('_T')
_KT = typevar('_KT')
_VT = typevar('_VT')
_S = typevar('_S')
_T1 = typevar('_T1')
_T2 = typevar('_T2')
_T3 = typevar('_T3')
_T4 = typevar('_T4')

staticmethod = object() # Only valid as a decorator.
classmethod = object() # Only valid as a decorator.
property = object()

_byte_types = Union[bytes, bytearray]

class object:
    __doc__ = ''

示例11: typevar

# Builtins stub used in dictionary-related test cases.

from typing import typevar, Generic, Iterable, Iterator

T = typevar('T')
S = typevar('S')

class object:
    def __init__(self) -> None: pass

class type: pass

class dict(Generic[T, S]): pass
class int: pass # for convenience
class str: pass # for keyword argument key type
class list(Iterable[T], Generic[T]): # needed by some test cases
    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[T]: pass
    def __mul__(self, x: int) -> list[T]: pass

示例12: import

# Stubs for weakref

# NOTE: These are incomplete!

from typing import (
    typevar, Generic, Any, Function, overload, Mapping, Iterator, Dict, Tuple,

_T = typevar('_T')
_KT = typevar('_KT')
_VT = typevar('_VT')

class ReferenceType(Generic[_T]):
    # TODO members

def ref(o: _T, callback: Function[[ReferenceType[_T]],
                                 Any] = None) -> ReferenceType[_T]: pass

# TODO callback
def proxy(object: _T) -> _T: pass

class WeakValueDictionary(Generic[_KT, _VT]):
    # TODO tuple iterable argument?
    def __init__(self) -> None: pass
    def __init__(self, map: Mapping[_KT, _VT]) -> None: pass

    def __len__(self) -> int: pass

示例13: test_typevar

 def test_typevar(self):
     t = typevar(u't')
     self.assertEqual(t.name, u't')

示例14: import

"""Stubs for builtins"""

from typing import (
    Undefined, typevar, AbstractGeneric, Iterator, Iterable, overload,
    Sequence, Mapping, Tuple, List, Any, Dict, Function, Generic, Set,
    AbstractSet, Sized, Reversible, SupportsInt, SupportsFloat, SupportsAbs,
    SupportsRound, TextIO
from abc import abstractmethod, ABCMeta

T = typevar('T')
KT = typevar('KT')
VT = typevar('VT')
S = typevar('S')
T1 = typevar('T1')
T2 = typevar('T2')
T3 = typevar('T3')
T4 = typevar('T4')

staticmethod = object() # Only valid as a decorator.
property = object()

class object:
    __doc__ = ''
    __class__ = Undefined # type: type
    def __init__(self) -> None: pass
    def __eq__(self, o: object) -> bool: pass

示例15: cases

# These builtins stubs are used implicitly in parse-tree to icode generation
# test cases (testicodegen.py and test/data/icode-basic.test).

from typing import typevar, Generic

t = typevar('t')

class object:
    def __init__(self) -> None: pass

class type: pass
class str: pass

# Primitive types are special in generated code.

class int:
    def __add__(self, n: int) -> int: pass
    def __sub__(self, n: int) -> int: pass
    def __mul__(self, n: int) -> int: pass
    def __neg__(self) -> int: pass
    def __eq__(self, n: int) -> bool: pass
    def __ne__(self, n: int) -> bool: pass
    def __lt__(self, n: int) -> bool: pass
    def __gt__(self, n: int) -> bool: pass
    def __le__(self, n: int) -> bool: pass
    def __ge__(self, n: int) -> bool: pass

class float: pass
class bool: pass

class list(Generic[t]): pass
