本文整理汇总了Python中types.ModuleType.__path__方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python ModuleType.__path__方法的具体用法?Python ModuleType.__path__怎么用?Python ModuleType.__path__使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类types.ModuleType
示例1: InitPathesAndBuiltins
# 需要导入模块: from types import ModuleType [as 别名]
# 或者: from types.ModuleType import __path__ [as 别名]
def InitPathesAndBuiltins():
sys.path.insert(0, eg.mainDir.encode('mbcs'))
sys.path.insert(1, eg.sitePackagesDir.encode('mbcs'))
import cFunctions
sys.modules["eg.cFunctions"] = cFunctions
eg.cFunctions = cFunctions
# add 'wx' to the builtin name space of every module
import __builtin__
__builtin__.wx = wx
# we create a package 'PluginModule' and set its path to the plugin-dir
# so we can simply use __import__ to load a plugin file
corePluginPackage = ModuleType("eg.CorePluginModule")
corePluginPackage.__path__ = [eg.corePluginDir]
sys.modules["eg.CorePluginModule"] = corePluginPackage
eg.CorePluginModule = corePluginPackage
# we create a package 'PluginModule' and set its path to the plugin-dir
# so we can simply use __import__ to load a plugin file
if not os.path.exists(eg.localPluginDir):
userPluginPackage = ModuleType("eg.UserPluginModule")
userPluginPackage.__path__ = [eg.localPluginDir]
sys.modules["eg.UserPluginModule"] = userPluginPackage
eg.UserPluginModule = userPluginPackage
示例2: test_minimum_sys_modules
# 需要导入模块: from types import ModuleType [as 别名]
# 或者: from types.ModuleType import __path__ [as 别名]
def test_minimum_sys_modules():
# builtins stay
builtin_module = ModuleType('my_builtin')
modules = {'my_builtin': builtin_module}
new_modules = PEX.minimum_sys_modules([], modules)
assert new_modules == modules
new_modules = PEX.minimum_sys_modules(['bad_path'], modules)
assert new_modules == modules
# tainted evict
tainted_module = ModuleType('tainted_module')
tainted_module.__path__ = ['bad_path']
modules = {'tainted_module': tainted_module}
new_modules = PEX.minimum_sys_modules([], modules)
assert new_modules == modules
new_modules = PEX.minimum_sys_modules(['bad_path'], modules)
assert new_modules == {}
assert tainted_module.__path__ == []
# tainted cleaned
tainted_module = ModuleType('tainted_module')
tainted_module.__path__ = ['bad_path', 'good_path']
modules = {'tainted_module': tainted_module}
new_modules = PEX.minimum_sys_modules([], modules)
assert new_modules == modules
new_modules = PEX.minimum_sys_modules(['bad_path'], modules)
assert new_modules == modules
assert tainted_module.__path__ == ['good_path']
示例3: setUp
# 需要导入模块: from types import ModuleType [as 别名]
# 或者: from types.ModuleType import __path__ [as 别名]
def setUp(self):
# `dummyns.submod` emulates a package that also provide the
# `dummyns` namespace package that got installed after the
# other package `dummyns`.
ds_egg_root = join(mkdtemp(self), 'dummyns.submod')
dummyns_path = join(ds_egg_root, 'dummyns')
dummyns = ModuleType('dummyns')
dummyns.__file__ = join(dummyns_path, '__init__.py')
dummyns.__path__ = [dummyns_path]
self.addCleanup(sys.modules.pop, 'dummyns')
sys.modules['dummyns'] = dummyns
dummyns_submod_path = join(ds_egg_root, 'dummyns', 'submod')
dummyns_submod = ModuleType('dummyns.submod')
dummyns_submod.__file__ = join(dummyns_submod_path, '__init__.py')
dummyns_submod.__path__ = [dummyns_submod_path]
self.addCleanup(sys.modules.pop, 'dummyns.submod')
sys.modules['dummyns.submod'] = dummyns_submod
with open(join(dummyns_path, '__init__.py'), 'w') as fd:
with open(join(dummyns_submod_path, '__init__.py'), 'w') as fd:
self.nested_res = join(dummyns_submod_path, 'data.txt')
self.nested_data = 'data'
with open(self.nested_res, 'w') as fd:
# create the package proper
self.dummyns_submod_dist = make_dummy_dist(self, ((
), (
'dummyns.submod = dummyns.submod:attr\n',
),), 'dummyns.submod', '1.0', working_dir=ds_egg_root)
self.ds_egg_root = ds_egg_root
self.dummyns_path = dummyns_path
self.mod_dummyns = dummyns
self.mod_dummyns_submod = dummyns_submod
示例4: test_get_modpath_all_multi
# 需要导入模块: from types import ModuleType [as 别名]
# 或者: from types.ModuleType import __path__ [as 别名]
def test_get_modpath_all_multi(self):
module = ModuleType('nothing')
module.__path__ = ['/path/to/here', '/path/to/there']
indexer.modpath_all(module, None),
['/path/to/here', '/path/to/there'],
示例5: create_module
# 需要导入模块: from types import ModuleType [as 别名]
# 或者: from types.ModuleType import __path__ [as 别名]
def create_module(self, spec):
Alter __path__ to equal spec.name (i.e qualname)
so we can catch consequent imports.
m = ModuleType(spec.name)
m.__path__ = [m.__name__.lower()]
return m
示例6: InitPathsAndBuiltins
# 需要导入模块: from types import ModuleType [as 别名]
# 或者: from types.ModuleType import __path__ [as 别名]
def InitPathsAndBuiltins():
import cFunctions
import __builtin__
eg.folderPath = eg.FolderPath()
eg.mainDir = eg.folderPath.mainDir
eg.configDir = eg.folderPath.configDir
eg.corePluginDir = eg.folderPath.corePluginDir
eg.localPluginDir = eg.folderPath.localPluginDir
eg.imagesDir = eg.folderPath.imagesDir
eg.languagesDir = eg.folderPath.languagesDir
eg.sitePackagesDir = eg.folderPath.sitePackagesDir
if not exists(eg.configDir):
if not exists(eg.localPluginDir):
eg.localPluginDir = eg.corePluginDir
if eg.Cli.args.isMain:
if exists(eg.configDir):
__builtin__.wx = wx
corePluginPackage = ModuleType("eg.CorePluginModule")
corePluginPackage.__path__ = [eg.corePluginDir]
userPluginPackage = ModuleType("eg.UserPluginModule")
userPluginPackage.__path__ = [eg.localPluginDir]
sys.modules["eg.CorePluginModule"] = corePluginPackage
sys.modules["eg.UserPluginModule"] = userPluginPackage
sys.modules['eg.cFunctions'] = cFunctions
eg.pluginDirs = [eg.corePluginDir, eg.localPluginDir]
eg.cFunctions = cFunctions
eg.CorePluginModule = corePluginPackage
eg.UserPluginModule = userPluginPackage
示例7: InitPathsAndBuiltins
# 需要导入模块: from types import ModuleType [as 别名]
# 或者: from types.ModuleType import __path__ [as 别名]
def InitPathsAndBuiltins():
sys.path.insert(0, eg.mainDir.encode('mbcs'))
sys.path.insert(1, eg.sitePackagesDir.encode('mbcs'))
if "PYTHONPATH" in os.environ:
for path in os.environ.get("PYTHONPATH").split(os.pathsep):
version = sys.version_info[:2]
subkey = r"SOFTWARE\Python\PythonCore\%d.%d\InstallPath" % version
with winreg.OpenKey(key, subkey) as hand:
winreg.QueryValue(hand, None),
import cFunctions
sys.modules["eg.cFunctions"] = cFunctions
eg.cFunctions = cFunctions
# add 'wx' to the builtin name space of every module
import __builtin__
__builtin__.wx = wx
# we create a package 'PluginModule' and set its path to the plugin-dir
# so we can simply use __import__ to load a plugin file
corePluginPackage = ModuleType("eg.CorePluginModule")
corePluginPackage.__path__ = [eg.corePluginDir]
sys.modules["eg.CorePluginModule"] = corePluginPackage
eg.CorePluginModule = corePluginPackage
# we create a package 'PluginModule' and set its path to the plugin-dir
# so we can simply use __import__ to load a plugin file
if not os.path.exists(eg.localPluginDir):
userPluginPackage = ModuleType("eg.UserPluginModule")
userPluginPackage.__path__ = [eg.localPluginDir]
sys.modules["eg.UserPluginModule"] = userPluginPackage
eg.UserPluginModule = userPluginPackage
示例8: load_module
# 需要导入模块: from types import ModuleType [as 别名]
# 或者: from types.ModuleType import __path__ [as 别名]
def load_module(self, fullname):
print "load", fullname
if fullname.endswith("test"):
return 1
r = ModuleType(fullname)
r.__package__ = fullname
r.__path__ = []
return r
示例9: test_minimum_sys_modules
# 需要导入模块: from types import ModuleType [as 别名]
# 或者: from types.ModuleType import __path__ [as 别名]
def test_minimum_sys_modules():
# builtins stay
builtin_module = ModuleType('my_builtin')
modules = {'my_builtin': builtin_module}
new_modules = PEX.minimum_sys_modules([], modules)
assert new_modules == modules
new_modules = PEX.minimum_sys_modules(['bad_path'], modules)
assert new_modules == modules
# tainted evict
tainted_module = ModuleType('tainted_module')
tainted_module.__path__ = ['bad_path']
modules = {'tainted_module': tainted_module}
new_modules = PEX.minimum_sys_modules([], modules)
assert new_modules == modules
new_modules = PEX.minimum_sys_modules(['bad_path'], modules)
assert new_modules == {}
assert tainted_module.__path__ == []
# tainted cleaned
tainted_module = ModuleType('tainted_module')
tainted_module.__path__ = ['bad_path', 'good_path']
modules = {'tainted_module': tainted_module}
new_modules = PEX.minimum_sys_modules([], modules)
assert new_modules == modules
new_modules = PEX.minimum_sys_modules(['bad_path'], modules)
assert new_modules == modules
assert tainted_module.__path__ == ['good_path']
# If __path__ is not a list the module is removed; typically this implies
# it's a namespace package (https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0420/) where
# __path__ is a _NamespacePath.
from importlib._bootstrap_external import _NamespacePath
bad_path = _NamespacePath("hello", "world", None)
except ImportError:
bad_path = {"hello": "world"}
class FakeModule(object):
tainted_module = FakeModule()
tainted_module.__path__ = bad_path # Not a list as expected
modules = {'tainted_module': tainted_module}
new_modules = PEX.minimum_sys_modules(['bad_path'], modules)
assert new_modules == {}
示例10: test_get_modpath_pkg_resources_missing
# 需要导入模块: from types import ModuleType [as 别名]
# 或者: from types.ModuleType import __path__ [as 别名]
def test_get_modpath_pkg_resources_missing(self):
# fake just the entry point, but provide a valid module.
nothing = ModuleType('nothing')
nothing.__path__ = []
self.addCleanup(sys.modules.pop, 'nothing')
sys.modules['nothing'] = nothing
ep = pkg_resources.EntryPoint.parse('nothing = nothing')
with pretty_logging(stream=StringIO()) as fd:
self.assertEqual([], indexer.modpath_pkg_resources(nothing, ep))
"resource path cannot be found for module 'nothing' and "
"entry_point 'nothing = nothing'", fd.getvalue())
示例11: test_find_app
# 需要导入模块: from types import ModuleType [as 别名]
# 或者: from types.ModuleType import __path__ [as 别名]
def test_find_app(self):
cmd = MockCommand()
with patch("celery.bin.base.symbol_by_name") as sbn:
from types import ModuleType
x = ModuleType("proj")
def on_sbn(*args, **kwargs):
def after(*args, **kwargs):
x.celery = "quick brown fox"
x.__path__ = None
return x
sbn.side_effect = after
return x
sbn.side_effect = on_sbn
x.__path__ = [True]
self.assertEqual(cmd.find_app("proj"), "quick brown fox")
示例12: test_find_app
# 需要导入模块: from types import ModuleType [as 别名]
# 或者: from types.ModuleType import __path__ [as 别名]
def test_find_app(self):
cmd = MockCommand(app=self.app)
with patch('celery.bin.base.symbol_by_name') as sbn:
from types import ModuleType
x = ModuleType('proj')
def on_sbn(*args, **kwargs):
def after(*args, **kwargs):
x.app = 'quick brown fox'
x.__path__ = None
return x
sbn.side_effect = after
return x
sbn.side_effect = on_sbn
x.__path__ = [True]
self.assertEqual(cmd.find_app('proj'), 'quick brown fox')
示例13: test_find_app
# 需要导入模块: from types import ModuleType [as 别名]
# 或者: from types.ModuleType import __path__ [as 别名]
def test_find_app(self, app):
cmd = MockCommand(app=app)
with patch('celery.utils.imports.symbol_by_name') as sbn:
from types import ModuleType
x = ModuleType(bytes_if_py2('proj'))
def on_sbn(*args, **kwargs):
def after(*args, **kwargs):
x.app = 'quick brown fox'
x.__path__ = None
return x
sbn.side_effect = after
return x
sbn.side_effect = on_sbn
x.__path__ = [True]
assert cmd.find_app('proj') == 'quick brown fox'
示例14: import_file
# 需要导入模块: from types import ModuleType [as 别名]
# 或者: from types.ModuleType import __path__ [as 别名]
def import_file(filename, name = None, package = None, add_to_sys_modules = False):
if os.path.isdir(filename):
filename = os.path.join(filename, "__init__.py")
if name is None:
name = os.path.basename(filename).split(".")[0]
dirname = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(filename)).strip()
if name == "__init__" and dirname:
name = dirname
elif package is not None:
name = package + "." + name
mod = ModuleType(name)
mod.__file__ = os.path.abspath(filename)
if package is not None:
mod.__package__ = package
mod.__path__ = [os.path.dirname(mod.__file__)]
if add_to_sys_modules:
sys.modules[name] = mod
execfile(filename, mod.__dict__)
return mod
示例15: InitPathesAndBuiltins
# 需要导入模块: from types import ModuleType [as 别名]
# 或者: from types.ModuleType import __path__ [as 别名]
def InitPathesAndBuiltins():
sys.path.insert(0, eg.MAIN_DIR)
os.path.join(eg.MAIN_DIR, "lib%d%d" % sys.version_info[:2], "site-packages")
import cFunctions
sys.modules["eg.cFunctions"] = cFunctions
eg.cFunctions = cFunctions
# add 'wx' to the builtin name space of every module
import __builtin__
__builtin__.wx = wx
# we create a package 'PluginModule' and set its path to the plugin-dir
# so we can simply use __import__ to load a plugin file
pluginPackage = ModuleType("eg.PluginModule")
pluginPackage.__path__ = [eg.PLUGIN_DIR]
sys.modules["eg.PluginModule"] = pluginPackage
eg.PluginModule = pluginPackage