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Python Twitter.tweet方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中twitter.Twitter.tweet方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Twitter.tweet方法的具体用法?Python Twitter.tweet怎么用?Python Twitter.tweet使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在twitter.Twitter的用法示例。


示例1: twitter_callback

# 需要导入模块: from twitter import Twitter [as 别名]
# 或者: from twitter.Twitter import tweet [as 别名]
    def twitter_callback(self, tweet):
        """Analyzes Trump tweets, trades stocks, and tweets about it."""

        # Initialize the Analysis, Logs, Trading, and Twitter instances inside
        # the callback to create separate httplib2 instances per thread.
        analysis = Analysis(logs_to_cloud=LOGS_TO_CLOUD)
        logs = Logs(name="main-callback", to_cloud=LOGS_TO_CLOUD)

        # Analyze the tweet.
        companies = analysis.find_companies(tweet)
        logs.info("Using companies: %s" % companies)
        if not companies:

        # Trade stocks.
        trading = Trading(logs_to_cloud=LOGS_TO_CLOUD)

        # Tweet about it.
        twitter = Twitter(logs_to_cloud=LOGS_TO_CLOUD)
        twitter.tweet(companies, tweet)

示例2: _tweet

# 需要导入模块: from twitter import Twitter [as 别名]
# 或者: from twitter.Twitter import tweet [as 别名]
def _tweet(handle, questions, prefix=None, *suffix):
    _title_max = 65
    if handle is None:
        logging.error("No twitter handle!!")
        return -1
    t = Twitter(handle)
    for q in questions:
        status = ""
        # Add prefix: [featured]/[unanswered]
        if prefix is not None:
            status += "[%s] " % prefix
        if len(q['title']) > _title_max:
            status += "%s... " % q['title'][0:_title_max]
            status += "%s " % q['title']
        status += q['link']
        # NOTE: the suffix is a hashtag!
        for item in suffix:
            status += " #%s" % item
        logging.info("Tweet:[[%s]] length:[[%d]]" % (status, len(status)))
    logging.info("%s tweeted %d questions [prefix=%s]" % \
                (handle, len(questions), prefix))
    return len(questions)

示例3: NDA

# 需要导入模块: from twitter import Twitter [as 别名]
# 或者: from twitter.Twitter import tweet [as 别名]
class NDA(IRC):
    passive_interval = 60  # how long between performing passive, input independent operations like mail
    admin_duration = 30  # how long an admin session is active after authenticating with !su
    redis_in_prefix = "ndain:"
    redis_out_prefix = "ndaout:"

    def __init__(self, conf_file):
        with open(conf_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
            conf = json.load(f)
        address = conf["address"]
        port = conf.get("port", 6667)
        user = conf["user"]
        real_name = conf["real_name"]
        nicks = conf["nicks"]
        ns_password = conf.get("nickserv_password", None)
        logging = conf.get("logging", False)
        super().__init__(address, port, user, real_name, nicks, ns_password, logging)

        self.channels = [Channel(c) for c in conf["channels"]]
        self.admin_password = conf.get("admin_password", "")
        self.idle_talk = conf.get("idle_talk", False)
        self.auto_tweet_regex = conf.get("auto_tweet_regex", None)
        self.youtube_api_key = conf.get("youtube_api_key", None)
        self.pastebin_api_key = conf.get("pastebin_api_key", None)
        self.reddit_consumer_key = conf.get("reddit_consumer_key", None)
        self.reddit_consumer_secret = conf.get("reddit_consumer_secret", None)
        self.admin_sessions = {}
        self.last_passive = datetime.min

        aliases = conf.get("aliases", {})
        ignore_nicks = conf.get("ignore_nicks", [])
        self.database = Database("nda.db", aliases, ignore_nicks)

        tw_consumer_key = conf.get("twitter_consumer_key", None)
        tw_consumer_secret = conf.get("twitter_consumer_secret", None)
        tw_access_token = conf.get("twitter_access_token", None)
        tw_access_secret = conf.get("twitter_access_token_secret", None)
        self.twitter = Twitter(tw_consumer_key, tw_consumer_secret, tw_access_token, tw_access_secret)

        use_redis = conf.get("use_redis", False)
        self.redis, self.redis_sub = None, None

        if use_redis:
                self.redis = redis.StrictRedis()
                self.redis_sub = self.redis.pubsub(ignore_subscribe_messages=True)
                self.redis_sub.psubscribe("%s*" % self.redis_in_prefix)
                self.log("Couldn't connect to redis, disabling redis support")
                self.redis, self.redis_sub = None, None

    def unknown_error_occurred(self, error):
        for channel in self.channels:
            self.send_message(channel.name, "tell proog that a %s occurred :'(" % str(type(error)))

    def stopped(self):
        if self.redis_sub is not None:

    def connected(self):
        self.admin_sessions = {}
        self.last_passive = datetime.utcnow()

        for channel in self.channels:

    def message_sent(self, to, message):
        # redis logging
        if self.redis is not None:
            self.redis.publish("%s%s" % (self.redis_out_prefix, to), message)

        # add own message to the quotes database
        if self.get_channel(to) is not None:
            timestamp = int(datetime.utcnow().timestamp())
            self.database.add_quote(to, timestamp, self.current_nick(), message, full_only=True)

    def main_loop_iteration(self):
        # check for external input

        # perform various passive operations if the interval is up
        if (datetime.utcnow() - self.last_passive).total_seconds() < self.passive_interval:

        # check if any nicks with unread messages have come online (disabled for now)
        # unread_receivers = self.database.mail_unread_receivers()
        # if len(unread_receivers) > 0:
        #     self._ison(unread_receivers)

        # check if it's time to talk
        if self.idle_talk:
            for channel in self.channels:
                if channel.idle_timer.can_talk():
                    seq_id = 0
                    quote = self.database.random_quote(channel=channel.name, stringify=False)
                    if quote is not None:
                        message, author, date, seq_id = quote
                        self.send_message(channel.name, message)

示例4: len

# 需要导入模块: from twitter import Twitter [as 别名]
# 或者: from twitter.Twitter import tweet [as 别名]
import requests, random
from english import English
from twitter import Twitter

url = 'http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/feed' \

test_url = 'http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/feed/v1.0/summary/significant_month.geojson'

r = requests.get(url)
if r.status_code == 200:
	if len(r.json()['features']) > 0:
		s = English(r.json())
		t = Twitter()
	print "Error: Status code {}".format(r.status_code)
