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Python test_process.MockOS类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中twisted.test.test_process.MockOS的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python MockOS类的具体用法?Python MockOS怎么用?Python MockOS使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: setUp

    def setUp(self):
        mockos = MockOS()
        mockos.path = FilePath(self.mktemp())

        self.userdb = UserDatabase()
        self.userdb.addUser('alice', 'password', 1, 2, 'alice lastname',
                            mockos.path.path, '/bin/shell')

        self.sshDir = mockos.path.child('.ssh')
        authorized_keys = self.sshDir.child('authorized_keys')
        authorized_keys.setContent('key 1\nkey 2')

示例2: test_defaultCheckers

    def test_defaultCheckers(self):
        L{UNIXPasswordDatabase} with no arguments has checks the C{pwd} database
        and then the C{spwd} database.
        checker = checkers.UNIXPasswordDatabase()

        def crypted(username, password):
            salt = crypt.crypt(password, username)
            crypted = crypt.crypt(password, '$1$' + salt)
            return crypted

        pwd = UserDatabase()
        pwd.addUser('alice', crypted('alice', 'password'),
                    1, 2, 'foo', '/foo', '/bin/sh')
        # x and * are convention for "look elsewhere for the password"
        pwd.addUser('bob', 'x', 1, 2, 'bar', '/bar', '/bin/sh')
        spwd = ShadowDatabase()
        spwd.addUser('alice', 'wrong', 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
        spwd.addUser('bob', crypted('bob', 'password'),
                     8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14)

        self.patch(checkers, 'pwd', pwd)
        self.patch(checkers, 'spwd', spwd)

        mockos = MockOS()
        self.patch(checkers, 'os', mockos)
        self.patch(util, 'os', mockos)

        mockos.euid = 2345
        mockos.egid = 1234

        cred = UsernamePassword("alice", "password")
        self.assertLoggedIn(checker.requestAvatarId(cred), 'alice')
        self.assertEquals(mockos.seteuidCalls, [])
        self.assertEquals(mockos.setegidCalls, [])
        cred.username = "bob"
        self.assertLoggedIn(checker.requestAvatarId(cred), 'bob')
        self.assertEquals(mockos.seteuidCalls, [0, 2345])
        self.assertEquals(mockos.setegidCalls, [0, 1234])

示例3: setUp

 def setUp(self):
     self.mockos = MockOS()
     self.patch(util, "os", self.mockos)
     self.patch(util, "initgroups", self.initgroups)
     self.initgroupsCalls = []

示例4: SwitchUIDTests

class SwitchUIDTests(unittest.TestCase):
    Tests for L{util.switchUID}.

    if getattr(os, "getuid", None) is None:
        skip = "getuid/setuid not available"

    def setUp(self):
        self.mockos = MockOS()
        self.patch(util, "os", self.mockos)
        self.patch(util, "initgroups", self.initgroups)
        self.initgroupsCalls = []

    def initgroups(self, uid, gid):
        Save L{util.initgroups} calls in C{self.initgroupsCalls}.
        self.initgroupsCalls.append((uid, gid))

    def test_uid(self):
        L{util.switchUID} calls L{util.initgroups} and then C{os.setuid} with
        the given uid.
        util.switchUID(12000, None)
        self.assertEqual(self.initgroupsCalls, [(12000, None)])
        self.assertEqual(self.mockos.actions, [("setuid", 12000)])

    def test_euid(self):
        L{util.switchUID} calls L{util.initgroups} and then C{os.seteuid} with
        the given uid if the C{euid} parameter is set to C{True}.
        util.switchUID(12000, None, True)
        self.assertEqual(self.initgroupsCalls, [(12000, None)])
        self.assertEqual(self.mockos.seteuidCalls, [12000])

    def test_currentUID(self):
        If the current uid is the same as the uid passed to L{util.switchUID},
        then initgroups does not get called, but a warning is issued.
        uid = self.mockos.getuid()
        util.switchUID(uid, None)
        self.assertEqual(self.initgroupsCalls, [])
        self.assertEqual(self.mockos.actions, [])
        currentWarnings = self.flushWarnings([util.switchUID])
        self.assertEqual(len(currentWarnings), 1)
        self.assertIn('tried to drop privileges and setuid %i' % uid,
            'but uid is already %i' % uid, currentWarnings[0]['message'])

    def test_currentEUID(self):
        If the current euid is the same as the euid passed to L{util.switchUID},
        then initgroups does not get called, but a warning is issued.
        euid = self.mockos.geteuid()
        util.switchUID(euid, None, True)
        self.assertEqual(self.initgroupsCalls, [])
        self.assertEqual(self.mockos.seteuidCalls, [])
        currentWarnings = self.flushWarnings([util.switchUID])
        self.assertEqual(len(currentWarnings), 1)
        self.assertIn('tried to drop privileges and seteuid %i' % euid,
            'but euid is already %i' % euid, currentWarnings[0]['message'])
