本文整理汇总了Python中twisted.internet.utils.getProcessOutput函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python getProcessOutput函数的具体用法?Python getProcessOutput怎么用?Python getProcessOutput使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: run_journald_script
def run_journald_script(self, script):
Run a script that logs messages to journald and uses
:param ICommandLineScript: Script to run. Must be class in this module.
:return: ``Deferred`` that fires with decoded JSON messages from the
journal for the process.
name = random_name(self).encode("utf-8")
code = _SCRIPT_CODE.format(script.__name__, script.__name__)
d = getProcessOutput(
b"systemd-run", [b"--unit=" + name, b"--description=testing",
sys.executable, b"-u", b"-c", code,
env=os.environ, errortoo=True,
d.addCallback(lambda result: msg("systemd-run output: " + result))
# systemd-run doesn't wait for process to exit, so we need to ask
# systemd when it's done:
d.addCallback(lambda _: loop_until(lambda: Popen(
[b"systemctl", b"-q", b"is-active", name]).wait() != 0))
d.addCallback(lambda _: getProcessOutput(
b"journalctl", [b"-u", name, b"-o", b"cat"]))
d.addCallback(lambda data: (msg(b"script output: " + data), data)[1])
d.addCallback(lambda data: [
loads(l) for l in data.splitlines() if l.startswith(b"{")])
return d
示例2: refresh
def refresh(self):
cmd = ("ps -xc | grep -sq Chrome && osascript" +
" -e 'tell app \"Google Chrome\"'" +
" -e 'set winref to a reference to (first window)'" +
" -e 'reload active tab of winref'" +
" -e 'end tell'")
utils.getProcessOutput('bash', ['-c', cmd])
示例3: start
def start(service):
args = ['-chrome', '' % ws._port.getHost().port]
if firefoxArgs:
if os.name == 'nt':
executable = 'C:/Program Files/Mozilla Firefox/firefox.exe'
executable = '/usr/bin/firefox'
utils.getProcessOutput(executable, args, os.environ)
示例4: call
def call(executable, args=None, path=None):
"""call an external process in a separate thread, when the process
returns, print the exit-code
returns the deferred"""
print 'Calling', executable, args
if args:
args = shlex.split(str(args))
d = utils.getProcessOutput(executable, args=args, env=os.environ, path=path, errortoo=True)
d = utils.getProcessOutput(executable, env=os.environ, path=path, errortoo=True)
return d
示例5: get_file_contents
def get_file_contents(poller, branch, file_path):
"""Returns a Deferred to returns the file's content."""
return utils.getProcessOutput(
['show', 'origin/%s:%s' % (branch, file_path)],
示例6: get_max_channels_in_raw
def get_max_channels_in_raw(self):
Calls deferred with an int as argument
@rtype: Deferred
def _cb(text, deferred):
ret = None
for i in text.splitlines():
if "raw supports up to " in i:
ret = int(i.split()[-2])
if ret is None:
log.error("Could not figure out how many channels in raw are supported.")
ret = 8
def _eb(reason, deferred):
print("Error getting max channels: %s" % (reason))
command_name = "milhouse"
args = ['--max-channels']
executable = procutils.which(command_name)[0] # gets the executable
except IndexError:
return defer.fail(RuntimeError("Could not find command %s" % (command_name)))
deferred = defer.Deferred()
d = utils.getProcessOutput(executable, args=args, env=os.environ, errortoo=True) # errortoo puts stderr in output
d.addCallback(_cb, deferred)
d.addErrback(_eb, deferred)
return deferred
示例7: jackd_get_infos
def jackd_get_infos():
Calls jack-info to retrieve info about jackd servers.
Returns a Deferred whose result is list of dict:
'period': 1024,
'rate': 44100,
'latency': 32
@rtype: Deferred
def _cb(text, deferred):
#print text
ret = _parse_jack_info(text)
def _eb(reason, deferred):
print("Error listing jackd servers: %s" % (reason))
command_name = "jack-info"
args = []
executable = procutils.which(command_name)[0] # gets the executable
except IndexError:
return defer.fail(RuntimeError("Could not find command %s" % (command_name)))
deferred = defer.Deferred()
d = utils.getProcessOutput(executable, args=args, env=os.environ, errortoo=True) # errortoo puts stderr in output
d.addCallback(_cb, deferred)
d.addErrback(_eb, deferred)
return deferred
示例8: list_cameras
def list_cameras():
Calls the Deferred with the dict of devices as argument.
@rtype: Deferred
def _cb(text, deferred):
#print text
ret = _parse_milhouse_list_cameras(text)
def _eb(reason, deferred):
print("Error listing cameras: %s" % (reason))
command_name = "milhouse"
args = ['--list-v4l2']
executable = procutils.which(command_name)[0] # gets the executable
except IndexError:
return defer.fail(RuntimeError("Could not find command %s" % (command_name)))
deferred = defer.Deferred()
d = utils.getProcessOutput(executable, args=args, env=os.environ, errortoo=True) # errortoo puts stderr in output
d.addCallback(_cb, deferred)
d.addErrback(_eb, deferred)
return deferred
示例9: _scp_furl
def _scp_furl(self, hostname):
scp_cmd = "scp ~/.ipython/security/ipcontroller-engine.furl %s:.ipython/security/" % (hostname)
cmd_list = scp_cmd.split()
cmd_list[1] = os.path.expanduser(cmd_list[1])
log.msg('Copying furl file: %s' % scp_cmd)
d = getProcessOutput(cmd_list[0], cmd_list[1:], env=os.environ)
return d
示例10: method
def method(testcase):
testcase.addGetProcessOutputExpectEnv({'key': 'value'})
d = utils.getProcessOutput("command", (), env={'key': 'value'})
d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, '')
d.addCallback(lambda _: testcase.assertAllCommandsRan())
return d
示例11: list_midi_devices
def list_midi_devices():
Twisted wrapper for _list_x11_displays.
Result is a dict with keys "input" and "output". The value are dict with ID and name for each device.
@rtype: Deferred
deferred = defer.Deferred()
def _cb(text, deferred):
#print text
ret = _parse_miditream_list_devices(text)
def _eb(reason, deferred):
log.error("Error listing MIDI devices: %s" % (reason))
command_name = "midistream"
args = ['--list-devices']
executable = procutils.which(command_name)[0] # gets the executable
except IndexError:
return defer.fail(RuntimeError("Could not find command %s" % (command_name)))
log.debug("$ %s %s" % (executable, args))
d = utils.getProcessOutput(executable, args=args, env=os.environ, errortoo=True) # errortoo puts stderr in output
d.addCallback(_cb, deferred)
d.addErrback(_eb, deferred)
return deferred
示例12: insert
def insert(self, url, afterid, metadata, checked=False):
if 'youtube' in url and not checked:
# eclipse workaround !!!
y = os.environ
y.update({'PYTHONPATH': '/usr/bin/python'}) # / eclipse workaround
d = utils.getProcessOutput(
['-g', '-f', 'bestaudio', url],
lambda u: self.insert(
u.split('\n')[0], afterid, metadata, True))
return d
# log.err('playlist length:%s' % len(self._playlist))
self.maxsongid += 1
if len(self._playlist) == 0:
self._playlist.append([self.maxsongid, url, metadata])
if afterid == '0':
self._playlist.insert(0, [self.maxsongid, url, metadata])
[self.maxsongid, url, metadata])
# log.err('real playlist: %s' % self._playlist)
self.playlist = [i[0] for i in self._playlist]
# log.err('new playlist: %s' % self.playlist)
# log.err('metadata dic: %s' % metadata)
self.oh_playlist = [str(i) for i in self.playlist]
self.idArray = id_array(self.playlist)
if self.songid == 0:
self.update_metadata({'songid': 1})
return defer.succeed(self.maxsongid)
示例13: render_GET
def render_GET (self, request):
if self._script_id in _running_scripts:
return "This script is already running"
def done (result):
print "Process complete"
print result
print "Running Script: %s" % self._script_path
d = utils.getProcessOutput(self._script_path, reactor = reactor)
url = "/experiments/"
return """
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"10;URL=%(url)s\">
<body bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\" text=\"#000000\">
Starting Experiment. Will redirect to the experiment list in 10s.<br>
Or you can <a href=\"%(url)s\">go to the experiment list now.</a>
</html>""" % { "url": url }
示例14: process_genome
def process_genome(form_data):
print form_data
out_string = 'description;organism;defaultPos;genome;scientificName;sourceName;taxId\n{};'.format(form_data[
genome = form_data['genome'].split()
normalized_genome = '{}. {}'.format(
genome[0][0].upper(), genome[1].lower())
print normalized_genome
out_string += '{};{};{};{};{};{}'.format(form_data['organism'], form_data['defaultPos'], normalized_genome, form_data[
'scientificName'], form_data['sourceName'], str(form_data['taxId']))
with open('naming.csv', 'w') as f:
print out_string
transactions = build_new_database.generate_sql_dict_from_csv(
result = build_new_database.execute_sql_queries(transactions)
print result
if result == 1045:
return {'toast': 'The database is improperly configured :('}
splitName = form_data['organism'].split()
genomes = map(lambda x: {'name': x.name, 'abbrev': x.genome}, self.db.query(
print genomes
name = splitName[0][
:3].lower() + splitName[1][0].upper() + splitName[1][1:3].lower()
prior_versions = filter(lambda x: not x.startswith(name), map(lambda x: x['name'], genomes))
all = string.maketrans('', '')
nodigs = all.translate(all, string.digits)
if name in prior_versions:
name += str(max(map(lambda x: int(x.translate(all, nodigs)), prior_versions)) + 1)
name += '0'
return utils.getProcessOutput('/bin/sh', ('-c', 'fa_to_agp.sh {} {}'.format(form_data['filename'], name)))
示例15: executeReducedPowerMode
def executeReducedPowerMode(self):
NodeB.serverState = ServerState.SHUTDOWN_IN_PROGRESS
cmd = 'singleservermode'
location = '/usr/sbin/'
d = utils.getProcessOutput("%s%s" % (location, cmd))
return d