本文整理汇总了Python中treelib.Tree类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Tree类的具体用法?Python Tree怎么用?Python Tree使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: remove_subtree
def remove_subtree(self, nid):
Return a subtree deleted from this tree. If nid is None, an
empty tree is returned.
For the original tree, this method is similar to
`remove_node(self,nid)`, because given node and its children
are removed from the original tree in both methods.
For the returned value and performance, these two methods are
`remove_node` returns the number of deleted nodes;
`remove_subtree` returns a subtree of deleted nodes;
You are always suggested to use `remove_node` if your only to
delete nodes from a tree, as the other one need memory
allocation to store the new tree.
st = Tree()
if nid is None:
return st
if not self.contains(nid):
raise NodeIDAbsentError("Node '%s' is not in the tree" % nid)
st.root = nid
parent = self[nid].bpointer
self[nid].bpointer = None # reset root parent for the new tree
removed = []
for id in self.expand_tree(nid):
for id in removed:
st._nodes.update({id: self._nodes.pop(id)})
# Update its parent info
self.__update_fpointer(parent, nid, Node.DELETE)
return st
示例2: __init__
class Conversation:
def __init__(self, tweet):
self.root_tweet = tweet
self.conversation_tree = Tree()
self.conversation_tree.create_node(tweet, tweet)
self.depth = int()
self.tweets_id = list()
self.width = int()
def add_replay(self, tweet, parent_tweet):
self.conversation_tree.create_node(tweet, tweet, parent=parent_tweet)
def set_depth(self):
self.depth = self.conversation_tree.depth() + 1
def find_depth(self):
return self.depth
def get_tweets_id(self):
return self.tweets_id
def set_width(self):
self.width = len(self.tweets_id)
def find_width(self):
return self.width
def get_conversation_tree(self):
return self.conversation_tree
示例3: test_paste_tree
def test_paste_tree(self):
new_tree = Tree()
new_tree.create_node("Jill", "jill")
new_tree.create_node("Mark", "mark", parent="jill")
self.tree.paste("jane", new_tree)
self.assertEqual("jill" in self.tree.is_branch("jane"), True)
示例4: main
def main():
conf = open(args.config, 'r')
tempConf = yaml.load_all(conf)
for line in tempConf:
list_path = line["ListPath"]
write_missed = line["WriteMissed"]
pack_list_file = open(list_path, "r+")
pack_list = json.load(pack_list_file)
checked = check(pack_list, write_missed)
tree = Tree()
tree.create_node(cur_time, "root")
generate_tree(checked, tree, "root")
print "\n"
print "\n"
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print '\nThe process was interrupted by the user'
raise SystemExit
示例5: test_02_get_hierarchy_for_module_returns_single_node_when_nothing_depend_on_module
def test_02_get_hierarchy_for_module_returns_single_node_when_nothing_depend_on_module(self, mock_client):
Test that get_hierarchy_for_module returns a single node tree structure if no dependent modules are found
:param mock_client: A mocked out version of erppeek.Client
# Mock Up
mock_dp = DependencyGraph
orig_mod_search = mock_dp.module_search
orig_dep_search = mock_dp.dependency_search
orig_client_search = mock_client.search
mock_dp.module_search = MagicMock(return_value=[666])
mock_dp.dependency_search = MagicMock(return_value=[])
mock_dg = mock_dp('valid_module')
test_hierarchy = Tree()
test_hierarchy.create_node('valid_module', 'valid_module')
self.assertEqual(mock_dg.hierarchy.to_json(), test_hierarchy.to_json(), 'get_hierarchy_for_module did not return [] when finding no dependent modules')
# Mock Down
mock_client.search = orig_client_search
mock_dp.module_search = orig_mod_search
mock_dp.dependency_search = orig_dep_search
示例6: print_prob_val
def print_prob_val(self, fname="OutTree.txt"):
n_tree = Tree(tree=self.tree)
for node in n_tree.nodes:
node = n_tree.get_node(node)
node.tag = "{tag} - {val} - {prob}".format(tag=node.tag, val=node.data[0], prob=node.data[1])
self.tree = None
示例7: test_show_data_property
def test_show_data_property(self):
new_tree = Tree()
class Flower(object):
def __init__(self, color):
self.color = color
new_tree.create_node("Jill", "jill", data=Flower("white"))
示例8: Scansion
class Scansion(object):
.src : list of strings
def __init__(self, source_file):
source_file : (src) source file's name.
self.htree = Tree()
self.src = []
# creating root node (level 0) :
self.htree.create_node(tag = "root",
identifier = "root",
data = Hypothesis(htree = self.htree,
# calling root node :
msg(0, "Calling the root node.")
stop = False
while not stop:
leaves_to_be_extended = [leave for leave in self.htree.leaves() if not leave.data.dead]
for leave in leaves_to_be_extended:
if len(leaves_to_be_extended)==0:
stop = True
示例9: TreePipeline
class TreePipeline(object):
def open_spider(self, spider):
self.tree = Tree()
self.tree.create_node("root", "root")
def process_item(self, item, spider):
lst = item['text']
lst = [x.strip() for x in [y.replace('...', '') for y in lst]]
item['pagetitle'] = item['pagetitle'].replace('...', '')
lst[-1] = item['pagetitle']
for idx, elem in enumerate(lst):
if idx == 0:
previous = "root"
previous = "|".join(lst[:idx])
elem = "|".join(lst[:idx + 1])
# elem = elem.replace('...', '')
elem = elem.encode('utf-8').decode('utf-8')
if not self.tree.contains(elem):
print "Adding node %s" % elem
self.tree.create_node(elem, elem, parent=previous)
# self.tree.show()
return item
def close_spider(self, spider):
with open(makepath('data/cats/tree.json'), 'w') as outfile:
示例10: parse_xml
def parse_xml(path):
tree = ET.parse(path)
bill_list = []
destination = "console"
# eg: (cox, "[email protected]") (rent, 2000)
# / \ & / \
# (Evan, 0.5) (Jason, 0.5) (Evan, 0.45) (Jason, 0.55)
for bill in tree.findall("bill"):
billname = bill.get("name")
bill_tree = Tree()
bill_value = bill.get("fixed")
if bill_value is None:
bill_value = bill.get("from_email")
bill_tree.create_node(tag=billname, identifier=billname, data=bill_value)
for user in bill.findall("user"):
username = user.get("name")
ratio = user.get("ratio")
bill_tree.create_node(tag=username, identifier=username, parent=billname, data=ratio)
# Get the location to dump our results
for d in tree.findall("output"):
destination = d.get("destination")
return (bill_list, destination)
示例11: visit_root
def visit_root(self, node, tree=None):
tree = Tree()
root = repr(node)
tree.create_node(root, root)
for child in node.children:
tree = self.visit(child, tree=tree)
return tree
示例12: build_directory_tree
def build_directory_tree(service):
print colored("*** Building directory tree ***", 'blue')
# initialize a new directory structure
directory = Tree()
directory.create_node("Root", "root")
page_token = None
while True:
param = {}
if page_token:
param['pageToken'] = page_token
# Get children of folderID
children = service.children().list(folderId='root', **param).execute()
# For each child in folder, get ID, name and Type
# and write to the directory tree
for child in children.get('items', []):
file__ = service.files().get(fileId=child['id']).execute()
directory.create_node(file__['title'], child['id'], parent = 'root', data=node('root', child['id'], file__['title'], file__['mimeType']))
except errors.HttpError, error:
print 'An error occurred: %s' % error
# Get next page token for current folderID
page_token = children.get('nextPageToken')
if not page_token:
except errors.HttpError, error:
print colored('An error occurred: %s', 'red') % error
示例13: _get_random_tree
def _get_random_tree(self, start, max_depth=999):
Returns a random tree from PCFG starting with symbol 'start'
depth: the maximum depth of tree
t = Tree()
# get ids of not expanded nonterminals in tree
nodes_to_expand, depth = self.__get_nodes_to_expand_and_depth(t)
while len(nodes_to_expand) > 0:
# for each non terminal, choose a random rule and apply it
for node in nodes_to_expand:
symbol = t[node].tag.symbol
# if tree exceeded the allowed depth, expand nonterminals
# using rules from terminating_rule_ids
if depth >= (max_depth-1):
# choose from rules for nonterminal from terminating_rule_ids
rhsix = np.random.choice(self.grammar.terminating_rule_ids[symbol], size=1)
# choose from rules for nonterminal according to production probabilities
rhsix = np.random.choice(len(self.grammar.rules[symbol]), p=self.grammar.prod_probabilities[symbol], size=1)
t[node].tag.rule = rhsix[0] # index of production rule used when expanding this node
rhs = self.grammar.rules[symbol][rhsix[0]]
for s in rhs:
t.create_node(tag=ParseNode(s,''), parent=node)
nodes_to_expand, depth = self.__get_nodes_to_expand_and_depth(t)
return t
示例14: __init__
def __init__(self, id, opcode, op_array, context):
""" Create a tree representaiton of an Opcode
Arguments :
id : The id representing the new OPcode
opcode : An OPcode struct
op_array : The op_array of the OPcode
context : An OPcacheParser instance
# Identifier to be used by the tree and nodes
id_with_hash = str(hash(str(op_array))) + "_" + id
# OP name
op = OPcodeParser.get_opcode_name(opcode['opcode'])
# Parser
context = OPcodeParser(context)
# Parse operands and result
(op1, op2, result) = context.parse_operands(opcode, op_array)
# Create nodes
op1_node = Node("Operand 1: " + op1, id_with_hash + "_op1")
op2_node = Node("Operand 2: " + op2, id_with_hash + "_op2")
result_node = Node("Result: " + result, id_with_hash + "_result")
# Link nodes to tree
self.create_node(id + ": " + op, id_with_hash + "_opcode")
self.add_node(op1_node, parent=id_with_hash + "_opcode")
self.add_node(op2_node, parent=id_with_hash + "_opcode")
self.add_node(result_node, parent=id_with_hash + "_opcode")
示例15: create_trees
def create_trees(BP, Roots, NT, n):
for bp in BP[n-1,0]:
if bp.name in Roots:
print '\nTree'
t = Tree()
create_tree(t, bp, 0, 1)
t.show(key=lambda x: x.identifier)