本文整理汇总了Python中transformations.rotation_matrix函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python rotation_matrix函数的具体用法?Python rotation_matrix怎么用?Python rotation_matrix使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: rule_branch
def rule_branch(self):
@brief Create a branch
# Translate
frame = self.current_node.frame
frame = np.dot(frame, tr.translation_matrix([0, 0, self.current_node.size]))
# Add noise
if self.noise != 0:
self.current_phi_angle += random.uniform(-self.noise, self.noise)
self.current_rho_angle += random.uniform(-self.noise, self.noise)
# Phi Rotation
phi_matrix = tr.rotation_matrix(self.current_phi_angle, [0, 0, 1])
frame[:3,:3] = np.dot(frame[:3,:3], phi_matrix[:3,:3])
# Rho rotation
rho_matrix = tr.rotation_matrix(self.current_rho_angle, [1, 0, 0])
frame[:3,:3] = np.dot(frame[:3,:3], rho_matrix[:3,:3])
# Create a new node
node = Node(frame, self.current_node.size * self.scale_factor, self.current_node.diameter * self.current_subdivision_ratio * self.scale_factor)
self.current_node = node
self.current_rho_angle = 0
self.current_phi_angle = 0
self.current_subdivision_ratio = 1
示例2: inverse_kinematics
def inverse_kinematics( self , pos , normal ) :
l1 , l2 , l3 = .91 , .81 , .33
dy , dz = .27 , .26
normal = normal / la.norm( normal )
pos1 = pos + normal * l3
e = m.sqrt(pos1[2]*pos1[2]+pos1[0]*pos1[0]-dz*dz)
a1 = m.atan2(pos1[2], -pos1[0]) + m.atan2(dz, e)
pos2 = np.array( [ e , pos1[1]-dy , .0 ] );
a3 = -m.acos(min(1.0,(pos2[0]*pos2[0]+pos2[1]*pos2[1]-l1*l1-l2*l2)/(2.0*l1*l2)))
k = l1 + l2 * m.cos(a3)
l = l2 * m.sin(a3)
a2 = -m.atan2(pos2[1],m.sqrt(pos2[0]*pos2[0]+pos2[2]*pos2[2])) - m.atan2(l,k);
rotmat = tr.rotation_matrix( -a1 , (0,1,0) )
normal1 = np.resize( np.dot( rotmat , np.resize( normal , 4 ) ) , 3 )
rotmat = tr.rotation_matrix( -a2-a3 , (0,0,1) )
normal1 = np.resize( np.dot( rotmat , np.resize( normal1, 4 ) ) , 3 )
a5 = m.acos( normal1[0] )
a4 = m.atan2(normal1[2], normal1[1])
return a1 , a2 , a3 , a4 , a5
示例3: _getMatrix
def _getMatrix(head, tail, roll):
Calculate an orientation (rest) matrix for a bone between specified head
and tail positions with given bone roll angle.
Returns length of the bone and rest orientation matrix in global coordinates.
# TODO validate, or replace
vector = toZisUp3(tail - head)
length = math.sqrt(np.dot(vector, vector))
if length == 0:
vector = [0,0,1]
vector = vector/length
yproj = np.dot(vector, YUnit)
if yproj > 1-1e-6:
axis = YUnit
angle = 0
elif yproj < -1+1e-6:
axis = YUnit
angle = pi
axis = np.cross(YUnit, vector)
axis = axis / math.sqrt(np.dot(axis,axis))
angle = math.acos(yproj)
mat = tm.rotation_matrix(angle, axis)
if roll:
mat = np.dot(mat, tm.rotation_matrix(roll, YUnit))
mat = fromZisUp4(mat)
mat[:3,3] = head
return length, mat
示例4: setup_particle_orientation
def setup_particle_orientation(invert, theta, phi):
# spin about z-axis vector to create phi spin
phi_mat = transformations.rotation_matrix(phi + (pi if invert else 0), vz)
# rotate z-x axis to create orientation vector
axis_rotation = transformations.rotation_matrix((-1 if invert else 1) * -(theta - pi/2), vy)
return transformations.concatenate_matrices(axis_rotation, phi_mat)
示例5: compute_transform
def compute_transform(rx, rz, tx, ty, tz):
origin, xaxis, yaxis, zaxis = [0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]
Rx = tf.rotation_matrix(rx, xaxis)
Rz = tf.rotation_matrix(rz, zaxis)
T = tf.translation_matrix([tx, ty, tz])
return T.dot(Rz).dot(Rx)
示例6: createAnimationTrack
def createAnimationTrack(self, jointsOrder = None, name="BVHMotion"):
Create an animation track from the motion stored in this BHV file.
if jointsOrder == None:
jointsData = [joint.matrixPoses for joint in self.getJoints() if not joint.isEndConnector()]
# We leave out end effectors as they should not have animation data
nFrames = self.frameCount
import re
# Remove the tail from duplicate bone names
for idx,jName in enumerate(jointsOrder):
# Joint mappings can contain a rotation compensation
if isinstance(jName, tuple):
jName, _ = jName
if not jName:
r = re.search("(.*)_\d+$",jName)
if r:
jointsOrder[idx] = r.group(1)
jointsData = []
for jointName in jointsOrder:
if isinstance(jointName, tuple):
jointName, angle = jointName
angle = 0.0
if jointName:
poseMats = self.getJointByCanonicalName(jointName).matrixPoses.copy()
if isinstance(angle, float):
if angle != 0.0:
# Rotate around global Z axis
rot = tm.rotation_matrix(-angle*D, [0,0,1])
# Roll around global Y axis (this is a limitation)
roll = tm.rotation_matrix(angle*D, [0,1,0])
for i in range(nFrames):
# TODO make into numpy loop
poseMats[i] = np.dot(poseMats[i], rot)
poseMats[i] = np.dot(poseMats[i], roll)
else: # Compensation (angle) is a transformation matrix
# Compensate animation frames
for i in range(nFrames):
# TODO make into numpy loop
poseMats[i] = np.mat(poseMats[i]) * np.mat(angle)
#poseMats[i] = np.mat(angle) # Test compensated rest pose
nJoints = len(jointsData)
nFrames = len(jointsData[0])
# Interweave joints animation data, per frame with joints in breadth-first order
animData = np.hstack(jointsData).reshape(nJoints*nFrames,4,4)
framerate = 1.0/self.frameTime
return animation.AnimationTrack(name, animData, nFrames, framerate)
示例7: update_sagital_rot
def update_sagital_rot(self, robot):
# ok we assume a symetric configuration with both foot on the ground
self.LAnkleRotY = tf.rotation_matrix(
radians(robot.l_ankle_y.present_position), self.yaxis)
self.RAnkleRotY = tf.rotation_matrix(
radians(robot.r_ankle_y.present_position), self.yaxis)
self.LKneeRotY = tf.rotation_matrix(
radians(- robot.l_knee_y.present_position), self.yaxis)
self.RKneeRotY = tf.rotation_matrix(
radians(- robot.r_knee_y.present_position), self.yaxis)
self.LHipRotY = tf.rotation_matrix(
radians(- robot.l_hip_y.present_position), self.yaxis)
self.RHipRotY = tf.rotation_matrix(
radians(- robot.r_hip_y.present_position), self.yaxis)
self.AbsRotY = tf.rotation_matrix(
radians(robot.abs_y.present_position), self.yaxis)
self.BustRotY = tf.rotation_matrix(
radians(robot.bust_y.present_position), self.yaxis)
self.roty = array([tf.rotation_matrix(0, self.yaxis), (self.LAnkleRotY + self.RAnkleRotY) / 2.0,
(self.LKneeRotY + self.RKneeRotY) / 2.0, (self.LHipRotY + self.RHipRotY) / 2.0, self.AbsRotY, self.BustRotY])
# self.transformy =array([tf.concatenate_matrices(self.roty[i], self.SegCom[i]) for i in range(len(self.roty))])
# self.transformy =array([self.roty[i].dot( self.SegCom[i]) for i in range(len(self.roty))])
self.transformy = array([identity(4),
(self.LAnkleRotY + self.RAnkleRotY) / 2.0, self.ThighT),
(self.LKneeRotY + self.RKneeRotY) / 2.0, self.LegT),
(self.LHipRotY + self.RHipRotY) / 2.0, self.HipT),
self.AbsRotY, self.AbsT),
self.BustRotY, self.BustT)
a = dot(self.transformy[1], self.transformy[2])
b = dot(a, self.transformy[3])
c = dot(b, self.transformy[4])
d = dot(c, self.transformy[5])
e = dot(d, self.transformy[6])
self.comtrans = array([self.transformy[1],
示例8: align
def align(atoms, init_vec, align_vec):
import transformations
import numpy as np
if len(init_vec) == 2:
orig_atom_ind = init_vec[0]
final_atom_ind = init_vec[1]
init_vec = atoms[final_atom_ind].position - atoms[orig_atom_ind].position
if len(align_vec) == 2:
orig_atom_ind = align_vec[0]
final_atom_ind = align_vec[1]
align_vec = atoms[final_atom_ind].position - atoms[orig_atom_ind].position
rot_axis = np.cross(init_vec, align_vec)
nrot_axis = rot_axis/np.linalg.norm(rot_axis)
angle = transformations.angle_between_vectors(init_vec, align_vec)
rot_M = transformations.rotation_matrix(angle, nrot_axis)[:3,:3]
for a in atoms:
a.position = rot_M.dot(a.position)
return atoms
示例9: poleTargetCorrect
def poleTargetCorrect(self, head, goal, pole, angle):
yvec = goal-head
xvec = pole-head
xy = dot(xvec, yvec)/dot(yvec,yvec)
xvec = xvec - xy * yvec
xlen = math.sqrt(dot(xvec,xvec))
if xlen > 1e-6:
xvec = xvec / xlen
zvec = self.matrixGlobal[:3,2]
zlen = math.sqrt(dot(zvec,zvec))
zvec = zvec / zlen
angle0 = math.asin( dot(xvec,zvec) )
rot = tm.rotation_matrix(angle - angle0, CBone.Axes[1])
#m0 = self.matrixGlobal.copy()
self.matrixGlobal[:3,:3] = dot(self.matrixGlobal[:3,:3], rot[:3,:3])
if 0 and self.name == "DfmUpArm2_L":
log.debug("IK %s", self.name)
log.debug("X %s", xvec)
log.debug("Y %s", yvec)
log.debug("Z %s", zvec)
log.debug("A0 %s", angle0)
log.debug("A %s", angle)
log.debug("R %s", rot)
log.debug("M0 %s", m0)
log.debug("M %s", self.matrixGlobal)
示例10: init_local_transformation
def init_local_transformation(self):
compute local transformation w.r.t for the first time (compute everything)
# rotation part
self.localTransformation = numpy.eye(4)
# print type(self), id(self), self.rotation
angle = self.rotation[3]
except IndexError:
logger.exception("Failed on {0}, rotation={1}".format(type(self),self.rotation))
direction = self.rotation[:3]
self.localTransformation[0:3,0:3] = tf.rotation_matrix(angle, direction)[:3,:3]
self.rpy = tf.euler_from_matrix(self.localTransformation)
# last column
scale = [1,1,1]
if self.parent:
scale = self.cumul_scale()
scale_translation = [self.translation[i]*scale[i] for i in range(3)]
self.localTransformation[0:3,3] = numpy.array(scale_translation)+\
# last line
示例11: make_pts
def make_pts( self , corners ) :
dx = (corners[3] - corners[0])
dx = dx / la.norm(dx)
dy = (corners[1] - corners[0]) / (self.size[1]+3-1)
dz = np.cross( dx , dy )
dz = dz / la.norm(dz)
ax = np.cross( dx , dz )
ax = ax / la.norm(ax)
an = 2.0 * m.pi / float(self.size[0])
rot = tr.rotation_matrix( an , ax )
ox = (corners[3] + corners[0]) / 2.0
rx = np.resize( ox - corners[0] , 4 )
self.axis = ax
self.center = ox
del self.pts[:]
for y in range(self.size[1]+3) :
drx = copy(rx)
for x in range(self.size[0]) :
pt = ox + np.resize(drx,3)
self.pts.append( pt )
drx = np.dot( drx , rot )
self.pts.append( self.pts[-self.size[0]] )
self.pts.append( self.pts[-self.size[0]] )
self.pts.append( self.pts[-self.size[0]] )
ox += dy
示例12: Rotation
def Rotation(self, angle, dim, axis):
self.size = dim
mat = tm.rotation_matrix(angle, Matrix.Axis[axis])
if dim == 3:
self.matrix = mat[:3,:3]
self.matrix = mat
示例13: __init__
def __init__( self , fovy , ratio , near , far , robot_files ) :
self.fovy = fovy
self.near = near
self.far = far
self.ratio = ratio
self.camera = None
self.plane = Plane( (2,2) )
self.wall = Plane( (20,10) )
self.mw = tr.rotation_matrix( -m.pi / 2.0 , (1,0,0) )
self.mw = np.dot( self.mw , tr.translation_matrix( (0,3,0) ) )
self.robot = Robot( robot_files )
self.x = 0.0
self.last_time = timer()
self.plane_alpha = 65.0 / 180.0 * m.pi
self.lpos = [ 1 ,-1 , 0 ]
self.draw_robot = True
self.draw_sparks = True
self.draw_front = False
self.draw_back = False
示例14: update_local_transformation
def update_local_transformation(self):
update local transformation w.r.t element's parent
.. seealso:: VRML transform calculation http://www.web3d.org/x3d/specifications/vrml/ISO-IEC-14772-VRML97/part1/nodesRef.html#Transform
if self.jointType in ["free", "freeflyer"]:
self.localTransformation = tf.euler_matrix(self.rpy[0], self.rpy[1], self.rpy[2])
scale = [1,1,1]
if self.parent:
scale = self.cumul_scale()
scale_translation = [self.translation[i]*scale[i] for i in range(3)]
elif ( type(self) == Joint and self.jointType in [ "rotate", "rotation", "revolute"]
and self.jointId >= 0):
if self.jointAxis in ["x","X"]:
axis = [1, 0, 0]
elif self.jointAxis in ["y","Y"]:
axis = [0, 1, 0]
elif self.jointAxis in ["z","Z"]:
axis = [0, 0, 1]
raise RuntimeError("Invalid joint axis {0}".format(self.jointAxis))
self.localR2= tf.rotation_matrix(self.angle, axis)[:3,:3]
self.localTransformation[0:3,0:3] = numpy.dot(self.localR1, self.localR2)
示例15: make_kin_tree_from_joint
def make_kin_tree_from_joint(ps,jointname, ns='default_ns',valuedict=None):
rospy.logdebug("joint: %s"%jointname)
U = get_pr2_urdf()
joint = U.joints[jointname]
joint.origin = joint.origin or urdf.Pose()
if not joint.origin.position: joint.origin.position = [0,0,0]
if not joint.origin.rotation: joint.origin.rotation = [0,0,0]
parentFromChild = conversions.trans_rot_to_hmat(joint.origin.position, transformations.quaternion_from_euler(*joint.origin.rotation))
childFromRotated = np.eye(4)
if valuedict and jointname in valuedict:
if joint.joint_type == 'revolute' or joint.joint_type == 'continuous':
childFromRotated = transformations.rotation_matrix(valuedict[jointname], joint.axis)
elif joint.joint_type == 'prismatic':
childFromRotated = transformations.translation_matrix(np.array(joint.axis)* valuedict[jointname])
parentFromRotated = np.dot(parentFromChild, childFromRotated)
originFromParent = conversions.pose_to_hmat(ps.pose)
originFromRotated = np.dot(originFromParent, parentFromRotated)
newps = gm.PoseStamped()
newps.header = ps.header
newps.pose = conversions.hmat_to_pose(originFromRotated)
return make_kin_tree_from_link(newps,joint.child,ns=ns,valuedict=valuedict)