本文整理汇总了Python中transformations.euler_from_matrix函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python euler_from_matrix函数的具体用法?Python euler_from_matrix怎么用?Python euler_from_matrix使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: doTest2
def doTest2(listBones):
fp = open(thePosesFile, "w")
for bone,coords in listBones:
fp.write("\n%s %.4f\n" % (bone.name, bone.roll))
writeMat(fp, "Rest", bone.matrixRest)
writeMat(fp, "Global", bone.matrixGlobal)
pose = bone.getPoseFromGlobal()
writeMat(fp, "Pose", pose)
xyz = tm.euler_from_matrix(pose, axes='sxyz')
fp.write("XYZ %.4g %.4g %.4g\n" % tuple(xyz))
zyx = tm.euler_from_matrix(pose, axes='szyx')
fp.write("ZYX %.4g %.4g %.4g\n" % tuple(zyx))
#writeMat(fp, "Pose0", bone.matrixPose)
示例2: predictSinglePose
def predictSinglePose(self, armName, curPose, prevPose, dt=1.0):
if dt <= 0:
print 'Error: Illegal timestamp'
return None
# Convert pose to numpy matrix
curTrans = tft.translation_matrix([curPose.position.x, curPose.position.y, curPose.position.z])
curRot = tft.quaternion_matrix([curPose.orientation.x, curPose.orientation.y ,curPose.orientation.z, curPose.orientation.w])
curPoseMatrix = np.dot(curTrans, curRot)
prevTrans = tft.translation_matrix([prevPose.position.x, prevPose.position.y, prevPose.position.z])
prevRot = tft.quaternion_matrix([prevPose.orientation.x, prevPose.orientation.y ,prevPose.orientation.z, prevPose.orientation.w])
prevPoseMatrix = np.dot(prevTrans, prevRot)
deltaPoseMatrix = np.linalg.inv(prevPoseMatrix).dot(curPoseMatrix)
deltaAngles = euler_from_matrix(deltaPoseMatrix[:3,:3])
deltaPos = deltaPoseMatrix[:3,3]
#deltaAngles = np.array([a / dt for a in deltaAngles])
deltaPos = deltaPos / dt
#deltaPoseMatrix = euler_matrix(deltaAngles[0], deltaAngles[1], deltaAngles[2])
deltaPoseMatrix[:3,3] = deltaPos
gpList, sysList = self.predict(armName, [curPoseMatrix], [deltaPoseMatrix])
return tfx.pose(gpList[0], frame=curPose.frame, stamp=curPose.stamp), tfx.pose(sysList[0], frame=curPose.frame, stamp=curPose.stamp)
示例3: componentwiseError
def componentwiseError(self, estimatedPoses, truePoses):
n_poses = len(estimatedPoses)
n_dim = estimatedPoses[0].shape[0] * estimatedPoses[0].shape[1]
n_trans = 3
n_rot = 3
translationError = np.zeros((n_poses, n_trans))
rotationError = np.zeros((n_poses, n_rot))
for i in range(n_poses):
estimatedPose = estimatedPoses[i]
truePose = truePoses[i]
deltaPose = np.linalg.inv(estimatedPose).dot(truePose)
deltaRotation = np.eye(4,4)
deltaRotation[:3,:3] = deltaPose[:3,:3]
translationError[i,:] = deltaPose[:3,3].T
rotationError[i,:] = euler_from_matrix(deltaRotation)
#if np.abs(translationError[i,1]) > 0.01:
# print 'Outlier', i
combinedError = np.c_[translationError, rotationError]
meanError = np.mean(np.abs(combinedError), axis=0)
medianError = np.median(np.abs(combinedError), axis=0)
rmsError = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(combinedError), axis=0))
maxError = np.max(np.abs(combinedError), axis=0)
predictionError = PredictionError(medianError, meanError, rmsError, maxError)
return predictionError
示例4: init_local_transformation
def init_local_transformation(self):
compute local transformation w.r.t for the first time (compute everything)
# rotation part
self.localTransformation = numpy.eye(4)
# print type(self), id(self), self.rotation
angle = self.rotation[3]
except IndexError:
logger.exception("Failed on {0}, rotation={1}".format(type(self),self.rotation))
direction = self.rotation[:3]
self.localTransformation[0:3,0:3] = tf.rotation_matrix(angle, direction)[:3,:3]
self.rpy = tf.euler_from_matrix(self.localTransformation)
# last column
scale = [1,1,1]
if self.parent:
scale = self.cumul_scale()
scale_translation = [self.translation[i]*scale[i] for i in range(3)]
self.localTransformation[0:3,3] = numpy.array(scale_translation)+\
# last line
示例5: determine_obj_frame
def determine_obj_frame(self):
if self.detected_artags != None:
eng_poses = []
ar_tfs = []
for da in self.detected_artags.markers:
ar_pose = th.aruco_to_pose_stamp(da)
eng_pose = self.get_engine_pose_from_ps(ar_pose)
ar_tf_sum = np.zeros((4,4))
for tf in ar_tfs:
ar_tf_sum = ar_tf_sum + tf/len(ar_tfs)
engine_frame_combined = ar_tf_sum
tran = transformations.translation_from_matrix(engine_frame_combined),
eul = transformations.euler_from_matrix(engine_frame_combined)
self.updated_engine_pose = str(tran[0][0]) + ' ' + str(tran[0][1]) + ' ' + str(tran[0][2]) + ' ' + str(eul[0]) + ' ' + str(eul[1]) + ' ' + str(eul[2])
ps = th.tf_to_pose_stamp(engine_frame_combined, 'engine_frame_combined')
th.broadcast_transform(ps, global_frame)
return engine_frame_combined
return None
示例6: fromSkeleton
def fromSkeleton(self, skel, animationTrack = None):
Construct a BVH object from a skeleton structure and optionally an
animation track. If no animation track is specified, a dummy animation
of one frame will be added.
NOTE: Make sure that the skeleton has only one root.
# Traverse skeleton joints in depth-first order
for jointName in skel.getJointNames():
bone = skel.getBone(jointName)
if bone.parent:
joint = self.addJoint(bone.parent.name, jointName)
joint.channels = ["Zrotation", "Xrotation", "Yrotation"]
joint = self.addRootJoint(bone.name)
joint.channels = ["Xposition", "Yposition", "Zposition", "Zrotation", "Xrotation", "Yrotation"]
offset = bone.getRestOffset()
self.__calcPosition(joint, offset)
if not bone.hasChildren():
endJoint = self.addJoint(jointName, 'End effector')
offset = bone.getRestTailPos() - bone.getRestHeadPos()
self.__calcPosition(endJoint, offset)
nonEndJoints = [ joint for joint in self.getJoints() if not joint.isEndConnector() ]
if animationTrack:
self.frameCount = animationTrack.nFrames
self.frameTime = 1.0/animationTrack.frameRate
jointToBoneIdx = {}
for joint in nonEndJoints:
jointToBoneIdx[joint.name] = skel.getBone(joint.name).index
for fIdx in xrange(animationTrack.nFrames):
offset = fIdx * animationTrack.nBones
for jIdx,joint in enumerate(nonEndJoints):
bIdx = jointToBoneIdx[joint.name]
poseMat = animationTrack.data[offset + bIdx]
if len(joint.channels) == 6:
# Add transformation
tx, ty, tz = poseMat[:3,3]
joint.frames.extend([tx, ty, tz])
ay,ax,az = tm.euler_from_matrix(poseMat, "syxz")
joint.frames.extend([az/D, ax/D, ay/D])
# Add bogus animation with one frame
self.frameCount = 1
self.frameTime = 1.0
for jIdx,joint in enumerate(nonEndJoints):
if len(joint.channels) == 6:
# Add transformation
joint.frames.extend([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
joint.frames.extend([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
for joint in self.getJoints():
示例7: writeAnimation
def writeAnimation(fp, bone, action, config):
aname = "Action%s" % bone.name
points = action[bone.name]
for channel,default in [
("T", 0),
("R", 0),
("S", 1)
writeAnimationCurveNode(fp, bone, channel, default)
relmat = bone.getRelativeMatrix(config.meshOrientation, config.localBoneAxis, config.offset)
translations = []
eulers = []
R = 180/math.pi
for quat in points:
mat = tm.quaternion_matrix(quat)
mat = np.dot(relmat, mat)
eul = tm.euler_from_matrix(mat, axes='sxyz')
eulers.append((eul[0]*R, eul[1]*R, eul[2]*R))
scales = len(points)*[(1,1,1)]
for channel,data in [
("T", translations),
("R", eulers),
("S", scales)
for idx,coord in enumerate(["X","Y","Z"]):
writeAnimationCurve(fp, idx, coord, bone, channel, data)
示例8: updateRadar
def updateRadar(self):
# Taken from testDrawRadarOnMap.py
fren = self.iren.GetRenderWindow().GetRenderers().GetFirstRenderer()
t = self.start + self.step * self.count
radar_data = loadRDR(self.rdr_pts[t])[0]
if radar_data.shape[0] > 0:
#Convert from radar to lidar ref-frame
radar_data[:, :3] = calibrateRadarPts(radar_data[:, :3], self.radar_params)
#Convert from lidar to IMU ref-frame
radar_data[:, :3] = np.dot(self.lidar_params['T_from_l_to_i'][:3, :3],
radar_data[:, :3].transpose()).transpose()
h_radar_data = np.hstack((radar_data[:, :3], np.ones((radar_data.shape[0], 1))))
radar_data[:, :3] = np.dot(self.imu_transforms[t],
h_radar_data.transpose()).transpose()[:, :3]
for i in xrange(len(self.radar_actors)):
self.radar_actors = []
self.radar_clouds = []
for i in xrange(radar_data.shape[0]):
self.radar_clouds.append(VtkBoundingBox(radar_data[i, :]))
(ax, ay, az) = euler_from_matrix(self.imu_transforms[t])
box = self.radar_clouds[i].get_vtk_box(rot=az*180/np.pi)
示例9: writeBoneProp
def writeBoneProp(fp, bone, config):
id,key = getId("Model::%s" % bone.name)
' Model: %d, "%s", "LimbNode" {' % (id,key) +
Version: 232
Properties70: {
P: "RotationActive", "bool", "", "",1
P: "InheritType", "enum", "", "",1
P: "ScalingMax", "Vector3D", "Vector", "",0,0,0
P: "DefaultAttributeIndex", "int", "Integer", "",0
mat = bone.getRelativeMatrix(config)
trans = mat[:3,3]
e = tm.euler_from_matrix(mat, axes='sxyz')
' P: "Lcl Translation", "Lcl Translation", "", "A",%.4f,%.4f,%.4f\n' % tuple(trans) +
' P: "Lcl Rotation", "Lcl Rotation", "", "A",%.4f,%.4f,%.4f\n' % (e[0]*R, e[1]*R, e[2]*R) +
' P: "Lcl Scaling", "Lcl Scaling", "", "A",1,1,1\n' +
' P: "MHName", "KString", "", "", "%s"' % bone.name +
Shading: Y
Culling: "CullingOff"
示例10: calculatePoseError
def calculatePoseError(tf0, tf1):
numDimMat = 16
numDimEul = 6
numDimQuat = 7
numData = len(tf0) # should be the same for tf1
matrixPoseError = np.empty((numData, numDimMat))
translationPoseError = np.empty((numData, numDimMat))
rotationPoseError = np.empty((numData, numDimMat))
for i_data in range(numData):
subtractedTau = tf0 - tf1
deltaTau = np.lin_alg.inverse(tf0[i_data]).dot(tf1[i_data])
diffTranslation = deltaTau[:3,3]
diffRotation = np.eye(4,4)
diffRotation[:3,:3] = deltaTau[:3,:3]
diffQuat = quaternion_from_matrix(diffRotation)
diffEuler = euler_from_matrix(diffRotation)
# flip quaternions on the wrong side of the hypersphere
if diffQuat[3] < 0:
diffQuat = -diffQuat
pose_error[i_data,:] = np.r_[diff_translation, diff_rot_rep]
return pose_error
示例11: setRotationIndex
def setRotationIndex(self, index, angle, useQuat):
Set the rotation for one of the three rotation channels, either as
quaternion or euler matrix. index should be 1,2 or 3 and represents
x, y and z axis accordingly
if useQuat:
quat = tm.quaternion_from_matrix(self.matPose)
log.debug("%s", str(quat))
quat[index] = angle/1000
log.debug("%s", str(quat))
log.debug("%s", str(quat))
self.matPose = tm.quaternion_matrix(quat)
return quat[0]*1000
angle = angle*D
ax,ay,az = tm.euler_from_matrix(self.matPose, axes='sxyz')
if index == 1:
ax = angle
elif index == 2:
ay = angle
elif index == 3:
az = angle
mat = tm.euler_matrix(ax, ay, az, axes='sxyz')
self.matPose[:3,:3] = mat[:3,:3]
return 1000.0
示例12: getRotation
def getRotation(self):
Get rotation matrix of rotation of this bone in local space.
qw,qx,qy,qz = tm.quaternion_from_matrix(self.matPose)
ax,ay,az = tm.euler_from_matrix(self.matPose, axes='sxyz')
return (1000*qw,1000*qx,1000*qy,1000*qz, ax/D,ay/D,az/D)
示例13: get_SVD
def get_SVD(self):
Get the affine transformation matrix that best matches the moelcules cxns
to each rod cxn by SVD
We do a Euclidean (rigid) transform
print("\n\nCalculating intial affine transformations:")
print("\n\nM = affine transformation for best fit of mol cxn -> rod cxn:")
for i in range(len(self.cxns)):
for it in self.mol.permutations:
for dc in self.dc_ints:
a = self.mol.cxns[0:3,:]
b = self.cxn_xyz[i]
M = trans.affine_matrix_from_points(a, b, shear = False, scale = False, usesvd = True)
alpha, beta, gamma = trans.euler_from_matrix(M)
translations = M[0:3,3]
conn_start_ind = 1 + len(self.rods) + i*6
self.opt_vec[conn_start_ind+0] = alpha
self.opt_vec[conn_start_ind+1] = beta
self.opt_vec[conn_start_ind+2] = gamma
self.opt_vec[conn_start_ind+3] = translations[0]
self.opt_vec[conn_start_ind+4] = translations[1]
self.opt_vec[conn_start_ind+5] = translations[2]
示例14: addObjToCloud
def addObjToCloud(self, objs_wrt_mbly):
""" Add the mobileye returns to the 3d scene """
mbly_vtk_boxes = []
car_rot = self.imu_transforms_mk1[self.t, :, :3]
objs_wrt_world = self.xformMblyToGlobal(objs_wrt_mbly)
# Draw each box
car_rot = euler_from_matrix(car_rot)[2] * 180 / math.pi
for o in objs_wrt_world:
# Create the vtk object
box = VtkBoundingBox(o)
actor = box.get_vtk_box(car_rot)
color = self.mbly_obj_colors[int(o[5])]
# Remove old boxes
for vtk_box in self.mbly_vtk_boxes:
# Update to new actors
self.mbly_vtk_boxes = mbly_vtk_boxes
# Draw new boxes
for vtk_box in self.mbly_vtk_boxes:
示例15: execute
def execute(self, iren, event):
fren = iren.GetRenderWindow().GetRenderers().GetFirstRenderer()
radar_data = loadRDR(self.rdr_pts[self.count])[0]
if radar_data.shape[0] > 0:
#Convert from radar to lidar ref-frame
radar_data[:, :3] = calibrateRadarPts(radar_data[:, :3], self.radar_params)
#Convert from lidar to IMU ref-frame
radar_data[:, :3] = np.dot(self.lidar_params['T_from_l_to_i'][:3, :3], \
radar_data[:, :3].transpose()).transpose()
h_radar_data = np.hstack((radar_data[:, :3], np.ones((radar_data.shape[0], 1))))
radar_data[:, :3] = np.dot(self.imu_transforms[self.count], \
h_radar_data.transpose()).transpose()[:, :3]
#Insert the Q50 position at the beginning
me_l = 4.1
me_w = 2.1
me_x = self.imu_transforms[self.count, 0, 3]-me_l/2.
me_y = self.imu_transforms[self.count, 1, 3]
me_z = self.imu_transforms[self.count, 2, 3]
me = [me_x, me_y, me_z, me_l, me_w, 0, 0, 0]
radar_data = np.vstack((np.array(me), radar_data))
for i in xrange(len(self.radar_actors)):
self.radar_actors = []
self.radar_clouds = []
for i in xrange(radar_data.shape[0]):
self.radar_clouds.append(VtkBoundingBox(radar_data[i, :]))
(ax, ay, az) = euler_from_matrix(self.imu_transforms[self.count])
box = self.radar_clouds[i].get_vtk_box(rot = az*180/math.pi)
if i == 0:
box.GetProperty().SetColor((1, 0, 0))
if self.count == 0:
self.lidar_cloud = VtkPointCloud(self.lidar_data[:, :3], self.lidar_data[:,3])
self.lidar_actor = self.lidar_cloud.get_vtk_cloud(zMin=0, zMax=255)
self.gpsPointCloud = VtkPointCloud(self.imu_transforms[:, 0:3, 3],
# if self.count == 0:
# fren.ResetCamera()
# fren.GetActiveCamera().Zoom(1.6)
cam_center = [x for x in self.radar_actors[0].GetCenter()]
cam_center[2] += 150
self.count += 5