本文整理汇总了Python中traitlets.config.loader.Config._merge方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Config._merge方法的具体用法?Python Config._merge怎么用?Python Config._merge使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类traitlets.config.loader.Config
示例1: shellwidget_config
# 需要导入模块: from traitlets.config.loader import Config [as 别名]
# 或者: from traitlets.config.loader.Config import _merge [as 别名]
def shellwidget_config(self):
Generate a Config instance for shell widgets using our config
This lets us create each widget with its own config (as opposed to
IPythonQtConsoleApp, where all widgets have the same config)
# ---- IPython config ----
profile_path = osp.join(get_ipython_dir(), 'profile_default')
full_ip_cfg = load_pyconfig_files(['ipython_qtconsole_config.py'],
# From the full config we only select the IPythonWidget section
# because the others have no effect here.
ip_cfg = Config({'IPythonWidget': full_ip_cfg.IPythonWidget})
ip_cfg = Config()
# ---- Spyder config ----
spy_cfg = Config()
# Make the pager widget a rich one (i.e a QTextEdit)
spy_cfg.IPythonWidget.kind = 'rich'
# Gui completion widget
completion_type_o = CONF.get('ipython_console', 'completion_type')
completions = {0: "droplist", 1: "ncurses", 2: "plain"}
spy_cfg.IPythonWidget.gui_completion = completions[completion_type_o]
# Pager
pager_o = self.get_option('use_pager')
if pager_o:
spy_cfg.IPythonWidget.paging = 'inside'
spy_cfg.IPythonWidget.paging = 'none'
# Calltips
calltips_o = self.get_option('show_calltips')
spy_cfg.IPythonWidget.enable_calltips = calltips_o
# Buffer size
buffer_size_o = self.get_option('buffer_size')
spy_cfg.IPythonWidget.buffer_size = buffer_size_o
# Prompts
in_prompt_o = self.get_option('in_prompt')
out_prompt_o = self.get_option('out_prompt')
if in_prompt_o:
spy_cfg.IPythonWidget.in_prompt = in_prompt_o
if out_prompt_o:
spy_cfg.IPythonWidget.out_prompt = out_prompt_o
# Merge IPython and Spyder configs. Spyder prefs will have prevalence
# over IPython ones
return ip_cfg
示例2: kernel_config
# 需要导入模块: from traitlets.config.loader import Config [as 别名]
# 或者: from traitlets.config.loader.Config import _merge [as 别名]
ip_cfg = Config()
# ---- Spyder config ----
spy_cfg = Config()
# Until we implement Issue 1052
spy_cfg.InteractiveShell.xmode = 'Plain'
# Run lines of code at startup
run_lines_o = CONF.get('ipython_console', 'startup/run_lines')
if run_lines_o:
spy_cfg.IPKernelApp.exec_lines = [x.strip() for x in run_lines_o.split(',')]
spy_cfg.IPKernelApp.exec_lines = []
# Pylab configuration
mpl_backend = None
mpl_installed = is_module_installed('matplotlib')
pylab_o = CONF.get('ipython_console', 'pylab')
external_interpreter = \
os.environ.get('EXTERNAL_INTERPRETER', '').lower() == "true"
if mpl_installed and pylab_o:
# Get matplotlib backend
if not external_interpreter:
if os.environ["QT_API"] == 'pyqt5':
qt_backend = 'qt5'
qt_backend = 'qt'
backend_o = CONF.get('ipython_console', 'pylab/backend', 0)
backends = {0: 'inline', 1: qt_backend, 2: qt_backend, 3: 'osx',
4: 'gtk', 5: 'wx', 6: 'tk'}
mpl_backend = backends[backend_o]
mpl_backend = 'inline'
# Automatically load Pylab and Numpy, or only set Matplotlib
# backend
autoload_pylab_o = CONF.get('ipython_console', 'pylab/autoload')
if autoload_pylab_o:
"%pylab {0}".format(mpl_backend))
"%matplotlib {0}".format(mpl_backend))
# Inline backend configuration
if backends[backend_o] == 'inline':
# Figure format
format_o = CONF.get('ipython_console',
'pylab/inline/figure_format', 0)
formats = {0: 'png', 1: 'svg'}
spy_cfg.InlineBackend.figure_format = formats[format_o]
# Resolution
spy_cfg.InlineBackend.rc = {'figure.figsize': (6.0, 4.0),
'savefig.dpi': 72,
'font.size': 10,
'figure.subplot.bottom': .125,
'figure.facecolor': 'white',
'figure.edgecolor': 'white'
resolution_o = CONF.get('ipython_console',
spy_cfg.InlineBackend.rc['savefig.dpi'] = resolution_o
# Figure size
width_o = float(CONF.get('ipython_console', 'pylab/inline/width'))
height_o = float(CONF.get('ipython_console', 'pylab/inline/height'))
spy_cfg.InlineBackend.rc['figure.figsize'] = (width_o, height_o)
# Run a file at startup
use_file_o = CONF.get('ipython_console', 'startup/use_run_file')
run_file_o = CONF.get('ipython_console', 'startup/run_file')
if use_file_o and run_file_o:
spy_cfg.IPKernelApp.file_to_run = run_file_o
# Autocall
autocall_o = CONF.get('ipython_console', 'autocall')
spy_cfg.ZMQInteractiveShell.autocall = autocall_o
# To handle the banner by ourselves in IPython 3+
spy_cfg.ZMQInteractiveShell.banner1 = ''
# Greedy completer
greedy_o = CONF.get('ipython_console', 'greedy_completer')
spy_cfg.IPCompleter.greedy = greedy_o
# Sympy loading
sympy_o = CONF.get('ipython_console', 'symbolic_math')
if sympy_o:
lines = sympy_config(mpl_backend)
# Merge IPython and Spyder configs. Spyder prefs will have prevalence
# over IPython ones
return ip_cfg
示例3: kernel_config
# 需要导入模块: from traitlets.config.loader import Config [as 别名]
# 或者: from traitlets.config.loader.Config import _merge [as 别名]
spy_cfg.IPKernelApp.exec_lines = []
# Clean terminal arguments input
clear_argv = "import sys;sys.argv = [''];del sys"
# Pylab configuration
mpl_backend = None
mpl_installed = is_module_installed('matplotlib')
pylab_o = CONF.get('ipython_console', 'pylab')
if mpl_installed and pylab_o:
# Get matplotlib backend
backend_o = CONF.get('ipython_console', 'pylab/backend')
if backend_o == 1:
if is_module_installed('PyQt5'):
auto_backend = 'qt5'
elif is_module_installed('PyQt4'):
auto_backend = 'qt4'
elif is_module_installed('_tkinter'):
auto_backend = 'tk'
auto_backend = 'inline'
auto_backend = ''
backends = {0: 'inline', 1: auto_backend, 2: 'qt5', 3: 'qt4',
4: 'osx', 5: 'gtk3', 6: 'gtk', 7: 'wx', 8: 'tk'}
mpl_backend = backends[backend_o]
# Automatically load Pylab and Numpy, or only set Matplotlib
# backend
autoload_pylab_o = CONF.get('ipython_console', 'pylab/autoload')
if autoload_pylab_o:
"%pylab {0}".format(mpl_backend))
"%matplotlib {0}".format(mpl_backend))
# Inline backend configuration
if mpl_backend == 'inline':
# Figure format
format_o = CONF.get('ipython_console',
'pylab/inline/figure_format', 0)
formats = {0: 'png', 1: 'svg'}
spy_cfg.InlineBackend.figure_format = formats[format_o]
# Resolution
if is_module_installed('ipykernel', '<4.5'):
dpi_option = 'savefig.dpi'
dpi_option = 'figure.dpi'
spy_cfg.InlineBackend.rc = {'figure.figsize': (6.0, 4.0),
dpi_option: 72,
'font.size': 10,
'figure.subplot.bottom': .125,
'figure.facecolor': 'white',
'figure.edgecolor': 'white'}
resolution_o = CONF.get('ipython_console',
spy_cfg.InlineBackend.rc[dpi_option] = resolution_o
# Figure size
width_o = float(CONF.get('ipython_console', 'pylab/inline/width'))
height_o = float(CONF.get('ipython_console', 'pylab/inline/height'))
spy_cfg.InlineBackend.rc['figure.figsize'] = (width_o, height_o)
# Enable Cython magic
if is_module_installed('Cython'):
spy_cfg.IPKernelApp.exec_lines.append('%load_ext Cython')
# Run a file at startup
use_file_o = CONF.get('ipython_console', 'startup/use_run_file')
run_file_o = CONF.get('ipython_console', 'startup/run_file')
if use_file_o and run_file_o:
spy_cfg.IPKernelApp.file_to_run = run_file_o
# Autocall
autocall_o = CONF.get('ipython_console', 'autocall')
spy_cfg.ZMQInteractiveShell.autocall = autocall_o
# To handle the banner by ourselves in IPython 3+
spy_cfg.ZMQInteractiveShell.banner1 = ''
# Greedy completer
greedy_o = CONF.get('ipython_console', 'greedy_completer')
spy_cfg.IPCompleter.greedy = greedy_o
# Sympy loading
sympy_o = CONF.get('ipython_console', 'symbolic_math')
if sympy_o and is_module_installed('sympy'):
lines = sympy_config(mpl_backend)
# Merge IPython and Spyder configs. Spyder prefs will have prevalence
# over IPython ones
return cfg
示例4: kernel_config
# 需要导入模块: from traitlets.config.loader import Config [as 别名]
# 或者: from traitlets.config.loader.Config import _merge [as 别名]
dpi_option = 'figure.dpi'
spy_cfg.InlineBackend.rc = {'figure.figsize': (6.0, 4.0),
dpi_option: 72,
'font.size': 10,
'figure.subplot.bottom': .125,
'figure.facecolor': 'white',
'figure.edgecolor': 'white'}
# Pylab configuration
mpl_backend = None
pylab_o = os.environ.get('SPY_PYLAB_O')
if pylab_o == 'True' and is_module_installed('matplotlib'):
# Set Matplotlib backend
backend_o = os.environ.get('SPY_BACKEND_O')
if backend_o is not None:
if backend_o == '1':
if is_module_installed('PyQt5'):
auto_backend = 'qt5'
elif is_module_installed('PyQt4'):
auto_backend = 'qt4'
elif is_module_installed('_tkinter'):
auto_backend = 'tk'
auto_backend = 'inline'
auto_backend = ''
backends = {'0': 'inline',
'1': auto_backend,
'2': 'qt5',
'3': 'qt4',
'4': 'osx',
'5': 'gtk3',
'6': 'gtk',
'7': 'wx',
'8': 'tk'}
mpl_backend = backends[backend_o]
# Automatically load Pylab and Numpy, or only set Matplotlib
# backend
autoload_pylab_o = os.environ.get('SPY_AUTOLOAD_PYLAB_O') == 'True'
command = "get_ipython().kernel._set_mpl_backend('{0}', {1})"
command.format(mpl_backend, autoload_pylab_o))
# Inline backend configuration
if mpl_backend == 'inline':
# Figure format
format_o = os.environ.get('SPY_FORMAT_O')
formats = {'0': 'png',
'1': 'svg'}
if format_o is not None:
spy_cfg.InlineBackend.figure_format = formats[format_o]
# Resolution
resolution_o = os.environ.get('SPY_RESOLUTION_O')
if resolution_o is not None:
spy_cfg.InlineBackend.rc[dpi_option] = float(resolution_o)
# Figure size
width_o = float(os.environ.get('SPY_WIDTH_O'))
height_o = float(os.environ.get('SPY_HEIGHT_O'))
if width_o is not None and height_o is not None:
spy_cfg.InlineBackend.rc['figure.figsize'] = (width_o,
# Enable Cython magic
if is_module_installed('Cython'):
spy_cfg.IPKernelApp.exec_lines.append('%load_ext Cython')
# Run a file at startup
use_file_o = os.environ.get('SPY_USE_FILE_O')
run_file_o = os.environ.get('SPY_RUN_FILE_O')
if use_file_o == 'True' and run_file_o is not None:
spy_cfg.IPKernelApp.file_to_run = run_file_o
# Autocall
autocall_o = os.environ.get('SPY_AUTOCALL_O')
if autocall_o is not None:
spy_cfg.ZMQInteractiveShell.autocall = int(autocall_o)
# To handle the banner by ourselves in IPython 3+
spy_cfg.ZMQInteractiveShell.banner1 = ''
# Greedy completer
greedy_o = os.environ.get('SPY_GREEDY_O') == 'True'
spy_cfg.IPCompleter.greedy = greedy_o
# Sympy loading
sympy_o = os.environ.get('SPY_SYMPY_O') == 'True'
if sympy_o and is_module_installed('sympy'):
lines = sympy_config(mpl_backend)
# Merge IPython and Spyder configs. Spyder prefs will have prevalence
# over IPython ones
return cfg