本文整理汇总了Python中trac.wiki.formatter.format_to_oneliner函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python format_to_oneliner函数的具体用法?Python format_to_oneliner怎么用?Python format_to_oneliner使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: format
def format(self):
if not self.changesets:
message = _("No changesets for #%s" % self.tkt_id)
yield tag.span(format_to_oneliner(self.env, self.context, message,
class_='ticketchangesets hint')
n = len(self.changesets)
ix = 0 # current index for adding separation markers between repos
for (reponame, changesets) in self.changesets:
if n > 1:
if self.hint == 'ticket':
if reponame and reponame != '(default)':
yield tag.h3(reponame, class_='change')
yield tag.h3(_("Default Repository"), class_='change')
elif ix > 0:
yield ', '
revs = changesets.wiki_revs(reponame, self.compact)
log = changesets.wiki_log(reponame)
message = revs + ' (' + log + ')'
yield tag.span(format_to_oneliner(self.env, self.context, message,
ix += 1
示例2: expand_macro
def expand_macro(self, formatter, name, args):
args = tuple(args.split(','))
if len(args) == 2 :
return tag.span(format_to_oneliner(self.env, formatter.context, args[1]),
style='background-color: %s' % args[0])
return tag.span(format_to_oneliner(self.env, formatter.context, args[2]),
style='background-color: %s; color: %s' % args[0:2])
示例3: render_inline_content
def render_inline_content(self, _env, _context, _content,mode):
#Sceneheaders must start with INT, EXT, or EST
sceneheader_re = re.compile('\n(INT|EXT|[^a-zA-Z0-9]EST)([\.\-\s]+?)(.+?)([A-Za-z0-9\)\s\.])\n')
transitions_re = re.compile('\n([^<>\na-z]*?:|FADE TO BLACK\.|FADE OUT\.|CUT TO BLACK\.)[\s]??\n')
#action blocks
actions_re = re.compile('\n{2}(([^a-z\n\:]+?[\.\?\,\s\!]*?)\n{2}){1,2}')
#character cues
characters_re = re.compile('\n{1}(\w+[\.-]*[\s]*\w+?[^\!\)\?\.\s])\n{1}')
# characters_re = re.compile('\n([^<>a-z\s][^a-z:\!\?]*?[^a-z\(\!\?:,][\s]??)\n{1}')
parentheticals_re = re.compile('(\([^<>]*?\)[\s]??)\n')
dialog_re = re.compile('(<p class="character">.*<\/p>|<p class="parenthetical">.*<\/p>)\n{0,1}(.+?)\n')
default_re = re.compile('([^<>]*?)\n')
#clean up
cleanup_re = re.compile('<p class="action">[\n\s]*?<\/p>')
# bold_re = re.compile('(\*{2}|\[b\])(.*?)(\*{2}|\[\/b\])')
# italic_re = re.compile('(\*{1}|\[i\])(.*?)(\*{1}|\[\/i\])')
# underline_re = re.compile('(_|\[u\])(.*?)(_|\[\/u\])')
theoutput = tag.div(class_="scrippet"+mode)
# self.log.debug("BEFORE SCENE: %s" % _content)
_content = sceneheader_re.sub(r'<p class="sceneheader">\1\2\3\4</p>' + "\n",_content)
# self.log.debug("BEFORE TRANSITIONS: %s" % _content)
_content = transitions_re.sub(r'<p class="transition">\1</p>' + "\n",_content)
# self.log.debug("BEFORE ACTIONS: %s" % _content)
_content = actions_re.sub("\n" + r'<p class="action">\2</p>' + "\n",_content)
# self.log.debug("BEFORE CHARACTERS: %s" % _content)
# self.log.debug(_content);
_content = characters_re.sub(r'<p class="character">\1</p>',_content)
# self.log.debug(characters_re.sub(r'<p class="character">\1</p>',_content));
_content = parentheticals_re.sub(r'<p class="parenthetical">\1</p>',_content); #format_to_oneliner(_env, _context, _content))
_content = dialog_re.sub(r'\1' + "\n" + r'<p class="dialogue">\2</p>' + "\n",_content); #format_to_oneliner(_env, _context, _content))
_content = default_re.sub(r'<p class="action">\1</p>' + "\n",_content)
_content = cleanup_re.sub("",_content)
# _content = bold_re.sub(r'<b>\2</b>',_content)
# _content = italic_re.sub(r'<i>\2</i>',_content)
# _content = underline_re.sub(r'<u>\2</u>',_content)
para_re = re.compile(r'<p class="(?P<_class>.*?)">(?P<_body>.*?)</p>')
for line in _content.splitlines():
# self.log.debug("LINE: %s" % line)
m = para_re.search(line)
if m != None:
# self.log.debug("BODY: %s" % m.group('_body'))
# self.log.debug("CLASS: %s" % m.group('_class'))
if "FADE IN" in m.group('_body') and m.group('_class') == "transition":
theoutput.append(tag.p(format_to_oneliner(_env, _context,m.group('_body')),class_="action"+mode))
theoutput.append(tag.p(format_to_oneliner(_env, _context,m.group('_body')),class_=m.group('_class')+mode))
return theoutput
示例4: get_timeline_events
def get_timeline_events(self, req, start, stop, filters):
self.log.debug("start: %s, stop: %s, filters: %s" % (start, stop,
if ('discussion' in filters) and 'DISCUSSION_VIEW' in req.perm:
# Create request context.
context = Context.from_request(req)
context.realm = 'discussion-core'
# Get database access.
db = self.env.get_db_cnx()
context.cursor = db.cursor()
# Get API component.
api = self.env[DiscussionApi]
# Add CSS styles and scripts.
add_stylesheet(context.req, 'discussion/css/discussion.css')
# Get forum events.
for forum in api.get_changed_forums(context, start, stop):
# Return event.
title = 'New forum %s created' % (forum['name'],)
description = tag(format_to_oneliner(self.env, context,
forum['subject']), ' - ', format_to_oneliner(self.env,
context, forum['description']))
ids = ('forum', forum['id'])
yield ('discussion unsolved', to_datetime(forum['time'], utc),
forum['author'], (title, description, ids))
# Get topic events.
for topic in api.get_changed_topics(context, start, stop):
title = 'New topic on %s created' % (topic['forum_name'],)
description = format_to_oneliner(self.env, context,
ids = ('topic', topic['id'])
yield ('discussion solved' if 'solved' in topic['status']
else 'discussion unsolved', to_datetime(topic['time'], utc),
topic['author'], (title, description, ids))
# Get message events.
for message in api.get_changed_messages(context, start, stop):
title = 'New reply on %s created' % (message['forum_name'],)
description = format_to_oneliner(self.env, context,
ids = (('topic',message['topic']),'message', message['id'])
yield ('discussion unsolved', to_datetime(message['time'], utc),
message['author'], (title, description, ids))
示例5: get_macro_descr
def get_macro_descr():
for macro_provider in formatter.wiki.macro_providers:
names = list(macro_provider.get_macros() or [])
if name_filter and not any(name.startswith(name_filter)
for name in names):
name_descriptions = [
(name, macro_provider.get_macro_description(name))
for name in names]
except Exception, e:
yield system_message(
_("Error: Can't get description for macro %(name)s",
name=names[0]), e), names
for descr, pairs in groupby(name_descriptions,
key=lambda p: p[1]):
if descr:
if isinstance(descr, (tuple, list)):
descr = dgettext(descr[0],
to_unicode(descr[1])) \
if descr[1] else ''
descr = to_unicode(descr) or ''
if content == '*':
descr = format_to_oneliner(
self.env, formatter.context, descr,
descr = format_to_html(
self.env, formatter.context, descr)
yield descr, [name for name, descr in pairs]
示例6: expand_macro
def expand_macro(self, formatter, name, args):
from trac.config import Option
section_filter = key_filter = ''
args, kw = parse_args(args)
if args:
section_filter = args.pop(0).strip()
if args:
key_filter = args.pop(0).strip()
registry = Option.get_registry(self.compmgr)
sections = {}
for (section, key), option in registry.iteritems():
if section.startswith(section_filter):
sections.setdefault(section, {})[key] = option
return tag.div(class_='tracini')(
(tag.h3(tag.code('[%s]' % section), id='%s-section' % section),
self.env, formatter.context,
for option in sorted(sections[section].itervalues(),
key=lambda o: o.name)
if option.name.startswith(key_filter))))
for section in sorted(sections))
示例7: expand_macro
def expand_macro(self, formatter, name, content):
if not content:
return ''
args, kwargs = parse_args(content)
if len(args) > 1:
return system_message("Number of args can't be greater than 1")
if args[0] == 'author':
page = WikiPage(self.env, formatter.context.resource, 1)
text = page.author
elif args[0] == 'version':
page = WikiPage(self.env, formatter.context.resource)
text = str(page.version)
elif args[0] == 'changed_by':
page = WikiPage(self.env, formatter.context.resource)
text = page.author
elif args[0] == 'comment':
page = WikiPage(self.env, formatter.context.resource)
text = page.comment
elif args[0] == 'changed_ts':
page = WikiPage(self.env, formatter.context.resource)
text = format_datetime(page.time)
return system_message("Unkwown argument %s" % args[0])
return format_to_oneliner(self.env, formatter.context, text)
示例8: _do_ticket
def _do_ticket(self, req, template, data, content_type):
if 'ticket' in data and 'linked_tickets' in data:
ticket = data['ticket']
context = Context.from_request(req, ticket.resource)
# Add name:#n links to link fields of Ticket instance when
# flowing from storage to browser
if req.method == 'GET':
# Rerender link fields
for field in data['fields']:
if field['type'] == 'link':
name = field['name']
field['rendered'] = format_to_oneliner(self.env, context,
# Add RemoteTicket objects for linked issues table, and pass list
# of rejects that could not be retrieved
linked_tickets, linked_rejects = self._remote_tickets(ticket,
# Provide list of remote sites if newlinked form options are present
if 'newlinked_options' in data:
remote_sites = RemoteTicketSystem(self.env).get_remote_tracs()
data['remote_sites'] = remote_sites
return (template, data, content_type)
示例9: _info_formatter
def _info_formatter(self, formatter, match, fullmatch):
infotype = fullmatch.group('infotype').lower()
body = format_to_oneliner(formatter.env, formatter.context,
fullmatch.group('notes'), False)
return tag.div(tag.blockquote(tag.b(infotype.capitalize() + ': ')
+ body,class_=infotype.upper()),
示例10: _get_changed_forums
def _get_changed_forums(self, context, start, stop):
columns = ('id', 'name', 'author', 'subject', 'description', 'time')
sql_values = {'start' : to_timestamp(start),
'stop' : to_timestamp(stop)}
sql = ("SELECT f.id, f.name, f.author, f.subject, f.description, f.time "
"FROM forum f "
"WHERE f.time BETWEEN %(start)s AND %(stop)s" % (sql_values))
for row in context.cursor:
row = dict(zip(columns, row))
row['time'] = to_datetime(row['time'], utc)
row['subject'] = format_to_oneliner(self.env, context,
row['description'] = format_to_oneliner(self.env, context,
yield row
示例11: render_timeline_event
def render_timeline_event(self, context, field, event):
builder_name, num, end, branch, rev, results, text = event[3]
if field == 'url':
return None
elif field == 'title':
return tag('Build ', tag.a('#%s'%num, href=context.href.buildbot('builder/%s/%s'%(builder_name, num))),
' of ', builder_name, ' ', results == 'success' and tag.span('passed', style="color: #080") or tag.span('failed', style="color: #f00"))
elif field == 'description':
return format_to_oneliner(self.env, context, 'Built from %s'%(rev and 'r%s sources'%rev or 'local changes (see TryBuildUsage)'))
示例12: _replaces_formatter
def _replaces_formatter(self, formatter, ns, match):
replaces = match.group('replaces')
if replaces not in self.replace:
return match.group(0)
title = self.replace[replaces]
context = Context.from_request(formatter.req, formatter.resource)
return Markup('<span>%s</span>' % (format_to_oneliner(self.env,context,title)))
示例13: expand_macro
def expand_macro(self, formatter, name, content, args):
self.log.debug("SpoilerMacro: expand_macro")
add_stylesheet(formatter.req, 'spoiler/css/spoiler.css')
add_javascript(formatter.req, 'spoiler/js/spoiler.js')
if '\n' in content:
output = tag.div(class_="spoiler")(format_to_html(self.env, formatter.context,content))
output = tag.span(class_="spoiler")(format_to_oneliner(self.env, formatter.context,content))
self.log.debug("SpoilerMacro: expand_macro output")
return output
示例14: expand_macro
def expand_macro(self, formatter, name, args):
from trac.config import ConfigSection, Option
section_filter = key_filter = ''
args, kw = parse_args(args)
if args:
section_filter = args.pop(0).strip()
if args:
key_filter = args.pop(0).strip()
def getdoc(option_or_section):
doc = to_unicode(option_or_section.__doc__)
if doc:
doc = dgettext(option_or_section.doc_domain, doc)
return doc
registry = ConfigSection.get_registry(self.compmgr)
sections = dict((name, getdoc(section))
for name, section in registry.iteritems()
if name.startswith(section_filter))
registry = Option.get_registry(self.compmgr)
options = {}
for (section, key), option in registry.iteritems():
if section.startswith(section_filter):
options.setdefault(section, {})[key] = option
sections.setdefault(section, '')
def default_cell(option):
default = option.default
if default is True:
default = 'true'
elif default is False:
default = 'false'
elif default == 0:
default = '0.0' if isinstance(default, float) else '0'
elif default:
default = ', '.join(to_unicode(val) for val in default) \
if isinstance(default, (list, tuple)) \
else to_unicode(default)
return tag.td(_("(no default)"), class_='nodefault')
return tag.td(tag.code(default), class_='default')
return tag.div(class_='tracini')(
(tag.h3(tag.code('[%s]' % section), id='%s-section' % section),
format_to_html(self.env, formatter.context, section_doc),
self.env, formatter.context, getdoc(option))),
for option in sorted(options.get(section, {}).itervalues(),
key=lambda o: o.name)
if option.name.startswith(key_filter))))
for section, section_doc in sorted(sections.iteritems()))
示例15: render_timeline_event
def render_timeline_event(self, context, field, event):
# Decompose event data.
id, name, description, size = event[3]
# Return apropriate content.
if field == 'url':
return context.req.href.downloads(id)
elif field == 'title':
return tag('New download ', tag.em(name), ' created')
elif field == 'description':
return tag('(%s) ' % (pretty_size(size),), format_to_oneliner(
self.env, context, description))