本文整理汇总了Python中trac.wiki.formatter.format_to_html函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python format_to_html函数的具体用法?Python format_to_html怎么用?Python format_to_html使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: _ticket_links
def _ticket_links(env, formatter, t, a_class=""):
"""Build links to tickets."""
tkt_id = str(t.get("id"))
status = t.get("status")
summary = to_unicode(t.get("summary"))
owner = to_unicode(t.get("owner"))
description = to_unicode(t.get("description"))
url = t.get("href")
if status == "closed":
a_class = a_class + "closed"
a_class = a_class + "open"
# Reduce content for tooltips.
markup = format_to_html(env, formatter.context, description)
extractor = TextExtractor()
tip = tag.span(shorten_line(extractor.getvalue()))
ticket = tag.a("#" + tkt_id, href=url)
ticket(tip, class_="tip", target="_blank")
ticket = tag.div(ticket, class_=a_class, align="left")
# Fix stripping of regular leading space in IE.
blank = " "
ticket(Markup(blank), summary, " (", owner, ")")
summary = tag(summary, " (", owner, ")")
ticket_short = tag.span(tag.a("#" + tkt_id, href=url, target="_blank", title_=summary), class_=a_class)
return ticket, ticket_short
示例2: expand_macro
def expand_macro(self, formatter, name, content, args={}):
reponame = args.get("repository") or ""
rev = args.get("revision")
repos = RepositoryManager(self.env).get_repository(reponame)
changeset = repos.get_changeset(rev)
message = changeset.message
rev = changeset.rev
resource = repos.resource
except Exception:
message = content
resource = Resource("repository", reponame)
if formatter.context.resource.realm == "ticket":
ticket_re = CommitTicketUpdater.ticket_re
if not any(int(tkt_id) == int(formatter.context.resource.id) for tkt_id in ticket_re.findall(message)):
return tag.p("(The changeset message doesn't reference this " "ticket)", class_="hint")
if ChangesetModule(self.env).wiki_format_messages:
return tag.div(
self.env, formatter.context.child("changeset", rev, parent=resource), message, escape_newlines=True
return tag.pre(message, class_="message")
示例3: expand_macro
def expand_macro(self, formatter, name, content, args=None):
args = args or {}
reponame = args.get('repository') or ''
rev = args.get('revision')
repos = RepositoryManager(self.env).get_repository(reponame)
changeset = repos.get_changeset(rev)
message = changeset.message
rev = changeset.rev
resource = repos.resource
except Exception:
message = content
resource = Resource('repository', reponame)
if formatter.context.resource.realm == 'ticket':
ticket_re = CommitTicketUpdater.ticket_re
if not any(int(tkt_id) == int(formatter.context.resource.id)
for tkt_id in ticket_re.findall(message)):
return tag.p(_("(The changeset message doesn't reference this "
"ticket)"), class_='hint')
if ChangesetModule(self.env).wiki_format_messages:
return tag.div(format_to_html(self.env,
formatter.context.child('changeset', rev, parent=resource),
message, escape_newlines=True), class_='message')
return tag.pre(message, class_='message')
示例4: get_macro_descr
def get_macro_descr():
for macro_provider in formatter.wiki.macro_providers:
names = list(macro_provider.get_macros() or [])
if name_filter and not any(name.startswith(name_filter)
for name in names):
name_descriptions = [
(name, macro_provider.get_macro_description(name))
for name in names]
except Exception, e:
yield system_message(
_("Error: Can't get description for macro %(name)s",
name=names[0]), e), names
for descr, pairs in groupby(name_descriptions,
key=lambda p: p[1]):
if descr:
if isinstance(descr, (tuple, list)):
descr = dgettext(descr[0],
to_unicode(descr[1])) \
if descr[1] else ''
descr = to_unicode(descr) or ''
if content == '*':
descr = format_to_oneliner(
self.env, formatter.context, descr,
descr = format_to_html(
self.env, formatter.context, descr)
yield descr, [name for name, descr in pairs]
示例5: safe_wiki_to_html
def safe_wiki_to_html(context, text):
return format_to_html(self.env, context, text)
except Exception, e:
self.log.error('Unable to render component documentation: %s',
exception_to_unicode(e, traceback=True))
return tag.pre(text)
示例6: expand_macro
def expand_macro(self, formatter, name, content):
add_stylesheet(formatter.req, 'notebox/css/notebox.css')
args, kwargs = parse_args(content)
width = len(args) > 2 and args[2] or '70%'
return tag.div(format_to_html(self.env, formatter.context, args[1]),
class_='notebox-%s' % (args[0],),
style='width: %s' % (width,))
示例7: product_media_data
def product_media_data(icons, product):
return dict(href=product.href(),
thumb=icons.get(product.prefix, no_thumbnail),
links={'extras': (([{'href': req.href.products(
product.prefix, action='edit'),
'title': _('Edit product %(prefix)s',
'icon': tag.i(class_='icon-edit'),
'label': _('Edit')},]
if 'PRODUCT_MODIFY' in req.perm
else []) +
[{'href': product.href(),
'title': _('Home page'),
'icon': tag.i(class_='icon-home'),
'label': _('Home')},
{'href': product.href.dashboard(),
'title': _('Tickets dashboard'),
'icon': tag.i(class_='icon-tasks'),
'label': _('Tickets')},
{'href': product.href.wiki(),
'title': _('Wiki'),
'icon': tag.i(class_='icon-book'),
'label': _('Wiki')}]),
'main': {'href': product.href(),
'title': None,
'icon': tag.i(class_='icon-chevron-right'),
'label': _('Browse')}})
示例8: serialized
def serialized(self, env, context):
return {
'id': self.id,
'stack': self.stack,
'rank': self.rank,
'title': self.title,
'title_html': format_to_html(env, context, self.title),
示例9: render
def render(self, context, mimetype, content, filename=None, url=None):
if url is not None:
match = re.match(self.PREVIEW_PATTERN, urllib.unquote(str(url)))
if match:
path_info = match.groupdict()
macro = unicode(self.MACRO_FORMAT % path_info, self.ENCODING)
return format_to_html(self.env, context, macro)
return None
示例10: render_timeline_event
def render_timeline_event(self, context, field, event):
ev = event[3]
if field=='title':
return tag(tag.em(ev[0]), ' found on ', ev[1])
elif field=='description':
return format_to_html(self.env, context, ev[3])
elif field=='url':
return ev[2]
示例11: getPageHTML
def getPageHTML(self, req, pagename, version=None):
""" Return latest version of page as rendered HTML, utf8 encoded. """
page = self._fetch_page(req, pagename, version)
fields = {"text": page.text}
for manipulator in self.manipulators:
manipulator.prepare_wiki_page(req, page, fields)
context = Context.from_request(req, page.resource, absurls=True)
html = format_to_html(self.env, context, fields["text"])
return "<html><body>%s</body></html>" % html.encode("utf-8")
示例12: _gen_ticket_entry
def _gen_ticket_entry(self, t, a_class=''):
id = str(t.get('id'))
status = t.get('status')
priority = t.get('priority')
hours = t.get(self.hours_field_name)
summary = to_unicode(t.get('summary'))
owner = to_unicode(t.get('owner'))
description = to_unicode(t.get('description')[:1024])
url = t.get('href')
if status == 'closed':
a_class = a_class + 'closed'
a_class = a_class + 'open'
a_class += " ticket priority-" + priority
markup = format_to_html(self.env, self.ref.context, description)
# Escape, if requested
if self.sanitize is True:
description = HTMLParser(StringIO(markup)
).parse() | HTMLSanitizer()
except ParseError:
description = escape(markup)
description = markup
# Replace tags that destruct tooltips too much
desc = self.end_RE.sub(']', Markup(description))
desc = self.del_RE.sub('', desc)
# need 2nd run after purging newline in table cells in 1st run
desc = self.del_RE.sub('', desc)
desc = self.item_RE.sub('X', desc)
desc = self.tab_RE.sub('[|||]', desc)
description = self.open_RE.sub('[', desc)
tip = tag.span(Markup(description))
ticket = '#' + id
ticket = tag.a(ticket, href=url)
ticket(tip, class_='tip', target='_blank')
ticket = tag.div(ticket)
ticket(class_=a_class, align='left', **{"data-ticketid": id})
# fix stripping of regular leading space in IE
blank = ' '
ticket(Markup(blank), summary, ' (', owner, ')')
ticket(tag.span(str(hours) + "h", class_="hours"))
summary = tag(summary, ' (', owner, ')')
ticket_short = '#' + id
ticket_short = tag.a(ticket_short, href=url)
ticket_short(target='_blank', title_=summary)
ticket_short = tag.span(ticket_short)
return ticket,ticket_short
示例13: expand_macro
def expand_macro(self, formatter, name, content, args):
self.log.debug("SpoilerMacro: expand_macro")
add_stylesheet(formatter.req, 'spoiler/css/spoiler.css')
add_javascript(formatter.req, 'spoiler/js/spoiler.js')
if '\n' in content:
output = tag.div(class_="spoiler")(format_to_html(self.env, formatter.context,content))
output = tag.span(class_="spoiler")(format_to_oneliner(self.env, formatter.context,content))
self.log.debug("SpoilerMacro: expand_macro output")
return output
示例14: expand_macro
def expand_macro(self, formatter, name, args):
from trac.config import ConfigSection, Option
section_filter = key_filter = ''
args, kw = parse_args(args)
if args:
section_filter = args.pop(0).strip()
if args:
key_filter = args.pop(0).strip()
def getdoc(option_or_section):
doc = to_unicode(option_or_section.__doc__)
if doc:
doc = dgettext(option_or_section.doc_domain, doc)
return doc
registry = ConfigSection.get_registry(self.compmgr)
sections = dict((name, getdoc(section))
for name, section in registry.iteritems()
if name.startswith(section_filter))
registry = Option.get_registry(self.compmgr)
options = {}
for (section, key), option in registry.iteritems():
if section.startswith(section_filter):
options.setdefault(section, {})[key] = option
sections.setdefault(section, '')
def default_cell(option):
default = option.default
if default is True:
default = 'true'
elif default is False:
default = 'false'
elif default == 0:
default = '0.0' if isinstance(default, float) else '0'
elif default:
default = ', '.join(to_unicode(val) for val in default) \
if isinstance(default, (list, tuple)) \
else to_unicode(default)
return tag.td(_("(no default)"), class_='nodefault')
return tag.td(tag.code(default), class_='default')
return tag.div(class_='tracini')(
(tag.h3(tag.code('[%s]' % section), id='%s-section' % section),
format_to_html(self.env, formatter.context, section_doc),
self.env, formatter.context, getdoc(option))),
for option in sorted(options.get(section, {}).itervalues(),
key=lambda o: o.name)
if option.name.startswith(key_filter))))
for section, section_doc in sorted(sections.iteritems()))
示例15: _discussion_attachment_link
def _discussion_attachment_link(self, formatter, namespace, params, label):
id, name = params.split(':')
# Create request context.
context = Context.from_request(formatter.req)
context.realm = 'discussion-wiki'
# Get database access.
db = self.env.get_db_cnx()
context.cursor = db.cursor()
if namespace == 'topic-attachment':
return format_to_html(self.env, context,
'[attachment:discussion:topic/%s:%s %s]' % (id, name, label))
elif namespace == 'raw-topic-attachment':
return format_to_html(self.env, context,
'[raw-attachment:discussion:topic/%s:%s %s]' % (id, name, label))
return tag.a(label, href = formatter.href.discussion('topic', id),
title = label.replace('"', ''), class_ = 'missing')