本文整理汇总了Python中trac.wiki.wiki_to_oneliner函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python wiki_to_oneliner函数的具体用法?Python wiki_to_oneliner怎么用?Python wiki_to_oneliner使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: get_groups
def get_groups(self, req, cursor, order_by = 'id', desc = False):
# Get count of forums without group
sql = "SELECT COUNT(f.id) FROM forum f WHERE f.forum_group = 0"
no_group_forums = 0
for row in cursor:
no_group_forums = row[0]
groups = [{'id' : 0, 'name' : 'None', 'description' : 'No Group',
'forums' : no_group_forums}]
# Get forum groups
if order_by != 'forum':
order_by = 'g.' + order_by
columns = ('id', 'name', 'description', 'forums')
sql = "SELECT g.id, g.name, g.description, f.forums FROM " \
" forum_group g LEFT JOIN (SELECT COUNT(id) AS forums, " \
" forum_group FROM forum GROUP BY forum_group) f ON g.id = " \
" f.forum_group ORDER BY " + order_by + (" ASC",
" DESC")[bool(desc)]
for row in cursor:
row = dict(zip(columns, row))
row['name'] = wiki_to_oneliner(row['name'], self.env)
row['description'] = wiki_to_oneliner(row['description'], self.env)
return groups
示例2: get_forums
def get_forums(self, req, cursor, order_by = 'ORDER BY subject ASC'):
columns = ('id', 'name', 'author', 'time', 'moderators', 'group',
'subject', 'description', 'topics', 'replies', 'lastreply',
sql = "SELECT id, name, author, time, moderators, forum_group," \
" subject, description, (SELECT COUNT(id) FROM topic t WHERE" \
" t.forum = forum.id) AS topics, (SELECT COUNT(id) FROM message m" \
" WHERE m.forum = forum.id) AS replies, (SELECT MAX(time) FROM" \
" message m WHERE m.forum = forum.id) AS lasttopic, (SELECT" \
" MAX(time) FROM topic t WHERE t.forum = forum.id) AS lastreply" \
" FROM forum " + order_by
forums = []
for row in cursor:
row = dict(zip(columns, row))
row['moderators'] = wiki_to_oneliner(row['moderators'], self.env)
row['description'] = wiki_to_oneliner(row['description'], self.env)
if row['lastreply']:
row['lastreply'] = pretty_timedelta(row['lastreply'])
row['lastreply'] = 'No replies'
if row['lasttopic']:
row['lasttopic'] = pretty_timedelta(row['lasttopic'])
row['lasttopic'] = 'No topics'
row['time'] = format_datetime(row['time'])
return forums
示例3: get_timeline_events
def get_timeline_events(self, req, start, stop, filters):
if 'changeset' in filters:
format = req.args.get('format')
wiki_format = self.wiki_format_messages
show_files = self.timeline_show_files
db = self.env.get_db_cnx()
repos = self.env.get_repository(req.authname)
for chgset in repos.get_changesets(start, stop):
message = chgset.message or '--'
if wiki_format:
shortlog = wiki_to_oneliner(message, self.env, db,
shortlog = shorten_line(message)
if format == 'rss':
title = Markup(u'변경사항 [%s]: %s', chgset.rev, shortlog)
href = req.abs_href.changeset(chgset.rev)
if wiki_format:
message = wiki_to_html(message, self.env, req, db,
message = html.PRE(message)
title = Markup(u'변경사항 <em>[%s]</em> : %s에 의해 수정됨', chgset.rev,
href = req.href.changeset(chgset.rev)
if wiki_format:
if self.timeline_long_messages:
message = wiki_to_html(message, self.env, req, db,
message = wiki_to_oneliner(message, self.env, db,
message = shortlog
if show_files and req.perm.has_permission('BROWSER_VIEW'):
files = []
for chg in chgset.get_changes():
if show_files > 0 and len(files) >= show_files:
chg[0] or '/'))
message = html.UL(files, class_="changes") + message
yield 'changeset', href, title, chgset.date, chgset.author,\
示例4: get_topics
def get_topics(self, req, cursor, forum_id, order_by = 'time', desc = False):
if not order_by in ('replies', 'lastreply',):
order_by = 't.' + order_by
columns = ('id', 'forum', 'time', 'subject', 'body', 'author',
'replies', 'lastreply')
sql = "SELECT t.id, t.forum, t.time, t.subject, t.body, t.author," \
" m.replies, m.lastreply FROM topic t LEFT JOIN (SELECT COUNT(id)" \
" AS replies, MAX(time) AS lastreply, topic FROM message GROUP BY" \
" topic) m ON t.id = m.topic WHERE t.forum = %s ORDER BY " \
+ order_by + (" ASC", " DESC")[bool(desc)]
self.log.debug(sql % (forum_id,))
cursor.execute(sql, (forum_id,))
topics = []
for row in cursor:
row = dict(zip(columns, row))
row['author'] = wiki_to_oneliner(row['author'], self.env)
row['body'] = wiki_to_html(row['body'], self.env, req)
if row['lastreply']:
row['lastreply'] = pretty_timedelta(float(row['lastreply']))
row['lastreply'] = 'No replies'
if not row['replies']:
row['replies'] = 0
row['time'] = format_datetime(row['time'])
return topics
示例5: get_timeline_events
def get_timeline_events(self, req, start, stop, filters):
self.log.debug("start: %s, stop: %s, filters: %s" % (start, stop, filters))
if "downloads" in filters:
# Create database context
db = self.env.get_db_cnx()
cursor = db.cursor()
# Get API component.
api = self.env[DownloadsApi]
format = req.args.get("format")
self.log.debug("format: %s" % (format))
# Get message events
for download in api.get_new_downloads(req, cursor, start, stop):
kind = "newticket"
title = Markup("New download <em>%s</em> created by %s" % (download["file"], download["author"]))
time = download["time"]
author = download["author"]
if format == "rss":
href = req.abs_href.downloads(download["id"])
message = wiki_to_html(download["description"], self.env, req)
href = req.href.downloads(download["id"])
message = wiki_to_oneliner(download["description"], self.env)
yield kind, href, title, time, author, message
示例6: get_messages
def get_messages(self, req, cursor, topic, time, order_by = 'ORDER BY time ASC'):
columns = ('id', 'replyto', 'time', 'author', 'body')
sql = "SELECT id, replyto, time, author, body FROM message WHERE" \
" topic = %s " + order_by
self.log.debug(sql % (topic,))
cursor.execute(sql, (topic,))
messagemap = {}
messages = []
for row in cursor:
row = dict(zip(columns, row))
row['author'] = wiki_to_oneliner(row['author'], self.env)
row['body'] = wiki_to_html(row['body'], self.env, req)
if int(row['time']) > time:
row['new'] = True
row['time'] = format_datetime(row['time'])
messagemap[row['id']] = row
# Add top-level messages to the main list, in order of time
if row['replyto'] == -1:
# Second pass, add replies
for message in messagemap.values():
if message['replyto'] != -1:
parent = messagemap[message['replyto']]
if 'replies' in parent:
parent['replies'] = [message]
return messages;
示例7: render_listtags
def render_listtags(self, req, *tags, **kwargs):
""" List tags. For backwards compatibility, can accept a list of tags.
This will simply call ListTagged. Optional keyword arguments are
tagspace=wiki, tagspaces=(wiki, ticket, ...) and shownames=true. """
if tags:
# Backwards compatibility
return self.render_listtagged(req, *tags, **kwargs)
page = self._current_page(req)
engine = TagEngine(self.env)
showpages = kwargs.get('showpages', None) or kwargs.get('shownames', 'false')
if 'tagspace' in kwargs:
tagspaces = [kwargs['tagspace']]
tagspaces = kwargs.get('tagspaces', []) or \
out = StringIO()
out.write('<ul class="listtags">\n')
tag_details = {}
for tag, names in sorted(engine.get_tags(tagspaces=tagspaces, detailed=True).iteritems()):
href, title = engine.get_tag_link(tag)
htitle = wiki_to_oneliner(title, self.env)
out.write('<li><a href="%s" title="%s">%s</a> %s <span class="tagcount">(%i)</span>' % (href, title, tag, htitle, len(names)))
if showpages == 'true':
out.write(self.render_listtagged(req, tag, tagspaces=tagspaces))
return out.getvalue()
示例8: get_downloads
def get_downloads(self, req, cursor, order_by = 'id', desc = False):
columns = ('id', 'file', 'description', 'size', 'time', 'count',
'author', 'tags', 'component', 'version', 'architecture', 'platform',
sql = "SELECT id, file, description, size, time, count, author, tags," \
" component, version, architecture, platform, type FROM download " \
"ORDER BY " + order_by + (" ASC", " DESC")[bool(desc)]
downloads = []
for row in cursor:
row = dict(zip(columns, row))
row['description'] = wiki_to_oneliner(row['description'], self.env)
row['size'] = pretty_size(row['size'])
row['time'] = pretty_timedelta(row['time'])
row['count'] = row['count'] or 0
# Replace field ids with apropriate objects.
for download in downloads:
download['architecture'] = self.get_architecture(cursor,
download['platform'] = self.get_platform(cursor,
download['type'] = self.get_type(cursor, download['type'])
return downloads
示例9: _prepare_message_list
def _prepare_message_list(self, req, cursor, topic):
# Get form values.
new_author = req.args.get('author')
new_subject = req.args.get('subject')
new_body = req.args.get('body')
# Get time when topic was visited from session.
visited = eval(req.session.get('visited-topics') or '{}')
if visited.has_key(topic['id']):
visit_time = int(visited[topic['id']])
visit_time = 0
# Update this topic visit time and save to session.
visited[topic['id']] = int(time.time())
req.session['visited-topics'] = to_unicode(visited)
# Mark new topic.
if int(topic['time']) > visit_time:
topic['new'] = True
# Prepare display of topic
if new_author:
req.hdf['discussion.author'] = wiki_to_oneliner(new_author,
if new_subject:
req.hdf['discussion.subject'] = wiki_to_oneliner(new_subject,
if new_body:
req.hdf['discussion.body'] = wiki_to_html(new_body, self.env, req)
# Prepare display of messages
display = req.session.get('message-list-display') or \
req.hdf['discussion.display'] = display
if display == 'flat-asc':
req.hdf['discussion.messages'] = self.get_flat_messages(req, cursor,
topic['id'], visit_time)
elif display == 'flat-desc' or display == 'flat':
req.hdf['discussion.messages'] = self.get_flat_messages(req, cursor,
topic['id'], visit_time, 'ORDER BY time DESC')
elif display == 'tree' or display == '':
req.hdf['discussion.messages'] = self.get_messages(req, cursor,
topic['id'], visit_time)
raise TracError('Unsupported display mode: %s' % (display))
示例10: render_listtagged
def render_listtagged(self, req, *tags, **kwargs):
""" List tagged objects. Optionally accepts a list of tags to match
against. The special tag '''. (dot)''' inserts the current Wiki page name.
`[[ListTagged(<tag>, ...)]]`
||`tagspace=<tagspace>`||Specify the tagspace the macro should operate on.||
||`tagspaces=(<tagspace>,...)`||Specify a set of tagspaces the macro should operate on.||
||`operation=intersection|union`||The set operation to perform on the discovered objects.||
||`showheadings=true|false`||List objects under the tagspace they occur in.||
if 'tagspace' in kwargs:
tagspaces = [kwargs.get('tagspace', None)]
tagspaces = kwargs.get('tagspaces', '') or \
showheadings = kwargs.get('showheadings', 'false')
operation = kwargs.get('operation', 'intersection')
if operation not in ('union', 'intersection'):
raise TracError("Invalid tag set operation '%s'" % operation)
engine = TagEngine(self.env)
page_name = req.hdf.get('wiki.page_name')
if page_name:
tags = [tag == '.' and page_name or tag for tag in tags]
taginfo = {}
out = StringIO()
out.write('<ul class="listtagged">')
# Cull empty names
tagged_names = [(tagspace, names) for tagspace, names in
engine.get_tagged_names(tags=tags, tagspaces=tagspaces,
operation=operation, detailed=True).iteritems()
if names]
for tagspace, tagspace_names in sorted(tagged_names):
if showheadings == 'true':
out.write('<lh>%s tags</lh>' % tagspace)
for name, tags in sorted(tagspace_names.iteritems()):
if tagspace == 'wiki' and unicode(name).startswith('tags/'): continue
tags = sorted(tags)
taginfo = self._tag_details(taginfo, tags)
href, link, title = engine.name_details(tagspace, name)
htitle = wiki_to_oneliner(title, self.env)
name_tags = ['<a href="%s" title="%s">%s</a>'
% (taginfo[tag][0], taginfo[tag][1], tag)
for tag in tags]
if not name_tags:
name_tags = ''
name_tags = ' (' + ', '.join(sorted(name_tags)) + ')'
out.write('<li>%s %s%s</li>\n' %
(link, htitle, name_tags))
return out.getvalue()
示例11: get_screenshots
def get_screenshots(self, cursor, component, version):
columns = ('id', 'name', 'description', 'time', 'author', 'tags',
'large_file', 'medium_file', 'small_file')
sql = "SELECT s.id, s.name, s.description, s.time, s.author, s.tags," \
" s.large_file, s.medium_file, s.small_file FROM screenshot s," \
" screenshot_component c, screenshot_version v WHERE c.component" \
" = %s AND v.version = %s AND s.id = c.screenshot AND s.id =" \
" v.screenshot;"
self.log.debug(sql % (component, version))
cursor.execute(sql, (component, version))
screenshots = []
for row in cursor:
row = dict(zip(columns, row))
row['name'] = wiki_to_oneliner(row['name'], self.env)
row['description'] = wiki_to_oneliner(row['description'], self.env)
row['author'] = wiki_to_oneliner(row['author'], self.env)
return screenshots
示例12: get_task_markup
def get_task_markup(self, req, ticket, task):
if not task:
return ''
ticket_text = 'ticket #' + str(task['ticket'])
if task['ticket'] == ticket:
ticket_text = 'this ticket'
timedelta = pretty_timedelta(task['starttime'], None);
return '<li>%s</li>' % wiki_to_oneliner('You have been working on %s for %s' % (ticket_text, timedelta), self.env, req=req)
示例13: get_timeline_events
def get_timeline_events(self, req, start, stop, filters):
format = req.args.get('format')
status_map = {
'new': ('newticket', u'créé'),
'reopened': ('newticket', u'réouvert'),
'closed': ('closedticket', u'fermé'),
'edit': ('editedticket', u'mis à jour')
href = format == 'rss' and req.abs_href or req.href
def produce((id, t, author, type, summary), status, fields, comment,
if status == 'edit':
if 'ticket_details' in filters:
info = u''
if len(fields) > 0:
info = u', '.join([u'<i>%s</i>' % f for f in \
fields.keys()]) + u' modifié<br />'
return None
elif 'ticket' in filters:
if status == 'closed' and fields.has_key('resolution'):
info = fields['resolution']
if info and comment:
info = '%s: ' % info
info = ''
return None
kind, verb = status_map[status]
if format == 'rss':
title = u'Ticket #%s (%s %s): %s' % \
(id, translate(self.env, type).lower(), verb, summary)
title = Markup(
u'Ticket <em title="%s">#%s</em> (%s) %s par %s', summary,
id, translate(self.env, type), verb, author)
ticket_href = href.ticket(id)
if cid:
ticket_href += '#comment:' + cid
if status == 'new':
message = unicode(summary)
message = Markup(info)
if comment:
if format == 'rss':
message += wiki_to_html(
comment, self.env, req, db, absurls=True)
message += wiki_to_oneliner(
comment, self.env, db, shorten=True)
return kind, ticket_href, title, t, author, message
示例14: render_discussion
def render_discussion(self, req, cursor):
# Get request mode
group, forum, topic, message = self._get_items(req, cursor)
modes = self._get_modes(req, group, forum, topic, message)
self.log.debug('modes: %s' % modes)
# Determine moderator rights.
if forum:
is_moderator = (req.authname in forum['moderators']) or \
is_moderator = req.perm.has_permission('DISCUSSION_ADMIN')
# Perform mode actions
self._do_action(req, cursor, modes, group, forum, topic, message,
# Add CSS styles
add_stylesheet(req, 'common/css/wiki.css')
add_stylesheet(req, 'discussion/css/discussion.css')
add_stylesheet(req, 'discussion/css/admin.css')
# Fill up HDF structure and return template
req.hdf['discussion.authname'] = req.authname
req.hdf['discussion.is_moderator'] = is_moderator
if group:
group['name'] = wiki_to_oneliner(group['name'], self.env)
group['description'] = wiki_to_oneliner(group['description'],
req.hdf['discussion.group'] = group
if forum:
forum['name'] = wiki_to_oneliner(forum['name'], self.env)
forum['description'] = wiki_to_oneliner(forum['description'],
forum['subject'] = wiki_to_oneliner(forum['subject'], self.env)
forum['time'] = format_datetime(forum['time'])
req.hdf['discussion.forum'] = forum
if topic:
topic['subject'] = wiki_to_oneliner(topic['subject'], self.env)
topic['author'] = wiki_to_oneliner(topic['author'], self.env)
topic['body'] = wiki_to_html(topic['body'], self.env, req)
topic['time'] = format_datetime(topic['time'])
req.hdf['discussion.topic'] = topic
if message:
message['author'] = wiki_to_oneliner(message['author'], self.env)
message['body'] = wiki_to_html(message['body'], self.env, req)
message['time'] = format_datetime(message['time'])
req.hdf['discussion.message'] = message
req.hdf['discussion.mode'] = modes[-1]
req.hdf['discussion.time'] = format_datetime(time.time())
return modes[-1] + '.cs', None
示例15: get_forums
def get_forums(self, req, cursor, order_by = 'subject', desc = False):
if not order_by in ('topics', 'replies', 'lasttopic', 'lastreply'):
order_by = 'f.' + order_by
columns = ('id', 'name', 'author', 'time', 'moderators', 'group',
'subject', 'description', 'topics', 'replies', 'lasttopic',
sql = "SELECT f.id, f.name, f.author, f.time, f.moderators, " \
"f.forum_group, f.subject, f.description, ta.topics, ta.replies, " \
"ta.lasttopic, ta.lastreply FROM forum f LEFT JOIN (SELECT " \
"COUNT(t.id) AS topics, MAX(t.time) AS lasttopic, SUM(ma.replies) " \
"AS replies, MAX(ma.lastreply) AS lastreply, t.forum AS forum FROM " \
" topic t LEFT JOIN (SELECT COUNT(m.id) AS replies, MAX(m.time) AS " \
"lastreply, m.topic AS topic FROM message m GROUP BY m.topic) ma ON " \
"t.id = ma.topic GROUP BY forum) ta ON f.id = ta.forum ORDER BY " + \
order_by + (" ASC", " DESC")[bool(desc)]
forums = []
for row in cursor:
row = dict(zip(columns, row))
row['moderators'] = wiki_to_oneliner(row['moderators'], self.env)
row['description'] = wiki_to_oneliner(row['description'], self.env)
if row['lastreply']:
row['lastreply'] = pretty_timedelta(float(row['lastreply']))
row['lastreply'] = 'No replies'
if row['lasttopic']:
self.log.debug('lasttopic: %s' % row['lasttopic'])
row['lasttopic'] = pretty_timedelta(float(row['lasttopic']))
row['lasttopic'] = 'No topics'
if not row['topics']:
row['topics'] = 0
if not row['replies']:
row['replies'] = 0
# SUM on PosgreSQL returns float number.
row['replies'] = int(row['replies'])
row['time'] = format_datetime(row['time'])
return forums