本文整理汇总了Python中trac.web.chrome.add_ctxtnav函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python add_ctxtnav函数的具体用法?Python add_ctxtnav怎么用?Python add_ctxtnav使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: process_request
def process_request(self, req):
add_stylesheet(req, 'hw/css/stractistics.css')
add_script(req, 'hw/javascript/swfobject.js')
add_script(req, 'hw/javascript/prototype.js')
add_script(req, 'hw/javascript/js-ofc-library/ofc.js')
add_script(req, 'hw/javascript/js-ofc-library/data.js')
add_script(req, 'hw/javascript/js-ofc-library/charts/area.js')
add_script(req, 'hw/javascript/js-ofc-library/charts/bar.js')
add_script(req, 'hw/javascript/js-ofc-library/charts/line.js')
add_script(req, 'hw/javascript/js-ofc-library/charts/pie.js')
add_script(req, 'hw/javascript/chart_reports.js')
add_ctxtnav(req, 'Project Reports', req.href.stractistics("/project_reports"))
add_ctxtnav(req, 'User Reports', req.href.stractistics("/user_reports"))
#Reading options from trac.ini
config = read_config_options(self.env.config)
db = self.env.get_db_cnx()
module = req.args.get('module', None)
if module is not None and module == 'user_reports':
template, data = user_reports(req, config, db)
template, data = global_reports(req, config, db)
data['json'] = {
'repository_activity': json.dumps(data['repository_activity'].get_data()),
'ticket_activity': json.dumps(data['ticket_activity'].get_data()),
'wiki_activity': json.dumps(data['wiki_activity'].get_data()),
return template, data, None
示例2: _process_list
def _process_list(self, req, query, data, start_date, period):
calendar = TicketCalendar(self.env, req)
events = calendar.get_list_events(data['tickets'], start_date, period)
data['ticketcalendar'] = {
'events': events,
'last_week': calendar.get_list_href(query,
start_date - timedelta(days=7),
period + 7),
'next_week': calendar.get_list_href(query, start_date, period + 7),
'create_ticket': calendar._create_ticket_item,
'create_milestone': calendar._create_milestone_item,
data['title'] = _('Ticket Calendar (List view)')
data['macro'] = \
'[[TicketCalendar(type=list,duration=%s,query=%s,order=%s%s)]]' % (
'%s/P%dD' % (start_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), period),
query.desc and ',desc=1' or '')
add_ctxtnav(req, _('Calendar view'),
calendar.get_box_href(query, get_today(req.tz)))
add_ctxtnav(req, _('List view'))
return 'ticketcalendar_calendar.html', data, None
示例3: render_bookmarker
def render_bookmarker(self, req):
if 'action' in req.args and \
req.args['action'] in self.nonbookmarkable_actions:
resource = self._get_resource_uri(req)
bookmark = self.get_bookmark(req, resource)
if bookmark:
class_ = 'bookmark_on'
title = 'Delete Bookmark'
href = req.href.bookmark('delete', resource)
class_ = 'bookmark_off'
title = 'Bookmark this page'
href = req.href.bookmark('add', resource)
anchor = tag.a(u'\u200b', id='bookmark_this', class_=class_,
title=title, href=href, data_list=req.href.bookmark())
req.chrome.setdefault('ctxtnav', []).insert(0, anchor)
add_script(req, 'bookmark/js/tracbookmark.js')
add_stylesheet(req, 'bookmark/css/tracbookmark.css')
menu = self._get_bookmarks_menu(req)
item = tag.span(tag.a('Bookmarks', href=req.href.bookmark()),
menu, id='bookmark_menu')
add_ctxtnav(req, item)
示例4: process_request
def process_request(self, req):
"""Process the request."""
id = int(req.args.get('id'))
req.perm('ticket', id).require('TICKET_VIEW')
if 'TICKET_REMINDER_MODIFY' not in req.perm and \
'TICKET_ADMIN' not in req.perm:
raise PermissionError('TICKET_REMINDER_MODIFY',
req.perm._resource, self.env)
ticket = Ticket(self.env, id)
if 'cancel' in req.args:
req.redirect(get_resource_url(self.env, ticket.resource, req.href))
ticket_name = get_resource_name(self.env, ticket.resource)
ticket_url = get_resource_url(self.env, ticket.resource, req.href)
add_link(req, 'up', ticket_url, ticket_name)
add_ctxtnav(req, _('Back to %(ticket)s', ticket=ticket_name),
add_stylesheet(req, 'ticketreminder/css/ticketreminder.css')
if req.args['action'] == "addreminder":
return self._process_add(req, ticket)
elif req.args['action'] == "deletereminder":
return self._process_delete(req, ticket)
raise ValueError('Unknown action "%s"' % (req.args['action'],))
示例5: _render_history
def _render_history(self, req, page):
"""Extract the complete history for a given page.
This information is used to present a changelog/history for a given
if not page.exists:
raise TracError(_("Page %(name)s does not exist", name=page.name))
data = self._page_data(req, page, 'history')
history = []
for version, date, author, comment, ipnr in page.get_history():
'version': version,
'date': date,
'author': author,
'comment': comment,
'ipnr': ipnr
'history': history,
'resource': page.resource,
'can_edit_comment': 'WIKI_ADMIN' in req.perm(page.resource)
add_ctxtnav(req, _("Back to %(wikipage)s", wikipage=page.name),
return 'history_view.html', data, None
示例6: post_process_request
def post_process_request(self, req, template, data, content_type):
"""Adds a 'Lint' context navigation menu item in source view and
links to the annotation in report summary.
if not 'BUILD_VIEW' in req.perm:
return template, data, content_type
resource = data and data.get('context') \
and data.get('context').resource or None
if not resource or not isinstance(resource, Resource):
elif resource.realm == 'source' and data.get('file') \
and not req.args.get('annotate') == 'lint':
add_ctxtnav(req, 'Lint',
title='Annotate file with lint result '
'data (if available)',
annotate='lint', rev=data.get('rev')))
elif resource.realm == 'build' and data.get('build', {}).get('steps'):
# in report summary, set link to lint annotation
steps = data['build']['steps']
rev = data['build']['rev']
for step in steps:
for report in step.get('reports', []):
if report.get('category') != 'lint':
for item in report.get('data', {}).get('data', []):
href = item.get('href')
if not href or 'annotate' in href:
sep = ('?' in href) and '&' or '?'
param = {'rev': rev, 'annotate': 'lint'}
href = href + sep + unicode_urlencode(param)
item['href'] = href + '#Lint1'
return template, data, content_type
示例7: render_reviewlink
def render_reviewlink(self, req):
#add_stylesheet(req, 'icucodetools/css/icuxtn.css')
els = []
ticket_mgr = TicketManager(self.compmgr)
db = self.env.get_db_cnx()
repos = self.env.get_repository()
if not repos:
raise TracError("Could not get repository for %s" % (req.authname))
revs = ticket_mgr.tkt2revs(self.log, db, repos, req, req.args['ticket'])
if not revs:
str = 'No commits.'
li = tag.li(str)
str = ' %d commits.' % len(revs)
href = req.href.review(req.args['ticket'])
a = tag.a('Review', href=href)
li = tag.li(a + str)
ul = tag.ul(els, class_='review')
className = ''
title = "Reviews"
add_ctxtnav(req, tag.span(tag.object(ul), id='icureview', title=title, class_=className))
示例8: render_voter
def render_voter(self, req):
resource = self.normalise_resource(req.path_info)
count = self.get_vote_counts(resource)
add_stylesheet(req, 'fivestarvote/css/fivestarvote.css')
names = ['', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five']
els = []
percent = 0
if count[2] > 0:
percent = count[2] * 20
str = "Currently %s/5 stars." % count[2]
sign = '%'
style = "width: %s%s" % (percent, sign)
li = tag.li(str, class_='current-rating', style=style)
for i in range(1, 6):
className = "item %s-star" % names[i]
href = "#"
if 'VOTE_MODIFY' in req.perm and get_reporter_id(req) != 'anonymous':
href = req.href.fivestarvote(i, resource)
add_script(req, 'fivestarvote/js/fivestarvote.js', mimetype='text/javascript')
a = tag.a(i, href=href, class_=className)
li = tag.li(a)
ul = tag.ul(els, class_='star-rating')
className = ''
if 'VOTE_MODIFY' in req.perm and get_reporter_id(req) != 'anonymous':
className = 'active'
title = "Current Vote: %s users voted for a total of %s" % (count[1], count[0])
add_ctxtnav(req, tag.span(tag.object(ul), id='fivestarvotes', title=title, class_=className))
示例9: filter_stream
def filter_stream(self, req, method, filename, stream, data):
if filename == 'browser.html' and req.method == 'GET':
# we can only work from the 'dir' view at the moment
if data.get('file'):
return stream
# TODO check that contextmenu's InternalNameHolder is enabled, as our js needs it?
add_stylesheet(req, 'sourcesharer/filebox.css')
add_javascript(req, 'sourcesharer/filebox.js')
# Render the filebox template for stream insertion
# TODO introduce a new interface to allow putting extra buttons into this filebox?
tmpl = TemplateLoader(self.get_templates_dirs()).load('filebox.html')
filebox = tmpl.generate(href=req.href, reponame=data['reponame'] or '', rev=data['rev'], files=[])
# Wrap and float dirlist table, add filebox div
# TODO change the id names, left/right seems a bit generic to assume we can have to ourselves
stream |= Transformer('//table[@id="dirlist"]').wrap(tag.div(id="outer",style="clear:both")).wrap(tag.div(id="left"))
stream |= Transformer('//div[@id="outer"]').append(tag.div(filebox, id="right"))
is_svn_repo = False
if 'repos' in data:
is_svn_repo = isinstance(data.get('repos'),
SubversionRepository)) or False
if is_svn_repo:
add_ctxtnav(req, tag.a(_(tag.i(class_="fa fa-envelope-o")), " Send", href="", title=_("Send selected files"), id='share-files', class_='alt-button share-files-multiple'),
category='ctxtnav', order=10)
return stream
示例10: post_process_request
def post_process_request(self, req, template, data, content_type):
if 'BLOG_VIEW' not in req.perm:
return (template, data, content_type)
if '_blog_watch_message_' in req.session:
add_notice(req, req.session['_blog_watch_message_'])
del req.session['_blog_watch_message_']
if req.authname == "anonymous":
return (template, data, content_type)
# FullBlogPlugin sets the blog_path arg in pre_process_request
name = req.args.get('blog_path')
if not name:
return (template, data, content_type)
klass = self.__class__.__name__
attrs = SubscriptionAttribute.find_by_sid_class_and_target(
self.env, req.session.sid, req.session.authenticated, klass, name)
if attrs:
add_ctxtnav(req, tag.a(_('Unwatch This'),
add_ctxtnav(req, tag.a(_('Watch This'),
return (template, data, content_type)
示例11: post_process_request
def post_process_request(self, req, template, data, content_type):
from mastertickets.model import TicketLinks
if req.path_info.startswith('/ticket'):
ticket_id = req.path_info[8:]
links = TicketLinks(self.env, ticket_id)
if len(links.blocked_by) > 0:
depgraph_href = req.href.depgraph(ticket_id)
depgraph_href = None
add_ctxtnav(req, "Dependency Graph", depgraph_href,
"Dependency Graph")
if req.path_info.startswith('/query'):
query = {}
percent_enc = re.compile('\%[0-9a-fA-F]')
for line in data['query'].to_string().splitlines():
if '=' in line:
if line.startswith('query:?'):
line = line[7:]
line = re.sub(percent_enc, self._unescape, line)
key, value = line.split('=')
if key in query:
query[key] = [value]
add_ctxtnav(req, tag.a('Dependency Graph',
href=req.href('depgraph', **query)))
return template, data, content_type
示例12: post_process_request
def post_process_request(self, req, template, data, content_type):
env = self.env
page = req.path_info
realm, resource_id = resource_from_page(env, page)
# break (recursive) search for form in forms realm
if tfpageRE.match(page) == None and resource_id is not None:
if page == '/wiki' or page == '/wiki/':
page = '/wiki/WikiStart'
form = Form(env, realm, resource_id)
if 'FORM_VIEW' in req.perm(form.resource):
if len(form.siblings) == 0:
# no form record found for this parent resource
href = req.href.form()
return (template, data, content_type)
elif form.resource.id is not None:
# single form record found
href = req.href.form(form.resource.id)
# multiple form records found
href = req.href.form(action='select', realm=realm,
add_ctxtnav(req, _("Form details"), href=href,
title=_("Review form data"))
elif page.startswith('/form') and not resource_id == '':
form = Form(env, form_id=resource_id)
parent = form.resource.parent
if len(form.siblings) > 1:
href = req.href.form(action='select', realm=parent.realm,
add_ctxtnav(req, _("Back to forms list"), href=href)
return (template, data, content_type)
示例13: post_process_request
def post_process_request(self, req, template, data, content_type):
if req.perm.has_permission('REVTREE_VIEW'):
url_parts = filter(None, req.path_info.split(u'/'))
if url_parts and (url_parts[0] in self.contexts):
add_ctxtnav(req, 'Revtree' % self.contexts,
return (template, data, content_type)
示例14: post_process_request
def post_process_request(self, req, template, data, content_type):
ticket_id = req.args.get('id')
if template == 'ticket.html' and ticket_id:
ticket_url = req.abs_href('ticket', ticket_id)
fs_url = u'http://www.freedomsponsors.org/core/issue/sponsor?trackerURL=%s' % ticket_url
text = u'Sponsor #%s in FreedomSponsors.org!' % ticket_id
add_ctxtnav(req, tag.a(text, href=fs_url, target='_blank'))
return template, data, content_type
示例15: post_process_request
def post_process_request(self, req, template, data, content_type):
add_script(req, 'datasaver/datasaver.js')
if req.locale is not None:
add_script(req, 'datasaver/lang_js/%s.js' % req.locale)
add_stylesheet(req, 'datasaver/datasaver.css')
add_ctxtnav(req, tag.a(_('Restore Form') , id='datasaver_restorer',
return (template, data, content_type)