本文整理汇总了Python中trac.util.escape函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python escape函数的具体用法?Python escape怎么用?Python escape使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: add_message
def add_message(self, cursor, forum, topic, replyto, author, body):
sql = "INSERT INTO message (forum, topic, replyto, time, author," \
" body) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"
self.log.debug(sql % (forum, topic, replyto, int(time.time()),
author, body))
cursor.execute(sql, (forum, topic, replyto, int(time.time()),
escape(author), escape(body)))
示例2: render
def render(self, env, req):
out = StringIO()
can_vote = req.perm.has_permission('POLL_VOTE')
if can_vote:
out.write('<form id="%(id)s" method="get" action="%(href)s#%(id)s">\n'
'<input type="hidden" name="poll" value="%(id)s"/>\n'
% {'id': self.key, 'href': env.href(req.path_info)})
out.write('<fieldset class="poll">\n'
' <legend>%s</legend>\n'
' <ul>\n'
% escape(self.title))
username = req.authname or 'anonymous'
for id, style, vote in self.vote_defs:
hid = escape(str(id))
out.write('<li%s>\n' % (style and ' class="%s"' % style or ''))
if can_vote:
checked = username in self.votes[id]
out.write('<input type="radio" name="vote" id="%(pvid)s" value="%(vid)s"%(checked)s/>\n'
'<label for="%(pvid)s">%(vote)s</label>\n'
% {'vid': hid,
'pvid': self.key + hid,
'vote': vote,
'checked': checked and ' checked="checked"' or ''})
if self.votes[id]:
out.write(' <span class="voters">(<span class="voter">' +
'</span>, <span class="voter">'.join(self.votes[id]) +
can_vote and out.write('<input type="submit" value="Vote"/>')
out.write(' </ul>\n</fieldset>\n')
can_vote and out.write('</form>\n')
return out.getvalue()
示例3: _get_font
def _get_font(self):
# Load the narcissus trac.ini font configuration into an instance variable
buf = StringIO()
trouble = False
if 'narcissus' not in self.config.sections():
msg = 'The narcissus section was not found in the trac configuration file.'
trouble = True
# check for the ttf_path entry
self._ttf_path = self.config.get('narcissus', 'ttf_path')
if not self._ttf_path:
self._ttf = None # PIL will use default system font
return None, None
if not self._ttf_path[-4:].lower() == '.ttf':
msg = 'The ttf_path is set to %s which is not a truetype font file.'\
% self._ttf_path
trouble = True
if not os.path.exists(self._ttf_path):
msg = 'The ttf_path is set to %s but that path does not exist.'\
% self._ttf_path
trouble = True
self._ttf = ImageFont.truetype(self._ttf_path, 12)
return trouble, buf
示例4: get_navigation_items
def get_navigation_items(self, req):
if req.authname and req.authname != 'anonymous':
yield 'metanav', 'login', 'logged in as %s' % req.authname
yield 'metanav', 'logout', Markup( '<a href="%s">Logout</a>' \
% escape(self.env.href.logout()) )
yield 'metanav', 'login', Markup( '<a href="%s">Login</a>' \
% escape(self.env.href.login()) )
示例5: _load_config
def _load_config(self):
# Load the narcissus trac.ini configuration into object instance variables.
# The code in this function is modified from the graphviz plugin, (c) Peter Kropf
buf = StringIO()
trouble = False
self.exe_suffix = ""
if sys.platform == "win32":
self.exe_suffix = ".exe"
if "narcissus" not in self.config.sections():
msg = "The narcissus section was not found in the trac configuration file."
trouble = True
# check for the cache_dir entry
self.cache_dir = self.config.get("narcissus", "cache_dir")
if not self.cache_dir:
msg = "The narcissus section is missing the cache_dir field."
trouble = True
if not os.path.exists(self.cache_dir):
msg = "The cache_dir is set to %s but that path does not exist." % self.cache_dir
trouble = True
# check for the cmd_path entry
self.cmd_path = None
if sys.platform in _CMD_PATHS:
self.cmd_path = _CMD_PATHS[sys.platform]
self.cmd_path = self.config.get("narcissus", "cmd_path", self.cmd_path)
if not self.cmd_path:
msg = (
"""The narcissus section is missing the cmd_path field and
there is no default for %s."""
% sys.platform
trouble = True
elif not os.path.exists(self.cmd_path):
msg = "The cmd_path is set to %s but that path does not exist." % self.cmd_path
trouble = True
# check if we should run the cache manager
self.cache_manager = self._boolean(self.config.get("narcissus", "cache_manager", False))
if self.cache_manager:
self.cache_max_size = int(self.config.get("narcissus", "cache_max_size", 10000000))
self.cache_min_size = int(self.config.get("narcissus", "cache_min_size", 5000000))
self.cache_max_count = int(self.config.get("narcissus", "cache_max_count", 2000))
self.cache_min_count = int(self.config.get("narcissus", "cache_min_count", 1500))
return trouble, buf
示例6: add_screenshot
def add_screenshot(self, cursor, name, description, time, author, tags,
large_file, medium_file, small_file):
sql = "INSERT INTO screenshot (name, description, time, author, tags," \
" large_file, medium_file, small_file) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s," \
" %s, %s, %s)"
self.log.debug(sql % (name, description, time, author, tags, large_file,
medium_file, small_file))
cursor.execute(sql, (escape(name), escape(description), time,
escape(author), tags, large_file, medium_file, small_file))
示例7: get_navigation_items
def get_navigation_items(self, req):
if req.authname and req.authname != 'anonymous':
yield 'metanav', 'login', Markup('logged in as <b>%s</b>' \
% req.authname)
yield 'metanav', 'password', Markup('<a href="%s">Password</a>' \
% escape(self.env.href.password()))
yield 'metanav', 'logout', Markup('<a href="%s">Logout</a>' \
% escape(self.env.href.logout()))
yield 'metanav', 'login', Markup('<a href="%s">Login</a>' \
% escape(self.env.href.login()))
示例8: _add_tags_and_branches
def _add_tags_and_branches(self, req, repos, rev):
# TODO: consider pushing that in BrowserModule.process_request and
# extend the API with Repository.get_tags and Repository.get_branches
tags = []
for t, rev in repos.get_tags():
tags.append({"name": escape(t), "rev": rev})
branches = []
for b, rev in repos.get_branches():
branches.append({"name": escape(b), "rev": rev})
req.hdf["browser.tags"] = tags
req.hdf["browser.branches"] = branches
示例9: edit_forum
def edit_forum(self, cursor, forum, name, subject, description, moderators,
moderators = ' '.join(moderators)
if not group:
group = '0'
sql = "UPDATE forum SET name = %s, subject = %s, description = %s," \
" moderators = %s, forum_group = %s WHERE id = %s"
self.log.debug(sql % (name, subject, description, moderators,
group, forum))
cursor.execute(sql, (escape(name), escape(subject),
escape(description), escape(moderators), group, forum))
示例10: add_forum
def add_forum(self, cursor, name, author, subject, description, moderators,
moderators = ' '.join(moderators)
if not group:
group = '0'
sql = "INSERT INTO forum (name, author, time, moderators, subject," \
" description, forum_group) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"
self.log.debug(sql % (name, author, str(int(time.time())), moderators,
subject, description, group))
cursor.execute(sql, (escape(name), escape(author),
str(int(time.time())), escape(moderators), escape(subject),
escape(description), group))
示例11: _update_acronyms
def _update_acronyms(self):
page = WikiPage(self.env, self.acronym_page)
self.env.log.debug('Updating acronym database')
self.acronyms = {}
if not page.exists:
for line in page.text.splitlines():
if line.startswith('||') and line.endswith('||') and line[3] != "'":
a, d, u, s = ([i.strip() for i in line.strip('||').split('||')] + ['', ''])[0:4]
assert self.valid_acronym.match(a), "Invalid acronym %s" % a
self.acronyms[a] = (escape(d), escape(u), escape(s))
except Exception, e:
self.env.log.warning("Invalid acronym line: %s (%s)", line, e)
示例12: render_table
def render_table(items, colspec, render_item):
columns = max(int(colspec), 1)
columns = 3
buf = StringIO()
buf.write('<table class="wiki">'
' <tr>')
headers = ['<th>Markup </th><th> Display</th>'] * columns
buf.write(' <th> </th>'.join(headers))
buf.write(' </tr>')
items = items[:]
rows = []
while items:
items[0:columns] = []
for r in rows:
buf.write('<td> </td>'.join(['<td>%s</td><td>%s</td>' % \
(escape(s), render_item(s))
for s in r]))
return buf.getvalue()
示例13: render
def render(self, req, mimetype, content, filename=None, url=None):
if hasattr(content, 'read'):
content = content.read()
fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.xlsx', text=True)
os.write(fd, content)
book = openpyxl.load_workbook(path)
buf = []
for sheetName in book.get_sheet_names():
sheet = book.get_sheet_by_name(sheetName)
if len(sheet.get_cell_collection()) == 0:
continue # Skip empty sheet
buf.append(u'<table class="listing"><caption>%s</caption>\n' % escape(sheetName))
rowIdx = 0
for row in sheet.range(sheet.calculate_dimension()):
buf.append(u'<tr class="%s">' % (rowIdx % 2 and 'odd' or 'even'))
for cell in row:
if cell.value == None:
val = u''
val = cell.value
buf.append(u'<td>%s</td>' % val)
rowIdx = rowIdx + 1
return u''.join(buf)
示例14: render_macro
def render_macro(self, req, name, content):
content = content and REGEX_CRLF.sub("\n", escape(content).replace('"', '"')) or ''
def inputstringcallback(match):
if match.group('ur'):
return '<span class="se-input-userreplacement">' + match.group('ur') + '</span>'
if match.group('sq'):
m = REGEXP_UR.sub(r'<span class="se-input-userreplacement">\1</span>', match.group('sq'))
return '<span class="se-input-string">' + m + '</span>'
if match.group('dq'):
m = REGEXP_UR.sub(r'<span class="se-input-userreplacement">\1</span>', match.group('dq'))
return '<span class="se-input-string">' + m + '</span>'
if match.group('ct'):
return '<span class="se-input-continuation">' + match.group('ct') + '</span>'
if match.group('op'):
return '<span class="se-input-option">' + match.group('op') + '</span>'
return match.group(0)
def linematcher_callback(match):
if match.group('preinput'):
s = ''
if match.group('ps1'):
if match.group('ps1start'):
s += '<span class="se-prompt-start">' + match.group('ps1start') + '</span>'
if match.group('user'):
s += '<span class="se-prompt-user">' + match.group('user') + '</span>'
if match.group('userhostsep'):
s += '<span class="se-prompt-userhostseparator">' + match.group('userhostsep') + '</span>'
if match.group('host'):
s += '<span class="se-prompt-host">' + match.group('host') + '</span>'
if match.group('userpathspace'):
s += match.group('userpathspace')
if match.group('path'):
s += '<span class="se-prompt-path">' + match.group('path') + '</span>'
if match.group('ps1end'):
s += '<span class="se-prompt-end">' + match.group('ps1end') + '</span>'
s = '<span class="se-prompt">' + s + '</span>';
if match.group('cli'):
if match.group('cli') == '# ':
s += '<span class="se-root">' + match.group('cli') + '</span>'
s += '<span class="se-unprivileged">' + match.group('cli') + '</span>'
input = REGEXP_TAGS.sub(inputstringcallback, match.group('input'))
s += '<span class="se-input">' + input + '</span>'
return s;
if match.group('note'):
return '<span class="se-note">' + match.group('note') + '</span>'
if match.group('delayedinput'):
inputdelayed = REGEXP_TAGS.sub(inputstringcallback, match.group('delayedinput')[3:])
return '<span class="se-input"><span class="se-input-delayed">' + inputdelayed + '</span></span>'
if match.group('snippedoutput'):
m = match.group('snippedoutput')
sniptext = "<Output Snipped>" if len(m) == 5 else m[6:]
return '<span class="se-output"><span class="se-output-snipped">' + sniptext + '</span></span>'
if match.group('output'):
return '<span class="se-output">' + match.group('output') + '</span>'
return match.group(0)
return Markup('<div class="code"><pre>' + REGEXP_LINE_MATCHER.sub(linematcher_callback, content) + '</pre></div>');
示例15: show_err
def show_err(self, msg):
"""Display msg in an error box, using Trac style."""
buf = StringIO()
buf.write('<div id="content" class="error"><div class="message"> \n\
<strong>Graphviz macro processor has detected an error. Please fix the problem before continuing.</strong> \n\
<pre>%s</pre> \n\
</div></div>' % escape(msg))
return buf