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Python curried.filter函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中toolz.curried.filter函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python filter函数的具体用法?Python filter怎么用?Python filter使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: count_predictions

 def count_predictions(filtered_predictions_list, target_label):
     return pipe(
         filter(lambda (_, x): x == target_label),

示例2: rolling_fit_opt_weights

def rolling_fit_opt_weights(df, opt_weights_func, look_ahead_per):
    """applies opt_weights_func to rolling window on pandas df"""
    num_rows = df.shape[0]
    p = pipe(xrange(num_rows),
             filter(lambda x: x + look_ahead_per < num_rows),
             map(lambda x: {df.index[x]: opt_weights_func(df.iloc[x:x+look_ahead_per+1])}))
    return pd.DataFrame(merge(p)).T

示例3: fancify_summary

def fancify_summary(expr):
    """ Separate a complex summary into two pieces

    Helps pandas compute_by on summaries

    >>> t = symbol('t', 'var * {x: int, y: int}')
    >>> one, two, three = fancify_summary(summary(a=t.x.sum(), b=t.x.sum() + t.y.count() - 1))

    A simpler summary with only raw reductions
    >>> one
    summary(x_sum=sum(t.x), y_count=count(t.y))

    A mapping of those names to new leaves to use in another compuation
    >>> two  # doctest: +SKIP
    {'x_sum': x_sum, 'y_count': y_count}

    A mapping of computations to do for each column
    >>> three   # doctest: +SKIP
    {'a': x_sum, 'b': (x_sum + y_count) - 1}

    In this way, ``compute_by`` is able to do simple pandas reductions using
    groups.agg(...) and then do columnwise arithmetic afterwards.
    exprs = pipe(expr.values, map(Expr._traverse), concat, filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, Reduction)), set)
    one = summary(**dict((_name(expr), expr) for expr in exprs))

    two = dict((_name(expr), symbol(_name(expr), datashape.var * expr.dshape)) for expr in exprs)

    d = dict((expr, two[_name(expr)]) for expr in exprs)
    three = dict((name, value._subs(d)) for name, value in zip(expr.names, expr.values))

    return one, two, three

示例4: compute_down

def compute_down(expr, data, **kwargs):
    """ Compile a blaze expression to a sparksql expression"""
    leaves = expr._leaves()

    # make sure we only have a single leaf node
    if len(leaves) != 1:
        raise ValueError('Must compile from exactly one root database')

    leaf, = leaves

    # field expressions on the database are Field instances with a record
    # measure whose immediate child is the database leaf
    tables = pipe(expr._subterms(), filter(istable(leaf)), list)

    # raise if we don't have tables in our database
    if not tables:
        raise ValueError('Expressions not referencing a table cannot be '

    # make new symbols for each table
    new_leaves = [symbol(t._name, t.dshape) for t in tables]

    # sub them in the expression
    expr = expr._subs(dict(zip(tables, new_leaves)))

    # compute using sqlalchemy
    scope = dict(zip(new_leaves, map(make_sqlalchemy_table, tables)))
    query = compute(expr, scope)

    # interpolate params
    compiled = literalquery(query, dialect=HiveDialect())
    return data.sql(str(compiled))

示例5: get_tenant_metrics

def get_tenant_metrics(tenant_id, scaling_groups, servers, _print=False):
    Produce per-group metrics for all the groups of a tenant

    :param list scaling_groups: Tenant's scaling groups as dict from CASS
    :param dict servers: Servers from Nova grouped based on scaling group ID.
                         Expects only ACTIVE or BUILD servers
    :return: ``list`` of (tenantId, groupId, desired, actual) GroupMetrics
    if _print:
        print('processing tenant {} with groups {} and servers {}'.format(
              tenant_id, len(scaling_groups), len(servers)))
    metrics = []
    for group in scaling_groups:
        group_id = group['groupId']
        create_metrics = partial(GroupMetrics, tenant_id,
                                 group_id, group['desired'])
        if group_id not in servers:
            metrics.append(create_metrics(0, 0))
            active = len(list(filter(lambda s: s['status'] == 'ACTIVE',
                create_metrics(active, len(servers[group_id]) - active))
    return metrics

示例6: ccds_to_bed

def ccds_to_bed(ccds_stream):
  """Convert CCDS dump to Chanjo-style BED stream.

  Main entry point for default Chanjo converter (ccds). It converts
  a sorted (start, chrom) CCDS database to the Chanjo BED-format.

    ccds_stream (file): file handle to read CCDS lines from

    Interval: interval with merged block and superblock ids
  return pipe(
    filter(grep('Public')),                    # filter out Public tx
    map(text_type.rstrip),                     # strip \n and spaces
    map(split(sep='\t')),                      # split into list
    map(extract_intervals),                    # convert to Interval
    concat,                                    # flatten
    map(rename_sex_interval),                  # rename sex contigs
    partial(lazy_groupby, key=attrgetter('contig')),  # group by contig
    pluck(1),                                  # extract second item
    map(groupby(attrgetter('name'))),          # non-lazy group by id
    map(valmap(merge_related_elements)),       # group intervals
    map(itervalues),                           # extract values
    map(partial(sorted, key=attrgetter('start'))),  # sort by start pos
    concat                                     # flatten

示例7: get_groups

def get_groups(parsed, store, conf):
    Return groups based on argument provided

    :param Namespace parsed: arguments parsed
    :param store: Otter scaling group collection
    :param dict conf: config

    :return: Deferred fired with list of {"tenantId": .., "groupId": ..} dict
    log = mock_log()
    if parsed.group:
        groups = [g.split(":") for g in parsed.group]
        return succeed(
            [{"tenantId": tid, "groupId": gid} for tid, gid in groups])
    elif parsed.all:
        d = store.get_all_valid_groups()
    elif parsed.tenant_id:
        d = get_groups_of_tenants(log, store, parsed.tenant_id)
    elif parsed.disabled_tenants:
        non_conv_tenants = conf["non-convergence-tenants"]
        d = store.get_all_valid_groups()
            filter(lambda g: g["tenantId"] not in set(non_conv_tenants)))
    elif parsed.conf_conv_tenants:
        d = get_groups_of_tenants(log, store, conf["convergence-tenants"])
        raise SystemExit("Unexpected group selection")
    return d

示例8: test_pipeline_example

def test_pipeline_example():
    from functools import reduce
    import operator as op

    data = range(100)
    result1 = math.sqrt(
                lambda x: x ** 2.0,
                    lambda x: x % 2 == 0,

    from toolz.curried import filter, map, reduce
    from flowly.tz import chained

    transform = chained(
        filter(lambda x: x % 2 == 0),
        map(lambda x: x ** 2.0),

    result2 = transform(data)

    assert result1 == result2

示例9: functional

def functional():
  return count_by(itemgetter('hour'),
                             mapcat(lambda output: output.strip().split('\n'),
                                    map(lambda date: logs[date.strftime('%Y/%m/%d')],
                                        map(lambda days_ago: today - timedelta(days=days_ago),
                                            range(1, days_of_logs + 1)))))))

示例10: __dir__

    def __dir__(self):
        result = dir(type(self))
        if isrecord(self.dshape.measure) or isinstance(self.dshape.measure, datashape.Map) and self.fields:
            result.extend(map(valid_identifier, self.fields))

        result.extend(toolz.merge(schema_methods(self.dshape.measure), dshape_methods(self.dshape)))

        return sorted(set(filter(isvalid_identifier, result)))

示例11: load_tgvH_file

def load_tgvH_file():
    json_file_name = 'tgvH.json'
    nodes = read_ast_json_file(json_file_name)
    variables_definitions = filter(
        lambda node: node['type'].startswith('variable_'),
    return variables_definitions

示例12: get_clb_contents

def get_clb_contents():
    Get Rackspace Cloud Load Balancer contents as list of `CLBNode`. CLB
    health monitor information is also returned as a pmap of :obj:`CLB` objects
    mapped on LB ID.

    :return: Effect of (``list`` of :obj:`CLBNode`, `pmap` of :obj:`CLB`)
    :rtype: :obj:`Effect`
    # If we get a CLBNotFoundError while fetching feeds, we should throw away
    # all nodes related to that load balancer, because we don't want to act on
    # data that we know is invalid/outdated (for example, if we can't fetch a
    # feed because CLB was deleted, we don't want to say that we have a node in
    # DRAINING with draining time of 0; we should just say that the node is
    # gone).

    def gone(r):
        return catch(CLBNotFoundError, lambda exc: r)

    lb_ids = [lb['id'] for lb in (yield _retry(get_clbs()))]
    node_reqs = [_retry(get_clb_nodes(lb_id).on(error=gone([])))
                 for lb_id in lb_ids]
    healthmon_reqs = [
        for lb_id in lb_ids]
    all_nodes_hms = yield parallel(node_reqs + healthmon_reqs)
    all_nodes, hms = all_nodes_hms[:len(lb_ids)], all_nodes_hms[len(lb_ids):]
    lb_nodes = {
        lb_id: [CLBNode.from_node_json(lb_id, node)
                for node in nodes]
        for lb_id, nodes in zip(lb_ids, all_nodes)}
    clbs = {
        str(lb_id): CLB(bool(health_mon))
        for lb_id, health_mon in zip(lb_ids, hms) if health_mon is not None}
    draining = [n for n in concat(lb_nodes.values())
                if n.description.condition == CLBNodeCondition.DRAINING]
    feeds = yield parallel(
        [_retry(get_clb_node_feed(n.description.lb_id, n.node_id).on(
         for n in draining]
    nodes_to_feeds = dict(zip(draining, feeds))
    deleted_lbs = set([
        for (node, feed) in nodes_to_feeds.items() if feed is None])

    def update_drained_at(node):
        feed = nodes_to_feeds.get(node)
        if node.description.lb_id in deleted_lbs:
            return None
        if feed is not None:
            node.drained_at = extract_clb_drained_at(feed)
        return node

    nodes = map(update_drained_at, concat(lb_nodes.values()))
    yield do_return((
        list(filter(bool, nodes)),
        pmap(keyfilter(lambda k: k not in deleted_lbs, clbs))))

示例13: visit_ternary_operator

def visit_ternary_operator(node):
    return pipe([
        visit_node(node['value_if_false']) if 'value_if_false' in node else None,

示例14: discover_jsonlines

def discover_jsonlines(j, n=10, encoding='utf-8', **kwargs):
    with json_lines(j.path, encoding=encoding) as lines:
        data = pipe(lines, filter(nonempty), map(json.loads), take(n), list)

    if len(data) < n:
        ds = discover(data)
        ds = var * discover(data).subshape[0]
    return date_to_datetime_dshape(ds)

示例15: piped

def piped():
  return (_| range(1, days_of_logs + 1)
           | map(lambda days_ago: today - timedelta(days=days_ago))
           | map(lambda date: logs[date.strftime('%Y/%m/%d')])
           | mapcat(lambda output: output.strip().split('\n'))
           | filter(None)
           | map(json.loads)
           | count_by(itemgetter('hour'))
