本文整理汇总了Python中toolz.unique函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python unique函数的具体用法?Python unique怎么用?Python unique使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: write_tables
def write_tables(fname, models, year):
Write all tables injected into `models` to a pandas.HDFStore file.
If year is not None it will be used to prefix the table names so that
multiple years can go in the same file.
fname : str
File name for HDFStore. Will be opened in append mode and closed
at the end of this function.
models : list of str
Models from which to gather injected tables for saving.
year : int or None
If an integer, used as a prefix along with table names for
labeling DataFrames in the HDFStore.
models = (get_model(m) for m in toolz.unique(models))
table_names = toolz.unique(toolz.concat(m._tables_used() for m in models))
tables = (get_table(t) for t in table_names)
key_template = '{}/{{}}'.format(year) if year is not None else '{}'
with pd.get_store(fname, mode='a') as store:
for t in tables:
store[key_template.format(t.name)] = t.to_frame()
示例2: compute_up
def compute_up(expr, args, **kwargs):
from_objs = list(unique(concat(map(get_all_froms, args))))
if len(from_objs) > 1:
# TODO: how do you do this in sql? please send help
raise ValueError('only columns from the same table can be merged')
cols = list(unique(concat(map(get_unsafe_inner_columns, args, expr.args))))
sel = sa.select(cols, from_obj=from_objs[0])
where = unify_wheres(args)
if where is not None:
sel = sel.where(where)
return sel
示例3: render_tabular
def render_tabular(api, options=None):
"""Entry point for the tabular reporter interface."""
# determine separator
separator = options.get('report.separator', '\t')
human = options.get('report.human')
panel = options.get('report.panel')
samples = options.get('report.samples')
group = options.get('report.group')
# read gene panel file if it has been set
if panel:
superblock_ids = [line.rstrip() for line in panel]
superblock_ids = None
# get sample ID, group and cutoff from metadata
sample_query = limit_query(api.samples(), group=group, samples=samples)
metadata = ((sample.id, sample.group_id, sample.cutoff)
for sample in sample_query)
# get the data
base_query = limit_query(api.average_metrics(superblock_ids=superblock_ids),
queries = [metadata,
group_id=group, sample_ids=samples),
api.sex_checker(group_id=group, sample_ids=samples)]
# group multiple queries by sample ID (first column)
key_metrics = groupby(get(0), concat(queries))
# get the column names dynamically from the query
headers = concatv(['sample_id', 'group_id', 'cutoff'],
(column['name'] for column
in base_query.column_descriptions),
['diagnostic yield', 'gender'])
unique_headers = unique(headers)
# iterate over all values, concat different query results, and keep
# only the unique values (excluding second sample_id)
data = (unique(concat(values)) for values in itervalues(key_metrics))
if human:
# export key_metrics in a more human friendly format
return tabulate(data, unique_headers)
# yield headers
return '\n'.join(cons('#' + separator.join(unique_headers),
stringify_list(data, separator=separator)))
示例4: compile_components
def compile_components(summary, schema):
"""Given a ``Summary`` object and a table schema, returning 5 sub-functions.
summary : Summary
The expression describing the aggregations to be computed.
A tuple of the following functions:
Takes the aggregate shape, and returns a tuple of initialized numpy
Takes a dataframe, and returns preprocessed 1D numpy arrays of the
needed columns.
``append(i, x, y, *aggs_and_cols)``
Appends the ``i``th row of the table to the ``(x, y)`` bin, given the
base arrays and columns in ``aggs_and_cols``. This does the bulk of the
Combine a list of base tuples into a single base tuple. This forms the
reducing step in a reduction tree.
Given a tuple of base numpy arrays, returns the finalized
``dynd`` array.
paths, reds = zip(*preorder_traversal(summary))
# List of base reductions (actually computed)
bases = list(unique(concat(r._bases for r in reds)))
dshapes = [b.out_dshape(schema) for b in bases]
# List of tuples of (append, base, input columns, temps)
calls = [_get_call_tuples(b, d) for (b, d) in zip(bases, dshapes)]
# List of unique column names needed
cols = list(unique(concat(pluck(2, calls))))
# List of temps needed
temps = list(pluck(3, calls))
create = make_create(bases, dshapes)
info = make_info(cols)
append = make_append(bases, cols, calls)
combine = make_combine(bases, dshapes, temps)
finalize = make_finalize(bases, summary, schema)
return create, info, append, combine, finalize
示例5: alts_columns_used
def alts_columns_used(self):
Columns from the alternatives table that are used for filtering.
return list(toolz.unique(toolz.concat(
m.alts_columns_used() for m in self.models.values())))
示例6: choosers_columns_used
def choosers_columns_used(self):
Columns from the choosers table that are used for filtering.
return list(toolz.unique(toolz.concat(
m.choosers_columns_used() for m in self.models.values())))
示例7: schema
def schema(self):
group = self.grouper.schema[0].parameters[0]
reduction_name = type(self.apply).__name__
apply = self.apply.dshape[0].parameters[0]
params = unique(group + apply, key=lambda x: x[0])
return dshape(Record(list(params)))
示例8: gpon_svlan
def gpon_svlan(ip='', username='', password='', slots=None):
ports = product(slots, range(1, 9))
cmds = map(
lambda x: "show service-port interface gpon-olt_1/{0}/{1}".format(x[0], x[1]), ports)
svlan = []
child = telnet(ip, username, password)
for cmd in cmds:
result = []
while True:
index = child.expect(
[zte_prompt, zte_pager], timeout=120)
if index == 0:
child.send(' ')
r = ''.join(result).split('\r\n')[1:-1]
v = [x.replace('\x08', '').strip().split()[1]
for x in r if 'OK' in x and 'YES' in x]
v1 = [x for x in v if x.isdigit()]
p = re.findall(r'\d/\d{1,2}/\d', cmd)
svlan += product(p, unique(v1))
except (pexpect.EOF, pexpect.TIMEOUT) as e:
return ['fail', None, ip]
return ['success', svlan, ip]
示例9: diagnostic_yield
def diagnostic_yield(self, metric='completeness', cutoff=1,
superblock_ids=None, group_id=None, sample_ids=None):
"""Calculate diagnostic yield."""
# extract column to filter on
metric_column = getattr(BlockData, metric)
# set up the base query for all blocks
total_query = self.total_count(BlockData)
if superblock_ids:
# apply the superblock filter on the Block class level
total_query = total_query.join(BlockData.parent)\
# extend base query to include only passed blocks
pass_query = total_query.filter(metric_column >= cutoff)
# optionally limit query
queries = [limit_query(query, group=group_id, samples=sample_ids)
for query in (total_query, pass_query)]
# group multiple queries by sample ID (first column)
metrics = groupby(get(0), concat(queries))
# iterate over all values, concat different query results, and keep
# only the unique values (excluding second sample_id)
combined = (unique(concat(values)) for values in itervalues(metrics))
# calculate diagnostic yield by simple division
for sample_id, group_id, total, covered in combined:
yield sample_id, group_id, (covered / total)
示例10: compute_up
def compute_up(expr, data, **kwargs):
if not valid_grouper(expr):
raise TypeError("Grouper must have a non-nested record or one "
"dimensional collection datashape, "
"got %s of type %r with dshape %s" %
(expr.grouper, type(expr.grouper).__name__, expr.dshape))
s = alias_it(data)
if valid_reducer(expr.apply):
reduction = compute(expr.apply, s, post_compute=False)
raise TypeError('apply must be a Summary expression')
grouper = get_inner_columns(compute(expr.grouper, s, post_compute=False))
reduction_columns = pipe(reduction.inner_columns,
columns = list(unique(chain(grouper, reduction_columns)))
if (not isinstance(s, sa.sql.selectable.Alias) or
(hasattr(s, 'froms') and isinstance(s.froms[0],
assert len(s.froms) == 1, 'only a single FROM clause supported for now'
from_obj, = s.froms
from_obj = None
return reconstruct_select(columns,
getattr(s, 'element', s),
示例11: compute_up
def compute_up(expr, data, scope=None, **kwargs):
data = lower_column(data)
grouper = compute(
app = expr.apply
reductions = [
for val, name in zip(app.values, app.fields)
froms = list(unique(chain(get_all_froms(grouper),
concat(map(get_all_froms, reductions)))))
inner_cols = list(getattr(grouper, 'inner_columns', [grouper]))
grouper_cols = inner_cols[:]
getattr(getattr(r, 'element', None), 'inner_columns', [r])
for r in reductions
wheres = unify_wheres([grouper] + reductions)
sel = unify_froms(sa.select(inner_cols, whereclause=wheres), froms)
return sel.group_by(*grouper_cols)
示例12: find_names
def find_names(node):
"""Return the unique :class:`ast.Name` instances in an AST.
node : ast.AST
unique_names : List[ast.Name]
>>> import ast
>>> node = ast.parse('a + b')
>>> names = find_names(node)
>>> names # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
[<_ast.Name object at 0x...>, <_ast.Name object at 0x...>]
>>> names[0].id
>>> names[1].id
return list(
filter(None, NameFinder().find(node)),
key=lambda node: (node.id, type(node.ctx)),
示例13: test_multi_column_join
def test_multi_column_join():
metadata = sa.MetaData()
lhs = sa.Table('aaa', metadata,
sa.Column('x', sa.Integer),
sa.Column('y', sa.Integer),
sa.Column('z', sa.Integer))
rhs = sa.Table('bbb', metadata,
sa.Column('w', sa.Integer),
sa.Column('x', sa.Integer),
sa.Column('y', sa.Integer))
L = symbol('L', 'var * {x: int, y: int, z: int}')
R = symbol('R', 'var * {w: int, x: int, y: int}')
joined = join(L, R, ['x', 'y'])
expected = lhs.join(rhs, (lhs.c.x == rhs.c.x)
& (lhs.c.y == rhs.c.y))
expected = select(list(unique(expected.columns, key=lambda c:
result = compute(joined, {L: lhs, R: rhs})
assert str(result) == str(expected)
assert str(select(result)) == str(select(expected))
# Schemas match
assert list(result.c.keys()) == list(joined.fields)
示例14: all_subaccounts
def all_subaccounts(self):
Returns an iterator of all subaccounts that have a recorded transaction
with the account.
return toolz.unique(t.subaccount for t in self.transactions)
示例15: _get_variables
def _get_variables(self):
"""Collect variables, updates and auxiliary variables.
In addition collects all :class:`.Scan` ops and recurses in the
respective inner Theano graphs.
updates = OrderedDict()
shared_outputs = [o for o in self.outputs if is_shared_variable(o)]
usual_outputs = [o for o in self.outputs if not is_shared_variable(o)]
variables = shared_outputs
if usual_outputs:
# Sort apply nodes topologically, get variables and remove
# duplicates
inputs = graph.inputs(self.outputs)
sorted_apply_nodes = graph.io_toposort(inputs, usual_outputs)
self.scans = list(unique([node.op for node in sorted_apply_nodes
if isinstance(node.op, Scan)],
key=lambda op: id(op)))
self._scan_graphs = [ComputationGraph(scan.outputs)
for scan in self.scans]
seen = set()
main_vars = (
[var for var in list(chain(
*[apply_node.inputs for apply_node in sorted_apply_nodes]))
if not (var in seen or seen.add(var))] +
[var for var in self.outputs if var not in seen])
# While preserving order add auxiliary variables, and collect
# updates
seen = set()
# Intermediate variables could be auxiliary
seen_avs = set(main_vars)
variables = []
for var in main_vars:
for annotation in getattr(var.tag, 'annotations', []):
if annotation not in seen:
new_avs = [
av for av in annotation.auxiliary_variables
if not (av in seen_avs or seen_avs.add(av))]
updates = dict_union(updates, annotation.updates)
# If shared_variables is assigned default_update (cloned), we cannot eval()
# it to get the real numpy array value, hence, try to trace back
# original shared variable
def shared_variable_filter(var):
if is_shared_variable(var) and hasattr(var, 'default_update'):
for annotation in var.tag.annotations:
if hasattr(annotation, var.name) and \
is_shared_variable(getattr(annotation, var.name)):
return getattr(annotation, var.name)
return var
self.variables = map(shared_variable_filter, variables)
self.updates = updates