本文整理汇总了Python中toolz.get函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python get函数的具体用法?Python get怎么用?Python get使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: pandas_read_csv
def pandas_read_csv(self, usecols=None, **kwargs):
""" Use pandas.read_csv with the right keyword arguments
In particular we know what dtypes should be, which columns are dates,
dtypes, dates = dshape_to_pandas(self.schema)
if usecols:
if builtins.all(isinstance(c, int) for c in usecols):
usecols = get(usecols, self.columns)
dates = [name for name in dates if name in usecols]
result = pd.read_csv(self.path,
names=kwargs.pop('names', self.columns),
compression={'gz': 'gzip',
'bz2': 'bz2'}.get(ext(self.path)),
dtype=kwargs.pop('dtype', dtypes),
parse_dates=kwargs.pop('parse_dates', dates),
encoding=kwargs.pop('encoding', self.encoding),
header=0 if self.header else None,
**merge(kwargs, clean_dialect(self.dialect)))
reorder = get(list(usecols)) if usecols and len(usecols) > 1 else identity
if isinstance(result, (pd.Series, pd.DataFrame)):
return reorder(result)
return map(reorder, result)
示例2: test_markov_tables
def test_markov_tables():
markov_features = ['markov_N', 'markov_R', 'markov_NR', 'markov_RN', 'markov_NN', 'markov_RR']
assert(t.get(markov_features, f.markov_tables(markovtesttree), str(0.0)) ==
('0.809523809524', '0.190476190476', '0.285714285714', '0.285714285714', '0.428571428571', '0.0'))
assert(t.get(markov_features, f.markov_tables(smalltree), str(0.0)) ==
('1.0', '0.0', '0.0', '0.0', '1.0', '0.0'))
assert(t.get(markov_features, f.markov_tables(f.compress(smalltree)), str(0.0)) ==
('1.0', '0.0', '0.0', '0.0', '0.0', '0.0'))
示例3: select_permits
def select_permits():
types = get(permit_type_checkbox.active, permit_types)
res_non = get(res_non_checkbox.active, res_non_types)
selected = df[(df.year >= min_year.value) &
(df.year <= max_year.value) &
(df.permit_value >= min_permit_cost.value) &
(df.permit_value <= max_permit_cost.value) &
(df.type.isin(types)) &
return selected
示例4: records_to_tuples
def records_to_tuples(ds, data):
""" Transform records into tuples
>>> seq = [{'a': 1, 'b': 10}, {'a': 2, 'b': 20}]
>>> list(records_to_tuples('var * {a: int, b: int}', seq))
[(1, 10), (2, 20)]
>>> records_to_tuples('{a: int, b: int}', seq[0]) # single elements
(1, 10)
>>> records_to_tuples('var * int', [1, 2, 3]) # pass through on non-records
[1, 2, 3]
See Also
if isinstance(ds, (str, unicode)):
ds = dshape(ds)
if isinstance(ds.measure, Record) and len(ds.shape) == 1:
return pluck(ds.measure.names, data, default=None)
if isinstance(ds.measure, Record) and len(ds.shape) == 0:
return get(ds.measure.names, data)
if not isinstance(ds.measure, Record):
return data
raise NotImplementedError()
示例5: post_compute
def post_compute(e, q, d):
Execute a query using MongoDB's aggregation pipeline
The compute_up functions operate on Mongo Collection / list-of-dict
queries. Once they're done we need to actually execute the query on
MongoDB. We do this using the aggregation pipeline framework.
d = {'$project': toolz.merge({'_id': 0}, # remove mongo identifier
dict((col, 1) for col in e.fields))}
q = q.append(d)
if not e.dshape.shape: # not a collection
result = q.coll.aggregate(list(q.query))['result'][0]
if isscalar(e.dshape.measure):
return result[e._name]
return get(e.fields, result)
dicts = q.coll.aggregate(list(q.query))['result']
if isscalar(e.dshape.measure):
return list(pluck(e.fields[0], dicts, default=None)) # dicts -> values
return list(pluck(e.fields, dicts, default=None)) # dicts -> tuples
示例6: partial_reduce
def partial_reduce(func, x, split_every, keepdims=False, dtype=None, name=None):
"""Partial reduction across multiple axes.
func : function
x : Array
split_every : dict
Maximum reduction block sizes in each dimension.
Reduce across axis 0 and 2, merging a maximum of 1 block in the 0th
dimension, and 3 blocks in the 2nd dimension:
>>> partial_reduce(np.min, x, {0: 1, 2: 3}) # doctest: +SKIP
name = name or 'p_reduce-' + tokenize(func, x, split_every, keepdims, dtype)
parts = [list(partition_all(split_every.get(i, 1), range(n))) for (i, n)
in enumerate(x.numblocks)]
keys = product(*map(range, map(len, parts)))
out_chunks = [tuple(1 for p in partition_all(split_every[i], c)) if i
in split_every else c for (i, c) in enumerate(x.chunks)]
if not keepdims:
out_axis = [i for i in range(x.ndim) if i not in split_every]
getter = lambda k: get(out_axis, k)
keys = map(getter, keys)
out_chunks = list(getter(out_chunks))
dsk = {}
for k, p in zip(keys, product(*parts)):
decided = dict((i, j[0]) for (i, j) in enumerate(p) if len(j) == 1)
dummy = dict(i for i in enumerate(p) if i[0] not in decided)
g = lol_tuples((x.name,), range(x.ndim), decided, dummy)
dsk[(name,) + k] = (func, g)
return Array(merge(dsk, x.dask), name, out_chunks, dtype=dtype)
示例7: finalize
def finalize(bases):
shape = bases[0].shape[:2]
out = nd.empty(shape, dshape)
for path, finalizer, inds in zip(paths, finalizers, indices):
arr = reduce(getattr, path, out)
np_arr = nd.as_numpy(arr.view_scalars(arr.dtype.value_type))
np_arr[:] = finalizer(*get(inds, bases))
return out
示例8: __init__
def __init__(self, lhs, rhs, on_left=None, on_right=None):
self.lhs = lhs
self.rhs = rhs
if not on_left and not on_right:
on_left = on_right = unpack(list(sorted(
set(lhs.columns) & set(rhs.columns),
if not on_right:
on_right = on_left
if isinstance(on_left, tuple):
on_left = list(on_left)
if isinstance(on_right, tuple):
on_right = list(on_right)
self._on_left = tuple(on_left) if isinstance(on_left, list) else on_left
self._on_right = (tuple(on_right) if isinstance(on_right, list)
else on_right)
if get(on_left, lhs.schema[0]) != get(on_right, rhs.schema[0]):
raise TypeError("Schema's of joining columns do not match")
示例9: func
def func(scheduler):
""" Get CPU and Memory usage on each worker """
workers = [k for k, v in sorted(scheduler.ncores.items(),
key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True)]
nannies = [(ip, scheduler.nannies[(ip, port)])
for ip, port in workers]
dicts = [get(-1, scheduler.resource_logs[w], dict())
for w in nannies]
return {'workers': workers,
'cpu': [d.get('cpu_percent', -1) for d in dicts],
'memory': [d.get('memory_percent', -1) for d in dicts]}
示例10: rget
def rget(sequence, key, default=None):
"""Get element in a sequence or dict.
Like toolz.get but with parameters in reverse order.
sequence (sequence or dict): sequence or dict
key (str or int): key to access in sequence
object: value behind the key
return get(key, sequence, default=default)
示例11: join
def join(lhs, rhs, on_left=None, on_right=None, how='inner'):
if not on_left and not on_right:
on_left = on_right = unpack(list(sorted(
set(lhs.columns) & set(rhs.columns),
if not on_right:
on_right = on_left
if isinstance(on_left, tuple):
on_left = list(on_left)
if isinstance(on_right, tuple):
on_right = list(on_right)
if get(on_left, lhs.schema[0]) != get(on_right, rhs.schema[0]):
raise TypeError("Schema's of joining columns do not match")
_on_left = tuple(on_left) if isinstance(on_left, list) else on_left
_on_right = (tuple(on_right) if isinstance(on_right, list)
else on_right)
how = how.lower()
if how not in ('inner', 'outer', 'left', 'right'):
raise ValueError("How parameter should be one of "
"\n\tinner, outer, left, right."
"\nGot: %s" % how)
return Join(lhs, rhs, _on_left, _on_right, how)
示例12: get_prox_key
def get_prox_key(infos, key, default=None, reduce=None, array=True):
""" Build array of prox output for each operator and iteration.
Return an {#iterations} by {#prox operators} array (unless a reduction is performed).
reduce is usually, np.mean, np.min, or np.max
Some prox outputs may be `None` or `{}`. In that case,
return the `default` value.
g = ([get(key, p, default=default) for p in info['prox_infos']] for info in infos )
if reduce:
g = (reduce(row) for row in g)
g = list(g)
if array:
g = np.array(g)
return g
示例13: types_of_fields
def types_of_fields(fields, expr):
""" Get the types of fields in an expression
>>> from blaze import symbol
>>> expr = symbol('e', 'var * {x: int64, y: float32}')
>>> types_of_fields('y', expr)
>>> types_of_fields(['y', 'x'], expr)
(ctype("float32"), ctype("int64"))
>>> types_of_fields('x', expr.x)
if isinstance(expr.dshape.measure, Record):
return get(fields, expr.dshape.measure)
if isinstance(fields, (tuple, list, set)):
assert len(fields) == 1
fields, = fields
assert fields == expr._name
return expr.dshape.measure
示例14: list
list(t.get(markov_features, markov_tables(tree), str(0.0))) +
list(t.get(markov_features, markov_tables(compress(tree)), str(0.0)))))
if __name__ == '__main__':
markov_features = ['markov_N', 'markov_R', 'markov_NR', 'markov_RN', 'markov_NN', 'markov_RR']
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'l:n', ['--language', '--normalize'])
language = None
normalize = False
for o,a in opts:
if o == '-l' or o == '--language':
language = a + ','
if o == '-n' or o == '--normalize':
normalize = True
# Generate header for feature values
print(('language,' if language is not None else '') +
(','.join(','.join(x[0] + (lambda s: '' if s[0] == '<' else '__' + s)(nf.__name__)
for nf in x[2]) for x in features) if normalize
else ','.join(x[0] for x in features)) + ',' +
','.join(markov_features) + ',' +
','.join([('compressed_' + f) for f in markov_features]))
# For each tree, compute its associated feature values
for line in fileinput.input(args):
tree = parse_sexp(line)[0]
print((language or '') + ','.join([str(','.join(str(float(f[1](tree)/float(nf(tree)))) for nf in f[2]) if normalize else f[1](tree)) for f in features] +
list(t.get(markov_features, markov_tables(tree), str(0.0))) +
list(t.get(markov_features, markov_tables(compress(tree)), str(0.0)))))
示例15: __getitem__
def __getitem__(self, key):
if isinstance(key, list):
return RecordAggregate(dict(zip(key, get(key, self._data))),
self.x_axis, self.y_axis)
return self._data[key]