本文整理汇总了Python中tools.strip函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python strip函数的具体用法?Python strip怎么用?Python strip使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: _parseInput
def _parseInput(self, title=None, content=None, tags=None, notebook=None, resources=None, note=None):
result = {"title": title, "content": content, "tags": tags, "notebook": notebook, "resources": resources}
result = tools.strip(result)
# if get note without params
if note and title is None and content is None and tags is None and notebook is None:
content = config.EDITOR_OPEN
if title is None and note:
result["title"] = note.title
if content:
if content != config.EDITOR_OPEN:
if isinstance(content, str) and os.path.isfile(content):
logging.debug("Load content from the file")
content = open(content, "r").read()
logging.debug("Convert content")
content = Editor.textToENML(content)
result["content"] = content
if tags:
result["tags"] = tools.strip(tags.split(","))
if notebook:
notepadGuid = Notebooks().getNoteGUID(notebook)
if notepadGuid is None:
newNotepad = Notebooks().create(notebook)
notepadGuid = newNotepad.guid
result["notebook"] = notepadGuid
logging.debug("Search notebook")
return result
示例2: __init__
def __init__(self, pos, *groups):
super(Player, self).__init__(*groups)
self.pos = pos
self.move_keys = {
pg.K_LEFT: "left",
pg.K_RIGHT: "right",
pg.K_DOWN: "down",
pg.K_UP: "up"}
self.direct_to_velocity = {
"left": (-1, 0),
"right": (1, 0),
"down": (0, 1),
"up": (0, -1)}
self.direction_stack = []
self.direction = "left"
self.last_direction = self.direction
img_size = (32, 36)
self.image_dict = {
"left": cycle(strip(GFX["ranger_f"], (0, 108), img_size, 3)),
"right": cycle(strip(GFX["ranger_f"], (0,36), img_size, 3)),
"down": cycle(strip(GFX["ranger_f"], (0, 72), img_size, 3)),
"up": cycle(strip(GFX["ranger_f"], (0, 0), img_size, 3))}
self.images = self.image_dict[self.direction]
self.image = next(self.images)
self.rect = self.image.get_rect(center=self.pos)
self.frame_time = 60
self.frame_timer = 0
self.speed = .1
self.footprint = pg.Rect(0, 0, 30, 6)
self.footprint.midbottom = self.rect.midbottom
示例3: _createSearchRequest
def _createSearchRequest(self, search=None, tags=None,
notebooks=None, date=None,
exact_entry=None, content_search=None):
request = ""
if notebooks:
for notebook in tools.strip(notebooks.split(',')):
if notebook.startswith('-'):
request += '-notebook:"%s" ' % tools.strip(notebook[1:])
request += 'notebook:"%s" ' % tools.strip(notebook)
if tags:
for tag in tools.strip(tags.split(',')):
if tag.startswith('-'):
request += '-tag:"%s" ' % tag[1:]
request += 'tag:"%s" ' % tag
if date:
date = tools.strip(date.split('-'))
dateStruct = time.strptime(date[0] + " 00:00:00", "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S")
request += 'created:%s ' % time.strftime("%Y%m%d", time.localtime(time.mktime(dateStruct)))
if len(date) == 2:
dateStruct = time.strptime(date[1] + " 00:00:00", "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S")
request += '-created:%s ' % time.strftime("%Y%m%d", time.localtime(time.mktime(dateStruct) + 60 * 60 * 24))
except ValueError, e:
out.failureMessage('Incorrect date format in --date attribute. '
'Format: %s' % time.strftime("%d.%m.%Y", time.strptime('19991231', "%Y%m%d")))
return tools.exitErr()
示例4: _parseInput
def _parseInput(self, title=None, content=None, tags=None, notebook=None, resources=[], note=None, reminder=None):
result = {
"title": title,
"content": content,
"tags": tags,
"notebook": notebook,
"resources": resources,
"reminder": reminder,
result = tools.strip(result)
# if get note without params
if note and title is None and content is None and tags is None and notebook is None:
content = config.EDITOR_OPEN
if title is None and note:
result['title'] = note.title
if content:
if content != config.EDITOR_OPEN:
if isinstance(content, str) and os.path.isfile(content):
logging.debug("Load content from the file")
content = open(content, "r").read()
logging.debug("Convert content")
content = Editor.textToENML(content)
result['content'] = content
if tags:
result['tags'] = tools.strip(tags.split(','))
if notebook:
notepadGuid = Notebooks().getNoteGUID(notebook)
if notepadGuid is None:
newNotepad = Notebooks().create(notebook)
notepadGuid = newNotepad.guid
result['notebook'] = notepadGuid
logging.debug("Search notebook")
if reminder:
then = config.REMINDER_SHORTCUTS.get(reminder)
if then:
now = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
result['reminder'] = now + then
elif reminder not in [config.REMINDER_NONE, config.REMINDER_DONE, config.REMINDER_DELETE]:
reminder = tools.strip(reminder.split('-'))
dateStruct = time.strptime(reminder[0] + " " + reminder[1] + ":00", config.DEF_DATE_AND_TIME_FORMAT)
reminderTime = int(round(time.mktime(dateStruct) * 1000))
result['reminder'] = reminderTime
except (ValueError, IndexError):
out.failureMessage('Incorrect date format in --reminder attribute. '
'Format: %s' % time.strftime(config.DEF_DATE_FORMAT, time.strptime('199912311422', "%Y%m%d%H%M")))
return tools.exitErr()
return result
示例5: _parseInput
def _parseInput(self, title=None, content=None, tags=None, notebook=None, resources=None, note=None):
result = {
"title": title,
"content": content,
"tags": tags,
"notebook": notebook,
"resources": resources if resources else []
result = tools.strip(result)
# if get note without params
if note and title is None and content is None and tags is None and notebook is None:
content = config.EDITOR_OPEN
if title is None and note:
result['title'] = note.title
if content:
if content == config.EDITOR_OPEN:
logging.debug("launch system editor")
if note:
content = editor.edit(note.content)
content = editor.edit()
elif isinstance(content, str) and os.path.isfile(content):
logging.debug("Load content from the file")
content = open(content, "r").read()
logging.debug("Convert content")
content = editor.textToENML(content)
result['content'] = content
if tags:
result['tags'] = tools.strip(tags.split(','))
if notebook:
notepadGuid = Notebooks().getNoteGUID(notebook)
if notepadGuid is None:
newNotepad = Notebooks().create(notebook)
notepadGuid = newNotepad.guid
result['notebook'] = notepadGuid
logging.debug("Search notebook")
return result
示例6: __init__
def __init__(self, pos, *groups):
super(Wolf, self).__init__(*groups)
self.pos = pos
self.image_dict = {
(-1, 0): cycle(strip(GFX["wolfleft"], (0, 0), (64, 32), 5)),
(1, 0): cycle(strip(GFX["wolfright"], (0, 0), (64, 32), 5)),
(0, 1): cycle(strip(GFX["wolfdown"], (0, 0), (32, 64), 4)),
(0, -1): cycle(strip(GFX["wolfup"], (0, 0), (32, 64), 4))}
self.direction = choice(self.directions)
self.images = self.image_dict[self.direction]
self.image = next(self.images)
self.rect = self.image.get_rect(center=self.pos)
self.speed = 3
self.move_time = randint(500, 2000)
self.frame_time = 60
self.frame_timer = 0
示例7: _searchNote
def _searchNote(self, note):
note = tools.strip(note)
# load search result
result = self.getStorage().getSearch()
if result and tools.checkIsInt(note) and 1 <= int(note) <= len(result.notes):
note = result.notes[int(note) - 1]
request = self._createSearchRequest(search=note)
logging.debug("Search notes: %s" % request)
result = self.getEvernote().findNotes(request, 20)
logging.debug("Search notes result: %s" % str(result))
if result.totalNotes == 0:
out.failureMessage("Notes have not been found.")
return tools.exitErr()
elif result.totalNotes == 1 or self.selectFirstOnUpdate:
note = result.notes[0]
logging.debug("Choose notes: %s" % str(result.notes))
note = out.SelectSearchResult(result.notes)
logging.debug("Selected note: %s" % str(note))
return note
示例8: _formatExpression
def _formatExpression(label, value):
"""Create an expression like label:value, attending to negation and quotes """
expression = ""
# if negated, prepend that to the expression before labe, not value
if value.startswith('-'):
expression += '-'
value = value[1:]
value = tools.strip(value)
# values with spaces must be quoted
if ' ' in value:
value = '"%s"' % value
expression += '%s:%s ' % (label, value)
return expression
示例9: _get_notes
def _get_notes(self):
Get notes from evernote.
keywords = 'notebook:"{0}"'.format(tools.strip(self.notebook_name))
#print GeekNote().findNotes(keywords, 10000)
#try to get all notes in a notebook
#assum that the notebook has less than 10000 notes
noteMetadataResultSpec = NoteStore.NotesMetadataResultSpec(includeTitle=True,\
noteList = GeekNote().findNotesMetadata(keywords, 10000, noteMetadataResultSpec)
notes = noteList.notes
notesSize = len(notes)
while (notesSize < noteList.totalNotes):
noteList = GeekNote().findNotesMetadata(keywords, 10000, offset=notesSize)
notes += noteList.notes
notesSize = len(notes)
print notesSize
return notes
示例10: imgupload
def imgupload(self, title, img, description):
filedata = open( img, 'rb').read()
md5 = hashlib.md5()
hashHex = md5.hexdigest()
data = Types.Data()
data.size = len(filedata)
data.bodyHash = hashHex
data.body = filedata
resource = Types.Resource()
resource.data = data
content = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'
content += '<!DOCTYPE en-note SYSTEM "http://xml.evernote.com/pub/enml.dtd">'
content += '<en-note>'
content += '<en-media type="image/jpeg" hash="' + hashHex + '"/>'
content += '<p>' + description + '</p>'
content += '</en-note>'
enmlText = {
"title": title,
"content": content,
"resource": resource,
enmlText = tools.strip(enmlText)
result = self.getEvernote().createImgNote(**enmlText)
if result:
out.successMessage("Note has been successfully created.")
out.failureMessage("Error while creating the note.")
示例11: _createSearchRequest
def _createSearchRequest(
request = ""
def _formatExpression(label, value):
"""Create an expression like label:value, attending to negation and quotes """
expression = ""
# if negated, prepend that to the expression before labe, not value
if value.startswith("-"):
expression += "-"
value = value[1:]
value = tools.strip(value)
# values with spaces must be quoted
if " " in value:
value = '"%s"' % value
expression += "%s:%s " % (label, value)
return expression
if notebooks:
for notebook in tools.strip(notebooks.split(",")):
request += _formatExpression("notebook", notebook)
if tags:
for tag in tools.strip(tags.split(",")):
request += _formatExpression("tag", tag)
if date:
date = tools.strip(re.split(config.DEF_DATE_RANGE_DELIMITER, date))
dateStruct = time.strptime(date[0], config.DEF_DATE_FORMAT)
request += "created:%s " % time.strftime("%Y%m%d", time.localtime(time.mktime(dateStruct)))
if len(date) == 2:
dateStruct = time.strptime(date[1], config.DEF_DATE_FORMAT)
request += "-created:%s " % time.strftime(
"%Y%m%d", time.localtime(time.mktime(dateStruct) + 60 * 60 * 24)
except ValueError:
"Incorrect date format (%s) in --date attribute. "
"Format: %s" % (date, time.strftime(config.DEF_DATE_FORMAT, time.strptime("19991231", "%Y%m%d")))
return tools.exitErr()
if search:
search = tools.strip(search)
if exact_entry or self.findExactOnUpdate:
search = '"%s"' % search
if content_search:
request += "%s" % search
request += "intitle:%s" % search
if reminders_only:
request += " reminderOrder:* "
if ignore_completed:
request += " -reminderDoneTime:* "
logging.debug("Search request: %s", request)
return request
示例12: _get_notes
def _get_notes(self):
Get notes from evernote.
keywords = 'notebook:"{0}"'.format(tools.strip(self.notebook_name))
return GeekNote().findNotes(keywords, 10000).notes
示例13: _get_notes
def _get_notes(self):
Get notes from evernote.
keywords = 'notebook:"{0}"'.format(tools.strip(self.notebook_name.encode('utf-8')))
return GeekNote(sleepOnRateLimit=self.sleep_on_ratelimit).findNotes(keywords, EDAM_USER_NOTES_MAX).notes
示例14: _createSearchRequest
def _createSearchRequest(self, search=None, tags=None,
notebooks=None, date=None,
exact_entry=None, content_search=None,
ignore_completed=None, reminders_only=None):
request = ""
def _formatExpression(label, value):
"""Create an expression like label:value, attending to negation and quotes """
expression = ""
# if negated, prepend that to the expression before labe, not value
if value.startswith('-'):
expression += '-'
value = value[1:]
value = tools.strip(value)
# values with spaces must be quoted
if ' ' in value:
value = '"%s"' % value
expression += '%s:%s ' % (label, value)
return expression
if notebooks:
for notebook in tools.strip(notebooks.split(',')):
request += _formatExpression('notebook', notebook)
if tags:
for tag in tools.strip(tags.split(',')):
request += _formatExpression('tag', tag)
if date:
date = tools.strip(date.split('-'))
dateStruct = time.strptime(date[0] + " 00:00:00", config.DEF_DATE_FORMAT)
request += 'created:%s ' % time.strftime("%Y%m%d", time.localtime(time.mktime(dateStruct)))
if len(date) == 2:
dateStruct = time.strptime(date[1] + " 00:00:00", config.DEF_DATE_AND_TIME_FORMAT)
request += '-created:%s ' % time.strftime("%Y%m%d", time.localtime(time.mktime(dateStruct) + 60 * 60 * 24))
except ValueError:
out.failureMessage('Incorrect date format in --date attribute. '
'Format: %s' % time.strftime(config.DEF_DATE_FORMAT, time.strptime('19991231', "%Y%m%d")))
return tools.exitErr()
if search:
search = tools.strip(search)
if exact_entry or self.findExactOnUpdate:
search = '"%s"' % search
if content_search:
request += "%s" % search
request += "intitle:%s" % search
if reminders_only:
request += ' reminderOrder:* '
if ignore_completed:
request += ' -reminderDoneTime:* '
logging.debug("Search request: %s", request)
return request
示例15: _parseInput
def _parseInput(
self, title=None, content=None, tags=None, created=None, notebook=None, resources=[], note=None, reminder=None
result = {
"title": title,
"content": content,
"tags": tags,
"created": created,
"notebook": notebook,
"resources": resources,
"reminder": reminder,
result = tools.strip(result)
# if get note without params
if (
and title is None
and content is None
and tags is None
and created is None
and reminder is None
and notebook is None
content = config.EDITOR_OPEN
if title is None and note:
result["title"] = note.title
if content:
if content != config.EDITOR_OPEN:
if isinstance(content, str) and os.path.isfile(content):
logging.debug("Load content from the file")
content = open(content, "r").read()
logging.debug("Convert content")
content = Editor.textToENML(content)
result["content"] = content
if tags:
result["tags"] = tools.strip(tags.split(","))
if created:
result["created"] = self._getTimeFromDate(created)
if notebook:
notepadGuid = Notebooks().getNoteGUID(notebook)
if notepadGuid is None:
newNotepad = Notebooks().create(notebook)
notepadGuid = newNotepad.guid
result["notebook"] = notepadGuid
logging.debug("Search notebook")
if reminder:
then = config.REMINDER_SHORTCUTS.get(reminder)
if then:
now = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
result["reminder"] = now + then
elif reminder not in [config.REMINDER_NONE, config.REMINDER_DONE, config.REMINDER_DELETE]:
result["reminder"] = self._getTimeFromDate(reminder)
return result