本文整理汇总了Python中tokeniter.tokens函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python tokens函数的具体用法?Python tokens怎么用?Python tokens使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: html_selection
def html_selection(self, cursor):
"""Return HTML for the cursor's selection."""
d = cursor.document()
start = d.findBlock(cursor.selectionStart())
startpos = cursor.selectionStart() - start.position()
end = d.findBlock(cursor.selectionEnd())
endpos = cursor.selectionEnd() - end.position()
html = []
# first block, skip tokens before selection
block = start
source = iter(tokeniter.tokens(block))
for t in source:
if t.end > startpos:
startslice = max(0, startpos - t.pos)
endslice = None
if block == end and t.end > endpos:
endslice = endpos - t.pos
html.append(self.html_for_token(t[startslice:endslice], type(t)))
while block != end:
html.extend(map(self.html_for_token, source))
block = block.next()
source = iter(tokeniter.tokens(block))
# last block, go to end of selection
for t in source:
if t.end > endpos:
if t.pos < endpos:
html.append(self.html_for_token(t[:endpos-t.pos], type(t)))
return self.html_wrapper("".join(html))
示例2: change_indent
def change_indent(cursor, direction):
"""Changes the indent in the desired direction (-1 for left and +1 for right).
Returns True if the indent operation was applied.
The cursor may contain a selection.
# get some variables from the document
indent_vars = indent_variables(cursor.document())
blocks = list(cursortools.blocks(cursor))
block = blocks[0]
pos = cursor.selectionStart() - block.position()
token = tokeniter.tokens(block)[0] if tokeniter.tokens(block) else None
if cursor.hasSelection() or pos == 0 or (token and isinstance(token, ly.lex.Space) and token.end >= pos):
# decrease the indent
state = tokeniter.state(block)
current_indent = get_indent(block)
new_indent = current_indent + direction * indent_vars['indent-width']
if state.mode() in ('lilypond', 'scheme'):
computed_indent = compute_indent(block)
if cmp(computed_indent, new_indent) == direction:
new_indent = computed_indent
diff = new_indent - current_indent
with cursortools.compress_undo(cursor):
for block in blocks:
set_indent(block, get_indent(block) + diff)
return True
示例3: reformat
def reformat(cursor):
"""Reformats the selection or the whole document, adjusting the whitespace."""
def newlinebefore(t):
editor.insertText(tokeniter.cursor(block, t, end=0), '\n')
def newlineafter(t):
editor.insertText(tokeniter.cursor(block, t, start=len(t)), '\n')
indent_vars = indent.indent_variables(cursor.document())
with cursortools.compress_undo(cursor):
with cursortools.Editor() as editor:
for block in get_blocks(cursor):
denters = []
tokens = tokeniter.tokens(block)
nonspace_index = -1
for i, t in enumerate(tokens):
if isinstance(t, ly.lex.Indent) and t in ('{', '<<'):
elif isinstance(t, ly.lex.Dedent) and t in ('}', '>>'):
if denters:
elif nonspace_index != -1:
elif not isinstance(t, ly.lex.Space):
nonspace_index = i
for i in denters:
if i < nonspace_index:
# TODO: wrap long lines
with cursortools.Editor() as editor:
for block in get_blocks(cursor):
tokens = tokeniter.tokens(block)
if (len(tokens) == 2
and isinstance(tokens[0], ly.lex.Space)
and isinstance(tokens[1], (
and len(tokens[1]) > 2
and len(set(tokens[1][:3])) == 1):
# move commented lines with more than 2 comment characters
# to column 0
editor.removeSelectedText(tokeniter.cursor(block, tokens[0]))
# remove trialing whitespace
for t in tokens[::-1]:
if isinstance(t, ly.lex.Space):
editor.removeSelectedText(tokeniter.cursor(block, t))
示例4: open_file_at_cursor
def open_file_at_cursor(cursor, mainwin):
"""Opens the filename mentioned at the text cursor."""
# take either the selection or the include-args found by ly.parse
if cursor.hasSelection():
fnames = [cursor.selection().toPlainText()]
fnames = list(ly.parse.includeargs(iter(tokeniter.tokens(cursor.block()))))
# detemine search path: doc dir and other include path names
filename = cursor.document().url().toLocalFile()
if filename:
path = [os.path.dirname(filename)]
path = []
# load all docs, trying all include paths
d = None
for f in fnames:
for p in path:
name = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(p, f))
if os.access(name, os.R_OK):
d = mainwin.openUrl(QUrl.fromLocalFile(name))
if d:
mainwin.setCurrentDocument(d, True)
示例5: fold_events
def fold_events(self, block):
"""Provides folding information by looking at indent/dedent tokens."""
for t in tokeniter.tokens(block):
if isinstance(t, ly.lex.Indent):
yield widgets.folding.START
elif isinstance(t, ly.lex.Dedent):
yield widgets.folding.STOP
示例6: actionTriggered
def actionTriggered(self, name):
# convert arpeggio_normal to arpeggioNormal, etc.
name = _arpeggioTypes[name]
cursor = self.mainwindow().textCursor()
# which arpeggio type is last used?
lastused = '\\arpeggioNormal'
types = set(_arpeggioTypes.values())
block = cursor.block()
while block.isValid():
s = types.intersection(tokeniter.tokens(block))
if s:
lastused = s.pop()
block = block.previous()
# where to insert
c = lydocument.cursor(cursor)
source = lydocument.Source(c, True, ly.document.OUTSIDE, True)
with cursortools.compress_undo(cursor):
for p in ly.rhythm.music_tokens(source):
c = source.cursor(p[-1], start=len(p[-1]))
if name != lastused:
indent = c.block().text()[:c.position()-c.block().position()]
c.insertText(name + '\n' + indent)
# just pick the first place
示例7: actionTriggered
def actionTriggered(self, name):
# convert arpeggio_normal to arpeggioNormal, etc.
name = _arpeggioTypes[name]
cursor = self.mainwindow().textCursor()
# which arpeggio type is last used?
lastused = '\\arpeggioNormal'
types = set(_arpeggioTypes.values())
block = cursor.block()
while block.isValid():
s = types.intersection(tokeniter.tokens(block))
if s:
lastused = s.pop()
block = block.previous()
# where to insert
source = tokeniter.Source.from_cursor(cursor, True, -1)
with cursortools.compress_undo(cursor):
for p in music.music_items(source, tokens=source.tokens):
c = source.cursor(p[-1], start=len(p[-1]))
if name != lastused:
import indent
indent.insert_text(c, name + '\n')
# just pick the first place
示例8: back
def back(cursor):
"""Yields per-block token iters in backward direction from the cursor."""
yield reversed(tokeniter.partition(cursor).left)
block = cursor.block()
while block.previous().isValid():
block = block.previous()
yield reversed(tokeniter.tokens(block))
示例9: tokens
def tokens(cursor):
"""Yield the tokens tuple for every block from the beginning of the document until the cursor."""
end = cursor.block()
block = cursor.document().firstBlock()
while block < end:
yield tokeniter.tokens(block)
block = block.next()
示例10: cut_assign
def cut_assign(cursor):
"""Cuts selected text and assigns it to a LilyPond variable."""
# ask the variable name
name = inputdialog.getText(None, _("Cut and Assign"), _(
"Please enter the name for the variable to assign the selected "
"text to:"), regexp="[A-Za-z]+")
if not name:
# determine state at cursor
block = cursortools.block(cursor)
state = tokeniter.state(block)
for t in tokeniter.partition(cursor).left:
mode = ""
for p in state.parsers():
if isinstance(p, ly.lex.lilypond.ParseInputMode):
if isinstance(p, ly.lex.lilypond.ParseLyricMode):
mode = " \\lyricmode"
elif isinstance(p, ly.lex.lilypond.ParseChordMode):
mode = " \\chordmode"
elif isinstance(p, ly.lex.lilypond.ParseFigureMode):
mode = " \\figuremode"
elif isinstance(p, ly.lex.lilypond.ParseDrumMode):
mode = " \\drummode"
# find insertion place:
found = False
while block.previous().isValid():
block = block.previous()
state = tokeniter.state(block)
if isinstance(state.parser(), ly.lex.lilypond.ParseGlobal):
found = True
tokens = tokeniter.tokens(block)
for t in tokens:
if isinstance(t, ly.lex.lilypond.Name):
found = True
elif not isinstance(t, (ly.lex.Space, ly.lex.Comment)):
if found:
insert = QTextCursor(block)
text = cursor.selection().toPlainText()
space = '\n' if '\n' in text else ' '
text = ''.join((name, ' =', mode, ' {', space, text, space, '}\n\n'))
with cursortools.compress_undo(cursor):
cursor.insertText('\\' + name)
pos = insert.selectionStart()
if metainfo.info(cursor.document()).auto_indent:
insert.setPosition(pos, QTextCursor.KeepAnchor)
with cursortools.compress_undo(insert, True):
示例11: indentable
def indentable(cursor):
"""Returns True if the cursor is at a dedent token and running the auto-indenter makes sense."""
block = cursor.block()
pos = cursor.position() - block.position()
for token in tokeniter.tokens(block):
if token.end >= pos:
return isinstance(token, (ly.lex.Dedent, ly.lex.BlockCommentEnd))
elif not isinstance(token, (ly.lex.Space, ly.lex.Dedent)):
示例12: get_indent
def get_indent(block):
"""Returns the indent of the given block."""
# get some variables from the document
indent_vars = indent_variables(block.document())
tokens = tokeniter.tokens(block)
if tokens and isinstance(tokens[0], ly.lex.Space):
return column_position(tokens[0], tabwidth = indent_vars['tab-width'])
return 0
示例13: names
def names(cursor):
"""Harvests names from assignments until the cursor."""
end = cursor.block()
block = cursor.document().firstBlock()
while block.isValid() and block != end:
for t in tokeniter.tokens(block)[:2]:
if type(t) is ly.lex.lilypond.Name:
yield t
block = block.next()
示例14: get_definition
def get_definition(cursor):
block = cursor.block()
while block.isValid():
state = tokeniter.state(block)
if isinstance(state.parser(), ly.lex.lilypond.ParseGlobal):
for t in tokeniter.tokens(block)[:2]:
if type(t) is ly.lex.lilypond.Name:
return t[:]
elif isinstance(t, ly.lex.lilypond.Keyword) and t == '\\score':
return '\\score'
block = block.previous()
示例15: globalStaffSize
def globalStaffSize(self, default=20):
"""Returns the global staff size, if set, else the default value."""
for block in cursortools.all_blocks(self.document()):
tokens = tokeniter.tokens(block)
i = tokens.index('set-global-staff-size')
except ValueError:
return int(tokens[i+2], 10)
except (IndexError, ValueError):
return default