本文整理汇总了Python中tkinter.Label.place方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Label.place方法的具体用法?Python Label.place怎么用?Python Label.place使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类tkinter.Label
示例1: Application
# 需要导入模块: from tkinter import Label [as 别名]
# 或者: from tkinter.Label import place [as 别名]
class Application(object):
def __init__(self):
self.helper = YouDaoHelper()
self.window = Tk()
# 输入框
self.entry = Entry(self.window)
self.entry.place(x=10, y=10, width=200, height=25)
# 提交按钮
self.submit_btn = Button(self.window, text=u'查询', command=self.submit)
self.submit_btn.place(x=220, y=10, width=50, height=25)
# 翻译结果标题
self.title_label = Label(self.window, text=u'翻译结果:')
self.title_label.place(x=10, y=55)
# 翻译结果
self.result_text = Text(self.window, background='#ccc')
self.result_text.place(x=10, y=75, width=260, height=265)
def submit(self):
# 1. 从输入框中获取用户输入的值
content = self.entry.get()
# 2. 把这个值发送给有道的服务器,进行翻译
result = self.helper.crawl(content)
# 3. 把结果放在底部的Text控件中
def run(self):
示例2: view_new_title
# 需要导入模块: from tkinter import Label [as 别名]
# 或者: from tkinter.Label import place [as 别名]
def view_new_title(self, Medikom, entry_type):
self.selected_id = False
if entry_type == 0:
text = "Titel der neuen Aufgabe:"
elif entry_type == 1:
text = "Titel der neuen Information:"
details_label = Label(
self, text=text, font='Liberation 10',
x=self.SPACE_TWO / 2,
y=(self.n + 2) * (self.ROW_HIGHT + self.ROW_SPACE),
width=self.WIN_WIDTH - self.SPACE_TWO, height=self.ROW_HIGHT)
textframe = Text(self, font='Liberation 12', height=1, width=int(self.WIN_WIDTH / 4))
x=self.SPACE_TWO, y=(self.n + 3) * (self.ROW_HIGHT + self.ROW_SPACE),
width=self.WIN_WIDTH - self.SPACE_ONE - 10, height=self.ROW_HIGHT)
create_button = Button(
self, text='Erstellen',
command=lambda: self.add_entry(Medikom, entry_type, textframe.get(1.0, END).strip()))
x=(self.WIN_WIDTH / 2) - (self.WIN_WIDTH / 16),
y=(self.n + 4) * (self.ROW_HIGHT + self.ROW_SPACE),
width=self.WIN_WIDTH / 8, height=self.ROW_HIGHT)
示例3: initUI
# 需要导入模块: from tkinter import Label [as 别名]
# 或者: from tkinter.Label import place [as 别名]
def initUI(self):
self.parent.title("Absolute positioning")
self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1)
bard = Image.open("linux_256.jpg")
bardejov = ImageTk.PhotoImage(bard)
label1 = Label(self, image=bardejov)
label1.image = bardejov
label1.place(x=20, y=20)
示例4: AddManually
# 需要导入模块: from tkinter import Label [as 别名]
# 或者: from tkinter.Label import place [as 别名]
class AddManually(Frame):
def __init__(self, parent, controller):
Frame.__init__(self, parent)
self.controller = controller
self.place(relx=0.0, rely=0.0, relheight=0.62, relwidth=0.72)
self.label_top = Label(self)
self.label_top.place(relx=0.4, rely=0.03, height=21, width=112)
self.label_top.configure(text="Add items manually")
self.name = Entry(self, fg='grey')
self.name.place(relx=0.05, rely=0.31, relheight=0.08, relwidth=0.29)
self.name.insert(0, "Input name here")
self.name.bind('<Button-1>', lambda event: greytext(self.name))
self.link = Entry(self, fg='grey')
self.link.place(relx=0.65, rely=0.31, relheight=0.08, relwidth=0.29)
self.link.insert(0, "Input link here")
self.link.bind('<Button-1>', lambda event: greytext(self.link))
self.add_btn = Button(self, command=self.send_data)
self.add_btn.place(relx=0.42, rely=0.44, height=34, width=100)
self.add_btn.configure(text="Add item")
self.back = Button(self, command=lambda: controller.show_frame('Main'))
self.back.place(relx=0.42, rely=0.64, height=34, width=100)
self.back.configure(text="Go back")
name_label = Label(self)
name_label.place(relx=0.05, rely=0.22, height=21, width=38)
link_label = Label(self)
link_label.place(relx=0.65, rely=0.22, height=21, width=28)
def send_data(self):
if self.link.cget('fg') == 'grey' or self.name.cget('fg') == 'grey':
link = self.link.get()
if link.strip() != '':
name = self.name.get()
self.controller.add_item(link, name)
print("Item added")
示例5: additems
# 需要导入模块: from tkinter import Label [as 别名]
# 或者: from tkinter.Label import place [as 别名]
def additems(i, doreturn=False, bgcolor="#555"):
returnable = []
for item in i:
global totalitems
totalitems += 1
ff = Frame(f, bg=bgcolor)
item.body = item.author.name + ' || ' + item.fullname + '\n' + item.body
item.body = str(totalitems) + '\n' + item.body
ibody = item.body.replace('\n\n', '\n')
ifinal = ''
for paragraph in ibody.split('\n'):
ifinal += '\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(paragraph))
ifinal += '\n'
item.body = ifinal
ww = 680
wh = 10
wx = 20
wy = 20
#print(ww, wh, wx, wy)
ff.ww = ww
ff.wh = wh
ff.wx = wx
ff.wy = wy
ff.body = item.body
ff.sourceitem = item
ff.configure(width=ww, height=wh)
ff.place(x=wx, y=wy)
ff.bind("<B1-Motion>", framedrag)
ff.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", resetdrag)
l = Label(ff, text=item.body, bg="#777")
rt = Text(ff, width= 15, height= (len(ifinal.split('\n'))) - 2)
rt.sourceitem = item
rb = Button(ff, text="Reply", command= lambda rep=rt: reply(rep))
ff.rt = rt
ff.rb = rb
if not doreturn:
if doreturn:
return returnable
示例6: __init__
# 需要导入模块: from tkinter import Label [as 别名]
# 或者: from tkinter.Label import place [as 别名]
def __init__(self, master):
self.master = master
self.master.title("Log In Screen")
usernamelabel = Label(master,text="User name:")
passwordlabel = Label(master,text="Password:")
'''Create List Of User Names '''
usernames = []
with open('../CSV/Username_Passwords.csv', 'r') as f:
u_p_file = csv.reader(f)
for row in u_p_file:
u_name = row[0]
usernameentry = ttk.Combobox(master)
usernameentry['values'] = usernames
示例7: _init_ui
# 需要导入模块: from tkinter import Label [as 别名]
# 或者: from tkinter.Label import place [as 别名]
def _init_ui(self):
# Label to specify video link
lbl_video_url = Label(self, text="Video URL:")
lbl_video_url.place(x=20, y=20)
# Entry to enter video url
entr_video_url = Entry(self, width=50, textvariable=self._video_url)
entr_video_url.place(x=100, y=20)
# Checkbutton to extract audio
cb_extract_audio = Checkbutton(self, var=self._extract_audio, text="Only keep audio")
cb_extract_audio.place(x=20, y=60)
# Button to browse for location
b_folder_choose = Button(self, text="Choose output directory", command=self.ask_directory)
b_folder_choose.place(x=150, y=90)
# Button to start downloading
b_start_download = Button(self, text="Start download", command=self.download)
b_start_download.place(x=20, y=90)
# Log window to log progress
self._logger.place(x=20, y=130)
示例8: view_edit_title
# 需要导入模块: from tkinter import Label [as 别名]
# 或者: from tkinter.Label import place [as 别名]
def view_edit_title(self, Medikom, id, old_title, *__):
text = "Neuer Titel des Eintrags:"
details_label = Label(
self, text=text, font='Liberation 10',
x=self.SPACE_TWO / 2,
y=(self.n + 2) * (self.ROW_HIGHT + self.ROW_SPACE),
width=self.WIN_WIDTH - self.SPACE_TWO, height=self.ROW_HIGHT)
textframe = Text(self, font='Liberation 12', height=1, width=int(self.WIN_WIDTH / 4))
x=self.SPACE_TWO, y=(self.n + 3) * (self.ROW_HIGHT + self.ROW_SPACE),
width=self.WIN_WIDTH - self.SPACE_ONE - 10, height=self.ROW_HIGHT)
textframe.insert(END, old_title)
create_button = Button(
self, text='Aktualisieren',
command=lambda: self.update_entry_title(Medikom, id, textframe.get(1.0, END).strip()))
x=(self.WIN_WIDTH / 2) - (self.WIN_WIDTH / 16),
y=(self.n + 4) * (self.ROW_HIGHT + self.ROW_SPACE),
width=self.WIN_WIDTH / 8, height=self.ROW_HIGHT)
示例9: __init__
# 需要导入模块: from tkinter import Label [as 别名]
# 或者: from tkinter.Label import place [as 别名]
class Gui:
def __init__(self, master):
self.arduino = None
self.port = "COM7"
self.updater = Thread()
self.windowframe = Frame(master)
self.port_entry = Entry(self.windowframe)
self.port_label = Label(self.windowframe, text="COM Port:")
self.arduino_connect_button = Button(self.windowframe, text="Connect Arduino", command=self.connect_arduino)
self.start_button = Button(self.windowframe, text="Start", command=self.start)
self.stop_Button = Button(self.windowframe, text="Exit", command=master.destroy)
self.temperature_plot = Plot(self.windowframe, "Time [min]", "T\n\n°C", 500)
def place_widgets(self):
self.windowframe.place(x=10, y=10, width=500, height=560)
self.port_label.place(x=0, y=0, height=25, width=160)
self.port_entry.place(x=170, y=0, height=25, width=160)
self.arduino_connect_button.place(x=340, y=0, width=160, height=25)
self.start_button.place(x=0, y=30, width=245, height=25)
self.stop_Button.place(x=255, y=30, height=25, width=245)
self.temperature_plot.place(x=0, y=60, height=500, width=500)
def connect_arduino(self):
if self.port_entry.get() != "":
self.port = self.port_entry.get()
self.arduino = Arduino(self.port)
def start(self):
def update():
start_time = datetime.now()
while True:
thermocouple_temperature = self.arduino.thermocouple_temperature.get()
runtime = (datetime.now() - start_time).seconds / 60.0
self.temperature_plot.add_datapoint(runtime, thermocouple_temperature)
self.updater._target = update
示例10: initUI
# 需要导入模块: from tkinter import Label [as 别名]
# 或者: from tkinter.Label import place [as 别名]
def initUI(self):
self.parent.title("My Tool Client")
self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1)
quitButton = Button(self, text="Exit",
command=self.quit, padx=50, pady=30)
quitButton.place(x=674, y=0)
myToolLabel = Label(self, text="Welcome to MyTool!", font=("Helvetica",16), padx=50)
employeeName = Label(self, text="Julio", font=("Helvetica",10), padx=50)
myToolLabel.place(x=0, y=0)
employeeName.place(x=0, y=30)
dateAndTime = Label(self, text=time.asctime())
dateAndTime.place(x=0, y=50)
示例11: overview
# 需要导入模块: from tkinter import Label [as 别名]
# 或者: from tkinter.Label import place [as 别名]
def overview(self, Medikom):
# get content
tasks_results, information_results = Medikom.get_titles()
# clear screen
canvas = Canvas(self, width=self.WIN_WIDTH, height=self.WIN_HIGHT * 2)
canvas.place(x=0, y=0)
# headers
tasks_label = Label(self, text='Aufgaben', font='Liberation 14')
x=0, y=0, width=self.WIN_WIDTH/2, height=self.ROW_HIGHT)
info_label = Label(self, text='Informationen', font='Liberation 14')
x=self.WIN_WIDTH/2, y=0,
width=self.WIN_WIDTH/2, height=self.ROW_HIGHT)
self.list_entries(Medikom, tasks_results, 0)
self.list_entries(Medikom, information_results, 1)
# lower window part
self.SPACE_ONE, (self.n + 1.5) * (self.ROW_HIGHT + self.ROW_SPACE),
self.WIN_WIDTH - self.SPACE_ONE, (self.n + 1.5) * (self.ROW_HIGHT + self.ROW_SPACE),
fill='#000001', width=1)
add_task_button = Button(self, text='+',
command=Callable(self.view_new_title, Medikom, 0))
x=self.WIN_WIDTH / 4 - self.SPACE_TWO / 2,
y=self.n * (self.ROW_HIGHT + self.ROW_SPACE),
width=self.SPACE_TWO, height=self.ROW_HIGHT)
add_info_button = Button(self, text='+',
command=Callable(self.view_new_title, Medikom, 1))
x=0.75 * self.WIN_WIDTH - self.SPACE_TWO / 2,
y=self.n * (self.ROW_HIGHT + self.ROW_SPACE),
width=self.SPACE_TWO, height=self.ROW_HIGHT)
if self.selected_id is None:
selection_label = Label(
self, text='Kein Eintrag ausgewählt.', font='Liberation 10')
x=self.WIN_WIDTH / 2 - 0.125 * self.WIN_WIDTH,
y=(self.n + 1) * (self.ROW_HIGHT + self.ROW_SPACE),
width=self.WIN_WIDTH / 4, height=self.ROW_HIGHT)
示例12: MainForm
# 需要导入模块: from tkinter import Label [as 别名]
# 或者: from tkinter.Label import place [as 别名]
class MainForm(Tk, Observer):
""" Defines a form object based from Tk in tkinter. """
def __init__(self):
""" Initializes the control object and controls of the form. """
self.ctrl_anon = None
self.resizable(0, 0)
# Center window
width = 800
height = 500
scr_width = self.winfo_screenwidth()
scr_height = self.winfo_screenheight()
# Calculate dimensions
x = (scr_width/2) - (width/2)
y = (scr_height/2) - (height/2)
# Set window dimensions
geo = str(width) + "x" + str(height) + "+" + str(x)[:-2] + "+" + str(y)[:-2]
def _reset_controls(self):
""" Resets the controls on the form. """
image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(file="bg.png")
# Initialize controls
self.lbl_bg = Label(self, image=image)
self.lbl_dir = Label(self, bg="white", fg="#668FA7", font=("Courier", 14))
self.lbl_anon = Label(self, bg="white", fg="#668FA7", font=("Courier", 14))
self.lbl_id = Label(self, bg="white", fg="#668FA7", font=("Courier", 14))
self.btn_dir_select = Button(self, text="Select data folder", command=self._btn_dir_press)
self.btn_id = Button(self, text="Identify data", command=self._btn_id_press)
self.btn_anon = Button(self, text="Anonymize data", command=self._btn_anon_press)
self.tb_study = Entry(self, bg="#668FA7", fg="white")
self.prg_id = Progressbar(self, orient="horizontal", length=200, mode="determinate")
self.prg_anon = Progressbar(self, orient="horizontal", length=200, mode="determinate")
# Place controls
self.lbl_bg.place(x=0, y=0, relwidth=1, relheight=1)
self.lbl_anon.place(x=400, y=400)
self.lbl_id.place(x=400, y=325)
self.btn_dir_select.place(x=250, y=250)
self.btn_id.place(x=250, y=325)
self.btn_anon.place(x=250, y=400)
self.tb_study.place(x=250, y=175)
self.prg_id.place(x=410, y=290)
self.prg_anon.place(x=410, y=370)
# Other formatting
self.lbl_bg.image = image
self.btn_id['state'] = "disabled"
self.btn_anon['state'] = "disabled"
self.prg_id['maximum'] = 100
self.prg_anon['maximum'] = 100
def _btn_dir_press(self):
""" Allows user to select their data folder. """
dir = filedialog.askdirectory(initialdir='.')
if len(dir) > 0:
self.btn_id['state'] = "active"
self.btn_anon['state'] = "disabled"
self.btn_id['state'] = "disabled"
self.btn_anon['state'] = "disabled"
def _btn_id_press(self):
""" Calls the controller to identify data set. """
self.btn_anon['state'] = "active"
def _btn_anon_press(self):
""" Calls the controller to anonymize the data set. """
if len(self.tb_study.get()) == 0:
self.lbl_anon.config(text="Please enter a study name..")
elif not self.tb_study.get().isalnum():
self.lbl_anon.config(text="Please enter a valid study name..")
self.ctrl_anon.anonymize(self.tb_study.get(), self.lbl_dir['text'])
def notify(self):
""" Updates the progress of the anonymization and identification processes. """
self.prg_id['value'] = self.ctrl_anon.id_progress
if self.prg_id['value'] == 100:
self.lbl_id.config(text="Identification compelete")
elif self.prg_id['value'] > 0:
self.lbl_id.config(text="Identification in progress..")
self.prg_anon['value'] = self.ctrl_anon.anon_progress
if self.prg_anon['value'] == 100:
self.lbl_anon.config(text="Anonymization compelete")
elif self.prg_anon['value'] > 0:
self.lbl_anon.config(text="Anonymization in progress..")
def add_controller(self, control_anon):
示例13: __init__
# 需要导入模块: from tkinter import Label [as 别名]
# 或者: from tkinter.Label import place [as 别名]
class App:
"""GUI for controlling the laser"""
def __init__(self, master):
self.frame = Frame(master, width=835, height=195)
master.wm_title("Pulsar Laser Control")
self.portLabel = Label(text="COM Port:")
self.portLabel.place(x=10, y=10, width=200, height=25)
self.portEntry = Entry(self.frame)
self.portEntry.place(x=215, y=10, width=200, height=25)
self.connectButton = Button(text="Connect Arduino", command=lambda: connectserial(self.portEntry.get()))
self.connectButton.place(x=420, y=10, width=200, height=25)
self.connectLabel = Label(text="Arduino not connected")
self.connectLabel.place(x=625, y=10, width=200, height=25)
self.label1 = Label(self.frame, text="Number of pulses:")
self.label1.place(x=10, y=40, height=25, width=200)
self.entryPulse = Entry(self.frame)
self.entryPulse.place(x=215, y=70, height=25, width=200)
self.label2 = Label(self.frame, text="Pulse frequency: ")
self.label2.place(x=10, y=70, height=25, width=200)
self.entryFreq = Entry(self.frame)
self.entryFreq.place(x=215, y=40, height=25, width=200)
self.startButton = Button(text="Start Laser",
command=lambda: setlaseron(self.entryFreq.get(), self.entryPulse.get()))
self.startButton.place(x=420, y=40, height=25, width=200)
self.stopButton = Button(text="Stop Laser", command=setlaseroff)
self.stopButton.place(x=625, y=40, height=25, width=200)
self.pauseButton = Button(text="Pause Laser", command=setlaserpaused)
self.pauseButton.place(x=420, y=70, height=25, width=200)
self.contButton = Button(text="Continue Laser", command=setlasercontinue)
self.contButton.place(x=625, y=70, height=25, width=200)
self.statusLabel = Label(text="")
self.statusLabel.place(x=10, y=100, height=25, width=405)
self.pulseLabel = Label(text="")
self.pulseLabel.place(x=420, y=100, height=25, width=405)
self.startTimeLabel = Label(text="")
self.startTimeLabel.place(x=10, y=130, height=25, width=200)
self.stopTimeLabel = Label(text="")
self.stopTimeLabel.place(x=215, y=130, height=25, width=200)
self.etaLabel = Label(text="")
self.etaLabel.place(x=420, y=130, height=25, width=405)
self.exitButton = Button(text="Exit", command=root.destroy)
self.exitButton.place(x=410, y=160, height=25, width=405)
self.advancedButton = Button(text="Enable advanced mode", command=enableadvanced)
self.advancedButton.place(x=10, y=160, height=25, width=200)
self.simpleButton = Button(text="Disbale advanced mode", command=disableadvanced)
self.simpleButton.place(x=215, y=160, height=25, width=200)
示例14: Tabblet
# 需要导入模块: from tkinter import Label [as 别名]
# 或者: from tkinter.Label import place [as 别名]
class Tabblet():
def __init__(self):
self.tkvar = tkinter.Tk()
with open("options.json") as j:
joptions = json.load(j)
self.screenwidth = self.tkvar.winfo_screenwidth()
self.screenheight = self.tkvar.winfo_screenheight()
self.windowwidth = int(joptions['width'])
self.windowheight = int(joptions['height'])
self.windowx = (self.screenwidth-self.windowwidth) / 2
self.windowy = ((self.screenheight-self.windowheight) / 2) - 27
self.geometrystring = '%dx%d+%d+%d' % (self.windowwidth, self.windowheight, self.windowx, self.windowy)
self.image_resetwindow = PhotoImage(file="resources\\resetwindow.gif")
self.button_resetwindow = Button(self.tkvar, command= lambda: self.tkvar.geometry(self.geometrystring))
self.button_resetwindow.configure(relief="flat", image=self.image_resetwindow)
self.tkvar.bind('<Configure>', lambda event: self.button_resetwindow.place(x=self.tkvar.winfo_width()-20, y=0))
self.tkvar.bind('<B1-Motion>', self.dragmotion)
self.tkvar.bind('<ButtonPress-1>', lambda event: self.mousestate(True))
self.tkvar.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', lambda event: self.mousestate(False))
self.velocityx = 0
self.velocityy = 0
self.mousepositionsx = [2]
self.mousepositionsy = [2]
self.ismousepressed = False
self.labelvelocityind = Label(self.tkvar, text='•')
velocitythread = threading.Thread(target=self.velocitymanager)
velocitythread.daemon = True
def dragmotion(self, event):
#print(event.x, event.y)
self.mousepositionsx = self.mousepositionsx[-20:]
self.mousepositionsy = self.mousepositionsy[-20:]
print(event.x, event.y)
def mousestate(self, state):
self.ismousepressed = state
def velocitymanager(self):
while True:
if not self.ismousepressed:
self.velocityx = (sum(self.mousepositionsx)/len(self.mousepositionsx)) - self.mousepositionsx[-1]
self.velocityy = (sum(self.mousepositionsy)/len(self.mousepositionsy)) - self.mousepositionsy[-1]
self.velocityx = 0
self.velocityy = 0
self.velocityx = int(self.velocityx * 0.9)
self.velocityy = int(self.velocityy * 0.9)
#print(self.velocityx, self.velocityy, self.ismousepressed)
if abs(self.velocityx) < 2:
self.velocityx = 0
if abs(self.velocityy) < 2:
self.velocityy = 0
#60 fps baby
self.labelvelocityind.place(x=512+self.velocityx, y=288+self.velocityy)
self.mousepositionsx = self.mousepositionsx[1:]
self.mousepositionsy = self.mousepositionsy[1:]
示例15: displayGraphic
# 需要导入模块: from tkinter import Label [as 别名]
# 或者: from tkinter.Label import place [as 别名]
def displayGraphic(x, y, img):
dummy = Label(root, image=img, borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0)
dummy.place(x=x, y=y)