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Python tensor.reshape函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中theano.tensor.reshape函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python reshape函数的具体用法?Python reshape怎么用?Python reshape使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: get_unfolding_cost

    def get_unfolding_cost(self):
        ''' computes the unfolding rwconstructed cost (more than 2 inputs) '''
        x  = T.reshape(self.x, (-1, self.n_vector)) 
        yi = x[0];i=1
        for i in range(1, self.num):
        #while T.lt(i, self.num):
            xi = T.concatenate((yi, x[i]))
            yi = self.get_hidden_values(xi)
            i += 1
        # Save the deepest hidden value as output vactor
        self.vector = copy.deepcopy(yi)

        tmp = []
        i = 1
        for i in range(1, self.num):
        #while T.lt(i, self.num):
            zi = self.get_reconstructed(yi)
            t  = T.reshape(zi, (2, self.n_vector))
            yi = t[0]
            i += 1
        x = self.x
        z = T.concatenate(tmp)
        # cross-entropy cost should be modified here.
        L = -T.sum( (0.5*x+0.5)*T.log(0.5*z+0.5) + (-0.5*x+0.5)*T.log(-0.5*z+0.5) )
        # squred cost.
        #L = -T.sum( (x-z)**2 )
        cost = T.mean(L) + 0.01*(self.W**2).sum()   # cost for a minibatch
        return cost 

示例2: depool

def depool(X, factor=2):
    luke perforated upsample
    output_shape = [
    stride = X.shape[2]
    offset = X.shape[3]
    in_dim = stride * offset
    out_dim = in_dim * factor * factor

    upsamp_matrix = T.zeros((in_dim, out_dim))
    rows = T.arange(in_dim)
    cols = rows*factor + (rows/stride * factor * offset)
    upsamp_matrix = T.set_subtensor(upsamp_matrix[rows, cols], 1.)

    flat = T.reshape(X, (X.shape[0], output_shape[0], X.shape[2] * X.shape[3]))

    up_flat = T.dot(flat, upsamp_matrix)
    upsamp = T.reshape(up_flat, (X.shape[0], output_shape[0],
                                 output_shape[1], output_shape[2]))

    return upsamp

示例3: _transform_affine

def _transform_affine(theta, input, downsample_factor):
    num_batch, num_channels, height, width = input.shape
    theta = T.reshape(theta, (-1, 2, 3))

    # grid of (x_t, y_t, 1), eq (1) in ref [1]
    out_height = T.cast(height / downsample_factor[0], 'int64')
    out_width = T.cast(width / downsample_factor[1], 'int64')
    grid = _meshgrid(out_height, out_width)

    # Transform A x (x_t, y_t, 1)^T -> (x_s, y_s)
    T_g = T.dot(theta, grid)
    x_s = T_g[:, 0]
    y_s = T_g[:, 1]
    x_s_flat = x_s.flatten()
    y_s_flat = y_s.flatten()

    # dimshuffle input to  (bs, height, width, channels)
    input_dim = input.dimshuffle(0, 2, 3, 1)
    input_transformed = _interpolate(
        input_dim, x_s_flat, y_s_flat,
        out_height, out_width)

    output = T.reshape(
        input_transformed, (num_batch, out_height, out_width, num_channels))
    output = output.dimshuffle(0, 3, 1, 2)  # dimshuffle to conv format
    return output

示例4: error

    def error(self, outputs):
        '''Build a theano expression for computing the network error.

        outputs : dict mapping str to theano expression
            A dictionary of all outputs generated by the layers in this network.

        error : theano expression
            A theano expression representing the network error.
        output = outputs[self.output_name()]
        alpha = outputs['hid2:alpha']
        alpha_sum = alpha.sum(axis = 0) # max_dst_len * batch_size * max_src_len
        alpha_l_inf = alpha_sum.max(axis = -1) # batch_size

        # flatten all but last components of the output and labels
        n = output.shape[0] * output.shape[1]
        #print output.shape.eval()
        correct = TT.reshape(self.labels, (n, ))
        weights = TT.reshape(self.weights, (n, ))
        prob = TT.reshape(output, (n, output.shape[2]))
        nlp = -TT.log(TT.clip(prob[TT.arange(n), correct], 1e-8, 1))
        if self.weighted:
            return (weights * nlp).sum() / weights.sum() +  alpha_l_inf.mean()
        return nlp.mean()

示例5: k_max_pool

    def k_max_pool(self, x, k):
        perform k-max pool on the input along the rows

        input: theano.tensor.tensor4
        k: theano.tensor.iscalar
            the k parameter

        4D tensor
        x = T.reshape(x, (x.shape[0], x.shape[1], 1, x.shape[2] * x.shape[3]))
        ind = T.argsort(x, axis=3)

        sorted_ind = T.sort(ind[:, :, :, -k:], axis=3)

        dim0, dim1, dim2, dim3 = sorted_ind.shape

        indices_dim0 = T.arange(dim0).repeat(dim1 * dim2 * dim3)
        indices_dim1 = (
            T.arange(dim1).repeat(dim2 * dim3).reshape((dim1 * dim2 * dim3, 1)).repeat(dim0, axis=1).T.flatten()
        indices_dim2 = T.arange(dim2).repeat(dim3).reshape((dim2 * dim3, 1)).repeat(dim0 * dim1, axis=1).T.flatten()

        result = x[indices_dim0, indices_dim1, indices_dim2, sorted_ind.flatten()].reshape(sorted_ind.shape)
        shape = (result.shape[0], result.shape[1], result.shape[2] * result.shape[3], 1)

        result = T.reshape(result, shape)

        return result

示例6: T_subspacel1_slow_shrinkage_conv

def T_subspacel1_slow_shrinkage_conv(a, L, lam_sparse, lam_slow, imshp,kshp,featshp,stride=(1,1),small_value=.001):
    featshp = (imshp[0],kshp[0],featshp[2],featshp[3]) # num images, features, szy, szx
    features = T.reshape(T.transpose(a),featshp,ndim=4)

    amp = T.sqrt(features[:,::2,:,:]**2 + features[:,1::2,:,:]**2 + small_value)
    #damp = amp[:,1:] - amp[:,:-1]

    # compose slow shrinkage with subspace l1 shrinkage

    # slow shrinkage
    div = T.zeros_like(amp)
    d1 = amp[1:,:,:,:] - amp[:-1,:,:,:]
    d2 = d1[1:,:,:,:] - d1[:-1,:,:,:]
    div = T.set_subtensor(div[1:-1,:,:,:], -d2)
    div = T.set_subtensor(div[0,:,:,:], -d1[0,:,:,:])
    div = T.set_subtensor(div[-1,:,:,:], d1[-1,:,:,:])
    slow_amp_shrinkage = 1 - (lam_slow / L) * (div / amp)
    slow_amp_value = T.switch(T.gt(slow_amp_shrinkage, 0), slow_amp_shrinkage, 0)
    slow_shrinkage_prox_a = slow_amp_value * features[:, ::2, :,:]
    slow_shrinkage_prox_b = slow_amp_value * features[:,1::2, :,:]

    # subspace l1 shrinkage
    amp_slow_shrinkage_prox = T.sqrt(slow_shrinkage_prox_a ** 2 + slow_shrinkage_prox_b ** 2)
    #amp_shrinkage = 1. - (lam_slow*lam_sparse/L)*amp_slow_shrinkage_prox
    amp_shrinkage = 1. - (lam_sparse / L) / amp_slow_shrinkage_prox
    amp_value = T.switch(T.gt(amp_shrinkage, 0.), amp_shrinkage, 0.)
    subspacel1_prox = T.zeros_like(features)
    subspacel1_prox = T.set_subtensor(subspacel1_prox[:, ::2, :,:], amp_value * slow_shrinkage_prox_a)
    subspacel1_prox = T.set_subtensor(subspacel1_prox[:,1::2, :,:], amp_value * slow_shrinkage_prox_b)

    reshape_subspacel1_prox = T.transpose(T.reshape(subspacel1_prox,(featshp[0],featshp[1]*featshp[2]*featshp[3]),ndim=2))
    return reshape_subspacel1_prox

示例7: _active

            def _active(m, pre_h, x):
                x = T.reshape(x, (self.batch_size, last_shape[0]))

                pre_h = T.reshape(pre_h, (self.batch_size, last_shape[1]))

                h = self.decoder._active(x, pre_h)

                y = T.nnet.softmax(T.dot(h, self.W_hy) + self.b_y)
                y = y * m[:, None]
                print type(y)

                y_dim_y = y[:, 0:self.dim_y]
                y_dim_pos = y[:, self.dim_y:]
                print type(y_dim_y)
                print type(y_dim_pos)

                new_y_dim_y = y_dim_y + T.dot(y_dim_pos, self.word_tag_matrix)

                # y = np.column_stack((new_y_dim_y, y_dim_pos))
                y = T.concatenate([new_y_dim_y, y_dim_pos], axis=1)
                print type(y)

                h = T.reshape(h, (1, self.batch_size * last_shape[1]))
                y = T.reshape(y, (1, self.batch_size * last_shape[0]))
                return h, y, new_y_dim_y, y_dim_pos

示例8: maxpool_3D

def maxpool_3D(input, ds, ignore_border=False):
    #input.dimshuffle (0, 2, 1, 3, 4)   # convert to make video in back. 
    # no need to reshuffle. 
    if input.ndim < 3:
        raise NotImplementedError('max_pool_3d requires a dimension >= 3')

    # extract nr dimensions
    vid_dim = input.ndim
    # max pool in two different steps, so we can use the 2d implementation of 
    # downsamplefactormax. First maxpool frames as usual. 
    # Then maxpool the time dimension. Shift the time dimension to the third 
    # position, so rows and cols are in the back

    # extract dimensions
    frame_shape = input.shape[-2:]
    # count the number of "leading" dimensions, store as dmatrix
    batch_size = T.prod(input.shape[:-2])
    batch_size = T.shape_padright(batch_size,1)
    # store as 4D tensor with shape: (batch_size,1,height,width)
    new_shape = T.cast(T.join(0, batch_size,
                                        frame_shape), 'int32')
    input_4D = T.reshape(input, new_shape, ndim=4)

    # downsample mini-batch of videos in rows and cols
    op = DownsampleFactorMax((ds[1],ds[2]), ignore_border)          # so second and third dimensions of ds are for height and width
    output = op(input_4D)
    # restore to original shape                                     
    outshape = T.join(0, input.shape[:-2], output.shape[-2:])
    out = T.reshape(output, outshape, ndim=input.ndim)

    # now maxpool time
    # output (time, rows, cols), reshape so that time is in the back
    shufl = (list(range(vid_dim-3)) + [vid_dim-2]+[vid_dim-1]+[vid_dim-3])
    input_time = out.dimshuffle(shufl)
    # reset dimensions
    vid_shape = input_time.shape[-2:]
    # count the number of "leading" dimensions, store as dmatrix
    batch_size = T.prod(input_time.shape[:-2])
    batch_size = T.shape_padright(batch_size,1)
    # store as 4D tensor with shape: (batch_size,1,width,time)
    new_shape = T.cast(T.join(0, batch_size,
                                        vid_shape), 'int32')
    input_4D_time = T.reshape(input_time, new_shape, ndim=4)
    # downsample mini-batch of videos in time
    op = DownsampleFactorMax((1,ds[0]), ignore_border)            # Here the time dimension is downsampled. 
    outtime = op(input_4D_time)
    # output 
    # restore to original shape (xxx, rows, cols, time)
    outshape = T.join(0, input_time.shape[:-2], outtime.shape[-2:])
    shufl = (list(range(vid_dim-3)) + [vid_dim-1]+[vid_dim-3]+[vid_dim-2])
    #rval = T.reshape(outtime, outshape, ndim=input.ndim).dimshuffle(shufl)
    return T.reshape(outtime, outshape, ndim=input.ndim).dimshuffle(shufl)

示例9: Transform

def Transform(X, w1, g1, b1, w2, g2, b2, downsample_factor=2):
    theta = GetTheta(X, w1, g1, b1, w2, g2, b2)
    num_batch, num_channels, height, width = X.shape
    theta = T.reshape(theta, (-1, 2, 3))

    height_f = T.cast(height, 'float32')
    width_f = T.cast(width, 'float32')
    out_height = T.cast(height_f // downsample_factor, 'int64')
    out_width = T.cast(width_f // downsample_factor, 'int64')
    grid = Meshgrid(out_height, out_width)

    # Transform A x (x_t, y_t, 1)^T -> (x_s, y_s)
    T_g = T.dot(theta, grid)
    x_s, y_s = T_g[:, 0], T_g[:, 1]
    x_s_flat = x_s.flatten()
    y_s_flat = y_s.flatten()

    # dimshuffle input to  (bs, height, width, channels)
    input_dim = input.dimshuffle(0, 2, 3, 1)
    input_transformed = Interpolate(input_dim, x_s_flat, y_s_flat, downsample_factor)

    output = T.reshape(input_transformed,
                       (num_batch, out_height, out_width, num_channels))

    output = output.dimshuffle(0, 3, 1, 2)
    return output

示例10: do_fft

def do_fft(input, n_hidden):
    fft_input = T.reshape(input, (input.shape[0], 2, n_hidden))
    fft_input = fft_input.dimshuffle(0,2,1)
    fft_output = cufft(fft_input) * T.sqrt(n_hidden)
    fft_output = fft_output.dimshuffle(0,2,1)
    output = T.reshape(fft_output, (input.shape[0], 2*n_hidden))
    return output

示例11: do_ifft

def do_ifft(input, n_hidden):
    ifft_input = T.reshape(input, (input.shape[0], 2, n_hidden))
    ifft_input = ifft_input.dimshuffle(0,2,1)
    ifft_output = cuifft(ifft_input) / T.sqrt(n_hidden)
    ifft_output = ifft_output.dimshuffle(0,2,1)
    output = T.reshape(ifft_output, (input.shape[0], 2*n_hidden))
    return output

示例12: unitary_transform

def unitary_transform(input, n_hidden, U):
    UR, UI = U[0, :, :], U[1, :, :]
    unitary_input = T.reshape(input, (input.shape[0], 2, n_hidden))
    IR, II = unitary_input[:, 0, :], unitary_input[:, 1, :]
    output = T.stack([IR.dot(UR) - II.dot(UI), IR.dot(UI) + II.dot(UR)], axis=1)
    output = T.reshape(output, (input.shape[0], 2*n_hidden))
    return output

示例13: T_l2_cost_conv

def T_l2_cost_conv(x,a,A,imshp,kshp,mask=True):
    xsz*ysz*nchannels, nimages = x.shape
    xsz*ysz*nfeat, nimages = a.shape
    xsz*ysz*nchannels, nfeat = A.shape

    #imshp = num images, channels, szy, szx
    #kshp = features, channels, szy, szx
    #featshp = num images, features, szy, szx

    featshp = (imshp[0],kshp[0],imshp[2] - kshp[2] + 1,imshp[3] - kshp[3] + 1) # num images, features, szy, szx

    image = T.reshape(T.transpose(x),imshp)
    kernel = T.reshape(T.transpose(A),kshp)
    features = T.reshape(T.transpose(a),featshp)

    # Need to transpose first two dimensions of kernel, and reverse index kernel image dims (for correlation)
    kernel_rotated = T.transpose(kernel[:,:,::-1,::-1],axes=[1,0,2,3])

    image_estimate = conv2d(features,kernel_rotated,border_mode='full')

    if mask:
        image_error_temp = image - image_estimate
        image_error = T.zeros_like(image_error_temp)
        image_error = T.set_subtensor(image_error[:,:,(kshp[2]-1):(imshp[2]-kshp[2]+1),(kshp[3]-1):(imshp[3]-kshp[3]+1)],
        image_error = image - image_estimate

    return .5*T.sum(image_error **2)

示例14: get_output

    def get_output(self, train=False):
        X = self.get_input(train)
        X = T.reshape(X, (X.shape[0], X.shape[1], X.shape[2], 1)).dimshuffle(0, 2, 1, 3)

        border_mode = self.border_mode
        if on_gpu() and dnn.dnn_available():
            if border_mode == 'same':
                assert(self.subsample_length == 1)
                pad_x = (self.filter_length - self.subsample_length) // 2
                conv_out = dnn.dnn_conv(img=X,
                                        border_mode=(pad_x, 0))
                conv_out = dnn.dnn_conv(img=X,
            if border_mode == 'same':
                assert(self.subsample_length == 1)
                border_mode = 'full'

            conv_out = T.nnet.conv.conv2d(X, self.W,
            if self.border_mode == 'same':
                shift_x = (self.filter_length - 1) // 2
                conv_out = conv_out[:, :, shift_x:X.shape[2] + shift_x, :]

        output = self.activation(conv_out + self.b.dimshuffle('x', 0, 'x', 'x'))
        output = T.reshape(output, (output.shape[0], output.shape[1], output.shape[2])).dimshuffle(0, 2, 1)
        return output

示例15: cost

 def cost(self):
   :param y: shape (time*batch,) -> label
   :return: error scalar, known_grads dict
   y_f = T.cast(T.reshape(self.y_data_flat, (self.y_data_flat.shape[0] * self.y_data_flat.shape[1]), ndim = 1), 'int32')
   known_grads = None
   if self.loss == 'sprint':
     if not isinstance(self.sprint_opts, dict):
       import json
       self.sprint_opts = json.loads(self.sprint_opts)
     assert isinstance(self.sprint_opts, dict), "you need to specify sprint_opts in the output layer"
     if self.exp_normalize:
       log_probs = T.log(self.p_y_given_x)
       log_probs = self.z
     sprint_error_op = SprintErrorSigOp(self.attrs.get("target", "classes"), self.sprint_opts)
     err, grad = sprint_error_op(log_probs, T.sum(self.index, axis=0))
     err = err.sum()
     if self.loss_like_ce:
       y_ref = T.clip(self.p_y_given_x - grad, numpy.float32(0), numpy.float32(1))
       err = -T.sum(T.log(T.pow(self.p_y_given_x, y_ref)) * T.cast(self.index, "float32").dimshuffle(0, 1, 'x'))
     if self.ce_smoothing:
       err *= numpy.float32(1.0 - self.ce_smoothing)
       grad *= numpy.float32(1.0 - self.ce_smoothing)
       if not self.prior_scale:  # we kept the softmax bias as it was
         nll, pcx = T.nnet.crossentropy_softmax_1hot(x=self.y_m[self.i], y_idx=self.y_data_flat[self.i])
       else:  # assume that we have subtracted the bias by the log priors beforehand
         assert self.log_prior is not None
         # In this case, for the CE calculation, we need to add the log priors again.
         y_m_prior = T.reshape(self.z + numpy.float32(self.prior_scale) * self.log_prior,
                               (self.z.shape[0] * self.z.shape[1], self.z.shape[2]), ndim=2)
         nll, pcx = T.nnet.crossentropy_softmax_1hot(x=y_m_prior[self.i], y_idx=self.y_data_flat[self.i])
       ce = numpy.float32(self.ce_smoothing) * T.sum(nll)
       err += ce
       grad += T.grad(ce, self.z)
     known_grads = {self.z: grad}
     return err, known_grads
   elif self.loss == 'ctc':
     from theano.tensor.extra_ops import cpu_contiguous
     err, grad, priors = CTCOp()(self.p_y_given_x, cpu_contiguous(self.y.dimshuffle(1, 0)), self.index_for_ctc())
     known_grads = {self.z: grad}
     return err.sum(), known_grads, priors.sum(axis=0)
   elif self.loss == 'ce_ctc':
     y_m = T.reshape(self.z, (self.z.shape[0] * self.z.shape[1], self.z.shape[2]), ndim=2)
     p_y_given_x = T.nnet.softmax(y_m)
     #pcx = p_y_given_x[(self.i > 0).nonzero(), y_f[(self.i > 0).nonzero()]]
     pcx = p_y_given_x[self.i, self.y_data_flat[self.i]]
     ce = -T.sum(T.log(pcx))
     return ce, known_grads
   elif self.loss == 'ctc2':
     from NetworkCtcLayer import ctc_cost, uniq_with_lengths, log_sum
     max_time = self.z.shape[0]
     num_batches = self.z.shape[1]
     time_mask = self.index.reshape((max_time, num_batches))
     y_batches = self.y_data_flat.reshape((max_time, num_batches))
     targets, seq_lens = uniq_with_lengths(y_batches, time_mask)
     log_pcx = self.z - log_sum(self.z, axis=0, keepdims=True)
     err = ctc_cost(log_pcx, time_mask, targets, seq_lens)
     return err, known_grads
