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Python tensor.ceil函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中theano.tensor.ceil函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python ceil函数的具体用法?Python ceil怎么用?Python ceil使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: _activation

    def _activation(self, Y, L, M, W):
        """Returns the activation for a given input.

        Derived from the generative model formulation of hierarchical
        Poisson mixtures, the formular for the activation in the network
        reads as follows:
        I_c =
         \sum_d \log(W_{cd})y_d + \log(M_{lc})        for labeled data
         \sum_d \log(W_{cd})y_d + \log(\sum_k M_{kc}) for unlabeled data
        s_c = softmax(I_c)
        # first: complete inference to find label
        # Input integration:
        I = T.tensordot(Y,T.log(W),axes=[1,1])
        # recurrent term:
        vM = M[L]
        L_index = T.eq(L,-1).nonzero()
        vM = T.set_subtensor(vM[L_index], T.sum(M, axis=0))
        # numeric trick to prevent overflow in the exp-function
        max_exponent = 86. - T.ceil(T.log(I.shape[1].astype('float32')))
        scale = T.switch(
            T.gt(T.max(I, axis=1, keepdims=True), max_exponent),
            T.max(I, axis=1, keepdims=True) - max_exponent,
        # numeric approximation to prevent underflow in the exp-function:
        # map too low values of I to a fixed minimum value
        min_exponent = -87. + T.ceil(T.log(I.shape[1].astype('float32')))
        I = T.switch(
            T.lt(I-scale, min_exponent),
        # activation: recurrent softmax with overflow protection
        s = vM*T.exp(I-scale)/T.sum(vM*T.exp(I-scale), axis=1, keepdims=True)
        return s

示例2: process

 def process(self, input, tparams, BNparams):
     b, f, h0, w0 = input.shape
     result = []
     for h, w in self.pymamid:
         win_h = T.ceil(h0 / h).astype('int32')
         win_w = T.ceil(w0 / w).astype('int32')
         str_h = T.floor(h0 / h).astype('int32')
         str_w = T.floor(w0 / w).astype('int32')
             img=input, ws=(win_h, win_w), mode=self.mode,
             stride=(str_h, str_w), pad=(0, 0)).reshape([b, -1]))
     return T.concatenate(result, axis=1)

示例3: pool_2d_nxn_regions

def pool_2d_nxn_regions(inputs, output_size, mode='max'):
    Performs a pooling operation that results in a fixed size:
    output_size x output_size.
    Used by SpatialPyramidPoolingLayer. Refer to appendix A in [1]

    inputs : a tensor with 4 dimensions (N x C x H x W)
    output_size: integer
        The output size of the pooling operation
    mode : string
        Pooling mode, one of 'max', 'average_inc_pad', 'average_exc_pad'
        Defaults to 'max'.

    Returns a list of tensors, for each output bin.
       The list contains output_size*output_size elements, where
       each element is a 3D tensor (N x C x 1)

    .. [1] He, Kaiming et al (2015):
           Spatial Pyramid Pooling in Deep Convolutional Networks
           for Visual Recognition.

    if mode == 'max':
        pooling_op = T.max
    elif mode in ['average_inc_pad', 'average_exc_pad']:
        pooling_op = T.mean
        msg = "Mode must be either 'max', 'average_inc_pad' or "
        msg += "'average_exc_pad'. Got '{0}'"
        raise ValueError(msg.format(mode))

    h, w = inputs.shape[2:]

    result = []
    n = float(output_size)

    for row in range(output_size):
        for col in range(output_size):
            start_h = T.floor(row / n * h).astype('int32')
            end_h = T.ceil((row + 1) / n * h).astype('int32')
            start_w = T.floor(col / n * w).astype('int32')
            end_w = T.ceil((col + 1) / n * w).astype('int32')

            pooling_region = inputs[:, :, start_h:end_h, start_w:end_w]
            this_result = pooling_op(pooling_region, axis=(2, 3))
            result.append(this_result.dimshuffle(0, 1, 'x'))
    return result

示例4: compute_hard_windows

    def compute_hard_windows(self, image_shape, location, scale):
        # find topleft(front) and bottomright(back) corners for each patch
        a = location - 0.5 * (T.cast(self.patch_shape, theano.config.floatX) / scale)
        b = location + 0.5 * (T.cast(self.patch_shape, theano.config.floatX) / scale)

        # grow by three patch pixels
        a -= self.kernel.k_sigma_radius(self.cutoff, scale)
        b += self.kernel.k_sigma_radius(self.cutoff, scale)

        # clip to fit inside image and have nonempty window
        a = T.clip(a, 0, image_shape - 1)
        b = T.clip(b, a + 1, image_shape)

        if self.batched_window:
            # take the bounding box of all windows; now the slices
            # will have the same length for each sample and scan can
            # be avoided.  comes at the cost of typically selecting
            # more of the input.
            a = a.min(axis=0, keepdims=True)
            b = b.max(axis=0, keepdims=True)

        # make integer
        a = T.cast(T.floor(a), 'int16')
        b = T.cast(T.ceil(b), 'int16')

        return a, b

示例5: __init__

    def __init__(self, input_ngram, input_sm, vocab_size, emb_dim, num_section, linear_W_emb=None, fix_emb=False, nonlinear=None, activation=None):
        global rng
        global init_range
        if linear_W_emb is None:
            # random initialize
            linear_W_emb = np.asarray(rng.uniform(
                low=-init_range, high=init_range, size=(vocab_size, emb_dim)), dtype=theano.config.floatX)
            # use the given model parameter
            given_vocab_size, given_emb_dim = linear_W_emb.shape
            assert(given_vocab_size == vocab_size and given_emb_dim == emb_dim)

        # shared variables
        self.W_emb = theano.shared(value=linear_W_emb, name='W_emb')

        # stack vectors
        input_ngram = T.cast(input_ngram, 'int32')
        input_sm = T.cast(input_sm, 'int32')

        # output is a matrix where each row correponds to a context_size embedding vector, and row number equals to batch size
        # output dimensions: batch_size * ((context_size + 1) * emb_dim)
        output_local = self.W_emb[input_ngram[:, :-1].flatten()].reshape(
            (input_ngram.shape[0], emb_dim * (input_ngram.shape[1] - 1)))  # self.W_emb.shape[1]
        sentence_lengths = input_sm[:,0]
        sentence_matrix = input_sm[:,1:]

        sentence_num = sentence_matrix.shape[0]
        global_length = sentence_matrix.shape[1]
        section_length = T.cast(T.ceil(global_length / float(num_section)), 'int32')

        # For the first section
        sentence_embeddings = T.mean(self.W_emb[sentence_matrix[:, :section_length].flatten()].reshape(
            (sentence_num, section_length, emb_dim)), axis=1)

        # For the rest sections
        for i in xrange(1, num_section):
            current_section = T.mean(self.W_emb[sentence_matrix[:, i*section_length:(i+1)*section_length].flatten()].reshape(
                (sentence_num, section_length, emb_dim)), axis=1)
            sentence_embeddings = T.concatenate([sentence_embeddings, current_section], axis=1)

        # get the sentence index for each ngram vector, and transform it to 0-based
        sentence_indeces = input_ngram[:,-1]
        base_index = sentence_indeces[0]
        sentence_indeces = sentence_indeces - base_index

        # the last column of output should be a weighted sum of the sentence
        # vectors
        output_global = sentence_embeddings[sentence_indeces.flatten()].reshape((sentence_indeces.shape[0], emb_dim * num_section))

        # handle non-linear layer
        if nonlinear is None or activation is None:
            self.output = T.concatenate([output_local, output_global], axis=1)
            # params is the word embedding matrix
            self.params = [self.W_emb] if not fix_emb else []
            self.non_linear_params, non_linear_output_global = addNonlinearLayer(output_global, emb_dim * num_section, nonlinear, activation)
            self.output = T.concatenate([output_local, non_linear_output_global], axis=1)
            self.params = [self.W_emb] + self.non_linear_params if not fix_emb else self.non_linear_params

示例6: spp_max_pool_axis_kwargs

def spp_max_pool_axis_kwargs(in_shape, out_shape):
    symbolic = (treeano.utils.is_variable(in_shape)
                or treeano.utils.is_variable(out_shape))
    # maxpool requires static shape
    assert not symbolic
    if symbolic:
        int_ceil = lambda x: T.ceil(x).astype("int32")
        int_ceil = lambda x: int(np.ceil(x))

    # eg. if input is 5 and output is 2, each pool size should be 3
    pool_size = int_ceil(in_shape / out_shape)
    # stride should equal pool_size, since we want non-overlapping regions
    stride = pool_size
    # pad as much as possible, since ignore_border=True
    padding = int_ceil((pool_size * out_shape - in_shape) / 2)

    if not symbolic:
        assert padding < pool_size

    return dict(

示例7: encode

	def encode(self, state_below):
			(1) may need to prepend encoding_length * padding array to the state_below to produce the same length sequence as state_below
			(2) can return an offset encoding by only returing certain indices of the encoding (though this is pretty wasteful)

		:type state_below: 2d tensor
		:param state_below: the enitre sequence of states from the layer below the current one

		:type rval: 2d tensor
		:param rval: an encoding of the state_below (the entire sequence of state) to be passed to the above layer

		total_sequence_length = T.cast(state_below.shape[0], theano.config.floatX)
		self.n_encodings = T.cast(T.ceil(total_sequence_length / self.encoding_length), 'int32')
		self.n_padding_timesteps = T.cast(self.n_encodings * self.encoding_length - total_sequence_length, 'int32')
		zeros = T.alloc(np.cast[theano.config.floatX](0), self.n_padding_timesteps, self.n_vis)
		state_below = T.concatenate((zeros, state_below))

		Wxh = self.Wxh
		bxh = self.bxh
		Whhe = self.Whhe

		state_below = state_below.reshape((self.encoding_length, self.n_encodings, self.n_vis))
		state_below = T.dot(state_below, Wxh) + bxh
		# a single output will be n_encoding rows with n_hid features each
		encoding_0 = T.alloc(np.cast[theano.config.floatX](0), self.n_encodings, self.n_hid)

		encodings, updates = scan(fn=self.encode_step, sequences=[state_below], outputs_info=[encoding_0], non_sequences=[Whhe])
		# encodings is a 3d vector (encoding_length, n_encodings, n_hid)
		# returns encodings[-1] in 2d vector shape = (n_encodings, n_hid)
		return encodings[-1]

示例8: get_pseudo_likelihood_cost

	def get_pseudo_likelihood_cost(self, updates):
		"""Stochastic approximation to the pseudo-likelihood"""

		# index of bit i in expression p(x_i | x_{\i})
		bit_i_idx = theano.shared(value=0, name='bit_i_idx')

		# binarize the input image by rounding to nearest integer
		xi = T.round(self.input)

		# calculate free energy for the given bit configuration
		fe_xi = self.free_energy(xi, self.scaling)

		# flip bit x_i of matrix xi and preserve all other bits x_{\i}
		# Equivalent to xi[:,bit_i_idx] = 1-xi[:, bit_i_idx], but assigns
		# the result to xi_flip, instead of working in place on xi.
		xi_flip = T.set_subtensor(xi[:, bit_i_idx], 1 - T.ceil(xi[:, bit_i_idx] / (xi[:, bit_i_idx] + 1)))

		# calculate free energy with bit flipped
		fe_xi_flip = self.free_energy(xi_flip, self.scaling)

		# equivalent to e^(-FE(x_i)) / (e^(-FE(x_i)) + e^(-FE(x_{\i})))
		cost = T.mean(self.n_visible * T.log(T.nnet.sigmoid(fe_xi_flip - fe_xi)))

		# increment bit_i_idx % number as part of updates
		updates[bit_i_idx] = (bit_i_idx + 1) % self.n_visible

		return cost

示例9: get_output_for

    def get_output_for(self, input, **kwargs):
        p = self.p
        k = self.k
        nbatches = input.shape[0]
        x_len = self.x_len
        # x_len = 30
        # x = input.reshape((nbatches, x_len))
        x = input.reshape((nbatches, x_len))

        p_floor = T.floor(p)
        p_ceil = T.ceil(p)
        # Deltas
        p_delta = p - p_floor
        ep_delta = T.exp(k*-p_delta)

        p2_delta = 1 - p_delta
        ep2_delta = T.exp(k*-p2_delta)

        p0_delta = 1 + p_delta
        ep0_delta = T.exp(k*-p0_delta)

        ep_sum = ep_delta + ep2_delta + ep0_delta

        perm1 = x[:, (T.cast(p_floor, 'int32'))%x_len]
        perm2 = x[:, (T.cast(p_ceil, 'int32')+1)%x_len]
        perm0 = x[:, (T.cast(p_floor, 'int32')-1)%x_len]

        perm1_factor = ep_delta * perm1
        perm2_factor = ep2_delta * perm2
        perm3_factor = ep0_delta * perm0
        res = (perm1_factor + perm2_factor + perm3_factor) / ep_sum
        return res.reshape(input.shape)

示例10: get_output_for

    def get_output_for( self, inputs ,**kwargs ):
        # For each ROI R = [batch_index x1 y1 x2 y2]: max pool over R
        input = inputs[0]
        boxes = inputs[1]
        batch = T.shape (input)[0]
        channels = T.shape (input)[1]
        height = T.shape( input )[2]
        width = T.shape( input )[3]
        num_boxes = T.shape(boxes)[0]
        output = T.zeros((batch * num_boxes , channels, self.num_features))

        for idbb,bb in enumerate(range(num_boxes)):
            batch_ind = bb[0]

            pool_list = []
            #for pool_dim in self.pool_dims:
            start_w = T.clip(T.floor(bb[1] * self.sp_scale),0,width)
            start_h = T.clip(T.floor(bb[2] * self.sp_scale),0,heigth)
            end_w = T.clip(T.ceil(bb[3] * self.sp_scale),0,width)
            end_h = T.clip(T.ceil(bb[4] * self.sp_scale),0,height)

            w = T.max(end_w - start_w +1,1)
            h = T.amx(end_h - start_h +1,1)

            start_samples_y,start_sample_x = T.floor(_meshgrid(start_h,end_h,pool_dims+1,start_w,end_w,pool_dims+1))
            end_samples_y,end_sample_x = T.ceil(_meshgrid(start_h,end_h,pool_dims+1,start_w,end_w,pool_dims+1))


            #for idx,px in enumerate(samples_x[:-1]):
            #    for idy,py in enumerate(samples_y[:-1]):

             #       (pool.dnn_pool( input[batch_ind,:,np.floor(py):np.ceil(samples_y[idy+1]),np.floor(px):np.ceil(samples_x[idx+1])],(0,0),(None,None),'max', (0,0) )).flatten(2)

                #sz_w = ( w - 1 ) // pool_dim
                #sz_h = ( h - 1 ) // pool_dim

                #str_h = w // pool_dim
                #str_w = h // pool_dim

                #pool = dnn.dnn_pool( input[bb[0],:,start_h:end_h+1,start_w:end_w+1], (sz_h,sz_w),                 (str_h,str_w), 'max', (0,0) ).flatten(2)
        pool_list.append( pool )
        output[idbb] = T.transpose(T.concatenate( pool_list, axis=1 )) #not efficient but for the moment is ok!
        #if everything is correct this vector should be ordered as in fast RCNN    
        return output

示例11: compileActivation

    def compileActivation(self, net, layerNum):
        variable = net.x if layerNum == 0 else net.varArrayA[layerNum - 1]

        #Calc shapes for reshape function on-the-fly. Assume we have square images as input.
        sX = T.cast(T.sqrt(T.shape(variable)[0] / self.kernel_shape[1]), 'int16')

        #Converts input from 2 to 4 dimensions
        Xr = T.reshape(variable.T, (T.shape(variable)[1], self.kernel_shape[1], sX, sX))

        if self.optimized:
            out_size = T.cast(
                T.ceil((T.shape(Xr)[-1] - T.shape(net.varWeights[layerNum]['w'])[-1] + 1) / np.float32(self.stride)),

            conv_op = FilterActs(stride=self.stride)
            input_shuffled = Xr.dimshuffle(1, 2, 3, 0)  # bc01 to c01b
            filters_shuffled = net.varWeights[layerNum]['w'].dimshuffle(1, 2, 3, 0)  # bc01 to c01b
            filters_flipped = filters_shuffled[:, ::-1, ::-1, :] # flip rows and columns
            contiguous_input = gpu_contiguous(input_shuffled)
            contiguous_filters = gpu_contiguous(filters_flipped *
                                                (net.dropOutVectors[layerNum].dimshuffle('x', 0, 1, 'x') if self.dropout else 1.0))
            a = conv_op(contiguous_input, contiguous_filters)
            a = a[:, :out_size, :out_size, :]
            #Add bias
            a = a + net.varWeights[layerNum]['b'].dimshuffle(0, 'x', 'x', 'x')
            a = T.nnet.conv2d(Xr, net.varWeights[layerNum]['w'] *
                              (net.dropOutVectors[layerNum].dimshuffle('x', 'x', 0, 1) if self.dropout else 1.0),
                              subsample=(self.stride, self.stride))
            #Add bias
            a = a + net.varWeights[layerNum]['b'].dimshuffle('x', 0, 'x', 'x')

        if self.pooling:
            if self.optimized:
                # ds - side of square pool window
                # stride - Defines the stride size between successive pooling squares.
                # Setting this parameter smaller than sizeX produces overlapping pools.
                # Setting it equal to sizeX gives the usual, non-overlapping pools. Values greater than sizeX are not allowed.
                pool_op = MaxPool(ds=self.pooling_shape, stride=self.pooling_shape)

                contiguous_input = gpu_contiguous(a)
                a = pool_op(contiguous_input)
                a = a.dimshuffle(3, 0, 1, 2)       # c01b to bc01
                #a = downsample.max_pool_2d(a, (self.pooling_shape, self.pooling_shape), ignore_border=False)
                a = pool.max_pool2D(a, (self.pooling_shape, self.pooling_shape), ignore_border=False)
            if self.optimized:
                a = a.dimshuffle(3, 0, 1, 2)       # c01b to bc01

        a = T.flatten(a, outdim=2).T

        a = self.activation(a, self.pool_size)


示例12: _build_expression

    def _build_expression(self, input_expression=None):
        if self.pool_type not in ['max', 'avg']:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                'Pooling only implemented for max and avg')

        if input_expression is None:
            self.input_ = T.tensor4(dtype=self.input_dtype)
            self.input_ = input_expression

        # Replicating caffe style pooling means zero padding
        # then strided pooling with ignore_border=True
        if self.padding in [0, (0, 0)]:
            padded_input = self.input_
            zero_padder = ZeroPad(padding=self.padding)
            padded_input = zero_padder.expression_
        if self.pool_type == 'max':
            pooled = fancy_max_pool(padded_input,
                                    self.pool_shape, self.pool_stride,
        elif self.pool_type == 'avg':
            # self.pool_shape needs to be a tuple
            avg_kernel = T.cast(T.ones((1, 1) + self.pool_shape,
                                ) / np.prod(self.pool_shape),
            n_imgs = self.input_.shape[0]
            n_channels = self.input_.shape[1]
            conv_output = T.nnet.conv2d(
                padded_input.reshape((n_imgs * n_channels, 1,
                avg_kernel, subsample=self.pool_stride)
            pooled = conv_output.reshape((n_imgs, n_channels,

        # A caffe quirk: The output shape is (for width, analogous for h:)
        # ceil((w + 2 * pad_w - kernel_w) / stride_w) + 1, instead of floor
        # With floor, ignore_border=True would have yielded the exact result
        # With ceil, sometimes we need an extra column and/or line. So we do
        # ignore_border=False and then crop to the right shape. Since the
        # shape is dynamic we need to first calculate it:

        # padding gotta be a tuple too
        pad = T.constant(self.padding)
        # pad = T.constant(zero_padder.padding_)
        # supposing here that self.pool_shape is a tuple. Should check
        pool_shape = T.constant(self.pool_shape)
        # stride hopefully a tuple, too
        pool_stride = T.constant(self.pool_stride, dtype='float64')
        float_shape = (self.input_.shape[2:4] + 2 * pad
                       - pool_shape) / pool_stride + 1
        output_shape = T.cast(T.ceil(float_shape), dtype='int64')
        self.expression_ = pooled[:, :, 0:output_shape[0],

示例13: gaussian_kernel_default_radius

def gaussian_kernel_default_radius(sigma, window_radius=None):
    if window_radius is None:
        radius = T.cast(T.max(T.ceil(3*sigma)), 'int32')
        if type(sigma) in (float, int):
            return int(radius.eval())
            return radius
        return window_radius

示例14: get_hidden_values

 def get_hidden_values(self, input, batch_size):
     self.indices_high = T.ceil(self.indices).astype('int8')
     self.indices_low = T.floor(self.indices).astype('int8')
     self.factors_high = self.W[self.indices_high]
     self.factors_low = self.W[self.indices_low]
     self.factors = (self.factors_high - self.factors_low) * (self.indices - self.indices_low) / \
                    (self.indices_high - self.indices_low + 1E-5) + self.factors_low
     self.output = T.sum(self.x * T.transpose(self.factors).dimshuffle(0, 'x', 1), axis=2) / \
                   (self.length + 1.0).dimshuffle(0, 'x')

示例15: _ppf

    def _ppf(self, p):
        The percentile point function (the inverse of the cumulative
        distribution function) of the discrete Weibull distribution.
        q = self.q
        beta = self.beta

        return (tt.ceil(tt.power(tt.log(1 - p) / tt.log(q), 1. / beta)) - 1).astype('int64')
