本文整理汇总了Python中tfx.tb_angles函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python tb_angles函数的具体用法?Python tb_angles怎么用?Python tb_angles使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: test_create_axis_angle
def test_create_axis_angle(self):
axis = tft.random_vector(3)
angle = random.random() * 2 * pi
q = tft.quaternion_about_axis(angle, axis)
q2 = tb_angles(axis,angle).quaternion
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(q, q2) or np.allclose(-q, q2),msg='%s and %s not close!' % (list(q),list(q2)))
q2 = tb_angles(angle,axis).quaternion
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(q, q2) or np.allclose(-q, q2),msg='%s and %s not close!' % (list(q),list(q2)))
q2 = tb_angles((axis,angle)).quaternion
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(q, q2) or np.allclose(-q, q2),msg='%s and %s not close!' % (list(q),list(q2)))
q2 = tb_angles((angle,axis)).quaternion
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(q, q2) or np.allclose(-q, q2),msg='%s and %s not close!' % (list(q),list(q2)))
for _ in xrange(1000):
axis = tft.random_vector(3)
angle = random.random() * 2 * pi
q = tft.quaternion_about_axis(angle, axis)
q2 = tb_angles(axis,angle).quaternion
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(q, q2) or np.allclose(-q, q2),msg='%s and %s not close! for axis %s and angle %f' % (list(q),list(q2),tuple(axis),angle))
示例2: least_squares_plane_normal
def least_squares_plane_normal(self, points_3d):
""" returns a pose perpendicular to the plance of the points.
note: the pose is arbitrary set to have the position as the first point
in points_3d"""
# form lists for x, y, and z values
x_list = [a.point.x for a in points_3d]
y_list = [a.point.y for a in points_3d]
z_list = [a.point.z for a in points_3d]
# convert to numpy arrays
x_data = np.array(x_list)
y_data = np.array(y_list)
z_data = np.array(z_list)
A = np.vstack([x_data, y_data, np.ones(len(x_data))]).T
result = np.linalg.lstsq(A, z_data)[0]
normal = np.array([result[0], result[1], -1]) # vector normal to fitted plane
# get a pose by producing two arbitrary vectors perpendicular to normal
x_axis = normal
y_axis = np.array([0.5/x_axis[0], 0.5/x_axis[1], 1]) # arbitrary perpendicular vector
z_axis = np.cross(x_axis, y_axis)
# construct the pose
rotMat = np.vstack((x_axis, y_axis, z_axis)).T
tbRot = tfx.tb_angles(rotMat).matrix
quat = tfx.tb_angles(tbRot).quaternion
position = [x_list[0], y_list[0], z_list[0]]
pose = tfx.pose(position, quat, frame='left_BC')
return pose
示例3: get_orientation_from_lines
def get_orientation_from_lines(self, v0, v1):
Takes in two vectors, v0 and v1, (which are KNOWN to be in the same plane) and finds
the normal, and creates a rotation matrix from v0, v1, and the normal; then converts this
rotation matrix to a quaternion
v0, v1 = np.array(v0), np.array(v1)
v0 = v0 / np.linalg.norm(v0)
v1 = v1 / np.linalg.norm(v1)
n = np.cross(v0, v1)
parallel = average_vectors(v0, v1)
parallel = parallel / np.linalg.norm(parallel)
third = np.cross(n, parallel)
third = third / np.linalg.norm(third)
#n = n / np.linalg.norm(n)
#v1 = np.cross(n, v0)
#v1 = v1 / np.linalg.norm(v1)
#rotMat = np.vstack((n, v1, v0)).T
rotMat = np.vstack((parallel, third, n)).T
matrix = rotMat
tbRot = tfx.tb_angles(matrix).matrix
#tbRot = self.rotate(-90, "yaw", tbRot) #FIXME: get correct yaw pitch roll values
#tbRot = self.rotate(60, "pitch", tbRot)
tbRot = self.rotate(180, "roll", tbRot)
quat = tfx.tb_angles(tbRot).quaternion
return list(quat)
示例4: testAngleBetween
def testAngleBetween():
quat0 = tfx.tb_angles(-82,90,98).msg
quat1 = tfx.tb_angles(-3,90,-8).msg
theta = angleBetweenQuaternions(quat0, quat1)
print("theta = {0}".format(theta))
示例5: deltaPose
def deltaPose(currPose, desPose, posFrame=None, rotFrame=None):
Returns pose0 - pose1
currPose, desPose = tfx.pose(currPose), tfx.pose(desPose)
currPoseFrame, desPoseFrame = currPose.frame, desPose.frame
currPos, desPos = currPose.position, desPose.position
currRot, desRot = currPose.orientation, desPose.orientation
if posFrame is not None and currPoseFrame is not None:
tf_currPos_to_posFrame = tfx.lookupTransform(posFrame, currPoseFrame, wait=10)
currPos = tf_currPos_to_posFrame * currPos
tf_desPos_to_posFrame = tfx.lookupTransform(posFrame, desPoseFrame, wait=10)
desPos = tf_desPos_to_posFrame * desPos
if rotFrame is not None and currPoseFrame is not None:
tf_currRot_to_rotFrame = tfx.lookupTransform(rotFrame, currPoseFrame, wait=10)
currRot = tf_currRot_to_rotFrame * currRot
tf_desRot_to_rotFrame = tfx.lookupTransform(rotFrame, desPoseFrame, wait=10)
desRot = tf_desRot_to_rotFrame * desRot
deltaPosition = desPos.array - currPos.array
currQuat, desQuat = tfx.tb_angles(currRot).quaternion, tfx.tb_angles(desRot).quaternion
deltaQuat = tft.quaternion_multiply(tft.quaternion_inverse(currQuat), desQuat)
deltaPose = tfx.pose(deltaPosition, deltaQuat)
return deltaPose
示例6: test_grasp_planner
def test_grasp_planner():
sim = simulator.Simulator(view=True)
rarm = arm.Arm('right', sim=sim)
p = planner.Planner('right', sim=sim)
curr_pose = rarm.get_pose()
curr_pose.orientation = tfx.tb_angles(0,0,180)
target_pose = rarm.get_pose() + [0.5, 0.4, -0.3]
target_pose.orientation *= tfx.tb_angles(25,-20,10)
start_joints = rarm.get_joints()
n_steps = 20
joint_traj = p.get_grasp_joint_trajectory(start_joints, target_pose, n_steps=n_steps, ignore_orientation=True, link_name='r_gripper_center_frame')
poses = [tfx.pose(rarm.fk(joints)) for joints in joint_traj]
for pose in poses:
for n in xrange(n_steps-1):
angle = (poses[n].orientation.inverse()*poses[-1].orientation).angle
print('angle[{0}]: {1}'.format(n, angle))
print('Press enter to exit')
示例7: poseFromMarkers2
def poseFromMarkers2(self, markers, target_ids, rotate=False):
if len(markers) >= 3:
points = [np.zeros((3,1)), np.zeros((3,1)), np.zeros((3,1))]
for m in markers:
#print 'Pos',m.id,m.x,m.y,m.z
points[target_ids.index(m.id)] = np.array([m.x, m.y, m.z])
leftPoint = points[0]
centerPoint = points[1]
rightPoint = points[2]
leftVec = leftPoint - centerPoint
rightVec = rightPoint - centerPoint
leftVec = leftVec / np.linalg.norm(leftVec)
rightVec = rightVec / np.linalg.norm(rightVec)
zAxis = np.cross(rightVec, leftVec)
xAxis = (leftVec + rightVec) / 2
xAxis= xAxis / np.linalg.norm(xAxis)
yAxis = np.cross(zAxis, xAxis)
rotMat = np.vstack((xAxis, yAxis, zAxis)).T
tbRot = tfx.tb_angles(rotMat).matrix
quat = tfx.tb_angles(tbRot).quaternion
return 1e-3*centerPoint, quat
return None
示例8: alignGrippers
def alignGrippers(self):
rightArmPose = self.rightArm.get_pose()
leftArmPose = self.leftArm.get_pose()
newLeftArmPose = tfx.pose(leftArmPose.position, tfx.tb_angles(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) # Create new pose
newRightArmPose = tfx.pose(rightArmPose.position, tfx.tb_angles(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
newRightJoints = self.rightArm.ik(newRightArmPose) # Updates arm pose if valid
newLeftJoints = self.leftArm.ik(newLeftArmPose)
if newRightJoints is not None:
print ("new_pose: {0}".format(newRightArmPose))
print "Aligning right gripper..."
self.valid = True
rospy.loginfo("Invalid Right Arm Pose")
self.valid = False
return self
if newLeftJoints is not None:
print "Aligning left gripper..."
rospy.loginfo("Invalid Left Arm Pose")
示例9: _handles_loop
def _handles_loop(self):
For each handle in HandleListMsg,
calculate average pose
while not rospy.is_shutdown():
self.handle_list_msg = None
self.camera_pose = None
while not rospy.is_shutdown() and (self.handle_list_msg is None or self.camera_pose is None):
handle_list_msg = self.handle_list_msg
camera_pose = self.camera_pose
pose_array = gm.PoseArray()
pose_array.header.frame_id = 'base_link'
pose_array.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
avg_pose_array = gm.PoseArray()
avg_pose_array.header.frame_id = 'base_link'
avg_pose_array.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
if handle_list_msg.header.frame_id.count('base_link') > 0:
cam_to_base = np.eye(4)
cam_to_base = camera_pose.matrix #tfx.lookupTransform('base_link', handle_list_msg.header.frame_id).matrix
switch = np.matrix([[0, 1, 0],
[1, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 1]])
for handle in handle_list_msg.handles:
all_poses = [tfx.pose(cylinder.pose, stamp=rospy.Time.now(), frame=handle_list_msg.header.frame_id) for cylinder in handle.cylinders]
rotated_poses = [tfx.pose(p.position, tfx.tb_angles(p.orientation.matrix*switch)) for p in all_poses]
filtered_poses = list()
for rot_pose in rotated_poses:
r_base = cam_to_base[:3,:3]*rot_pose.orientation.matrix
if r_base[0,0] > 0:
if r_base[2,2] > 0:
rot_pose.orientation = tfx.tb_angles(rot_pose.orientation.matrix*tfx.tb_angles(0,0,180).matrix)
filtered_poses = [tfx.pose(cam_to_base*pose.matrix, frame='base_link') for pose in filtered_poses]
filtered_poses = filter(lambda pose: min(self.min_positions < pose.position.array) and min(pose.position.array < self.max_positions), filtered_poses)
pose_array.poses += [pose.msg.Pose() for pose in filtered_poses]
if len(filtered_poses) > 0:
avg_position = sum([p.position.array for p in filtered_poses])/float(len(filtered_poses))
avg_quat = sum([p.orientation.quaternion for p in filtered_poses])/float(len(filtered_poses))
avg_pose_array.poses.append(tfx.pose(avg_position, avg_quat).msg.Pose())
self.logger_pub.publish('handles {0}'.format(len(avg_pose_array.poses)))
示例10: testRotation
def testRotation():
imageDetector = ARImageDetector()
listener = tf.TransformListener()
tf_br = tf.TransformBroadcaster()
while not rospy.is_shutdown():
if imageDetector.hasFoundGripper(Constants.Arm.Left):
obj = tfx.pose([0,0,0], imageDetector.normal).msg.PoseStamped()
gripper = imageDetector.getGripperPose(Constants.Arm.Left)
# obj_tb = tfx.tb_angles(obj.pose.orientation)
gripper_tb = tfx.tb_angles(gripper.pose.orientation)
print "gripper ori", gripper_tb
obj_tb = tfx.tb_angles(imageDetector.normal)
print "obj ori", obj_tb
pt = gripper.pose.position
ori = imageDetector.normal
tf_br.sendTransform((pt.x, pt.y, pt.z), (ori.x, ori.y, ori.z, ori.w),
gripper.header.stamp, '/des_pose', Constants.AR.Frames.Base)
between = Util.angleBetweenQuaternions(ori, gripper_tb.msg)
print('Angle between')
quat = tft.quaternion_multiply(gripper_tb.quaternion, tft.quaternion_inverse(obj_tb.quaternion))
print 'new', tfx.tb_angles(quat)
#rot = gripper_tb.rotation_to(ori)
rot = gripper_tb.rotation_to(obj_tb)
print('Rotation from gripper to obj')
deltaPoseTb = tfx.pose(Util.deltaPose(gripper, obj)).orientation
deltaPose = tfx.pose([0,0,0], deltaPoseTb).msg.PoseStamped()
time = listener.getLatestCommonTime('0_link', 'tool_L')
deltaPose.header.stamp = time
deltaPose.header.frame_id = '0_link'
deltaPose = listener.transformPose('tool_L', deltaPose)
print "transformed", tfx.tb_angles(deltaPose.pose.orientation)
endQuatMat = gripper_tb.matrix * rot.matrix
print 'desOri', tfx.tb_angles(endQuatMat)
示例11: test_to_tf
def test_to_tf(self):
tb = tb_angles(45,-5,24)
for yaw in self.yaw:
for pitch in self.pitch:
for roll in self.roll:
tb = tb_angles(yaw,pitch,roll)
m = tb.to_tf()
m2 = tft.euler_matrix(yaw * pi / 180, pitch * pi / 180, roll * pi / 180, 'rzyx')
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(m, m2),msg='%s and %s not close!' % (m,m2))
示例12: test_create_quat
def test_create_quat(self):
for yaw in self.yaw:
for pitch in self.pitch:
for roll in self.roll:
q = tft.quaternion_from_euler(yaw * pi / 180., pitch * pi / 180., roll * pi / 180., 'rzyx')
tb = tb_angles(q)
self.assertTbEqual(tb, yaw, pitch, roll)
q2 = list(q)
tb = tb_angles(q2)
self.assertTbEqual(tb, yaw, pitch, roll)
示例13: rotate
def rotate(self, angle, axis, matrix):
Takes a rotation matrix and rotates it a certain angle about a certain axis
if axis == "yaw":
rot = tfx.tb_angles(angle, 0, 0).matrix
elif axis == "pitch":
rot = tfx.tb_angles(0, angle, 0).matrix
elif axis == "roll":
rot = tfx.tb_angles(0, 0, angle).matrix
return matrix*rot
示例14: testSwitchPlaces
def testSwitchPlaces(armNames=[MyConstants.Arm.Left,MyConstants.Arm.Right],fixedPose=False):
rp = RavenPlanner(armNames)
leftStartJoints = None
rightStartJoints = None
if fixedPose:
rightCurrPose = tfx.pose([-0.068,-0.061,-0.129],tfx.tb_angles(-139.6,88.5,111.8),frame=MyConstants.Frames.Link0)
leftCurrPose = tfx.pose([-.072,-.015,-.153],tfx.tb_angles(43.9,78.6,100.9),frame=MyConstants.Frames.Link0)
leftStartJoints = rp.getJointsFromPose(MyConstants.Arm.Left, leftCurrPose, grasp=0)
rightStartJoints = rp.getJointsFromPose(MyConstants.Arm.Right, rightCurrPose, grasp=0)
leftCurrPose = Util.convertToFrame(tfx.pose([0,0,0],frame=rp.toolFrame[MyConstants.Arm.Left]),MyConstants.Frames.Link0)
rightCurrPose = Util.convertToFrame(tfx.pose([0,0,0],frame=rp.toolFrame[MyConstants.Arm.Right]),MyConstants.Frames.Link0)
if fixedPose:
rp.getTrajectoryFromPose(MyConstants.Arm.Left, rightCurrPose, endGrasp=0, startJoints=leftStartJoints, debug=True)
rp.getTrajectoryFromPose(MyConstants.Arm.Right, leftCurrPose, endGrasp=0, startJoints=rightStartJoints, debug=True)
rp.getTrajectoryFromPose(MyConstants.Arm.Left, rightCurrPose, leftStartJoints, debug=True)
rp.getTrajectoryFromPose(MyConstants.Arm.Right, leftCurrPose, rightStartJoints, debug=True)
for index in range(len(armNames)):
armName = armNames[index]
otherArmName = armNames[(index+1)%len(armNames)]
desPose = Util.convertToFrame(tfx.pose([0,0,0],frame=rp.toolFrame[otherArmName]),MyConstants.Frames.Link0)
rp.getTrajectoryFromPose(armName, desPose, debug=True)
# while rp.trajRequest[armNames[0]] and rp.trajRequest[armNames[1]] and not rospy.is_shutdown():
# rospy.sleep(.05)
leftTraj = rp.jointTraj[MyConstants.Arm.Left]
rightTraj = rp.jointTraj[MyConstants.Arm.Right]
for left, right in zip(leftTraj,rightTraj):
rospy.loginfo('Press enter to go to next step')
rp.updateOpenraveJoints('L', left)
rp.updateOpenraveJoints('R', right)
示例15: calculateDeltaPose
def calculateDeltaPose(self, prev_frame, curr_frame, grip, tipDistance): #TODO: MEASURE CHANGE IN POSE -- ABSOLUTE?
#ROTATION = tfx.pose([0,0,0],[0,180,90]).matrix
#print "here"
prevPose = self.prevPose
#prevPose = ROTATION*prevPose
prev_x, prev_y, prev_z = prevPose.translation.x, prevPose.translation.y, prevPose.translation.z
prevOrientation = prevPose.orientation
if type(prev_frame) != type(None) and type(curr_frame) != type(None):
# IF we actually have frames
translation, rotation, palm_normal, palm_direction = calculateTransform(prev_frame, curr_frame, 0)
if type(translation) != type(None) and type(rotation) != type(None):
# IF we have a valid translation/rotation
# translation stuff
dx, dy, dz = (translation[0]*self.x_scale, translation[2]*self.y_scale, translation[1]*self.z_scale)
# orientation stuff
#print "fixed"
currOrientation = tfx.tb_angles(-90,90,0)
y = palm_direction.yaw
p = palm_direction.pitch
r = palm_normal.roll
y *= 57.2957795 # convert to degrees
p *= 57.2957795
r *= 57.2957795
y += -90 # adjust values for frame transformation
p += 90
r += 0
print "YPR: "+str(y) + ", "+str(p) + ", "+str(r)
currOrientation = tfx.tb_angles(y, p, r)
print "CURR ORIENTATION: "+str(currOrientation)
print "PALM NORMAL: "+str(palm_normal)
if math.fabs(dx) > DX_UPPER_BOUND or math.fabs(dy) > DY_UPPER_BOUND or math.fabs(dz) > DZ_UPPER_BOUND:
# IF the movement goes beyond bounds, don't do it
(dx, dy, dz) = (0,0,0)
currOrientation = prevOrientation
# IF we don't have a valid translation or rotation, don't move
dx, dy, dz = (0,0,0)
currOrientation = prevOrientation
# IF we don't have frames, also don't move
dx, dy, dz = (0,0,0)
currOrientation = prevOrientation
curr_x, curr_y, curr_z = (prev_x+dx, prev_y+dy, prev_z+dz) # ADD IN THE DELTA COMMAND
return (dx, dy, dz), currOrientation