本文整理汇总了Python中tf.transformations.rotation_matrix函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python rotation_matrix函数的具体用法?Python rotation_matrix怎么用?Python rotation_matrix使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: flipOrbToNDT
def flipOrbToNDT (orbPose):
qOrb = [orbPose.qx, orbPose.qy, orbPose.qz, orbPose.qw]
orbFlip = trafo.concatenate_matrices(
trafo.rotation_matrix(np.pi/2, (1,0,0)),
trafo.rotation_matrix(np.pi/2, (0,0,1))
return trafo.quaternion_from_matrix(orbFlip)
示例2: perpendicular_vector
def perpendicular_vector(v):
""" Finds an arbitrary perpendicular vector to *v*. The idea here is finding a perpendicular vector then rotating abitraryly it around v
@type v np.array([x,y,z])
# for two vectors (x, y, z) and (a, b, c) to be perpendicular,
# the following equation has to be fulfilled
# 0 = ax + by + cz
# x = y = z = 0 is not an acceptable solution
if v[0] == v[1] == v[2] == 0:
raise ValueError('zero-vector')
# If one dimension is zero, this can be solved by setting that to
# non-zero and the others to zero. Example: (4, 2, 0) lies in the
# x-y-Plane, so (0, 0, 1) is orthogonal to the plane.
random_rotation = tr.rotation_matrix(np.random.uniform(0, np.pi),v)[:3,:3]
if v[0] == 0:
return np.dot(random_rotation,np.array([1, 0, 0]))
if v[1] == 0:
return np.dot(random_rotation,np.array([0, 1, 0]))
if v[2] == 0:
return np.dot(random_rotation,np.array([0, 0, 1]))
# set a = b = 1
# then the equation simplifies to
# c = -(x + y)/z
return np.dot(random_rotation,np.array([1, 1, -1.0 * (v[0] + v[1]) / v[2]]))
示例3: align_with
def align_with(self, target):
Aligns the normal of this triangle to target
@param target - 3 dim np.array
@return (rotated triangle, rotation matrix)
target = np.array(target)
source = np.cross(self.b - self.a, self.c - self.a)
source /= np.linalg.norm(source)
rotation = np.eye(3)
dot = np.dot(source, target)
if not np.isnan(dot):
angle = np.arccos(dot)
if not np.isnan(angle):
cross = np.cross(source, target)
cross_norm = np.linalg.norm(cross)
if not np.isnan(cross_norm) and not cross_norm < epsilon:
cross = cross / cross_norm
rotation = tft.rotation_matrix(angle, cross)[:3,:3]
return (Triangle(np.dot(rotation, self.a),
np.dot(rotation, self.b),
np.dot(rotation, self.c)),
示例4: fourdof_to_matrix
def fourdof_to_matrix(translation, yaw):
Convert from a Cartesian translation and yaw to a homogeneous transform.
T = transformations.rotation_matrix(yaw, [0,0,1])
T[0:3,3] = translation
return T
示例5: GetPlaceOnTSRList
def GetPlaceOnTSRList( T_target, T_ee, Bw_T, Bw_R, avalues = [0] ):
T0_w = T_target
T0_p = TSRUtil.E2P( T_ee )
Tw_p = linalg.inv( T0_w ) * T0_p
Tw_p[0,3] = 0
Tw_p[1,3] = 0
# backoff distance from center of target
backoff = -0.03
# determine if EE is perpendicular or parallel to target
[x_t, y_t, z_t, t_t] = MatrixToAxes( T_target )
[x_e, y_e, z_e, t_e] = MatrixToAxes( T_ee )
t_backoff = array( [0, 0, backoff * ( 1 - fabs( dot( z_t, z_e ) ) )] )
G_backoff = mat( Rt2G( eye( 3 ), t_backoff) )
tsrList = []
for i in range( len( avalues ) ):
th = avalues[i] * pi / 180
Rz = mat( tr.rotation_matrix( th, array( [0, 0, 1.] ) ) )
Tw_p_i = Rz * Tw_p * G_backoff
T0_p_i = T0_w * Tw_p_i
tsr_i = TSRUtil.PalmToTSR( T0_p_i, T0_w, Bw_T, Bw_R )
tsrList.append( copy.deepcopy( tsr_i ) )
return tsrList
示例6: transformation_matrix
def transformation_matrix(rot_angle, rot_dir, trans):
# print "rot_angle: ", rot_angle
# print "rot_dir: ", rot_dir
# print "trans: ", trans
return tfs.concatenate_matrices(
tfs.rotation_matrix(rot_angle, rot_dir),
示例7: GetManipGraspList
def GetManipGraspList( objectName, objectPose, tablePose, actionName ):
loginfo( "Generating %s grasp for %s" %( actionName, objectName ) )
graspList = []
grasp = graspit_msgs.msg.Grasp()
T0_o = PoseToTransform( objectPose )
To_g_list = []
if "darpadrill" in objectName:
# Rx1 has 2 fingers along +ve y-axis
# Rx2 has 2 fingers along -ve y-axis
Rx1 = tr.rotation_matrix( -pi/2, array( [0, 1., 0] ) )
Rx2 = tr.rotation_matrix( pi/2, array( [0, 1., 0] ) )
for th in arange( 15, 75, 15) * pi/180:
Rz1 = tr.rotation_matrix( th, array( [0, 0, 1.] ) )
To_g = mat( Rz1 ) * mat( Rx1 )
To_g_list.append( copy.deepcopy( To_g ) )
Rz2 = tr.rotation_matrix( pi - th, array( [0, 0, 1.] ) )
To_g = mat( Rz2 ) * mat( Rx2 )
To_g_list.append( copy.deepcopy( To_g ) )
G_fin = mat( Rt2G( eye( 3 ), array( [0.,0., -0.07] ) ) )
G_pre = mat( Rt2G( eye( 3 ), array( [0.,0., -0.14] ) ) )
G_tra = mat( Rt2G( eye( 3 ), array( [0.,0., 0.00] ) ) )
for To_g in To_g_list:
grasp.pre_grasp_pose = TransformToPose( G_tra *T0_o * To_g * G_pre )
grasp.final_grasp_pose = TransformToPose( T0_o * To_g * G_fin )
grasp.epsilon_quality = 0.1
grasp.volume_quality = 0.1
graspList.append( copy.deepcopy( grasp ) )
success = 0
reason = "No trigger grasps for object %s" % objectName
return success, graspList, reason
loginfo( "Trigger grasps: %d grasps" %( len( graspList ) ) )
success = 1
reason = "Done"
return success, graspList, reason
示例8: get_camera_position
def get_camera_position(self, marker):
""" Outputs the position of the camera in the global coordinates """
euler_angles = euler_from_quaternion((marker.pose.pose.orientation.x,
translation = np.array([marker.pose.pose.position.y,
translation_rotated = rotation_matrix(self.yaw-euler_angles[2], [0,0,1]).dot(translation)
xy_yaw = (translation_rotated[0]+self.position[0],translation_rotated[1]+self.position[1],self.yaw-euler_angles[2])
return xy_yaw
示例9: rotation_matrix_from_axes
def rotation_matrix_from_axes(newaxis, oldaxis=Z_AXIS):
Return the rotation matrix that aligns two vectors.
oldaxis = tr.unit_vector(oldaxis)
newaxis = tr.unit_vector(newaxis)
c = np.dot(oldaxis, newaxis)
angle = np.arccos(c)
if np.isclose(c, -1.0) or np.allclose(newaxis, oldaxis):
v = perpendicular_vector(newaxis)
v = np.cross(oldaxis, newaxis)
return tr.rotation_matrix(angle, v)
示例10: fk
def fk(robot, lr, joint_values):
pose_mat = robot.GetLink(start_link).GetTransform()
R = np.eye(4)
for i, j in enumerate(joint_values):
rot = tft.rotation_matrix(j, arm_joint_axes[i])
trans = arm_link_trans[i]
R[:3,:3] = rot[:3,:3]
R[:3,3] = trans
pose_mat = np.dot(pose_mat, R)
return pose_mat
示例11: calENU
def calENU(self):
if(self.body.isNone() or self.headingAngle is None):
return False
br = self.body.getRotationAroundZ()
q = rotation_matrix(br+self.headingAngle, (0,0,1))
t = translation_from_matrix(self.body.getMatrix())
t = translation_matrix(t)
return True
示例12: callback
def callback(self, data):
# rospy.loginfo('callback called')
# Set parameters
# TODO: get the parameters from the gps transform!!!
xoff = -0.45
yoff = 0.0
std = .03
rot = math.pi/2
# Rotate the base pose
origin, zaxis = (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1)
Rz = rotation_matrix(rot, zaxis, origin)
pt = numpy.matrix((data.pose.pose.position.x, data.pose.pose.position.y, data.pose.pose.position.z, 0),dtype=numpy.float64).T
xy = Rz*pt
# Add the angle rotation
oldAng = data.pose.pose.orientation
ang = euler_from_quaternion([ oldAng.x, oldAng.y, oldAng.z, oldAng.w ])
ang = ang[0], ang[1], ang[2] + rot
# Offset the GPS reading by the lever arm offset
x = xy[0] + xoff*math.cos(ang[2]) - yoff*math.sin(ang[2])
y = xy[1] + xoff*math.sin(ang[2]) + yoff*math.cos(ang[2])
#x = xy[0] + xoff*math.cos(ang[2])
#y = xy[1] + yoff*math.sin(ang[2])
gps_x = x + random.gauss(0,std)
gps_y = y + random.gauss(0,std)
print "testing"
print xy
print x,y
print gps_x, gps_y
# Populate the angle
# Note... GPS doesnt really return a heading!! So we cant use to localize... rememmmmberrrrr
# gps_msg.pose.pose.orientation = Quaternion(*quaternion_from_euler(*ang))
self.gps_msg.pose.orientation = Quaternion(*quaternion_from_euler(*ang))
# Populate x,y
self.gps_msg.header.stamp = data.header.stamp
self.gps_msg.header.frame_id = "map_gps"
#self.gps_msg.pose.pose.position.x = gps_x
#self.gps_msg.pose.pose.position.y = gps_y
self.gps_msg.pose.position.x = gps_x
self.gps_msg.pose.position.y = gps_y
# Publish
示例13: get_camera_position
def get_camera_position(self, marker):
""" Outputs the position of the camera in the global coordinates """
translation, rotation = TransformHelpers.convert_pose_inverse_transform(marker.pose.pose)
euler_angles = euler_from_quaternion(rotation)
# correct for coordinate system convention changes between camera and world
# Also, the Neato can't fly!
translation = np.array([-translation[1], translation[0], 0, 1])
# correct for the possibility that the marker is rotated relative to the world coordinate frame
rot_mat = rotation_matrix(self.yaw, [0,0,1])
translation_rotated = rot_mat.dot(translation)
xy_yaw = (translation_rotated[0]+self.position[0],
return xy_yaw
示例14: convert_pose_inverse_transform
def convert_pose_inverse_transform(pose):
translation = np.zeros((4,1))
translation[0] = -pose.position.x
translation[1] = -pose.position.y
translation[2] = -pose.position.z
translation[3] = 1.0
rotation = (pose.orientation.x, pose.orientation.y, pose.orientation.z, pose.orientation.w)
euler_angle = euler_from_quaternion(rotation)
rotation = np.transpose(rotation_matrix(euler_angle[2], [0,0,1])) # the angle is a yaw
transformed_translation = rotation.dot(translation)
translation = (transformed_translation[0], transformed_translation[1], transformed_translation[2])
rotation = quaternion_from_matrix(rotation)
return (translation, rotation)
示例15: convert_pose_inverse_transform
def convert_pose_inverse_transform(pose):
""" Helper method to invert a transform (this is built into the tf C++ classes, but ommitted from Python) """
translation = np.zeros((4,1))
translation[0] = -pose.position.x
translation[1] = -pose.position.y
translation[2] = -pose.position.z
translation[3] = 1.0
rotation = (pose.orientation.x, pose.orientation.y, pose.orientation.z, pose.orientation.w)
euler_angle = euler_from_quaternion(rotation)
rotation = np.transpose(rotation_matrix(euler_angle[2], [0,0,1])) # the angle is a yaw
transformed_translation = rotation.dot(translation)
translation = (transformed_translation[0], transformed_translation[1], transformed_translation[2])
rotation = quaternion_from_matrix(rotation)
return (translation, rotation)