本文整理汇总了Python中tf.transformations.quaternion_multiply函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python quaternion_multiply函数的具体用法?Python quaternion_multiply怎么用?Python quaternion_multiply使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: _motion_regression_6d
def _motion_regression_6d(self, pnts, qt, t):
Compute translational and rotational velocities and accelerations in
the inertial frame at the target time t.
[1] Sittel, Florian, Joerg Mueller, and Wolfram Burgard. Computing
velocities and accelerations from a pose time sequence in
three-dimensional space. Technical Report 272, University of
Freiburg, Department of Computer Science, 2013.
lin_vel = np.zeros(3)
lin_acc = np.zeros(3)
q_d = np.zeros(4)
q_dd = np.zeros(4)
for i in range(3):
v, a = self._motion_regression_1d(
[(pnt['pos'][i], pnt['t']) for pnt in pnts], t)
lin_vel[i] = v
lin_acc[i] = a
for i in range(4):
v, a = self._motion_regression_1d(
[(pnt['rot'][i], pnt['t']) for pnt in pnts], t)
q_d[i] = v
q_dd[i] = a
# Keeping all velocities and accelerations in the inertial frame
ang_vel = 2 * quaternion_multiply(q_d, quaternion_conjugate(qt))
ang_acc = 2 * quaternion_multiply(q_dd, quaternion_conjugate(qt))
return np.hstack((lin_vel, ang_vel[0:3])), np.hstack((lin_acc, ang_acc[0:3]))
示例2: align_poses
def align_poses(self, ps1, ps2):
ps2.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
self.tfl.waitForTransform(ps2.header.frame_id, 'lh_utility_frame',
rospy.Time.now(), rospy.Duration(3.0))
ps2_in_ps1 = self.tfl.transformPose('lh_utility_frame', ps2)
ang = math.atan2(-ps2_in_ps1.pose.position.z,
-ps2_in_ps1.pose.position.y) + (math.pi / 2)
q_st_rot = transformations.quaternion_about_axis(ang, (1, 0, 0))
q_st_new = transformations.quaternion_multiply([
ps1.pose.orientation.x, ps1.pose.orientation.y,
ps1.pose.orientation.z, ps1.pose.orientation.w
], q_st_rot)
ps1.pose.orientation = Quaternion(*q_st_new)
ps1.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
self.tfl.waitForTransform(ps1.header.frame_id, 'lh_utility_frame',
rospy.Time.now(), rospy.Duration(3.0))
ps1_in_ps2 = self.tfl.transformPose('lh_utility_frame', ps1)
ang = math.atan2(ps1_in_ps2.pose.position.z,
ps1_in_ps2.pose.position.y) + (math.pi / 2)
q_st_rot = transformations.quaternion_about_axis(ang, (1, 0, 0))
q_st_new = transformations.quaternion_multiply([
ps2.pose.orientation.x, ps2.pose.orientation.y,
ps2.pose.orientation.z, ps2.pose.orientation.w
], q_st_rot)
ps2.pose.orientation = Quaternion(*q_st_new)
return ps1, ps2
示例3: publish_relative_frames
def publish_relative_frames(self, data):
tmp_dict = {}
for segment in data.segments:
tmp_dict[segment.id] = (segment.position,segment.quat)
tmp_dict[segment.id] = (segment.position,segment.euler)
for idx in tmp_dict.keys():
p_idx = xsens_client.get_segment_parent_id(idx)
child_data = tmp_dict[idx]
new_quat = tft.quaternion_multiply(child_data[1],tft.quaternion_inverse((1,1,1,1)))#if(segment.is_quaternion): TODO Handle Euler
parent_data = tmp_dict[p_idx]
parent_transform = tf.Transform(parent_data[1],parent_data[0])
child_transform = tf.Transform(child_data[1],child_data[0])
new_trans = parent_transform.inversetimes(child_transform)
new_quat = tft.quaternion_multiply(child_data[1],tft.quaternion_inverse(parent_data[1]))
tmp_pos = (child_data[0][0]-parent_data[0][0],child_data[0][1]-parent_data[0][1] ,child_data[0][2]-parent_data[0][2] )
#tmp_pos = (child_data[0][0] - parent_data[0][0],child_data[0][1] - parent_data[0][1],child_data[0][2] - parent_data[0][2])
# new_quat,
self.sendTransform(new_trans.getOrigin(), new_trans.getRotation(),rospy.Time.now(),xsens_client.get_segment_name(idx),xsens_client.get_segment_name(p_idx))
示例4: generate_sigma_points
def generate_sigma_points(self, mean, covariance):
sigmas = []
if not check_symmetry(covariance):
temp = pos_sem_def_sqrt(covariance)
if any(isnan(temp)):
rospy.logerr("Sqrt matrix contained a NaN. Matrix was %s",
temp = temp * sqrt(self.n + self.kf_lambda)
for i in range(0,self.n):
#Must use columns in order to get the write thing out of the
#Cholesky decomposition
column = temp[:,i].reshape((self.n,1))
#Build the noise quaternion
noise_vec = column[0:3,0]
noise_quat = SF9DOF_UKF.build_noise_quat(noise_vec)
original_quat = SF9DOF_UKF.recover_quat(mean)
#Do the additive sample
perturbed_quat = tf_math.quaternion_multiply(noise_quat,original_quat)
#perturbed_quat = tf_math.unit_vector(perturbed_quat)
new_mean = mean + column
new_mean[0:3,0] = perturbed_quat[0:3,0]
#Do the subtractive sample
conj_noise_quat = tf_math.quaternion_conjugate(noise_quat)
perturbed_quat = tf_math.quaternion_multiply(conj_noise_quat, original_quat)
#perturbed_quat = tf_math.unit_vector(perturbed_quat)
new_mean = mean - column
new_mean[0:3,0] = perturbed_quat[0:3,0]
return sigmas
示例5: generate_sigma_points
def generate_sigma_points(self, mean, covariance):
sigmas = []
temp = numpy.linalg.cholesky(covariance)
temp = temp * sqrt(self.n + self.kf_lambda)
for i in range(0,self.n):
#Must use columns in order to get the write thing out of the
#Cholesky decomposition
column = temp[:,i].reshape((self.n,1))
#Build the noise quaternion
noise_vec = column[0:3,0]
noise_quat = SF9DOF_UKF.build_noise_quat(noise_vec)
original_quat = SF9DOF_UKF.recover_quat(mean)
#Do the additive sample
perturbed_quat = tf_math.quaternion_multiply(noise_quat,original_quat)
#perturbed_quat = tf_math.unit_vector(perturbed_quat)
new_mean = mean + column
new_mean[0:3,0] = perturbed_quat[0:3,0]
#Do the subtractive sample
conj_noise_quat = tf_math.quaternion_conjugate(noise_quat)
perturbed_quat = tf_math.quaternion_multiply(conj_noise_quat, original_quat)
#perturbed_quat = tf_math.unit_vector(perturbed_quat)
new_mean = mean - column
new_mean[0:3,0] = perturbed_quat[0:3,0]
return sigmas
示例6: rotate
def rotate(v, q):
Rotate vector v according to quaternion q
q2 = np.r_[v[0:3], 0.0]
return transformations.quaternion_multiply(
transformations.quaternion_multiply(q, q2),
示例7: process_touch_pose
def process_touch_pose(ud):
# tranformation logic for manipulation
# put touch pose in torso frame
frame_B_touch = util.pose_msg_to_mat(ud.touch_click_pose)
torso_B_frame = self.get_transform("torso_lift_link",
if torso_B_frame is None:
return 'tf_failure'
torso_B_touch_bad = torso_B_frame * frame_B_touch
# rotate pixel23d the right way
t_pos, t_quat = util.pose_mat_to_pq(torso_B_touch_bad)
# rotate so x axis pointing out
quat_flip_rot = tf_trans.quaternion_from_euler(0.0, np.pi/2.0, 0.0)
quat_flipped = tf_trans.quaternion_multiply(t_quat, quat_flip_rot)
# rotate around x axis so the y axis is flat
mat_flipped = tf_trans.quaternion_matrix(quat_flipped)
rot_angle = np.arctan(-mat_flipped[2,1] / mat_flipped[2,2])
quat_ortho_rot = tf_trans.quaternion_from_euler(rot_angle + np.pi, 0.0, 0.0)
quat_flipped_ortho = tf_trans.quaternion_multiply(quat_flipped, quat_ortho_rot)
torso_B_touch = util.pose_pq_to_mat(t_pos, quat_flipped_ortho)
# offset the touch location by the approach tranform
appr_B_tool = self.get_transform(self.tool_approach_frame, self.tool_frame)
if appr_B_tool is None:
return 'tf_failure'
torso_B_touch_appr = torso_B_touch * appr_B_tool
# project the approach back into the wrist
appr_B_wrist = self.get_transform(self.tool_frame,
self.arm + "_wrist_roll_link")
if appr_B_wrist is None:
return 'tf_failure'
torso_B_wrist = torso_B_touch_appr * appr_B_wrist
# create PoseStamped
appr_wrist_ps = util.pose_mat_to_stamped_msg('torso_lift_link',
appr_tool_ps = util.pose_mat_to_stamped_msg('torso_lift_link',
touch_tool_ps = util.pose_mat_to_stamped_msg('torso_lift_link',
# visualization
# set return values
ud.appr_wrist_mat = torso_B_wrist
ud.appr_tool_ps = appr_tool_ps
ud.touch_tool_ps = touch_tool_ps
return 'succeeded'
示例8: calc_offset_angle
def calc_offset_angle(current):
"""Calculates the offset angle from the x axis positiion"""
x_axis = [1, 0, 0, 0]
a = quaternion_multiply(x_axis, quaternion_inverse(current))
rotation = quaternion_multiply(quaternion_multiply(a, x_axis), quaternion_inverse(a))
angle = atan2(rotation[1], rotation[0])
return angle
示例9: rotate_vect_by_quat
def rotate_vect_by_quat(v, q):
Rotate a vector by a quaterion.
v' = q*vq
q should be [x,y,z,w] (standard ros convention)
cq = np.array([-q[0], -q[1], -q[2], q[3]])
cq_v = trans.quaternion_multiply(cq, v)
v = trans.quaternion_multiply(cq_v, q)
v[1:] *= -1 # Only seemed to work when I flipped this around, is there a problem with the math here?
return np.array(v)[:3]
示例10: increment_reference
def increment_reference(self):
Steps the model reference (trajectory to track) by one self.timestep.
# Frame management quantities
R_ref = trns.quaternion_matrix(self.q_ref)[:3, :3]
y_ref = trns.euler_from_quaternion(self.q_ref)[2]
# Convert body PD gains to world frame
kp = R_ref.dot(self.kp_body).dot(R_ref.T)
kd = R_ref.dot(self.kd_body).dot(R_ref.T)
# Compute error components (desired - reference), using "smartyaw"
p_err = self.p_des - self.p_ref
v_err = -self.v_ref
w_err = -self.w_ref
if npl.norm(p_err) <= self.heading_threshold:
q_err = trns.quaternion_multiply(self.q_des, trns.quaternion_inverse(self.q_ref))
q_direct = trns.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, np.angle(p_err[0] + (1j * p_err[1])))
q_err = trns.quaternion_multiply(q_direct, trns.quaternion_inverse(self.q_ref))
y_err = trns.euler_from_quaternion(q_err)[2]
# Combine error components into error vectors
err = np.concatenate((p_err, [y_err]))
errdot = np.concatenate((v_err, [w_err]))
wrench = (kp.dot(err)) + (kd.dot(errdot))
# Compute world frame thruster matrix (B) from thruster geometry, and then map wrench to thrusts
B = np.concatenate((R_ref.dot(self.thruster_directions.T), R_ref.dot(self.lever_arms.T)))
B_3dof = np.concatenate((B[:2, :], [B[5, :]]))
command = self.thruster_mapper(wrench, B_3dof)
wrench_saturated = B.dot(command)
# Use model drag to find drag force on virtual boat
twist_body = R_ref.T.dot(np.concatenate((self.v_ref, [self.w_ref])))
D_body = np.zeros_like(twist_body)
for i, v in enumerate(twist_body):
if v >= 0:
D_body[i] = self.D_body_positive[i]
D_body[i] = self.D_body_negative[i]
drag_ref = R_ref.dot(D_body * twist_body * abs(twist_body))
# Step forward the dynamics of the virtual boat
self.a_ref = (wrench_saturated[:2] - drag_ref[:2]) / self.mass_ref
self.aa_ref = (wrench_saturated[5] - drag_ref[2]) / self.inertia_ref
self.p_ref = self.p_ref + (self.v_ref * self.timestep)
self.q_ref = trns.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, y_ref + (self.w_ref * self.timestep))
self.v_ref = self.v_ref + (self.a_ref * self.timestep)
self.w_ref = self.w_ref + (self.aa_ref * self.timestep)
示例11: euler_to_quat_deg
def euler_to_quat_deg(roll, pitch, yaw):
roll = roll * (math.pi / 180.0)
pitch = pitch * (math.pi / 180.0)
yaw = yaw * (math.pi / 180.0)
xaxis = (1, 0, 0)
yaxis = (0, 1, 0)
zaxis = (0, 0, 1)
qx = transformations.quaternion_about_axis(roll, xaxis)
qy = transformations.quaternion_about_axis(pitch, yaxis)
qz = transformations.quaternion_about_axis(yaw, zaxis)
q = transformations.quaternion_multiply(qx, qy)
q = transformations.quaternion_multiply(q, qz)
print q
示例12: _getPokePose
def _getPokePose(self, pos, orient):
print orient
if numpy.dot(tft.quaternion_matrix(orient)[0:3,2], (0,0,1)) < 0:
print "fliiping arm pose"
orient = tft.quaternion_multiply(orient, (1,0,0,0))
tilt_adjust = tft.quaternion_about_axis(self.tilt_angle[self.arm_using], (0,1,0))
new_orient = tft.quaternion_multiply(orient, tilt_adjust)
pos[2] += self.above #push above cm above table
#print new_orient
return (pos, orient, new_orient)
示例13: position_control
def position_control(user_data, self):
if self.inside_workspace(self.master_pos):
self.command_pos = self.slave_synch_pos + self.master_pos / self.position_ratio
# TODO: Rotations are driving me crazy!
relative_rot = tr.quaternion_multiply(self.master_synch_rot, tr.quaternion_inverse(self.master_rot))
self.command_rot = tr.quaternion_multiply(self.slave_synch_rot, relative_rot)
#~ self.command_rot = np.array(self.master_rot)
return 'stay'
self.command_pos = np.array(self.slave_pos)
self.command_rot = np.array(self.slave_rot)
self.vib_start_time = rospy.get_time()
self.loginfo('State machine transitioning: POSITION_CONTROL:leave-->VIBRATORY_PHASE')
return 'leave'
示例14: listen_imu_quaternion
def listen_imu_quaternion(self, imu):
"""Doesn't work b/c desired yaw is too far from possible yaw"""
current_orientation = np.array([imu.orientation.x,
# current_angular_speed = np.array([imu.angular_velocity.x,
# imu.angular_velocity.y,
# imu.angular_velocity.z])
diff_orientation = transformations.quaternion_multiply(
# Unit quaternion => inverse = conjugate / norm = congugate
assert np.allclose(
# diff_r, diff_p, diff_y = transformations.euler_from_quaternion(
# diff_orientation)
# rospy.loginfo("Orientation error (quaternion): {}".format(diff_orientation))
# rospy.loginfo(
# "Orientation error (deg): {}".format(
# np.rad2deg([diff_r, diff_p, diff_y]))
# )
# out = self.pitch_controller(diff_p)
corrected_orientation = transformations.quaternion_multiply(
quaternion_power(diff_orientation, 1.5),
"Desired orientation (deg): {}".format(
"Corrected orientation (deg): {}".format(
rospy.loginfo("Desired position: {}".format(
setpoint_pose = Pose(self.desired_position, corrected_orientation)
servo_angles = self.platform.ik(setpoint_pose)
"Servo angles (deg): {}".format(np.rad2deg(servo_angles)))
示例15: odom_transform_2d
def odom_transform_2d(self, data, new_frame, trans, rot):
# NOTES: only in 2d rotation
# also, it removes covariance, etc information
odom_new = Odometry()
odom_new.header = data.header
odom_new.header.frame_id = new_frame
odom_new.pose.pose.position.x = data.pose.pose.position.x + trans[0]
odom_new.pose.pose.position.y = data.pose.pose.position.y + trans[1]
odom_new.pose.pose.position.z = data.pose.pose.position.z + trans[2]
# rospy.loginfo('td: %s tr: %s' % (str(type(data)), str(type(rot))))
q = data.pose.pose.orientation
q_tuple = (q.x, q.y, q.z, q.w,)
# Quaternion(*(tft quaternion)) converts a tf-style quaternion to a ROS msg quaternion
odom_new.pose.pose.orientation = Quaternion(*tft.quaternion_multiply(q_tuple, rot))
heading_change = quaternion_to_heading(rot)
odom_new.twist.twist.linear.x = data.twist.twist.linear.x*math.cos(heading_change) - data.twist.twist.linear.y*math.sin(heading_change)
odom_new.twist.twist.linear.y = data.twist.twist.linear.y*math.cos(heading_change) + data.twist.twist.linear.x*math.sin(heading_change)
odom_new.twist.twist.linear.z = 0
odom_new.twist.twist.angular.x = 0
odom_new.twist.twist.angular.y = 0
odom_new.twist.twist.angular.z = data.twist.twist.angular.z
return odom_new