本文整理汇总了Python中textwrap.wrap函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python wrap函数的具体用法?Python wrap怎么用?Python wrap使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: formatDocumentation
def formatDocumentation(self, node, indent=''):
"""Generate a Python docstring from a Node.
The returned value includes quotes begin and end double-quotes.
Multi-line documentation will be wrapped and combined with raw '\n' characters as
separators (so newlines will be interpreted by the C++ compiler not the code generator).
lines = []
if node.brief:
for item in node.brief:
if hasattr(item, "tag"):
lines.extend(textwrap.wrap(item, width=settings.docwidth))
if hasattr(node, "params") and node.params:
name_width = 0
for param in node.params:
if param.name and param.brief and len(param.name) > name_width:
name_width = len(param.name)
if name_width > 0:
wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(
initial_indent=" ",
subsequent_indent=(" " * (name_width + 5)),
for param in node.params:
if not param.name or len(param.name) == 0: continue
sep = "-" * (name_width + 1 - len(param.name))
if param.brief:
"{name} {sep} {descr}".format(
name=param.name, sep=sep, descr=param.brief[0])
if len(param.brief) > 1:
for item in param.brief[1:]:
if hasattr(item, "tag"):
lines.extend(textwrap.wrap(item, width=settings.docwidth))
if node.detailed:
for item in node.detailed:
if hasattr(item, "tag"):
lines.extend(textwrap.wrap(item, width=settings.docwidth))
if not lines:
return '""'
lines = [line.replace('\\', r'\\') for line in lines]
lines = [line.replace('"', r'\"') for line in lines]
template = '{indent}"{line}\\n"'
return "\n".join(
[template.format(indent="", line=lines[0])]
+ [template.format(indent=indent, line=line) for line in lines[1:]]
示例2: format_private_key
def format_private_key(key, heads=True):
Returns a private key (adding header & footer if required).
:param key A private key
:type: string
:param heads: True if we want to include head and footer
:type: boolean
:returns: Formated private key
:rtype: string
private_key = key.replace('\x0D', '')
private_key = private_key.replace('\r', '')
private_key = private_key.replace('\n', '')
if len(private_key) > 0:
if private_key.find('-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----') != -1:
private_key = private_key.replace('-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----', '')
private_key = private_key.replace('-----END PRIVATE KEY-----', '')
private_key = private_key.replace(' ', '')
if heads:
private_key = "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n" + "\n".join(wrap(private_key, 64)) + "\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n"
private_key = private_key.replace('-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----', '')
private_key = private_key.replace('-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----', '')
private_key = private_key.replace(' ', '')
if heads:
private_key = "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n" + "\n".join(wrap(private_key, 64)) + "\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n"
return private_key
示例3: _CheckAndHandleCredentialException
def _CheckAndHandleCredentialException(e, args):
# Provide detail to users who have no boto config file (who might previously
# have been using gsutil only for accessing publicly readable buckets and
# objects).
# pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top
from gslib.util import HasConfiguredCredentials
if (not HasConfiguredCredentials() and
not boto.config.get_value('Tests', 'bypass_anonymous_access_warning',
# The check above allows tests to assert that we get a particular,
# expected failure, rather than always encountering this error message
# when there are no configured credentials. This allows tests to
# simulate a second user without permissions, without actually requiring
# two separate configured users.
'You are attempting to access protected data with no configured '
'credentials. Please visit '
'https://cloud.google.com/console#/project and sign up for an '
'account, and then run the "gsutil config" command to configure '
'gsutil to use these credentials.')))
elif (e.reason and
(e.reason == 'AccountProblem' or e.reason == 'Account disabled.' or
'account for the specified project has been disabled' in e.reason)
and ','.join(args).find('gs://') != -1):
示例4: wrap_columns
def wrap_columns(col1, col2, width1=24, width2=40, indent=31):
Takes two strings of text and turns them into nicely formatted column output.
Used by display_module()
lines1 = textwrap.wrap(textwrap.dedent(col1).strip(), width=width1)
lines2 = textwrap.wrap(textwrap.dedent(col2).strip(), width=width2)
result = ''
limit = max(len(lines1), len(lines2))
for x in xrange(limit):
if x < len(lines1):
if x != 0:
result += ' '*indent
result += '{line: <0{width}s}'.format(width=width1, line=lines1[x])
if x == 0:
result += ' '*width1
result += ' '*(indent + width1)
if x < len(lines2):
result += ' ' + '{line: <0{width}s}'.format(width=width2, line=lines2[x])
if x != limit-1:
result += "\n"
return result
示例5: formatMessage
def formatMessage(msgline, width=70):
"""Format a long single line message so that it is easier to read.
msgline is a string containing a single message. It can either be
a plain message string which is reformatted using the textwrap
module or it can be of the form <decl>;<msg> where <decl> is the
declaration string and <msg> an arbitrary message. Lines of this
form will be separated so that the declaration and the message
appear in individual text blocks, where every line of message will start
with '>' character.
width is the maximum width of any text blocks (without indendation).
txts = msgline.split(";")
# Ensure that there are no more than two items in txts
if len( txts ) != 2:
#If message is not in format we expected, just return it
return os.linesep.join( textwrap.wrap( msgline, width ) )
lines = [ txts[0] ] #I don't want to break declaration string to few lines
# Insert a separator if there are two parts (=decl and msg)
# Apply the text wrapper to shorten the maximum line length
wrapped_lines = textwrap.wrap( txts[1], width )
lines.extend( map( lambda s: "> " + s.strip(), wrapped_lines ) )
return os.linesep.join(lines)
示例6: __init__
def __init__(self, prog='', description=None, epilog=None):
self.prog = prog
self.description = '\n'.join(textwrap.wrap((description or ''), MAX_WIDTH))
self.epilog = '\n'.join(textwrap.wrap((epilog or ''), MAX_WIDTH))
self.__arguments__ = {}
self.__positionals__ = []
self.ignore_urls = True
示例7: __get_docstr
def __get_docstr(text, indent=0):
""" Format a docstring. Take the first sentence (. followed by a space)
and use it for the brief. Then put the rest of the text after a blank
line if there is text there
text = text.strip().encode("utf-8")
dotpos = text.find(". ")
if dotpos > 0:
brief = text[:dotpos+1]
content = text[dotpos+2:]
brief = text
content = ""
if indent == 0:
istr = ""
istr = "{0:{1}}".format(" ", indent)
brief = "\n{0} * ".format(istr).join(textwrap.wrap(brief, 80))
content = "\n{0} * ".format(istr).join(textwrap.wrap(content, 80))
docstr = "{0}/** \\brief {1}".format(istr, brief)
if len(content) > 0:
docstr += "\n{0} * \n{0} * {1}".format(istr, content)
docstr += "\n{0} */".format(istr)
return docstr
示例8: create_image
def create_image(message, user, location):
font = ImageFont.truetype(os.path.join(font_path, Font), int(font_size))
margin = offset = 20
if watermark_logo:
wrap = textwrap.wrap(message,width=50)
# No logo then make the lines a bit wider
wrap = textwrap.wrap(message,width=55)
line_height = font.getsize(wrap[0])[1]
print "line height: " + str(line_height)
print wrap
# Make the image double the size to start with, so that we can apply a anti-alias function when we scale down. Text looks better (I think)
# enough space for "margin" at the top and bottom and also a .5 margin between the comment and the attribution
img=Image.new("RGBA", (900,int(2.5*margin+line_height*(len(wrap)+1))),(background_color))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
draw.text((margin,int(1.5*margin+line_height*len(wrap))), u" \u2014 " + user + ", " + location,font=font,fill=font_color)
if watermark_logo:
# If there's a logo file provided then make space for it and paste it into the upper right corner.
logo = Image.open(watermark_logo)
box = (800, 0, 900, 100)
img.paste(logo, box)
img_resized = img.resize((450, int(2.5*.5*margin+(line_height * .5)*(len(wrap)+1))), Image.ANTIALIAS)
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img_resized)
示例9: format_bundle_info
def format_bundle_info(log, descriptor):
Formats a release notes summary output for an app, engine or core
# yay we can install! - get release notes
(summary, url) = descriptor.get_changelog()
if summary is None:
summary = "No details provided."
log.info("/%s" % ("-" * 70))
log.info("| Item: %s" % descriptor)
str_to_wrap = "Description: %s" % descriptor.get_description()
for x in textwrap.wrap(str_to_wrap, width=68, initial_indent="| ", subsequent_indent="| "):
str_to_wrap = "Change Log: %s" % summary
for x in textwrap.wrap(str_to_wrap, width=68, initial_indent="| ", subsequent_indent="| "):
log.info("\%s" % ("-" * 70))
示例10: save_fig
def save_fig(y, summary_index, total_matrix, gene_matrix, t, ARS, plottitle, filetitle, tumor_name):
df_high, df_low, total_number = divide_into_two(gene_matrix, total_matrix, t)
fig = plt.figure()
fig.suptitle("\n".join(wrap(('Expression of ' + str(ARS) + ' in ' + tumor_name))), fontsize = 13)
if (y == "TCGA-CESC") or (y == "TCGA-DLBC"):
fig.subplots_adjust(top = 0.80)
fig.subplots_adjust(top = 0.85)
ax = plt.subplot(111)
ax.set_title("\n".join(wrap(plottitle)), fontsize = 11)
plt.ylim(0, 1)
p_value, hm5, hm10, lm5, lm10 = kmplot(df_high, df_low, ax)
favorable5y = survival_compare(hm5, lm5)
favorable10y = survival_compare(hm10, lm10)
df = pd.DataFrame()
rows = []
rows.append([ARS, plottitle, total_number, favorable5y, favorable10y, p_value])
df = pd.DataFrame(rows, columns = cols)
summary_index = summary_index.append(df)
fig.savefig('X:\\Su Lab\\TCGA\\Data\\Plot\\' + y + "\\" + ARS + "\\" + y + '-' + ARS + '-' + filetitle + '.png')
示例11: render_article
def render_article(term, html_text):
""" Render and return html text of article as text. """
html_renderer = html2text.HTML2Text(bodywidth=term.width - 1)
html_renderer.ignore_links = True
html_renderer.ignore_images = True
text_wrapped = []
for line in html_renderer.handle(html_text).splitlines():
if len(line) < term.width:
# html2text does not always honor `bodywidth',
# calculate indentation (line up with previous indent)
# and textwrap again.
_subsq_indent = 0
for _subsq_indent, char in enumerate(line):
if not char.isspace():
_indent = u' ' * _subsq_indent
text_wrapped.extend(textwrap.wrap(line, term.width - 1,
final = [_text.rstrip() for _text in text_wrapped]
if not final or not any(_line for _line in final):
# no text was rendered by html2text
final = [''] * (term.height // 2)
final.extend(textwrap.wrap(MSG_NOTEXT, term.width - 1))
return final
示例12: test_encoding_detection
def test_encoding_detection(file_name, encoding):
with open(file_name, 'rb') as f:
input_bytes = f.read()
result = chardet.detect(input_bytes)
expected_unicode = input_bytes.decode(encoding)
except LookupError:
expected_unicode = ''
detected_unicode = input_bytes.decode(result['encoding'])
except (LookupError, UnicodeDecodeError, TypeError):
detected_unicode = ''
if result:
encoding_match = (result['encoding'] or '').lower() == encoding
encoding_match = False
# Only care about mismatches that would actually result in different
# behavior when decoding
if not encoding_match and expected_unicode != detected_unicode:
wrapped_expected = '\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(expected_unicode, 100)) + '\n'
wrapped_detected = '\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(detected_unicode, 100)) + '\n'
diff = ''.join(ndiff(wrapped_expected.splitlines(True),
diff = ''
encoding_match = True
assert encoding_match, ("Expected %s, but got %s for %s. Character "
"differences: \n%s" % (encoding,
示例13: _get_trait_desc
def _get_trait_desc(self, inputs, name, spec):
desc = spec.desc
xor = spec.xor
requires = spec.requires
manhelpstr = ['\t%s' % name]
setattr(inputs, name, None)
except TraitError as excp:
def_val = ''
if getattr(spec, 'usedefault'):
def_val = ', nipype default value: %s' % str(getattr(spec, 'default_value')()[1])
line = "(%s%s)" % (excp.info, def_val)
manhelpstr = wrap(line, 90, initial_indent=manhelpstr[0]+': ',
subsequent_indent='\t\t ')
if desc:
for line in desc.split('\n'):
manhelpstr += wrap(line, 90, initial_indent='\t\t',
if xor:
line = '%s' % ', '.join(xor)
manhelpstr += wrap(line, 90, initial_indent='\t\tmutually_exclusive: ',
subsequent_indent='\t\t ')
if requires: # and name not in xor_done:
others = [field for field in requires if field != name]
line = '%s' % ', '.join(others)
manhelpstr += wrap(line, 90, initial_indent='\t\trequires: ',
subsequent_indent='\t\t ')
return manhelpstr
示例14: hanging_indent
def hanging_indent(text, intro, termwidth=None, change_spaces=True,
"""Produce text with a hanging indent.
.. versionadded:: 3.3.0
.. versionchanged:: 4.0.0
if termwidth is None:
termwidth = get_termwidth() or 9001
if introwidth is None:
introwidth = len(intro)
nowrap = intro + text
if intro:
wrapv = textwrap.wrap(nowrap, termwidth,
wrapv = textwrap.wrap(nowrap, termwidth - introwidth,
wrap0 = wrapv[0]
wraprest = textwrap.wrap('\n'.join(wrapv[1:]), termwidth -
if change_spaces:
wraprest = [i.replace(' ', ' ').replace(' ', ' ') for i
in wraprest]
buf = wrap0
for i in wraprest:
buf += '\n' + introwidth * ' ' + i
return buf
示例15: showPlugins
def showPlugins(self):
"""Print list of available plugins.
import textwrap
class DummyParser:
def __init__(self):
self.options = []
def add_option(self, *arg, **kw):
self.options.append((arg, kw.pop('help', '')))
v = self.config.verbosity
for p in self.config.plugins:
print "Plugin %s" % p.name
if v >= 2:
print " score: %s" % p.score
print '\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(p.help().strip(),
initial_indent=' ',
subsequent_indent=' '))
if v >= 3:
print " Options:"
parser = DummyParser()
for opts, help in parser.options:
print ' %s' % (', '.join(opts))
if help:
print '\n'.join(
initial_indent=' ',
subsequent_indent=' '))